precursor collection is a ripoff

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Thats what we got the new legendaries (needs maguuma map completion) and the legendary backpack for (fractals).

yes, it´s a step in the right direction. However there is only three new legendary weapons so far.

And of course, if their precursor collections will follow the same pattern as those for old precursors, the silverwastes farming till you drop part will still be there.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Thats what we got the new legendaries (needs maguuma map completion) and the legendary backpack for (fractals).

yes, it´s a step in the right direction. However there is only three new legendary weapons so far.

And of course, if their precursor collections will follow the same pattern as those for old precursors, the silverwastes farming till you drop part will still be there.

I highly doubt that silverwastes is more lucrative than farming the jungle atm.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ferdi.1452


I highly doubt that silverwastes is more lucrative than farming the jungle atm.

Really? How do you farm the jungle?

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChrizZcE.5981


Thats what we got the new legendaries (needs maguuma map completion) and the legendary backpack for (fractals).

yes, it´s a step in the right direction. However there is only three new legendary weapons so far.

And of course, if their precursor collections will follow the same pattern as those for old precursors, the silverwastes farming till you drop part will still be there.

I highly doubt that silverwastes is more lucrative than farming the jungle atm.


In the jungle doing events I make roughly 50 silver/hour at most while Silverwastes gives atleast 8g+/hour now after they have nerfed the chests.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Merava Laq.7319

Merava Laq.7319

I find these threads always so funny.

So many people seem to never actually have paid attention to what arenanet promised and just interpreted they communication with their own subjective views.

Everyone who believed precursor crafting would be cheaper than the mystic forge congratulate yourself. You completely missed the point of precursor crafting. Arenanet have always communicated that this was supposed to be an alternativ to:

A.) the huge amount of rng that comes with the mf
B.) having to save up hundreds of gold since the sense of progress is very little (and because a vast majority of players/people have no ability to control themselves and are wasteful spenders the moment gold/money enters their possession)

The one thing precursor crafting does (and what it was designed for), is to break up the process of saving gold into smaller chunks so players can actually work towards a goal and circumvent rng. You are unhappy and not having fun with this process? Options A and B are still open to you (granted not for the new legendarys, but here arenanet are addressing the issue of “every body has one” or “just spend enough gold on the TP” players had been whining about).

tl;dr: Precursor crafting is exactly what arenanet promised it would be. People building up expectations due to adding subjective views and a scary inability to comprehend intent in writen word.

That beeing said, just look at all those people who have the same idea of crafting dawn at the same time. Precursers shouldnt be crafted within a few days. Prices will changes in a couple of weeks ….

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


The point being you don’t have to buy the majority of that stuff if you don’t want, you can gather and craft. So it is exactly either a time sink or a gold sink. The fact is you get options, but they never said it was going to be easy either way. I am terrible at farming for gold so the other option, the Time sink, is actually the better way for me to go.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Yeah, I totally agree with the OP on this one. The Precursor crafting should have a negligible gold cost to it, the challenge should be in the various tasks you have to undertake, and should replace the “spend lots of gold” portion of the Precursor.

If they are going to require such a large gold cost to the project, then the rewards for it should include portions of the cost of making the final Legendary itself. As it stands, it’s way too much work for what you get, and while it might be fun to pursue for the hell of it, it’s certainly not a rewarding quest line. It’d be like if you had to pay 10g to gain access to an event, where even if you cleared it perfectly you’d only get 8g for it.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Thats what we got the new legendaries (needs maguuma map completion) and the legendary backpack for (fractals).

yes, it´s a step in the right direction. However there is only three new legendary weapons so far.

And of course, if their precursor collections will follow the same pattern as those for old precursors, the silverwastes farming till you drop part will still be there.

I highly doubt that silverwastes is more lucrative than farming the jungle atm.


In the jungle doing events I make roughly 50 silver/hour at most while Silverwastes gives atleast 8g+/hour now after they have nerfed the chests.

