Zerg trains in Queensdale

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: smitske.4912


This just points to a bigger problem in “Level-Appropriate” content not being rewarding or commensurate with “Skill” & Coordination. While Queensdale is full of level 50+ people in all Rare Gear …. the Mid-level zones are EMPTY except for a few newbies in Green & Blue gear clearly and SADLY struggling with harder content intended for atleast a Duo…
( I know b/c I spend most of my time on my 80’s in those mid-tier areas. But I do stop to help them whenever I can).

Hopefully the Blog Changes Colin announced will CHANGE THIS by giving players a lot more Materials they really WANT so they can go back to focusing on their mains directly or atleast getting a better variety of Crafting mats to PL their alts back in town on the crafting tables “like the rich kids get to do”

Actually I am afraid it will make it worse with the upgrade of loot for champions, unless they make that daily too.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I think the zerg trains in queensdale need to be looked at. I hope that arenanet isnt turning a blind eye to it or that they are saying “yah thats a problem..we’ll fix it in a few months. Lets get this new minigame out to them!”.

It IS nice to see a lot of people in a low level zone. I would love it if this amount of activity was in other zones like kessex or timberline falls. Or Iron Marches. I am OK with zerg trains, as long as they are spread across all of the zones.

I dont know how they can avoid just the queensdale zerg. Limiting Champion loot to once a day is lame and lazy. And I think doing nothing is a better alternative than this. If they limited champ loot to once a day, you’ll see the following happen more and more:

Player logs in and checks off boxes…
-Champ loot
-Charged Quartz
-As many ‘chest events’ as he can via gw2stuff.com
-Daily Dungeon (as many as you can stomach.

After about 1.5-2 hrs, you’ve checked all of these boxes and youre done. Log off.

I dont think this is what they had in mind.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hjorje.9453


This thread is funny. So far I haven’t been chewed out for disrupting the zerg train, but I don’t call events out when I am playing. For one, I only use a game pad and mouse so if I tried to type with it, I would only have access to maybe 10 letters. The next question is why does someone need to wait to do an event. If I am over by the troll and the runestone is there, I trigger it to get an event. Now I don’t do this on my 80s only on my alts as I level clearing zones. My play style and timeframe in which I play doesn’t allow me to have to wait for someone else to be there.

Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

Just call it out when you start or see an event. It’s then up to others to get there on time via waypoints or just walking the whole way. It’s common courtesy.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blakdoxa.7520


I don’t get why people say they are “helping” each other. It’s pretty mindless. You might have 30-40 people involved in the circuit but you don’t see any communication other than “troll up” or “oak up.” Is this the way communities are built now? That if there is any sort of break in the routine people go off on a tirade?

Really it’s like the daily life of your average joe cubicle worker. Get up, change, eat, work, home, sleep, again and again. No break, no sort of deviation. Just a dull and sordid existence.

Break them and liven things up.~

Devona’s Rest

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

Just ignore them, you are actually playing the game as intended.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


This is how Orr karma zergs were running shortly after launch. Looks like Queensdale is the new Orr. Same problems, too.

Nerf incoming

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I always appreciate the courtesy of the players who call out that a group event is up in any zone. Sometimes I even remember to say, “Ty 4 the fyi.” Usually, I call out such events also, However, in some zones I am out of the habit since call-outs in those zones are not productive.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KingClash.3186


Its the same for practically every server you should take a look at the 35-45 human zone Harathi Hinterlands and laugh at the massive culling zerg there too.

Its kinda sad that this game consists of 3 main areas for the general zombie populace, Queensdale Harathi lvl up there doing the same 10 events until 80 then farm CoF until you die of old age.

(I don’t play this way but I see many many others who do, and yes I know of the coming changes but I still see CoF being ran at least for daily 1g runs)

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zeus.2375


It’s MMO. You will always run into this kind of situation. Just block and/or report, depends.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Its nice to call, but its nicer for them to not be jerks. Its not cool for them to yell at you. Besides, Troll respawns so fast anyways. Grnders need to chill out.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celebratty.1632


I… I don’t..
Half the thread is saying these guys are as worthless as bots and you should deliberately troll them and ruin their zerging.

