Your best looking character.
My best looking? I’d have to say my guardian hands down.
I love the action shots.Your character looks great.
Here’s my Sylvesmer (I’m copyrighting that).
And my Chesmer that I designed with a Chronomancer look in mind.
I have such a hard time deciding on any one character.. >.< I’m torn between my absolute two favourites though. My 2nd generation Krytan of Istani descent, whose gear is meant to remind me of the feathery paragon look in gw1, and my Canthan of Luxon descent, whose aesthetic is totally from central Asian steppes.
I seriously log on and just find myself beaming in joy at them both.
Lord Ahrwit Valdyr/Isambard FitzValdyr/many more…
my characters are so good i can’t show them, at risk of someone copying.
My guardian gets most of my particular love when it comes to making any of my characters look fancy.
That would be my thief since I got a white/ silver outline theme going on with his clothing.
Yes I know the Vigil glove is somewhat mess it up by the outlines are too thick but that was the only glove that had the outline but still look good on it (the crafted leather didn’t look right). Also I know using the human tier 3 mask also suit it aswell since it too got the outline effect but I liked the seeker mask better as the colour match well with the shoulder and the neck area.
Im proud of my warrior, my main is an Elementalist but the greek/roman style armour and the dye combo looks really awesome.
I like small simplistic armour, always saw the big bulky stuff to be just that and unrealistic, im more like to equip a claymore Greatsword than the gigantic ones in the game got realism.
This is my Mesmer I really succeded in making this character realy cool and I have got many Whispers proving that too. Hehe I am so proud!
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Is it true that human is the most beautiful race?
Is it true that human is the most beautiful race?
In general, humans tend to be attracted to humans.
We are humans.
I present Yáng Qín, my finest creation yet. I may outdo myself in future but that seems rather unlikely.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
I decided to do another photoshoot of my ele, this time with the creatures of Tyria, only to find out she’s not really that much of an animal person. Oh well, I tried.
Attachment #1: The most beautiful creature of all, by herself.
Attachment #2: She was saying, “I don’t have to touch it, right?”
Attachment #3: She seemed a bit uneasy about the horns on the dolyak.
Attachment #4: “Stay calm. Don’t flinch when the bat thing comes by. DONT… FLINCH!”
Attachment #5: She did fine with the rabbits though.
Hey, C’mon guys! Why did we stop?
I miss browsing these almost daily.
Still a work in progress but here’s my warrior currently:
DODGE!!! –
I can’t decide between my thief and my ele, so I’m just going to post them both. I’m pretty proud of them both.
this is my thief. it’s hard to find a medium armor that isnt a coat and still looks good! pretty happy with my “assassin” look.
My frost/ice themed sylvari ranger
Favorite class, favorite mesmer, and favorite character. Don’t know how many different dyes and styles I’ve had back and forth – but this is the one i like the most and I think the style isn’t the most common
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.
(edited by Chris McSwag.4683)
Favorite class, favorite mesmer, and favorite character. Don’t know how many different dyes and styles I’ve had back and forth – but this is the one i like the most and I think the style isn’t the most common
That first one is quite a legendary screenshot.
Sorry, couldn’t get an image, only a link. Could someone share how to upload picture?
(edited by UnitedChaos.8364)
Sorry, couldn’t get an image, only a link. Could someone share how to upload picture?
You have to open full reply editor("More posting & formating options…) and there is an option called “Attachments”, you tick it and browse pic from your pc. If you want to attach more than one you simply hit “preview” after you pick each picture.
That first one is quite a legendary screenshot.
Thank you!
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.
Here’s my guardian. I’m still looking for a fitting hammer skin, but this is the best I have right now.
My girl
/15 char
I have to say that’s really pretty. well done!
That would be my thief since I got a white/ silver outline theme going on with his clothing.
Yes I know the Vigil glove is somewhat mess it up by the outlines are too thick but that was the only glove that had the outline but still look good on it (the crafted leather didn’t look right). Also I know using the human tier 3 mask also suit it aswell since it too got the outline effect but I liked the seeker mask better as the colour match well with the shoulder and the neck area.
Looking through this thread again and noticed your thief. Really like the look.
Here is a close-up I took recently of my best looking character. I use the fire theme for her starting with her name (Amber Everglow), her looks (hot), her profession (elementalist specializing in fire), her staff (phoenix) and her armor (flamekissed).
My charr warrior Kilgorn Siegebreak. Been playing him since early release. Haven’t changed his color scheme since I got the molten jetpack so he’d always match.
Could anyone tell me what each armor piece is?
Helmet – hidden
Shoulders – T3 human cultural (gold)
Coat – Phalanx armor (store)
Gloves – Aetherblade heavy armor (store)
Pants – Carapace Heavy (story reward)
Boots – Phalanx armor (store)
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.