Maybe you should check the prices of the new mats, that you keep depositing in your material storage to clear out your inventory and sell them before you got a stack of them. Flax fibres and seeds sold for 20-30s over the weekend and there are nodes everywhere, upgrade components that you get from mining sell for 50s+ to a couple of gold. Events dont give too much loot or gold but if you have a gathering booster and decent magic find while killing lots of mobs, you can make loads of gold.

I sold freshwater pearls for over 8g and some account bound mats can be crafted into high demand and profitable items.

And the stuff from the containers you need keys for is also good.

Some new mats drop primarily in fractals, so if you do those, check prices before depositing mats

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

(edited by Wanze.8410)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

The point being you don’t have to buy the majority of that stuff if you don’t want, you can gather and craft. So it is exactly either a time sink or a gold sink.

You can sell what you gather, though (this is good way to make money), so ultimately time and gold are equivalent if you have to farm buyable/sellable items. I wouldn’t mine substituting time for gold, but that’s not what’s happening here. Rather, you’re substituting time and gold for the same amount of gold. It might even be cheaper to buy it off the Trading Post.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


1st volume for Legend requires 35 spiritwood planks and 10 elonian leather sections.
if the second and third requires the same, it is not worth it to craft it like this.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Now for Precursor crafting, At the moment it is cheaper to buy them directly from TP but soon players will see this and know that they actually can sell them at a higher price or the mats to craft them will be lower becouse more players rather sell mats instead of crafting. Becouse it is we the players who decides how much stuff will cost on TP. I am not saying that this will happen, I am not good at stuff like this at all but I can for sure figure out that it needs to take more than four days for the prices to get a “true” value in a “new” game.

In other words, the net result of this change might even be to make it even more difficult to get precursors than ever before. Great.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zypher.7609


Another log on and get for free post. GG op.

The system NEVER promised to give you a precursor it just gives you a non rng way of achieving it. Yes you actually have to do stuff in the game to get this. If you do not like taking your time and working towards the precursor then DON’T. Just go buy it on the AH.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prototypemind.4026


Another log on and get for free post. GG op.

The system NEVER promised to give you a precursor it just gives you a non rng way of achieving it. Yes you actually have to do stuff in the game to get this. If you do not like taking your time and working towards the precursor then DON’T. Just go buy it on the AH.

Why do people keep making posts like this? The point is that Anet said they planned to make Legendary crafting a fun pursuit, not something that not only costs more than just buying what you want, but also takes longer in the end. It’s like you’re intentionally being obtuse about it. Do you think you’re proving something with what you said?

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meridya.9352


OP, the precursor scavenger hunt collection is not supposed to be cheaper than the precursors on the trading post. If it was, the precursors would lose their value and that would damage the economy.

The scavenger hunt collections are intended to provide a means of obtaining a precursor for your legendary over time, so that people don’t have to save up gold over months and months to purchase one from another player. It provides a journey towards a goal, so that crafting your legendary feels more rewarding when you finish it and so that people can feel like they are making daily, visible progress towards finishing it.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I’m almost in the exact same position as you.
I finished step 1 only to realize from step 2 it’s the real rip-off
If you sell all the materials you use on precursor crafting, you’d actually earn MORE GOLD. So it means you not only waste more money, you also waste 20+ hours doing alot of meaningless stuffs you could have spent on making more gold.
(Lab 1 hr = 250~300 bags = 15g . 20 hrs = 300g )
You can actually BUY all the precursors if you choose to grind money rather than wasting time on this gold sink that break the market yet again. (Iron Ore now super expensive thanks to 10k iron ore per precursor sink)

One dev from reddit did point out he made a spread-sheet for each precursor price on TP and base the material cost on the “current TP price”, but they always, ALWAYS FAIL to consider the inflation resulted from excessive material sink (we’re talking about 30k amount worth of materials), as well as the TIME players invested in all the procedure.
It’s like saying basically all the time you spent worth nothing, (Like all the DE you do around the world basically worth nothing most of the time), and inflation does not exist.

