bearer of bad news =/

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadcapMagician.2546


I am finding that the pvp section of the game is becoming rampant with speed hacks, aim bots, damage mods and other hacks that are the bane of all MMO pvp games… I am wondering if the developers have any plans on implementing any anti cheat software such as punk-buster … this would also most likely take care of the botting problem as well. I know that people will say this is sour grapes, but it is not… when you are one shotted repeatedly by ONE player time and again (and not in group combat) and you cant even get off one block or offensive hit, or defensive ability .. there is something not right in the mix.. I am not the best pvp player, but I do know when there is something not right with the game mechanics. This is something the developers should seriously consider.

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nofo.8469


Aim bots? o_O lol

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I’m pretty sure the “alternative clients” let you see foes on the map, too.

The punk-buster approach is a kludge. On the other hand, writing tight code seems to be a challenge for them. Sort of like using Google authenticator, why mess around trying to solve a problem that’s beyond you when you can buy and implement a ready-made solution?

The argument against it is that you have to notice this game has moved toward a pve emphasis. I mean it always had pve as an emphasis, but since launch most of the pvp community gave up and moved on. Game guard/punk buster doesn’t do anything for dungeon runners. And it truly is asking players to deliberately install spy-ware, and to trust a company who’s obviously not good with security.

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bru Jah.3874

Bru Jah.3874

You’re getting killed in PvP so it must mean every player that’s killing you is using bots,..! I’m in spvp and WvW most the time I play the game and haven’t seen any cases of that.

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Aim bots? o_O lol

I had to lol at this as well. OP, you do realize that the game has an auto targeting option right?

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raideen.5973


I hate wow, but this is the best reason to play wow, Warden is pretty amazing at curbing most hacks.

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pfanne.9783


I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to have dmg hack. I all the code for dmg and health and so on is running server side. Unless they managed to hack anet servers don’t see it happening.

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


Is there any kind of class with more than 5 healths, sometimes I am unsure if a warrior, e.g., can do such things. If it is and imba problem or a hack problem. But it must not be to difficult to decide that people fire a certain heal skill 20 times in 10s.

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


This kind of stuff became a problem in GW1, as well. Until we all woke up one morning and half the PvP community had been banned by Dhuum. That first day of all the bans was entertaining as hell, but it was far too late by that time to save the legendary Guild Wars PvP.

They took YEARS to get around to banning the exploiters. By that time, a significant percentage of the community was either exploiting, or had left in frustration.

If they’d just written tighter code at the beginning, and stayed on top of fixing exploits, they wouldn’t have had such a mass exodus.

Sadly, I don’t see ArenaNet learning from that lesson. By the time they get around to fixing this, there’ll be nobody left in PvP but exploiters and bored PvE-ers.

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiv.7136


The original post is pretty obvious.

WoW is full of hacks and bots. We all know this because arena and BGs are full of botters and exploiters. Anyone who has played WoW knows warden does nothing, and Blizzard never bans the cheaters.

Paradoxically I haven’t seen any of that in GW2 sPVP and not a single bot in sPVP. There is culling/stealth problems, but that’s the game itself, not hacks or bots. There isn’t even any power-boosting service or win-trading.

Also, aimbots? Really? Have you ever even played GW2?

I like pizza

(edited by xiv.7136)

bearer of bad news =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

Thanks for posting. The team is aware of the different issues that the game is experiencing thanks to the constant reports of the community (highly appreciated!); rest assured that they are working on them to offer you the best gaming experience. We will pass on this feedback to them but we also ask for a little bit more of patience.

We proceed to close the thread now.
Thanks for your understanding.