(edited by Miflett.3472)
only available in gemstore :(
It’s desirable, and essential obviously, that skins be available in-game and they are. It’s also nice to make various sets of skins available through the gemstore. This has been requested on the forums over and over. Players get nice skins and Anet makes a little money. Sounds like winning all around to me.
And what about the people who paid $60 for the game ? Didn’t they support the game for future content as well?
Would Anet drive itself into debt until release, hoping that millions of players would buy the game? I could tell you all about profit:consumer’s price. For example, for every $60 from consumer Anet profits $25. You act like Anet has millions of employees and the whole west coast to take care of. NCsoft get its cut.
I’m pretty sure Anet is in the black for a while because of initial box sales. Those who put lots of money into the gemstore just feeds Anet’s greed.
You mean everyone that have played the game for more than a month?
No, they basically helped repay the cost of making the game in the first place.
ArenaNet had very little money for developing GW2 (GW1 haven’t really generated much income for quite some time as far as we know) and was given money by NCSoft, generated by their other games, to develop and complete it.
No, for every $60 ArenaNet profits $0. ArenaNet does not have millions of employees, but they do have quite a few, and so does NCSoft (who fully own ArenaNet).
I am not.
As soon as Guild Wars 2 stops making money NCSoft can decide to shut it down.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
“I am not.
As soon as Guild Wars 2 stops making money NCSoft can decide to shut it down.”
So why is GW1 still running? Didn’t GW1 stop making profit around the last stages of GW2 development? NCsoft doesn’t fully own Anet. Why would there be an Anet to begin with? NCsoft is a publisher.
“I am not.
As soon as Guild Wars 2 stops making money NCSoft can decide to shut it down.”So why is GW1 still running? Didn’t GW1 stop making profit around the last stages of GW2 development? NCsoft doesn’t fully own Anet. Why would there be an Anet to begin with? NCsoft is a publisher.
GW1 is running on life-support, with all future development shut down. GW1 was/is also tied to GW2.
NCSoft does indeed fully own ArenaNet.
ArenaNet was bought by NCSoft in 2002, three years before they released GW1
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
To be honest.. as long as it is not just temporary in there and there is also (other?) content like it added in the PvE word (also not temporary) then I do not think this is bad.
Way better then the RNG stuff. Then you can buy it with money or els with gold. It will just take you a bid longer.
Now if it is temporary (and / or there are not also skins added in PvE) it is still not as bad as the RNG stuff but still bad. I did read somewhere that you could get some skin drops from the dungeon. not sure how much but then they did add skins to the PvE now the question that remains is if that armor will be permanently in the gem-store or if it is temporary.
I do agree that farming for the thing you like (skin, armor, mini) directly is way more fun than farming for a currency (gold, tokens, laurels. recipe) and then buying it. Farming for the thing you like I consider having fun. Now if there are just a few things that require farming for a currency that would not be a problem but this game is indeed very gold-driver (or currency-driven) but that is yet another problem.
(edited by Devata.6589)
From what I have read, you can only get the Aetherblade Armor from the Gemstore.
My first response is what the hell? Why can’t I earn the armor skins by doing objectives?
Yes, anyone can buy gemstones via in-game gold, but when all skin content has to be obtained by grinding and farming gold it becomes extremely boring and disappointing.
I am really disappointed in Anet’s decision to not challenge the player. I guess that is the logic behind this. Anet is afraid to challenge the players so they put everything on the gem store so anyone can just grind their way or spend cash. I don’t really blame them. If they made content or a challenge there would be players crying on the forums.
There really is no such thing as a challenge anymore in MMOs. Its just a grind.
What you call a grind I call having fun playing the game. See, its in your approach to the game that you see it as a chore rather than a pleasurable way to spend your time.
When you get too hung up on the gold/items/rewards and lose sight of the fun of playing the game you kill it for yourself. But you do that to yourself.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
I actually love that these are in the gemstore.
People who complain about the armors being put in the gem store.. Would you prefer it to be RNG?
I doubt there’s any other viable (economical) solution besides these two.
“ANET needs to make defending in WVW more rewarding!”
I respectfully disagree. This way you pay to get your skin, instead of grinding for hours or spending way more money then you should on stupid RNG boxes.
Personally I am fine with gem armor as long as its not hidden behind rng boxes. If he armor ends up costing say 800 gems you would only have to pay only around 24g, which is still way cheaper than sentinel armor and only slightly higher than crafted boxed armor.
Per the wiki, each set will cost 800 gems.
It’s not locked behind RNG…don’t you dare complain now! As previously stated if they cost 800 gems that’s ~25g, maybe up towards 30g during the rush to get it first. Cultural T3 sets are 119g…If it’s worth it, it’s worth it, otherwise you don’t have to buy it. Simple as that.
As soon as Guild Wars 2 stops making money NCSoft can decide to shut it down.
Even the making of money may not be enough. City of Heroes was evidently still making money when NCSoft turned out to be the long-anticipated ‘Coming Storm’ that destroyed Paragon City forever.
I love that these are available in the Gem Store. Now those who wish to purchase them directly using real money traded for gems can do so, and others who wish to “earn” then by completing enough gameplay to get enough gold to convert to gems can also do so. I only hope they’re here permanently. The only gripe I have with any content at the moment is that it’s limited time only.
