Arise, opressed of Tyria!
europe dissapointed
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
All announced times are Pacific.
Anet launches the patch during the typical American workday on the day they announced it, so it will launch between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. pacific.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
ANet is an American company, they update on American times. It’s going to be late at night somewhere in the world regardless of when they deploy the patch. They didn’t blow anything, you’re just upset that ANet doesn’t cater to overseas when they work.
Its been the 19th at my place for 9 hours now. You have to learn to roll with the punches.
I have to say that I’m a little surprised (not shocked or horrified or amazed, just surprised) the update isn’t quite ready yet. I tend to update before work and have a little look around.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
All announced times are Pacific.
Anet launches the patch during the typical American workday on the day they announced it, so it will launch between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. pacific.
Indeed. This has always been the case. Why is the OP so surprised?
Also no matter what time arenanet launches the patch, it will be either the 17th or 19th somewhere in the world.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
better fix all they want before make a huge mistake
I completed an 11hr shift driving a bus in this godforsaken city, finished at 8pm, dashed home in the rain on my motorcycle, set the game to update whilst I took a shower and got changed to enjoy the new patch.
Got down to find that nothing had changed. 10pm now, nothing has changed. Not happy.
All announced times are Pacific.
Anet launches the patch during the typical American workday on the day they announced it, so it will launch between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. pacific.
Indeed. This has always been the case. Why is the OP so surprised?
Because the recent updates, for the last 6 months at least, have been between 4 and 7 PM GMT.
With that timeframe we always had the chances to play before going to bed. With today’s time, we don’t.
I think the problem here is that the OP thinks this is going to be a 1 time event thing and a specific time perhaps like the Karka was or last time something happened in LA when the statue was destroyed. I don’t think it will be like this but more just a regular LS update where things happen when WE log in and last the full 2 weeks. If I am correct talk about blowing this slight delay in patching right up into something much more than what it is.
Why do we have these threads everytime we have a content patch? The patches have always been based on Anet local time, and we always have people in EU and other places complain. This isn’t a new thing, why would anyone expect something different?
It is always, and will always, be released on the specified date in the Seattle (GMT-8) timezone. All dates on all releases and all announcements are relative to the Seattle (GMT-8) timezone unless otherwise specified. I prefer this standardized approach to any alternative, and it even sometimes trips me up too.
I remember staying up all night trying to rush and finish my papers due the next morning too .. when i was in college…
This happens all the time. Times are based on Pacific time. Why do these threads appear every patch? :/
Scarlet sabotaged the release.
Also, Lion’s arch is emptying in Europe. Many people, that where lost, came back. People that lost trust in Arenanet. Hopeing this patch would give them a sign off recovery. a reason to come back. This has been extremely hyped up. Those people will be gone forever now.
I know it is an American Company. But given past experience I have been telling my friends they had to check this out. No way I’ll ever going to convince them to spent any minute in this game.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Well, the OP may be surprised, like most of the playerbase, which happens to be European.
Yankies, calm down. We love you!!! We’re just anxious. Some of us, students, or me particularly, a law student, have some tough classes tomorrow. I wanted to see the patch before I’m going to see a kitten exam in criminal law tomorrow. haha.:P
Cheers! Hopefully, they deliver the patch before midnight!
(edited by Corpus Christi.2057)
Also, Lion’s arch is emptying in Europe. Many people, that where lost, came back. People that lost trust in Arenanet. Hopeing this patch would give them a sign off recovery. a reason to come back. This has been extremely hyped up. Those people will be gone forever now.
I know it is an American Company. But given past experience I have been telling my friends they had to check this out. No way I’ll ever going to convince them to spent any minute in this game.
You do realise that YOU have ben helping to hype this up right? Perhaps even to yourself too much? TBH you should ALWAYS wait and see how things turn out and THEN hype them up to people….well that’s just my thoughts.
Also no matter what time arenanet launches the patch, it will be either the 17th or 19th somewhere in the world.
It cant be the 17th and the 19th at the same time in 2 different places.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Also, Lion’s arch is emptying in Europe. Many people, that where lost, came back. People that lost trust in Arenanet. Hopeing this patch would give them a sign off recovery. a reason to come back. This has been extremely hyped up. Those people will be gone forever now.
I know it is an American Company. But given past experience I have been telling my friends they had to check this out. No way I’ll ever going to convince them to spent any minute in this game.
You do realise that YOU have ben helping to hype this up right? Perhaps even to yourself too much? TBH you should ALWAYS wait and see how things turn out and THEN hype them up to people….well that’s just my thoughts.
