can't understand living world.
Just read living story achievments description, there is said what you have to do to get achievments points.
Well that would be because the living world is just a concept of theirs. They wanted the world to seem alive, so that things change around you and evolve.
In the current patch the “big news” is Ellen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade fighting over a position in the Council – You can support either of the two candidates by voting in Labyrinthe Cliffs on the airship you’re talking about. Furthermore the two candidates have minigames and candidate trials that you can participate in. Have fun.
I started to lose sense of it all when during Dragon Bash, the organizers put up holographic generators that would spawn monsters that attack me and try to kill me. I guess the in-game NPCs that were running the Bash really wanted to emulate the dragons, down to trying to kill people who participate in the festivities.. does that make any sense? Maybe it does, in Tyria.. and then.. I stopped playing.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
At any point in time the wiki’s main page has a feature article on the current living story where everything is explained in detail.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Read your ingame mail, that should get you started
i didnt read the mail but the fact people have problems explaining it, mabey living story just a weird concept that does not make sense
i didnt read the mail but the fact people have problems explaining it, mabey living story just a weird concept that does not make sense
It’s not hard. Living World is just the concept that the world is evolving and changing around you. As simple as that. How does that not make sense?
and then.. I stopped playing.
I for one have never ever browsed a game forum dedicated to a game I don’t play.
what events do i do? where do i go? is there a story with cutscences if so how do i get them?
It’s not hard. Living World is just the concept that the world is evolving and changing around you. As simple as that. How does that not make sense?
- It’s not organic. Organic is when the game evolves on its own. NPCs change their lines, events progress from one point to another. It would be incredibly difficult to do, as it would require artificial intelligence. The current system looks like NPCs you’ve never heard before appear from thin air (update), offer their quests and achievements and then disappear again when the parade is over. It’s hard to have immersion, especially if you’re only in it to get some achievement points.
what events do i do? where do i go? is there a story with cutscences if so how do i get them?
You don’t seem to read anything I’m writing. You access Labyrinthe Cliffs from the docks in Lion’s Arch. This was what I wrote earlier, in case you missed it.
In the current patch the “big news” is Ellen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade fighting over a position in the Council – You can support either of the two candidates by voting in Labyrinthe Cliffs on the airship you’re talking about. Furthermore the two candidates have minigames and candidate trials that you can participate in. Have fun.
(edited by Treeline.3865)
- It’s not organic. Organic is when the game evolves on its own.
But I never claimed that it was organic or changing on it’s own.
From wiki with the exact wording:
“The Living World in Guild Wars 2 is ArenaNet’s official term for changes to the game intended to bring the world of Guild Wars 2 to life. Each major game update includes NPCs, events, and sometimes new instances that tell the story of Tyria’s ongoing evolution. Although most of the Living World content has been temporary, these updates also have included permanent changes to the in-game world.”
well i said something nasty about the living story, but this is just weird.
ellen kiel and evon gnashblade didn’t appear from thin air at all. i don’t like them and i don’t know nothing of them, but they are there from quite sometimes.
roxxy and braham are still there talking to you if you go (i like them instead, we had some time to bonding).
anyhow, if you don’t watch the news i guess even in your reality you won’t know how your world is changing, so start reading the email that npc send to you, also go talk to some herald, and if you just don’t want to talk to anybody and just do stuff, than you should just go straight where npc with big stars or flags over their head (but if you do so, than you cannot complain about a lack of story.
in the end people answer your question according to question itself. if they answer just do the achievement, you probably didn’t asked the right question, because as i can see in this thread a lot of people just explained to you what and where very well
Join the Rainbow Pride
I just found something even better. Whoever wrote it, have an imaginary upvote if you see this. Anyways a complete overview of everything that has happened within the living story so far. If that does not give you an overview I seriously can’t help you:
what events do i do? where do i go? is there a story with cutscences if so how do i get them?
Patch Releases:
For the record, most of the content ArenaNet releases is really difficult to figure out. Most of the players who finish these achievements, do it by following guides, or asking guild mates for help, who have probably done the achievement by following guides.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
It makes no sense, I ask people in game and they say do the achievments however some of these I have no idea what to do plus how is this a story doing achivements? so then I was told to go to lions arch and go on a flying ship i go to this spot fly around on some launch pads, people start fighting these monter’s I jump in and nothing happens
Look I just don’t understand this at all and it seems like people are having problems explaining it to me in the game aswell so can anyone make sense of all this?
I know guild wars 2 dev said they wanna push the living story but I don’t want to play this game anymore since i can’t even understand one of the main thins LIVING WORLD
You should always check the official website, Anet usually give detailed guide for each living story update and what to do to get the achievements.
You can also check which give detailed guides to the various living story and achievements.
I don’t think it’s difficult to explain, I think the problem is that the people answering you are assuming you already know the basics and just need a few pointers on where to go now. But of course what they’re saying won’t make any sense if you don’t know the basics of it.
So starting from the beginning: The Living Story is just the overall name for all the temporary content that’s added to the game every 2 weeks and then removed at the end of the month to make way for the next release.