What is your problem? This isn’t a singleplayer game. Why are you people upset that people are cycling through quests together?

Lulu [LGN] Anvil Rock
Garbage at every profession 2015

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I… I don’t..
Half the thread is saying these guys are as worthless as bots and you should deliberately troll them and ruin their zerging.

What is your problem? This isn’t a singleplayer game. Why are you people upset that people are cycling through quests together?

The zerg shouldnt be jerks to the player…but players shouldnt try to be jerks to the zerg either…in general people shouldnt be jerks.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Sounds like the OP was an inconsiderate kitten and got called out on it…

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mojowalker.3798


Is it really that deep if the OP didn’t call it out? Especially given that the troll tends to be up pretty frequently? And when it IS up, it doesn’t last for very long? I’ve been in Queensdale, see the map chat pop “Troll up” … Consider what I’m doing, consider what I want to do, consider how far I am from it, and by that time, map chat pops “Troll down”. He/she not calling it out that particular time may have upset some perfectly laid out strategy for strip-mining events as quickly as humanly possible, but overall I can’t see it amounting to much … be a different story altogether if it only spawned once every 24 hours.

On the flipside, though, when I’m in the cave and I set off the runestone, I do give a shout out that “Troll is up”, or when I see the Wasp Queen or the giant in Nageling, but once I’ve given that shout-out, all bets are off. Much as I’d like to be the best friend to humanity, I’m not going to wait all night for everyone and their sister’s cousin’s husband’s beer-buddy to show up …

“If you can’t beat them, get a bigger stick.”
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SargeantTwinkie.6537


I’m not sure why people have such a hard time with people insulting them…I really don’t care about people typing mean stuff about me, although it is nice for you to call out the event

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

Is it really that deep if the OP didn’t call it out? Especially given that the troll tends to be up pretty frequently? And when it IS up, it doesn’t last for very long? I’ve been in Queensdale, see the map chat pop “Troll up” … Consider what I’m doing, consider what I want to do, consider how far I am from it, and by that time, map chat pops “Troll down”. He/she not calling it out that particular time may have upset some perfectly laid out strategy for strip-mining events as quickly as humanly possible, but overall I can’t see it amounting to much … be a different story altogether if it only spawned once every 24 hours.

On the flipside, though, when I’m in the cave and I set off the runestone, I do give a shout out that “Troll is up”, or when I see the Wasp Queen or the giant in Nageling, but once I’ve given that shout-out, all bets are off. Much as I’d like to be the best friend to humanity, I’m not going to wait all night for everyone and their sister’s cousin’s husband’s beer-buddy to show up …

as one who usually runs in the zerg train(i do call out event and do them in a set order) im ok with this you called it out gave me the chance to get there if i cant make it time who cares its a game. also i wouldnt chew someone out for not doing it(calling it out) its there right to call or not to call. i know about time the event goes off if i miss it its one more jump to the next one i need for monthly or daily no big deal. i for one dont tell anyone else how to play they can play there own way

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avelos.6798


If you like disrupting zerg trains do this…

You: “troll up”

Someguy: “troll isn’t up yet”

You: “yes it is. TROLOLOLOLOLOL”

Oh my god I’m gonna go do that now

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jazzllanna.1278


I am on sbi and was there for the achievement for the kiel support.. I don’t know if this is a new thing or not there but some people do get a bit crazy with it. I mean really how boring is that to just run around like that? Hopefully it is just for the achievements that are going on right now. I have seen a couple of negative things said in chat when someone – god forbid- killed a champ before they got there. I think those people need to calm down a bit myself and if harassing players they need to be reported and get a 3 day ban to simmer down.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


I… I don’t..
Half the thread is saying these guys are as worthless as bots and you should deliberately troll them and ruin their zerging.

What is your problem? This isn’t a singleplayer game. Why are you people upset that people are cycling through quests together?

