beta weekend blues

beta weekend blues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AncientYs.8613


hey there everybody,

This is something i also experienced from the HoT beta, so please listen to my story..

First let me start by laying out my social status and situation, I am disabled.

I have no reliable income, no job. Live with my mother, if i am to have any sort of income it would be categorized as “pocket money”. Now let’s move onto my experience with HoT i had in the past. I am an avid gw2 player. Times were different when Gw2 first launched. I had a job, steady income. I was living alone.

Had free time. I was happy to be in the pre-order beta for the launch of gw2. I was excited at the premise of being a beta tester and future Gw2 owner. This was the same case with HoT. i bought both base game and HoT and having been beta testers for both, it was no problem for me. The price of both of them was just “chump change” .

Fast forward to the present. My situation is worse. Due to my handicap i lost my job my living quarter and my freedom my income.. So i am sad to beta test poF because while i enter the beautiful desert, it will last only 2 days.

then it is gone, out of my reach until who knows how long? only time will tell.. and while i am able to test poF and actually have fun being in the desert i am also simultaneously reminded of my cruel reality.. That what i can play in the beta is just a demo.. just limited to two days. After that it’s over. No more can i play poF without thinking about purchasing it, something which would not be easy. So i would just dream about beta being available to play at a leisurely pace when one would want to. whenever i could. without the time limit. but alas.. it is not to be.

I am sorry for this long text, but i thank those that took their time to read it.


A Guildwars2 Fan.

beta weekend blues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glenstorm.4059


I’m sorry for the hardships you’re facing.

Some unsolicited advice: Is it possible for you to use the downtime between the preview weekends and release to maybe find a job near you that will accommodate someone with your disabilities and skill-set? Finding such a job would not only go some ways towards fixing your income problems (and allowing you to purchase PoF), but I think will also help you out of your blues.

Easier said than done, I know…but it doesn’t hurt to try, right? Put yourself and your resume out there, I’m sure you’ll get a few bites.

In the meantime, I’d suggest staying away from beta/launch coverage to a) avoid spoiling it for yourself and b) feeling down about not getting to join in. PoF will still be here when your financial situation improves, and there will be lots of players just starting PoF/rolling new toons in PoF later, so you’ll always have company.

Either way, best of luck to you, and I hope things work out.

Fear the might of SHATTERSTONE.

beta weekend blues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AncientYs.8613


I’m sorry for the hardships you’re facing.

Some unsolicited advice: Is it possible for you to use the downtime between the preview weekends and release to maybe find a job near you that will accommodate someone with your disabilities and skill-set? Finding such a job would not only go some ways towards fixing your income problems (and allowing you to purchase PoF), but I think will also help you out of your blues.

Easier said than done, I know…but it doesn’t hurt to try, right? Put yourself and your resume out there, I’m sure you’ll get a few bites.

In the meantime, I’d suggest staying away from beta/launch coverage to a) avoid spoiling it for yourself and b) feeling down about not getting to join in. PoF will still be here when your financial situation improves, and there will be lots of players just starting PoF/rolling new toons in PoF later, so you’ll always have company.

Either way, best of luck to you, and I hope things work out.

Thankyou for your advice and kind words, I am trying to find a job the issue is that it just isn’t easy, in my country they would have me rather joining an institution or a care center rather than employing me. Anyways thankyou for having an open ear to listen to my hardships. Much appreciated. I will keep trying to improve myself and not give up.

beta weekend blues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samiri.6439


Sometimes the fact of reality is cruel and unfair.
Now I don’t know what your disability is, but how about changing your skillset to something you can do now. Go learn programming, web development ect ect. You can earn some cash that way. There are also Internet jobs, they don’t always pay well, and some are scams but they are out there, and you could again maybe get a job.

I knew a friend who hired foreign people to translate news into different languages for money. The pay was not great but it was still a pay.

I hope you start learning something and maybe change your situation, maybe just a little, just dont give up.

beta weekend blues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AncientYs.8613


Sometimes the fact of reality is cruel and unfair.
Now I don’t know what your disability is, but how about changing your skillset to something you can do now. Go learn programming, web development ect ect. You can earn some cash that way. There are also Internet jobs, they don’t always pay well, and some are scams but they are out there, and you could again maybe get a job.

I knew a friend who hired foreign people to translate news into different languages for money. The pay was not great but it was still a pay.

I hope you start learning something and maybe change your situation, maybe just a little, just dont give up.

Yes i have indeed been trying to learn new skills such as the ones you have mentioned, also in the past i was a translator or at least i aspired to be one since i am multi-lingual.

There are many possibilites of course but the fact of the matter is that my disability hinders me to become active. I would rather not say what sort of disability but it is hard.. i have lost certain abilities that in the past would have made me perfectly capable of working a job. Thankyou anyways your advice is appreciated and i will not give up the fight.