new character = no fun?

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I see arguments both, for and against this new system, you have to remember that this change was put in for the Chinese release to try and slow there progress down / make them learn the game at a slower rate,

In saying that, had this update been in since we started playing the game back in beta, no one would have any issues with it, it comes down to the fact that the older players have all maxed toons already, and newer players coming in take a lot longer to catch up, whats worse is, imagine being new to this game, and making say a Ranger, grinding the new system all the way to 80 etc, then finding that its sub par to many other classes, it would make most not want to bother playing anymore.

I understand why they changed the levelling system, but really it doesn’t work on a game that was nearly 18months old at the time, had it been brand new then yes, but to change it 18 months into an established game was a bad design move, ( guess it comes down to us Beta testing it for them )

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozzy.8059


well now im royally stuffed.. I was looking forward to playing my engie =C

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KilluaDarkReaper.3684


I started playing a couple of weeks ago and I just killed Zhaitan and finished Personal Story man I am so happy. I didn’t use traits until 80% into the Story I still don’t use sigils yet either.

Server – Darkhaven US
Guild – Darkhaven Elite

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozzy.8059


thats fine and all now unlock all traits and do that 8 times >.<

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


No, this change was put in so players are forced to participate or pay to choose traits, since they got rid off the gem store reset and no longer charge for doing a respec on your traits. If you choose to level in one zone running the same content continuously they you can pay for your traits. Otherwise go out and explore Tyria and do the content the devs created to acquire the traits you want.

So no fully leveled and traited out character via crafting anymore for free.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saylu.8271


No, this change was put in so players are forced to participate or pay to choose traits, since they got rid off the gem store reset and no longer charge for doing a respec on your traits. If you choose to level in one zone running the same content continuously they you can pay for your traits. Otherwise go out and explore Tyria and do the content the devs created to acquire the traits you want.

So no fully leveled and traited out character via crafting anymore for free.

It isn’t exploring, it is more like a quest. Do this task to get this trait.

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Well you do have to get your butt out of the starter zone.

I just tired people are trying to blame “China” on the changes they don’t like. It’s more like since we are going to be launching in China, what do we know now about how players play and knowing that’s the outcome of our design, what would we do different. And after that what changes can be back ported into the NA/EU edition with minimal disruptions.

In China for example, guild services are cross server, doesn’t matter where the guild bank is, all guild members (if allowed) can access it from any server. That’s something they couldn’t easily do here with all the established guilds. But account wide dye and skin unlocks was something doable. Just as they moved away from soul bound gem store items (skins and gathering tools) and made them account wide, buy once and use, with charges in case of skins, as many times as you want on as many characters as you want. Yes it’s a razor/razor blade model but as long as you aren’t someone who likes changing outfits frequently then the free transmutation charges from map explore should be enough.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozzy.8059


No, this change was put in so players are forced to participate or pay to choose traits, since they got rid off the gem store reset and no longer charge for doing a respec on your traits. If you choose to level in one zone running the same content continuously they you can pay for your traits. Otherwise go out and explore Tyria and do the content the devs created to acquire the traits you want.

So no fully leveled and traited out character via crafting anymore for free.

delete all your lvl 80s made under the old system and start again then come back to this thread

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozzy.8059


also you cant buy skillpoints or I would

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokkoriChance.5170


Some people talks full of it without ever trying to level a new toon under the new trait system…

With no extra skill points and gold, how is this appealing to new players? Old player hates it new players find it dull and tedious. Badly implemented Anet.

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


You can’t get skillpoints? There are tons on each map and gotten from leveling, even get them from champ bags. Why can’t you get skillpoints?

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saylu.8271


Some people talks full of it without ever trying to level a new toon under the new trait system…

With no extra skill points and gold, how is this appealing to new players? Old player hates it new players find it dull and tedious. Badly implemented Anet.

The problem with the system is the skill points cost. I find it ridiculous, it cost a few hundred skill points of unlock all the traits. Although it isn’t necessary to unlock all trait, I find it distasteful how it is done. Players are compel to do these quest or pay a huge cost to get them.

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokkoriChance.5170


Btw I totally agree with the thread title : New Character = NO FUN!

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Honestly, currently leveling an engineer. I don’t have a problem. And if I need skill points I got 70+ in scrolls collected by my previous characters, which I haven’t touched on this character. Plenty of skill points in the world to visit. And oddly enough I use skill points on skills and there a limit you can use for skills, the rest is currency.

Honestly, you got your cheese moved and now you’re ticked. I understand but the devs want players out in the world they created than running the same set of content every day ad infinitum.

Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky – grind the Queensdale Champ Train!

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


They wanted to make the system similar to GW1, since many felt the game as it was to kitteny and too easy.