I’m glad it’s in the gem store, that’s part of the reason for HAVING a gem store and it has been severely under utilized. One day, they will have new armor skins both from in game means (new dungeons, etc) AND the gem store. But it’s been 10 months, they SHOULD be adding new armor skins to the gem store. They need to make money, armor skins make money, people want to buy armor skins and they also don’t like having to wait a week or two to have a full set for the look due to having to farm dungeons all the time.
be glad it isn’t RNG, and please don’t complain because if there ever was a day where armor/armor skins are RNG because of whiners, I will lose my ….:D
(edited by Shanna.4762)
Oh well, at least it won’t be RNG chest “content” which is a very huge improvement already. I just hope that in addition to skins in gemstore (buyable directly) we will get eventually (and rather sooner, than later) new skins permanently added to the PvE (and not hidden behind insane RNG).
I also hope that these aetherblade armor skins will remain in gemstore even after the event.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Who cares, those armors are extra ugly.
As long as weapons are obtainable in-game, maybe not trough endless grind or frustrating RNG, i’m fine with it.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
800 gems.. 10 bucks or 25 gold. It’s really not that hard to get. Atleast it’s not in RNG boxes. But I guess people just have to have something to complain about.
I personally wish there were MORE armor and weapon skins in the gemstore. MORE ways to customize your character. Isn’t that what the purpose of the gemstore is? Non-P2W items?
(edited by RainbowSyrup.4130)
And you can buy it with in-game gold by converting it to gems
There is no issue here
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
They have to make money somewhere. Theres no monthly subscription and for the content you get I dont care if they put ALL new armor in gem store. its an awesome game with more content than subscription based.
Honestly can’t believe anyone would complain they’re available in the gem store. I want to see more armor in the gem store, not everyone is a dungeon-crawler by any means.
my personal opinion here
I suppose all this can be summed up by a few things.
Define your identity ….by this I mean by peoples way they see the things that matter.
so it is want = need some wish to show friends e.g a shiny new armour/staff ect and this is to satisfy there own identity in game .
So if you see something its want but you may not need *a company will try to move you over to the *need aspect so that you compete with others within a said game.
They then bring in things that people go hey I want this and decide they will grind/buy/ farm ect as you wish to compete to get that shiny hence you are now in the *need * area and will pursue this till complete.
A lot of Marketing has this as there goal so they implement objects that raises peoples
fantasies to seek out for an item ,finding it, and making it there own.
so any company will try to tap into your arousal and weakened defences to get you into the *need and make a purchase or whatever to make your * need a reality .
Myself I am an altholic even in gw1 hence my own need for alts this is the same for other people albeit a different item. so I am in the *need * side
So people talk re the Rng this is to try to move you to the *Need hence the farming to obtain to get the item you desire.
So ask yourself am I a * want? * or are you a need as companies keep adding items ect to get you (hooked) *need * to compete with others you see in game and push yourself to compete with others .
Reality check…Defining our self -worth through comparison with others creates a never-ending cycle of dissatisfaction .When one level of aspiration is achieved the next level of becomes desirable. hence items added regular intervals
There really is no such thing as a challenge anymore in MMOs. Its just a grind.
Anymore? There’s never been a challenge in MMOs beyond who can grind the hardest and longest.
The very best find a way to market accessible content as challenging, since that makes players feel really good.
RNG or Gem store, really the only options for Anet, but at least you can convert gold→ gems but the bad thing is it’s really expensive to do so…
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
Because they want to make money.
The armor is for looks, so really, it’s just a vanity item.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
After reading these 2 pages of comments, I have to say that obviously earning reward by doing objectives/ achievements seems most desirable, but I doubt that will ever be the case for some items. That said, straight up gemstore purchase for me is infinitely better than being gated by RNG RNG and more RNG. Sorry to OP for not happy abt it but I am most thankful for almost anything that isnt RNG..
I wonder why the new dungeon doesn’t have explo tokens for the gear?
One reason I can think of is because this new dungeon is only temporary, like the Flame and Frost dungeon.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
The question is, will these armors stay in the gem shop after the Aetherblade story ends?
Better than RNG, though it would have been nice if these were part of a new dungeon u could get tokens to buy em with….
It’s only ~25 gold. That is easier to get than getting a complete armor with just dungeon tokens.
Good for GW2! Maybe they are finally listening to people about the RNG garbage.
The question is, will these armors stay in the gem shop after the Aetherblade story ends?
Hopefully they will do this one day when they have enough armors they will add some to the store to be bought. Much like the “Rift” store. They have a ton of armors you can choose from.
What’s the other option? Assuming a similar token system to other dungeons, that’s 60 tokens a day and ~1300 tokens for the full set. That’s almost 20 runs of the same dungeon in order to “earn” the set. What happens to people who just aren’t good? Or doesn’t like dungeons? Doesn’t like looking for PUGs?
It being in the gem store is so much better than it being another token grind dungeon.
Why would you replace “Grind for gold to get armor” with “Grind for tokens with armor”?
At least with gold, there are multiple ways of getting it. I’m sure grinding out 15 gold to get the Aetherblade armor is much easier than grinding out more tokens that are capped daily.
Really, you want the new armor? Then run the new dungeon 10 times. With item drops + the 1-gold per run reward, you can own the new armor without spending a dime.
Really, you want the new armor? Then run the new dungeon 10 times. With item drops + the 1-gold per run reward, you can own the new armor without spending a dime.
Or sell some old video games you don’t use anymore on Ebay. Just a suggestion.
I welcome non-RNG armor skins on the gem store. This is something the player-base asked for. I also anticipate new armor skins available through play at some point. Baby steps.
Better than RNG, though it would have been nice if these were part of a new dungeon u could get tokens to buy em with….
Oow no, no tokens please then they should just be drops. But it is fine the way it is as long as it is not temporary and they will also add some skins in the PVE world.