If you’d have read the thread you’d know why people are upset.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


It’s courtesy to call out an event. It’s harassment to harass someone for not doing so. Blocking and Reporting a zerg train for harassment is well within the bounds of reason because that sounds like exactly what happened. It’s inconvenient to be slowed down in what you’re doing by about thirty seconds. It’s silly to be offended by it accidentally happening in a game.

If you start an event and don’t call it out for any reason such as… not thinking about it, forgetting to or anything that isn’t outright malicious, and then a group of people show up and harass you for not telling them about it, there’s no reason to NOT block and report every single person that participated in the harassment.

As someone that’s been on SBI since near-launch, it really is a shame how bad SBI has become ever since the first wave of WvW guilds abandoned ship.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KeresLee.5192


Anet needs to at least double the timer on these champions.

This way it’ll be less likely for a random player (or group of) to down one before the ‘zerg train’ arrives.
Also, this will give all players sufficient time to regroup at each spawn site.

On a separate note, I have to agree with OP that the attitude displayed by some players in SBI is just appalling.

I was running around with my lowbie alt when I decided to rez a dead npc, which turned out to be an escort event that was nearly halfway done. I decided to complete the escort, and soon some other player came across the escort and joined in. They called it out in map chat, but nobody joined us (prob since… it was just a small event). When it ended, they yelled at me (in say chat) for not calling out the event and then ran off.

I just brushed it off, since… meh. I didn’t see any problem with what I did (or didn’t).
Anyways, the next couple of days I joined the zerg train and witnessed several players being abused for calling out champs that are not in the order that zerg is following, or even scenarios where someone goes “Troll now, Bandit next”, and another pipes up “Bandit’s almost dead, someone started it” , and that person gets cursed out on Map chat.

(edited by KeresLee.5192)

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


It’s amazing what kittens people can be…..on both sides.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I believe it is common courtesy to give a shout-out in the map if an event starts, or if you want help with an event. The farming zergs, however, have no right to berate other players for “screwing up their rotation”, the same way people who used to camp certain events in Orr just to farm endless mobs had no reason to get upset that someone came by and actually completed the event.

If they start to get nasty, block and report them. Otherwise, just ignore them. You haven’t done anything wrong.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doghouse.1562


Adding to this because it’s really getting on my nipples.

Couldn’t agree more, Zaxares. What gets me is not people farming champions per se – but the whole “train” thing.

Three or four months ago people were regularly farming the champions – but you’d get a shout out in chat that something was up, and a chance to head over. No problem, nice and sociable, and when I joined in I was almost never standing around waiting for something to do for long.

Now, by contrast, we’ve got an increasing percentage of pea-brained idiots trying to run “trains” who really, really want to do a regular rotation, who can’t be bothered to keep chat informed on what events are up, yet who get downright nasty if someone else dares actually trigger something “early” or “out of sequence” that stops them getting “their” kill. It’s not remotely sociable, it doesn’t exactly endear them, and it certainly doesn’t make me want to pause and wait before kicking something off, just so that they can join in. Because, frankly, I can be just as big a childish and antisocial anus as the next guy, when I’m annoyed. Although at least I’ll do people the courtesy of a polite shout out in chat.

tl;dr: Don’t tell me how to play my game, and I’ll be less likely to knowingly mess up yours.

(edited by Doghouse.1562)

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adine.2184


Is this really the advice we want to give in our community?

The Zerg pointed out that he should give a “Hey Troll is up” in map chat before starting the event. That is just common curtsey You know people are looking to do events and it doesn’t inconvenience you at all to just type a short phrase so that people can come join in if they want.

There is no reason for foul language but it sounded like you were just being rude OP. Perhaps you didn’t know, or realize that people were actively farming the Champs but once someone told you a simple “Oh sorry guys I didn’t realize” would have been much better than the trolling tactics people are encouraging you to do in this thread.

Just realize that in any area there are people looking for events. Spending the 5 seconds to type what even you are starting… Perhaps 10 seconds to link a waypoint is just being kind to your fellow gamers.

Heres the thing . Even if they did call out the event after pulling the runestone they still would have been jumped on for going out of order . Thats just the way the Queensdale zerg is . One misstep accident or not and you get jumped . Quite honestly it would make for a bad starting experience .

