server jumper
/deaths /age
server jumper
1. Guardian: 291 hours, 406 deaths
2. Elementalist: 144 hours, 202 deaths
3. Ranger: 257 hours, 795 deaths (WvW character)
4. Necromancer: 99 hours, 155 deaths
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
1. 80 Ranger: 1,219 hours; 2,711 deaths
2. 80 Necro: 438 hours; 963 deaths
3. 80 Guardian: 235 hours; 330 deaths
4. 80 Warrior: 146 hours; 228 deaths
Of course PvP and WvW players will have much higher death counts than those who only PvE.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
80 Thief : 1738 hours; 3049 deaths.
sPvP, WvW and PvE.
80 Thief: 1739 hours. 1293 deaths.
Warrior: 1,458 deaths. 1363 Hours 54 Minutes. Alot of those deaths are falls deaths and being a martyr for the group in dungeons. Some WvW deaths
Looked up the numbers and I’m really surprised… Also they don’t match the averages posted here at all…:-D
80 Ranger 565 deaths / 443 hours (well over the average here :-D )
80 Guardian 62 deaths / 73 hours (well below the average here :-D )
80 Necromancer 20 deaths / 60 hours (nearly invincible :-D )
27 Thief 24 deaths / 23 hours (I don’t like thief, he dies a lot :-D )
I only play PvE, no PvP, no WvW, I do dungeons with the Ranger…
Lv 80 Necromancer: 2325 hours – 3532 deaths
Lv 80 Mesmer: 231 hours – 168 deaths
Lv 80 Thief: 126 hours – 50 deaths
Me the player 50 years Zero deaths
80 Elementalist 404 hours/357 deaths (mostly WvW and Dungeons)
80 Ranger 776 hours/ 399 deaths(mostly PvE, LS, the only one that’s mapping every zone)
80 Necromancer 419 hours/539 deaths – I laughed when I saw this (mostly WvW and Dungeons) Edit: I went back and checked 5,291 kills in wvw – not all are by this character but most were.
80 Guardian 166 hours/ 142 deaths (leveled in WvW, mostly retired)
80 Mesmer 231 hours/ 38 deaths (leveled mostly via dailys and crafting)
80 Engineer 166 hours / 168 deaths(mostly WvW)
28 Warrior 34 hours/8 deaths (currently leveling mostly via PvE dailys, mapping, and crafting, the deaths were all in WvW)
2 Thief 6 hours/ 4 deaths (waiting on another race to reroll this one)
My observation on my own characters: the number of deaths is directly proportional to the amount of time spent in WvW for each of my characters.
(edited by Katz.5143)
Guardian, 8481 deaths in 3084 hours.
80 Engineer 652 hours/1,066 deaths
Mesmer, highly active in WvW. 2725 deaths in 2950 hours. 1 Death per hour on average, but….
12,525 kills in WvW, or 4.5 kills per death. I’m not unhappy about that.
Wonder if there is a title at 10K deaths…..thanks Tribulation mode!
Holy carp, how do some of you people play for 8+ hours a day, how do you have the time? =O
Anyways, 380 hours 60 deaths between my 4 characters (levels 62, 33, 27, 20), played the game since the game released.
Wonder if there is a title at 10K deaths…..thanks Tribulation mode!
That’s awesome!
I’ve been racking up my death count thanks to SAB tribulation mode as well. I went from 750 odd deaths over 2k hours to over 3100. Ninety Nine percent of these new deaths (2350 deaths) were thanks to Tribulation mode. W2Z2 was the largest culprit and W2Z3 was the next largest death tally. I figure that I’ll rack up another 2k+deaths by the time Super Adventure Box is done.
Holy carp, how do some of you people play for 8+ hours a day, how do you have the time?
I’m retired. I don’t actually play for all of those hours. I simply leave my gaming machine on and logged in while I go about my usual daily routine. I often stop in just to chat.
284 hours and 21 minutes over 218 days. Been playing the game 277 but this character was made late. Died 247 times.
I’m retired.
I’m retired as well.
I think the most gamers these days don’t quite realize that gaming as a hobby has been around for quite a while now and many of their fellow gamers are now done with their work-a-day lives and have plenty of time and money to lavish on their hobbies.
I think it’s awesome that I come across so many retired folks in my daily gaming.
WvW/PvE Necro
Age: 1852
Deaths : 2094
Rank 402
Kills 21.991
7 hours 635 deaths.
80 Engineer:
433 Hours
1665 Deaths
(That’s a lot, it looks like…)
Ferguson’s Crossing
80 Ranger – World Rank 80 (Colonel)
Hours: 920
Deaths: 1,067
80 Mesmer – World Rank 48 (Squire)
Hours: 310
Deaths: 294
Combined wvw Kills: 10,191
(edited by Sentry.3691)
You don’t wanna know…
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Thief (main) 1757/2187 deaths
Warr 387/310
Rest of my alts are all 60 hours or less.
Mostly PvE with some Deer-level spvp, and a lil WvW. In my defense though I generally look for things that can and will kill me. And I like jumping from high places a lot. Like Really a lot.
I’ll just do my warrior – 756 hours, 1044 deaths.
and guardian – 577 hours, 526 deaths
I decided to check my charr engineer because he was the one i ran SAB with all the time.
Level 55 engineer:
hours: 147
deaths: 1563
might be late to the party and reviving thread but
80 guardian – 175 hours – 405 deaths
80 Warrior – 466 hours – 1194 deaths
haha I die a lot
Wonder if there is a title at 10K deaths…..thanks Tribulation mode!
That’s awesome!
I’ve been racking up my death count thanks to SAB tribulation mode as well. I went from 750 odd deaths over 2k hours to over 3100. Ninety Nine percent of these new deaths (2350 deaths) were thanks to Tribulation mode. W2Z2 was the largest culprit and W2Z3 was the next largest death tally. I figure that I’ll rack up another 2k+deaths by the time Super Adventure Box is done.
This I forgot about I finished w1 trib and without a guide hehe you make a few slight mistakes I think getting all the shops and bee hives solo was a bad idea now that I look back on it either way finally broke down after w1z1 trib and no more baubles or continue coins and said hello ICC for warrior don’t want to think about w2 trib
80 Ele – 1665 hours, 3354 deaths