The story so far, in very condensed form, is that back in January we started seeing a lot of refugees retreating from the Northern Shiverpeaks and North Ascalon. They were fleeing an alliance of dredge and flame legion called the Molten Alliance who hinted that they were working for an even greater power. A lot of the refugees made their way to Lions Arch and from there to Southsun Cove where they were offered a great new life. We defeated the Molten Alliance and then went to help out the settlers who had fallen out with the Consortium and now wanted to escape Southsun too, or at least have some say in their own lives there.
Once that was all sorted the Captains Council in LA decided to hold a festival to cheer people up. They picked the traditional Canthan Dragon Festival (which happened around the same time in GW1) but because celebrating something that’s trying to kill you seemed wrong they converted it into the Dragon Bash. During the festival one of the Council was killed. We hunted down and caught their killers – a group called the Aetherblade Pirates who use airships and work for a mysterious woman called Scarlet.
The current chapter – The Bazaar of the Four Winds and Cutthroat Politics revolves around 2 candidates trying to get elected to the council by cutting a deal with a race of merchants who live on a giant airship. We get to pick which side we help.
But all of that is largely irrelevant to a lot of people, who only care about doing as many of the achievements as possible as fast as possible. Which is probably what you’ve encountered.
The achievements are usually a good way of getting an idea of what’s available and where and you can click on each one to get some information on it. I also recommend reading any mail you’re sent in-game. Some of them even have a ‘Show Me’ button which will point you to the activities they’re talking about.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Though I think OP is being quite a bit more than obtuse(read the kittenin MAIL!) and when it comes to the gasp LORE the general MMO population couldn’t´t find its hiney with both hands, unless it´s an unskippable QT event.
Still this thread is proving nicely how the storytelling of the so called Living Story has failed.
An NO it´s NOT part of good storytelling to read a frikken Wiki, a kitten guide or any other Webpage buried somewhere on the official Website!
This has to be available in game, and we already have this.
It´s called the Personal Story section!
Here´s a hint ANet, add a TAB for the living story.
Just feed it all those web pages of nice(no sarcasm!) short stories you made till now and make a couple of overviews for the different stories so far.
Again, I´m not dissing ANet for their story content(I quite like it actually), just the unprofessional way they tell it.
(edited by HawkMeister.4758)
and then.. I stopped playing.
I for one have never ever browsed a game forum dedicated to a game I don’t play.
I’m not sure I understand the point of your post.. however, I’ll further explain myself, because it seems like fun somehow.
I’m waiting for other games to come out, and in the meantime, browsing these forums is fun for me.. somehow.. It’s also possible I’ll play GW2 sometime again in the future.
Still, can anyone explain why it is that the Dragon Bash organizers constructed holographic machines that create creatures that try to kill DB celebrators?
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Still, can anyone explain why it is that the Dragon Bash organizers constructed holographic machines that create creatures that try to kill DB celebrators?
LOL, that´s actually a good question!
I dimly remember something about malfunctions, but honestly I´m just guessing.
Yet another point.
This just in,
if you don’t read or at least watch the news in real life, you have no clue what’s going on in the world either.
I don’t understand how so many people have the expectation to be handed everything on a silver platter. Do you have someone in real life read out and explain the news to you, too?
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I just checked the wiki and it looks like there is no specific reason given. It’s possible I’m overthinking a fantasy-themed computer game. Still, somehow it just seems odd to me.
Overall, I have greatly enjoyed playing GW2 – I played regularly for almost a year, which is a new MMO record for me, and I feel they have introduced several new ideas that will stick with MMOs in general. Typically whenever I stop playing an MMO I’ve played for a while, I continue to browse the forums, I think to try and analyze why I just don’t feel compelled to play anymore. I think that really I just continually want ‘new’ things. I can’t really quantify how ‘new’ is new enough, though, and words are mostly about quantification. And, some of the stuff in GW2 always seemed weird to me, I just ignored it for a while.. as far as why I think anything in a fantasy-themed computer game is ‘too weird’, I have no idea.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
And, some of the stuff in GW2 always seemed weird to me, I just ignored it for a while.. as far as why I think anything in a fantasy-themed computer game is ‘too weird’, I have no idea.
That´s cool.
If it´s no fun anymore, no need to bother.
I´m still finding new things in here just by playing a different class and so learning a new gameplay style. Heck, I still havn´t even explored everything on my main.
I´m talking about gameplay skills and different builds.
Though if all that interests you is yet another Themepark ride, then you´re going to roam the Earth for a long time.
Living story is something new to do in game every month. There’s a variety of things to do. It should all be fun to do. Not everyone likes to do everything. The temporary content has varying quality. Achievements are a way of presenting the things to do so that players are more inclined to do them. If you don’t want to do them then an achievement shouldn’t change your mind really.
If you have objections to the way the new content is packaged within the living story then that might be fair comment. The living story still seems worth trying as a new MMO idea to give regular content to players, as long as it eventually provides as much scope as a conventional release cycle.