They changed the wrong things.

How is it wrong? It is great that you want to discuss but you need to actually expound on what you are talking about.

We may get more skills but not like GW1 (as many of the skills in GW1 were absolute rubbish and were never used). We will not get skills to cap – that is not how this game works. So, beyond those – what else is wrong?

in GW1 you get 5 points from lvl 2, in GW2 it takes 30 levels just to get 1 points and that doesn’t help at all.
also, in GW1 your points actually matter to make your skills more powerful, in GW2 you get bonuses to help you get trough tough places but it doesn’t make any skill more powerful.

i can go on but that’s what they did wrong, IMO the whole trait system is a horrible system and i never liked it in any MMO.
you want the GW1 system back?
remove the trait system and bring back the attribute system.

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozzy.8059


I see nobody reads these days……………….. you keep saying there are plenty of skillpoints in the world and champ bags drop them but the problem is that will take weeks/months to do it is extremely time consuming and not to mention BORING all the people that just go (herp kitten go doosies the championses durr plenties of skillpointies to collecties in the worldie kitten…. ) delete your lvl 80s and start again under the new system please

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozzy.8059


the problem is its forcing people to play a way they do not want to play I HATE WORLD EXPLORATION I HAVE DONE IT ALREADY once you do it once why do it again and again and again and again and again and again getting skillpoints = world exploration,grinding,extreme boredome

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


It’s mindset, really. And don’t get me wrong, I’m going through the same thing myself.

I started a new character to see how that plays differently from my other characters. I want to be able to dive into the differences right away, but because of the new trait point allocation I can’t. Remember, nearly half of the trait points aren’t given out until you’re level 70+.

This makes me feel like I’m playing an incomplete game. The game isn’t incomplete, of course, but when the primary reason (for me) for creating a new character is being able to fiddle with a different set of traits to see what happens, it can be frustrating to have to wait so long to be able to do so.

Recommend starting trait point distribution at level 20, with all trait points given to a character by level 60. Revert enemy stat changes introduced in April.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokkoriChance.5170


Asking a level 30s to get his adept traits unlock in level 40-80 zones is ridiculous. Just imagine when a new player explore the unlock requirement then he got hit with the realization he can’t do most of them, especially the ones suitable for his play style or helps to get through some parts of the game. WTF?

Anet why are you punishing our new toons and the new players?
Why are you forcing us to play certain contents we do not like?
Why are you taking away our freedom to play in whatever style we want to?

(edited by MokkoriChance.5170)

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saylu.8271


Honestly, currently leveling an engineer. I don’t have a problem. And if I need skill points I got 70+ in scrolls collected by my previous characters, which I haven’t touched on this character. Plenty of skill points in the world to visit. And oddly enough I use skill points on skills and there a limit you can use for skills, the rest is currency.

Honestly, you got your cheese moved and now you’re ticked. I understand but the devs want players out in the world they created than running the same set of content every day ad infinitum.

Many of us created our characters before the updates and got most of the traits for free. New players or characters have no choice but to do the quest or pay the cost. The huge advantage in traits rest of us have is what we are talking about. None of my old characters have to do these quest except for the new traits. Old characters compared to the new characters. Grinding for a bunch of traits and being force to do a bunch of quests that you don’t want to doesn’t make the game more fun.

Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
Brain: We are doing something different today – grind the world bosses Train!

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daggos Skelito.2910

Daggos Skelito.2910

I just tired people are trying to blame “China” on the changes they don’t like.

More like blaming Anet for making these horrible changes because of China. Would this terrible new trait system be in place if they never decided to release over there? It has really hurt my playstyle and starting a new character is a painful decision.

This in not how it should be!

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I just tired people are trying to blame “China” on the changes they don’t like. It’s more like since we are going to be launching in China, what do we know now about how players play and knowing that’s the outcome of our design, what would we do different. And after that what changes can be back ported into the NA/EU edition with minimal disruptions.

There are plenty of games in China for them to know that under the old levelling system they would have ate there way threw the game in no time at all, infact even under the new system they did anyway, but alas in regards to your comment about “changes they don’t like” I don’t dislike the change as it “does” not affect me, all my toons where level 80 before the update, sure I had to unlock some of the new GM traits but meh,

Under the new system some players have to go to zones that are 2x there level to unlock a trait, tell me how that is helping a new player learn the game, what do they learn, how to die faster than they can spawn in???

The update was solely designed to slow the pace of new players in the game, and maybe force people out of a zone ( QD champ farm ) the system does need some little tweaks as it is completely unfriendly to newer players.

new character = no fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6840



We already have discussion dedicated to the new trait system here. We’ll therefore close this one in order to avoid duplicates.

Thank you for your understanding.