Your Character's Epitaph.
“Here lies Clana Darkfire, she lived long, but she died in a … oh wait she is back again”
Leader of Serenity guild
Last words:
“No problem, my minion will help me.”
Here lies Hikari Kyoko Ishida:
She thought Wall of Reflection would protect her, but she was on the wrong side, and that Young Karka didn’t miss.
(So many times this occurred.)
His final words were
“Ya shield of the avenger blocks most of the harpies attacks!”
Here lies the king of kings
here lies saintbookman.
He realized while falling for the 100th time in the windy station jump puzzle that this time he could see the ground.
Here lies Raena Lamora.
She carried out the first twilight, the six chosen by the key.
She carried out the second twilight, she tore apart the two who were close.
She carried out the third twilight, praising her name.
She carried out the fourth through eighth twilight.
She died upon the revival of her.
But no worries, everyone will be together in the Mists.
+1 internets to those who know the reference.
Here Lies Derek, He should have been called Logan. Then he would have ran from the Dragon instead of to it and would be alive today.
Here lies Joe is Awesome, the only word needed to explain his death is one…
Here lies an Atheist
All dressed up And no place to go.
I am Synder.
I am dead.
Here I lie, because I died.
“Greed is Dangerous” the sign said.
She opened the Waterlogged Chest anyway.
Can’t say she wasn’t warned.
Here lies this valiant guardian of the Spirits of the Wild
She charged alone into the enemy horde
With speed and confidence
Her allies actually followed her one order.
Here lies Mow Threefingers,
Brave engineer of the Charr Iron Legion
Survived countless battles
Died by chocolate.
Here lies VargraV and his guildmates, he didn’t know how glamour could be so fatal, his last words still echoes in the mists: “Portal Exeunt! …oh nooo zerg ZERG!!! AAAHHHHH!!”
Randulf Rawhide
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them doggies rollin’
Rain and wind and weather
Hell-bent for leather
Wishin’ my gal (Eir) was by my side.
All the things I’m missin’,
Good vittles, love, and kissin’,
Are waiting at the end of my ride
Here lies Clana Darkfire
Her last words:
“Okay guys, let’s do this! LEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOOOY…”
Leader of Serenity guild
Right before she died, she yelled out in chat, wwwwwwwwwssssssdddddddddd then silence. :/
I LOLed hard ^^
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
I’ll never forget the last words my first lv80 said…
“What bloody Dragon?”
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !
He Leapt of Faith
Across a Chasm
Killed Himself
For a Mesmer Phantasm
Here lies Gnarl Blackfur
Killed by his Jaguar “Bob”
Here lies Creativity,
Died alone in agony, being unique was his prosperity
Killed he was by his murderer called Jokes
Lets all pray for his sakes and hopes
May Creativity rest in peace.
So let its passion for litural singularity never cease.
+ a Million Internets for those, who understand the expression behind this :P ^^
“That Skill is still recharging”
“Here lies Liliana Monteclaire. All the illusions in the world can’t stop a bullet.”
“Here lies Escildan. It was the lag, I swear!”
Here lies Gunpowder Treason
An odd little thief, always quick with a barb.
Fortunately for us, he dressed in colorful garb.
Else we may never have found him, that day in the cold.
Sifting that steaming pile left by Jormag the Old
“Pfft, ele’s are squishy ma—”
Here lies the blackened crater of the final moments of Nay Doomclaw
She never used her necromancer minions, until one day curiosity got the better of the sly charr…..May she rest in little blackened, chewed up pieces.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Here lies Akari Lost
Great Great Grandson of a Luxon Boss.
He was an Assassin, Just not in name
A Thief he was labeled, same world, different game.
He was known to to say " I use Heartseeker waaaaay toooo much". What this meant no one knows. He often would dance at Dragon sightings.
“Shadow Refuge, Hide in Shadows My friend,
Owell, alas, AoE still got me in the end.”
Here lies Allen Chen, Ranger, found in the Eternal Battlegrounds with multiple bullet and dagger wounds and a flag impaled through his chest. Evidently his Berserker’s gear, which he was heard to be fond of and even known to have equipped when he went to help defeat the Elder Dragon Zhaitan, was inconsequential against the perma-stealthed forces found in the Mists. His profession also marked him as a so-called “Walking Honor Badge”, something he apparently did not understand when he went off on his own towards enemy territory. He leaves behind his pet, Juvenile Jungle Stalker, who has loyally (or perhaps stupidly) refused to budge from where his master fell, staring off into the distance (or nothing).