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zackie.8923


zerglings vs non-zerglings in this thread

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

Bumped up from two months ago. Having done my share of killing things out of turn just to annoy those that scream about it I started to notice how often players were asking “what is next”. Repeatedly. Then I noticed how genuinly sad they were to show up and find the thing dead already. I’m picking on these people? I was being the worst kind of kitten that I normally hate and should be above such antics. Yes they are annoying but I should be better than that. So now instead of griefing them and giving them a sad face I now do a couple rounds with them and when they ask " what next?" I respond “troll is next” my friend “troll is next”.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Yes well the new thing in map seems to be “where is the train?”
or “what train here?”
So my husband who recently started playing again said “wrong game”
That was interesting….

I used to genuinely love Qeensdale it was such a fun place.
Blegh- god help us all if you actually just want to play.

Gunnar’s Hold

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flubble.8093


i run around in the trains and hate seeing people harrass people for starting an event early. it annoys me to the point that i stop going with the train and kill champs early just to annoy the haters.. a lot of what i see on map chat gives us champ farmers a bad name.

if i see an event done early i skip to the next one, no problem.

(edited by Flubble.8093)

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Frostgorge champ train > Queensdale champ train

I can tell you that if I’m in Queensdale I’m doing any champion I feel like. If it screws up their farming order, even better. People need to learn to relax, it’s not like they didn’t just kill that boss 50 times right before and won’t kill him 50 times after, I think they can handle missing one…

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bastien.1645


I think it’s pure courtesy to just call out the champions or not disrupt a train… the way I see it is, if you see 30-50 people doing something, why be a jerk and ruin it for them…? I don’t get where this anti social /anti team work behaviour comes from, I don’t know if people are too young but surely any one who’s had a real job understands the importance of team work and communication…

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


When I am feeling particularly cranky because of this- I switch to my Ranger or Mesmer and I kill all of them starting at Oak.
I don’t say anything, I just mow it down and go to the next one.
The train does not like that- I don’t like them being miserable to everybody else

Gunnar’s Hold

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I think it’s pure courtesy to just call out the champions or not disrupt a train… the way I see it is, if you see 30-50 people doing something, why be a jerk and ruin it for them…? I don’t get where this anti social /anti team work behaviour comes from, I don’t know if people are too young but surely any one who’s had a real job understands the importance of team work and communication…

Not everyone knows about the champ train. Sometimes they are wandering around and happen upon it and there is no one else around. How are they supposed to know that they aren’t supposed to kill that champion because 30-50 people are somewhere else on the map and want to kill him in a little bit when it comes up in their rotation.

They wouldn’t know that, so no sense in hassling them.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mesket.5728


If you find a champion and want to kill it, kill it.

If a hundred kids nerd-rage because they had to wait 1-2 more minutes; they can thank you later for their needed therapy.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I don’t get why people say they are “helping” each other. It’s pretty mindless. You might have 30-40 people involved in the circuit but you don’t see any communication other than “troll up” or “oak up.” Is this the way communities are built now? That if there is any sort of break in the routine people go off on a tirade?

Really it’s like the daily life of your average joe cubicle worker. Get up, change, eat, work, home, sleep, again and again. No break, no sort of deviation. Just a dull and sordid existence.

Break them and liven things up.~

Queensdale on your server must be lame, on GoM we’re always chatting and having a good time on the train.

Sorry some people like to kill time while waiting for SB or get their daily/monthly done using a gameplay method you dislike. I think dungeons are frustrating and boring but you don’t see me(other than sarcastically) saying they should be removed from the game.

OP, if someone yells at you for doing the train out of order just block them.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I think it’s pure courtesy to just call out the champions or not disrupt a train… the way I see it is, if you see 30-50 people doing something, why be a jerk and ruin it for them…? I don’t get where this anti social /anti team work behaviour comes from, I don’t know if people are too young but surely any one who’s had a real job understands the importance of team work and communication…

Before the train became a thing- this is exactly what everyone did.