Yes. I love this game, and I have been using this as an argument to try it again.
But I have been trying that for ages. The thing that helped was the announcement, made by Arenanet. but they wont come back now.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
They’re not deliberately withholding the patch from you
It’ll come out when they are certain it is ready – it is entirely likely something completely unexpected came up which they have had to pile resources into to get sorted.
Many people, that where lost, came back. People that lost trust in Arenanet. Hopeing this patch would give them a sign off recovery. a reason to come back. This has been extremely hyped up. Those people will be gone forever now.
I’m sorry, but what? From where I’m sitting, the “many people” is yourself, and the rest of this paragraph is more about your frustrations with this game and Anet, rather than the feelings of the community at large.
Yes. I love this game, and I have been using this as an argument to try it again.
But I have been trying that for ages. The thing that helped was the announcement, made by Arenanet. but they wont come back now.
If “they” (whoever they are) don’t come back because they are ignorant of standard work hours at the company that works on and operates the game, then that is no skin off of anyone else’s back.
Scarlet sabotaged the release.
Scarlet shouting at the krait
I don’t care you look dumb in those suits! Just go!
~Sincerely, Scissors
Many people, that where lost, came back. People that lost trust in Arenanet. Hopeing this patch would give them a sign off recovery. a reason to come back. This has been extremely hyped up. Those people will be gone forever now.
I’m sorry, but what? From where I’m sitting, the “many people” is yourself, and the rest of this paragraph is more about your frustrations with this game and Anet, rather than the feelings of the community at large.
No its not. I will play and enjoy this content tomorrow. I have 4 people who had given up on the game months ago. I tried to convince them for ages. they refused. The last trailer I showed them and they decided to give it a try. We where in LA and having a nice pre-party. they have left in deception and are gone. Simular wordings of dissapointment are used in LA right now (in the EU).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Dear Europe and Russia,
Please hold English Premier League games and the Olympics at another time. I want to watch them live as soon as they happen but am in a different time zone.
Thank you.
Wow, dramatic much? I’m European too, I am really hyped for this patch as well. Things happen, stuff gets delayed, that’s one pathetic reason to throw a tantrum and ’be lost forever’ and ’lose all trust’ in a company.
Gosh, just go do something productive, exercise, get a head start on some work, sleep. I understand a certain degree of disappointment, but this is just over the top. It’s hardly the end of the world.
Corpus Christi, I feel ya I’ll use the time to sit down with a big ol’ Trusts textbook and get ahead with my exam prep! Thanks ANet, you may have accidentally helped my degree
Patch will be there when it’s ready.
No its not. I will play and enjoy this content tomorrow. I have 4 people who had given up on the game months ago. I tried to convince them for ages. they refused. The last trailer I showed them and they decided to give it a try. We where in LA and having a nice pre-party. they have left in deception and are gone. Simular wordings of dissapointment are used in LA right now (in the EU).
Well, that is because people are silly and refuse to accept the fact that the world does not revolves around them.
Anyone with any kind of logical thinking would have been fully aware that things might very well have gone wrong with something as big as this, and definitely wouldn’t start shouting about being lied to when there is about 9,5 hours left of the patch-day.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Yeah this really sucks, luckily I was given a free month of WoW and a new pvp season starts there today. Might just stick with WoW until ESO comes out because gw2 has been casual and very lackluster for me. The combat is amazing but the stack in the corner dps/pve is extremely boring and mindless.
Too bad the world aint a disc eh?
~Sincerely, Scissors
Corpus Christi, I feel ya
I’ll use the time to sit down with a big ol’ Trusts textbook and get ahead with my exam prep! Thanks ANet, you may have accidentally helped my degree
Patch will be there when it’s ready.
Thanks, mate!:P I’ll endure… Hopefully, I’ve learnt most of it by now!^^
Most of my friendlist went offline already because they are tired of waiting.
I know, stupid Anet… it’s like those kitten Russians… I mean how DARE they hold the Olympics according to their time zone. I work all day come home and they are Kitten Sleeping! They should be doing the events I want to see on my time, i’m a kitten American!
Dear Europe and Russia,
Please hold English Premier League games and the Olympics at another time. I want to watch them live as soon as they happen but am in a different time zone.
Thank you.
Glad you enjoy the english premier league, jsut to say you are missing out a lot. The leagues in Germany, italy and spain are much better and more interesting. It is clear however that you are narrowminded.
As said before in this thread, patches has come around 10-11 am Seatle time for the last months. the only announcement we got is that it would be somewhere in the (Seatle) afternoon. So we still had hopes to see it. The communication is rubbish.
