creat your dream legendary
imma say three words – A bifrost sword
An invisible weapon with the effect that makes it look like I’m fighting with my fists. I don’t care what weapon it is. I wanna punch dragons to death.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
My dream Legendary is cheap, easy to craft (not overcomplicated with 76336 steps), dyeable, has no fancy glows and other over-the-top stuff, small and semi-transparent (to reduce clipping issues). But I like EW’s “invisible weapon” idea too!
A Rifle that launches custard pies instead of regular ammo. Each shot plays out a Krusty the Clown style laugh. The custard pies leave a trail of custard in the air and land with a “splat” sound effect. When the weapon is wielded the user will have clown face paint applied and each footstep will make a sound like a whoopee cushion.
I am, of course, not serious. That would be horrific.
I would quite like to see a set of legendaries released that are made up of trophies from the defeated elder dragons. I don’t mean a full set of weapons, just one token weapon which is thematically or aesthetically appropriate, and based on a body part of those dragons… kind of like carrying around a trophy.
Perhaps Mordremoth’s would be a scepter with a blighting pod on the end and all the visual effects that go along with that. Zhaitan’s could be a staff, the end of which could be a load of waggling dragon heads like the ones in his “mouth”. Maybe Jormag’s is a dagger made out of his tooth. Naturally each weapon comes with the usual visual splendour and effects.
A Rifle that launches custard pies instead of regular ammo. Each shot plays out a Krusty the Clown style laugh. The custard pies leave a trail of custard in the air and land with a “splat” sound effect. When the weapon is wielded the user will have clown face paint applied and each footstep will make a sound like a whoopee cushion.
I am, of course, not serious. That would be horrific.
True, that’d be horrific… but I’d pay gold to watch a person with that rifle dueling someone wielding the pony bow.
I would quite like to see a set of legendaries released that are made up of trophies from the defeated elder dragons. I don’t mean a full set of weapons, just one token weapon which is thematically or aesthetically appropriate, and based on a body part of those dragons… kind of like carrying around a trophy.
Perhaps Mordremoth’s would be a scepter with a blighting pod on the end and all the visual effects that go along with that. Zhaitan’s could be a staff, the end of which could be a load of waggling dragon heads like the ones in his “mouth”. Maybe Jormag’s is a dagger made out of his tooth. Naturally each weapon comes with the usual visual splendour and effects.
Just don’t ask what part the mace was made out of…. o.O
I’d like something that looks like the Plamsa Rifle, but bigger (longer?), and instead of bullets it normally shoots, I want an actual plasma beam (like the Memser greatsword), accompanied with an appropriate plasma-ish beam sound.
My engineer Jaxxi requires this.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Give me a longbow that’s dangerous and cool looking, Kudzu just doesn’t suit my main ranger, to much floweriness. A longbow version of the tiger sb or a longbow bow made entirely of fire and shoots arrows made of flames, not bright orange fire either, dark red and golds. Movement causes small flames to twist around the character’s feet.
Or a more colorful version of Horologicus.
Any melee weapon. No aura or xmas-lights animations. No footprints. Looking like an actual weapon you could swing and hurt people with.
The legendary effects would be in the skills effects. They’d carry impact instead of the anemic all-ages contact effects we have now. It needs to look like it hurts. Terribly.
Never going to happen, but a guy can dream.
I don’t know if anyone here is familiar with The Malazan Book of the Fallen, but in that series, there is a rather infamous great sword which when fully unveiled, is like looking into pure darkness. It also has smoky chains spilling out of it, representing the eternal of all the souls chained inside it.
A massive high tech shotgun for the rifle wielders, shorter than the Predator, but way more thicker. Think of absurdly brutal Judge Dredd style weapons.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
A 1 handed sword as big as a greatsword.
That’s it.
A sword called Mist Thorn, with the look of a gray pointy thing with mini spikes all around it. It would cause you to be surrounded by a gray mist that is rather thick, obscuring parts of you. Throwing animations would make you throw a sword made out of mist, not the actual thorn. Footsteps would be shimmering and look like a mirage, with trace amounts of mist coming out of them.
Another legendary would be a hammer that is a massive dragon head on a stick. Footsteps are dinosaur tracks and it roars every once in a while.
Plot Twist: Elder Dragons are massive robots created by the Black Lion Trading Company.
Think of the money they make off weapons and armor…
A death themed Greatsword. Totally grimdark/gothic themed, with a ghostly green or blue trail effect (similar to spectral walk but disappearing much quicker). Then maybe a sound effect when you swing the blade (ghostly screams or something along those lines). For the footfalls it would have miniature versions of the blackened Grasping Dead effect complete with skeletal hands. Upon unsheathing the blade ghosts fly out of the blade (similar ghosts to the spirit quest tonic) and will occasionally reappear, flying past the user (like the ravens on Nevermore).
Legendary Dagger
Daggers that are actually whirling circular buzzsaw hand thingies, complete with buzzsaw sound effects and sparks that fly when you hit stuff. The same sparks would spew all over when you draw/power up the weapon.
No body aura or footsteps for these, in stead the weapons themselves emit a thick black smoke and drop a trail of oil as you move.
Special animations for dagger throwing abilities, the weapon fires a buzzsaw and loads another one. The buzzsaw’s visual passes through its last target and bounces around the environment a bit, kicking up sparks off of surfaces it hits. Dagger spin moves throw off a nice shower of sparks and make an appropriate SWWWREEEEAOOWWWW metal grinding noise.
These are based on Scarlet’s breachmaker tech, so slain enemies are ‘reclaimed’ by some clockwork minions dragging them beneath the earth.
The legendary journey would revolve around retracing the steps of Scarlet’s invasion, savlaging parts from old ley line probes, and collecting drops from scarlet’s minions in places like the aetherblade JP, molten test fractal, breachmaker wreckage, etc. as well as defeating leyline anomalies to capture their energy. Maybe a little boss fight inside the breachmaker wreckage with a scarlet hologram, some special interact nodes in the aetherpath, etc.
Thematically you’re piecing together Scarlet’s design for the weapon, finding out it did not work as intended, and using recent advancements from Taimi’s Dragon lab to process the ley line energy to make a working version of the design.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
(edited by PopeUrban.2578)
The most legendary sword of all reforged together with the most legendary shield of all reforged
Excalibur & Avalon
If we could get these two into the game, I’d make them instantly for my Guardian Arturia Paendragon
When real people can reforge this, then we can too in game (hopefully xD) and just that it will look naturally differently cause of copyright reasons, but its just the name that counts and its legend
Thats together with a sparkling golden light aura/foot steps
Always thought that a weapon like Infinite Light could be basically its precursor for Excalibur, while a Shield of the Wing could be the precursor of Avalon
to have a shield, thats not round and bulky, but one, thats long, more filigrane and like a buckler and looks due to its form similar to a second sword, because of it being actually the swords protective scabbard
Belinda’s greatsword with black raven feather dropping while slashing, some red symbol as footfall, reddish glow on drawn and burn to death animation on foe.
I’d make a pistol, rifle, both bows, staff and scepter that shoot out angry screaming cats and once they hit their target they attach themselves to it like a bunch of karkas then rip it to shreds.
Oh and more flower weapons, you can never have too many flower weapons.