Now on the other hand you have a massive train of 80’s running through a starter zone and heaven help a new player who disrupts the train because
1 they don’t know it exists
2 they are just leveling
3 don’t know how the champs can be set off.
4 learn really quickly all GW2 is about is killing champs all day in rotation and that the people are really rude to new players.

So pure courtesy would be not to ruin a starter zone for low levels and to take your train to Frostgorge Sound

Team work and co-operation has nothing to do with it- easy lootz has.
I am 42 and this is completely toxic to the game.

Gunnar’s Hold

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I think it’s pure courtesy to just call out the champions or not disrupt a train… the way I see it is, if you see 30-50 people doing something, why be a jerk and ruin it for them…? I don’t get where this anti social /anti team work behaviour comes from, I don’t know if people are too young but surely any one who’s had a real job understands the importance of team work and communication…

Before the train became a thing- this is exactly what everyone did.

Now on the other hand you have a massive train of 80’s running through a starter zone and heaven help a new player who disrupts the train because
1 they don’t know it exists
2 they are just leveling
3 don’t know how the champs can be set off.
4 learn really quickly all GW2 is about is killing champs all day in rotation and that the people are really rude to new players.

So pure courtesy would be not to ruin a starter zone for low levels and to take your train to Frostgorge Sound

Team work and co-operation has nothing to do with it- easy lootz has.
I am 42 and this is completely toxic to the game.

Most of the people running the train on my server are leveling not lv80. We make it a point to help newbies and tell them that running a champ train is not a good thing to do with your first character. If people on your server are acting badly towards newbies please report them!

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teege.4623


Play the game how you want. Kill what you want, when you want. Report any abuse and move on.

Either way it’s not a great impression for new players, especially when the train gets toxic in map chat, especially for those new players that have no idea what’s going on and they come upon a champ and take it down with friends.

There’s always Frostgorge.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2.” -Colin Johanson
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Play as you want. If you want to join the train, go for it. If you don’t like the train idea, ignore it. If you innocently start an event early because you are playing the game and you didn’t know about a train, that is perfectly fine. If folks harass you, that is their bad – ignore or block them. If you intentionally grief the train because you want to “show them how juvenile they are” then that’s your bad because you’re doing the same thing. The best way to deal with those being immature is to ignore them or take the high road. Don’t be immature back to them.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mel.8769


People can be jerks no matter what, even if you are trying to “play nice”. I logged into Queensdale with my low level toon to do daily events. I saw the troll stone was up, so I shouted to the map “troll stone is up, where is the champ train at?”

If it was close, I was just going to sit and wait for them to get there. If they weren’t I was going to join them on the rotation. Instead I get the reply of “Don’t [explicit] touch it. You don’t need to know where the train is.”

There was more nastiness said, but all with the same basic attitude. Friendly? No. Respectable? No.

No wonder Devana’s Rest can’t kill Tequatal and sucks at WvW. The server, in general, has a serious attitude problem.

Disclaimer I have met some very nice helpful folks on DR. They are not all bad apples.

Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden. -Unknown

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


People can be jerks no matter what, even if you are trying to “play nice”. I logged into Queensdale with my low level toon to do daily events. I saw the troll stone was up, so I shouted to the map “troll stone is up, where is the champ train at?”

If it was close, I was just going to sit and wait for them to get there. If they weren’t I was going to join them on the rotation. Instead I get the reply of “Don’t [explicit] touch it. You don’t need to know where the train is.”

There was more nastiness said, but all with the same basic attitude. Friendly? No. Respectable? No.

No wonder Devana’s Rest can’t kill Tequatal and sucks at WvW. The server, in general, has a serious attitude problem.

Disclaimer I have met some very nice helpful folks on DR. They are not all bad apples.

I’m normally supportive of trains, but if someone said something like that I would have been highly tempted to pull it, but if I was not in the train I would have pulled it for sure, and simply responded, “If no one reports where the train is, it can’t be helped.”