They totally lied in the interview.
“You’d eventually craft all your precursors” , a quote from the interview, is a total joke.
The “Preserve Queen Bee concern” for the price back in the interview becomes true all along. Precursor crafting is a rip-off and another source of hidden gold sink that tricked people into wasting more time and money.

EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED as always. I shouldn’t bother waiting for this, and should buy Zap from TP all along, knowing that they break the promise yet again.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Another log on and get for free post. GG op.

The system NEVER promised to give you a precursor it just gives you a non rng way of achieving it. Yes you actually have to do stuff in the game to get this. If you do not like taking your time and working towards the precursor then DON’T. Just go buy it on the AH.

Why do people keep making posts like this? The point is that Anet said they planned to make Legendary crafting a fun pursuit, not something that not only costs more than just buying what you want, but also takes longer in the end. It’s like you’re intentionally being obtuse about it. Do you think you’re proving something with what you said?

Define fun.

Do you think mining 8000 iron ores and 4000 platinum ore, and 12000 mithril ore FUN? That’s basically the biggest money gate on the precursor crafting. All the other steps are basically trivial. The real thing comes yet again from gold alone. If it’s all about gold anyway, why bother crafting, and not just buy on TP?

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ReaverKane.7598


Wow… Reading this, i had no idea…

Again, it seems that the dev team is really disconnected from the actual game in terms of crafting. 100+ ascended materials? For the precursor?
That’s just excessive.

It keeps piling on how they overestimate the ease with which materials are available to players.
Its visible in the Linseed oil recipes, the Glass Mugs, the scribing kits, ascended armor, and now this.

Arena net needs to realise that not everyone has 2000 gold available, and that they TIME GATED their ascended recipes. 100+ days just for the precursor is not ok.
Then again i logged a couple thousand hours of play before i even got my first precursor (which was 1 week before HoT release), so it can be ok. But yeah given the cold hard numbers its way too expensive if you compare both. I’d rather they gave us more “quest-like” stuff to do, regardless of how hard, like beating a world boss 10 times for one of the items, stuff like that, its still time-gated, but better than throwing gold at the TP.

The tough part for me, is to realize that they’ll probably stick to their guns like with the ascended armor, and not change a thing in this, although it’s clearly worse than the previous system. Sure now you can get the precursor you want without actually buying it. But you’re still paying for it, and MORE than you’d have to if you just bought it, and they add the wasted time.

They fooled us all into thinking this would be some sort of epic quest to earn our precursor, it turns out it’s not. Its a festival of crafting stuff to lose, and minor things. I mean you have to craft what is in essence an exotic item with ascended materials, then forced to salvage it for the “spirit” basically negating the several gold worth of materials you invest in it…
I was really looking forward to this, and was planning on crafting myself a few legendaries in the long run, but now i’ll use this only for the new legendaries, and that’s IF i find myself really rich with nothing else to use my resources (unlikely to happen).

Honestly, another disapointment in HoT, another one that could have been avoided if ONLY they’d beta tested it. We could have told them in beta that the recipes would be too expensive for it to be worth it. So in the end, after all this, people will still buy their precursors from the TP, and do it the “old way”.

(edited by ReaverKane.7598)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


In reference to my earlier post about enjoying the journey so far.
Finished 1st and 2nd tier and have to say i feel rather disapointed it’s cost my 47 spritwood planks and a whole load of other mats.
The 3rd tier involves me jumping around the world again, events, fractals, puzzles etc.

My two points are i could have gotten the precursor a whole lot cheaper on the tp, but hey i want to make the journey so i can take that on the chin.
The 3rd tier though events are bugged, not started, even worse the maps are just empty no one doing them.

It’s left a slightly sour taste in my mouth and that is a real shame, could be better i just feel a few tweaks are needed.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


All these tears = money. It is almost 50% more profitable per hr to mine/chop wood than a couple weeks ago. Thanks.