If the weather in Sochi isn’t making things bad, I can exactly tell you when the events will be and they will be helöd at those times. Something you can rely on.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
they don’t cater to American players either. I’m an average American; at noon on a weekday I tend to be AT WORK. At least you have the option to stay up late to see the patch when it first comes out. I have never been online when I major patch went live. East coast has it a little better, but still not many people are off work and home at 3. You know who Anet caters to? Greenland. Also Brazil.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
OP take a seat and chill. Its just a video game.
[url=https://] [/url]
Dear Arenanet (and pls dont move this to the living world thread, this is bout the policy in general).
In mainland eaurope it is now 11 pm in the evening. Many people gathered for the new patch. Many people who have been gone for a long time have been waiting for this new patch.
You have hyped it up to the max, but for us (in our timeframe) you are not delivering.
I udnerstand why you can’t give a good estimate time about an update. But promising to blow up LA on the 18th means on the 18th and not on the 19th. you had a great change to get old players back but you blew it.
I know that asking for a response isn’t ok. But I do want express my hope that a dev is going to react. You have missed a big boat tonight, and my love for your game makes me sad.
Yeah we organized an event around this patch. We all gathered and have been waiting for 5 hours in one spot. But by now everybody left.
The whole guild managing tools are already a living hell and then you try to organize something where you are depending on Anet and they mess up again!
Sorry to hear it, Europe.
I hope you’ll be feeling better tomorrow.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka
Dear Europe and Russia,
Please hold English Premier League games and the Olympics at another time. I want to watch them live as soon as they happen but am in a different time zone.
Thank you.
It is clear however that you are narrowminded.
Snip.If the weather in Sochi isn’t making things bad, I can exactly tell you when the events will be and they will be helöd at those times. Something you can rely on.
Nice ad hominem in there.
Yes, even events costing billions sometimes have things go wrong and cause delays. Even major game studios have delays. You can roll with it and laugh or get mad. Either way, I’m out. Should have known better than to even try to make a joke in a thread like this.
OP take a seat and chill. Its just a video game.
From wiki:
“A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.!”
This one should enjoy. Waiting for a patch many hours is not enjoyable.
a proper dev team releases stuff like this on 12:01PM EST, it works perfectly and is a really good central time to work with.
saying “oh, just around 9AM and 5PM” is like saying “you only need to pay about $100 or $20.000”, be more specific.
the company is american. it is KNOWN they release on THEIR time. It has been like this for over a year. If you Europeans haven't figured this out yet then.....I have no words.I know, stupid Anet… it’s like those kitten Russians… I mean how DARE they hold the Olympics according to their time zone. I work all day come home and they are Kitten Sleeping! They should be doing the events I want to see on my time, i’m a kitten American!
All announced times are Pacific.
Anet launches the patch during the typical American workday on the day they announced it, so it will launch between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. pacific.
They have been patching around the same time for over a year. You may expect them to launch on that same time..
(edited by Devata.6589)
All announced times are Pacific.
Anet launches the patch during the typical American workday on the day they announced it, so it will launch between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. pacific.
Indeed. This has always been the case. Why is the OP so surprised?
Patches have always been around the same time, somewhere about 6 hours ago.
You can continue on with life and enjoy the patch the next day? Is it a one day deal? Is the world ending in the next few hours? No? Ok…..
I know, stupid Anet… it’s like those kitten Russians… I mean how DARE they hold the Olympics according to their time zone. I work all day come home and they are Kitten Sleeping! They should be doing the events I want to see on my time, i’m a kitten American!
Dat logic.
They have been patching on the same time for over a year. You may expect them to launch on that same time..
No they haven’t.
They have never been on the same time actually.
The same general area of time, yes, but the exact same time? Nope. I don’t even think two patches have ever been released at the exact same time.
And to be fair they did tell us back during the “usual” release-time that it would be delayed.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Why are there so many people in this thread saying these times are normal and have always been the case. Thats not true. They have been around the same time for almost a year and that would have been about 6 hours ago.
They have been patching on the same time for over a year. You may expect them to launch on that same time..
No they haven’t.
They have never been on the same time actually.
The same general area of time, yes, but the exact same time? Nope. I don’t even think two patches have ever been released at the exact same time.And to be fair they did tell us back during the “usual” release-time that it would be delayed.
yeah around the same time. 1 to 2 hours difference maybe. We are now 6 hours past that.
TBH I’m glad I won’t witness the first wave of disappointment. Wish I was wrong, but I won’t be.