In general, I don’t see much zerg train rage though, unless someone is intentionally trolling, for the most part it’s just 1-3 snippy people, and they rest just move on to the next champ.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


The most mind boggling thing about the Queensdale train is the fact that they have no idea how Shadow Behemoth works and regularly say things like “only 5 min till SB” (until 30 min window) and then spend the rest of the 30 min wailing why isn’t he up.

Even when you call Kryta wp and link the keg event/Brenda they still wail, do not help and camp the swamp like a bunch of kittens.
edit: or show up at the last minute because they still run the train

Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Morrigan.2809)

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Im sad that so many folks are butting heads with each other…I have never run into a bad situation regarding the trains…but that’s probably because I play very early in the morning and there are only 5-10 of us in the entire map of Queensdale at that time. We are probably all just as bleary eyed as the next person and the few that are there are very cordial and will even wait for people trying to make it.

…I guess I am just one of those people that believes that the more cordial and respectful people are in maps, it tends to spread to others and seems to make a difference over time…


Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The most mind boggling thing about the Queensdale train is the fact that they have no idea how Shadow Behemoth works and regularly say things like “only 5 min till SB” (until 30 min window) and then spend the rest of the 30 min wailing why isn’t he up.

Even when you call Kryta wp and link the keg event/Brenda they still wail, do not help and camp the swamp like a bunch of kittens.
edit: or show up at the last minute because they still run the train

I think that’s a lot of newbies who don’t understand the whole ‘window’ thing. We always try to point these people to gw2stuff.com and explain the window concept to them. I’ll personally check for the escort events at the monastery every time that wp is in the train rotation. It’s usually getting back on track after sb pops that’s the tough part.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


It’s especially messed up for new players I imagine. Just started playing the game today, you’re off doing some cool event you haven’t seen before with a few players. Zerg train shows up and starts screaming at you. On your first time with the game.

There have been times where I just want to mess with the champ train by going there with guild and messing their rotation up. I haven’t yet but…man is is tempting.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


On FB, it all depends on what time of day it is and who is on. Some times it’s a lot of fun, more about playing with a bunch of players while chatting. Other times it’s toxic when you get a group who try to take over the train complaining it’s not being run in the correct order. We have 1 guild who are the most toxic of all. When I see any of them in the train, I go to Frost Gorge instead. At least on our server FG is like night and day. Runs smooth, people joking and having fun almost all the time. Even when a champ is killed “out of order”, no one rages. Instead everyone just goes on to the next one.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


I don’t know how it is on other servers, but on SBI zerg trains are running in circles day and night farming the champs.

So I’m wandering around doing stuff for my dailies and head into the troll cave to do the grub event. I finish that and see the troll runestone has spawned. I start the event and nearby players help kill the troll. Then the zerg train comes in and starts calling me kitten names for inconveniencing them and that I should be telling them whenever I start a champ event. I tell them that they are inconveniencing me and whoever else is around the area for having to wait for them and they say that there’s more of them and that they are leveling up the fastest way so I should be listening to them. Now I don’t usually care about what other players do to level or farm gold until they started harassing me with whispers.

We haven’t had them on our server until now. I would suggest activating as many events as you can if they are being rude. Thats the only way to scare them away.

It’s not the zerg train I have a problem with. It’s the fact that they are rude towards players minding their own business.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: offence.4726


I dislike the holier-than-thou attitude those farming trains have. Just start the event as soon as they call out one of the other champs.

One of the best ways to disrupt them is to start the Champ Boar chain, and about 5/10 seconds before the boar spawns, start the Champ Troll.

Be sure to call out both events on map chat, and watch the intense hatred fly.

Remember to not respond to the intense hatred, and report for verbal abuse should the more inappropriate insults fly.

Posts like these getting upvotes just shows what’s wrong with this community

To the OP : farming these champs is the only way to get some decent gold/items/skill points these days. You should blame the devs for the design not the players for trying to finish their end-game goals which 99.99% require gold/mats and what I listed up there.
Your welcome

play hard , go pro.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reaper.1695


It is so much fun trolling that Queensdale train. SO. MUCH. FUN!!! You can down the troll early as well as the Oak then wait for the hilarity in the map chat.

Now the one in FS I take seriously. You make real monies there.