It has been out for what, 10 days? and everybody is rushing, so of course prices are inflated for the mats. What will naturally happen when people decide to grind gold —> buy pre? Demand for bought pre goes up, mats go down. Prices will eventually reflect this and things will even out. I hope they hold the line and don’t cater to the Veruca Salt “I want an Oompa Loompa NOW!” types.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekhmet.6153


Would it really have killed them to make pre-cursor crafting based on getting account or soul bound items from doing specific quests?

Instead of adding insanely high gold sinks into the equation, they could have easily made a few of the “pre-forms” of the pre-cursor entirely craftable by getting exclusive items from completing either certain dungeons, world bosses, quests they make solely for the hunt, jumping puzzles etc. and then the final form, they could add a few gold sinks where at least it wouldn’t be terribly easy to get. And obviously the Legendary weapons would then still also be difficult to craft.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarius.4639


I thought Anet were cooking up an adventure that you’d have to complete to acquire either mats or parts of a precursor, yet we’re just doing the same thing we do in every other part of the game?

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


All these tears = money. It is almost 50% more profitable per hr to mine/chop wood than a couple weeks ago. Thanks.

It has been out for what, 10 days? and everybody is rushing, so of course prices are inflated for the mats. What will naturally happen when people decide to grind gold —> buy pre? Demand for bought pre goes up, mats go down. Prices will eventually reflect this and things will even out. I hope they hold the line and don’t cater to the Veruca Salt “I want an Oompa Loompa NOW!” types.

We’re talking about 30000 of material sink on MULTIPLE PRECURSORS here.
It’s not about new and flashy, but about the HUGE QUANTITY of demand and cost.

The price would only go up in the future.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kraggy.4169


Easiest and fastest way to get a Precursor is to do the following:
Step 1. Go out and find a job making over $20/hour
Step 2. Realize that time is money and just pay Arenanet $100 for 8k gems, it is only 5 hours of your time at work.
Step 3. Convert 8000 gems into roughly 1000g and buy your Precursor off the TP

And there you go, fastest and simplest way to get it, right?

8000 gems = 1000g, what planet are you on?

For the last couple of weeks the price has been around 1800 gems buys you 250g.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dom.2748


The point of the system is to give you an alternative to farming gold to get the precursor. You aren’t supposed to just buy all the items off the TP.

Way to miss the purpose entirely.

And as far as the cost goes, HoT just launched. Everyone is trying out the new system causing the price of things to go up with demand which is why precursor prices are falling because less people are just buying a completed one.

The point of the changes was to give an option of bypassing the trading post and RNG entirely. Anyone who thought this would be easy or a short method was kidding themselves.

It isn’t about it being short or easy, it costs the same as just buying the precursor outright. Its a bunch of extra steps for no reason at all.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


All these tears = money. It is almost 50% more profitable per hr to mine/chop wood than a couple weeks ago. Thanks.

It has been out for what, 10 days? and everybody is rushing, so of course prices are inflated for the mats. What will naturally happen when people decide to grind gold —> buy pre? Demand for bought pre goes up, mats go down. Prices will eventually reflect this and things will even out. I hope they hold the line and don’t cater to the Veruca Salt “I want an Oompa Loompa NOW!” types.

We’re talking about 30000 of material sink on MULTIPLE PRECURSORS here.
It’s not about new and flashy, but about the HUGE QUANTITY of demand and cost.

The price would only go up in the future.

Hint- precursors have always been a material sink.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chimyjoe.6083


Gathering far less stuff through the exact same general play and selling it to make the gold you need to buy a precursor off the TP sounds like a better idea. I don’t see an upside in spending more time and resources.

The idea behind it is to discover the story behind it, if ANET is good at anything, they are good at intricate stories. Imagine all the backstory and characters in the game they needed to link together, NPC’s they needed to add to put more depth of story to the game.

Yes if you just want to buy the legendary weapons then do it and stop complaining, but from what I have seen so far with the 2 precursor collections that I have started, is that there is far more depth to the game than I initially thought. For a while I just thought The Moot was something of a joke weapon, but it turns out its a time honored Norn tradition. I find all of the little random facts your find everywhere about the legendarys pretty cool.

It also makes it feel like you are actually working towards something (at least for me). Rather than just farming for everything for money.

Different thought though: if you are looking to make money, buy the cheap yellow armor runes and mystic forge them. A 12g investment ususally gets me a 12g average profit over the investment. More if you are lucky enough to find more than one Supirior rune of Strengths (15g on averge) . Hoelbrak’s are another good one (at about 6g average). It’s a good way to farm for some gold, but its boring and can kill your wrists after 10 minutes of double clicking.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Gathering far less stuff through the exact same general play and selling it to make the gold you need to buy a precursor off the TP sounds like a better idea. I don’t see an upside in spending more time and resources.

The idea behind it is to discover the story behind it, if ANET is good at anything, they are good at intricate stories. Imagine all the backstory and characters in the game they needed to link together, NPC’s they needed to add to put more depth of story to the game.

Yes if you just want to buy the legendary weapons then do it and stop complaining, but from what I have seen so far with the 2 precursor collections that I have started, is that there is far more depth to the game than I initially thought. For a while I just thought The Moot was something of a joke weapon, but it turns out its a time honored Norn tradition. I find all of the little random facts your find everywhere about the legendarys pretty cool.

It also makes it feel like you are actually working towards something (at least for me). Rather than just farming for everything for money.

Different thought though: if you are looking to make money, buy the cheap yellow armor runes and mystic forge them. A 12g investment ususally gets me a 12g average profit over the investment. More if you are lucky enough to find more than one Supirior rune of Strengths (15g on averge) . Hoelbrak’s are another good one (at about 6g average). It’s a good way to farm for some gold, but its boring and can kill your wrists after 10 minutes of double clicking.

I’m doing Zap precusor, and I’m already at the last part that’s bugged.
I do not find much lore in it at all. All I know is it’s something that’s being charged by numerous sources of energy-type attacks. (Which is in the part 3 collection)

There’s no story other than buying some weird random stuffs out of nowhere.
The part 2 is the worst one, which basically it’s just that weaponsmith bi*** asking you insane amount of materials to “prove your skill”. I don’t see why I need to prove myself by crafting something with 100% success rate…

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


One of the biggest issues with precursor crafting is starting to overshadow the obscene gold sink, and that is the fact that very few of the precursors can actually be crafted right now. Most of them are completely stalled due to bugs. Some of which have been in the game since long before the expansion. One in particular is an event chain that stalls, and has been known to stall for over a year (Quaggan Games in Frostgorge Sound).

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Chaos Gun is 400g on TP and its crafting method requires entry into 5-6 different fractal bosses. In this new fractal island system it was high impossible to get a group that didn’t break up after a single fractal or daily. Then it was back to square one didn’t see why such a personnel journey required such a great deal of group work or farming modes I have literraly no interest in. Coupled with the costs I just bought the thing on the TP since its dropped over 100g since crafting was announced. Top prices will no doubt skyrocket when more people learn the journey costs are either higher or comparable with added grinding.

Because almost no one wants to have Quip. It’s always been one of the ugliest and most underwhelming legendaries out there according to a lot of players, and now that there is a way cooler pistol legendary, yeah, no one is going to bother with Quip, I’m guessing. I expect the price of the Chaos Gun to keep dropping.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shogun.7401


Anyone made HOPE yet?

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Anyone made HOPE yet?

It’s not out yet..

Imagine the market material price get sky-rocketed when it actually releases..

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Gathering far less stuff through the exact same general play and selling it to make the gold you need to buy a precursor off the TP sounds like a better idea. I don’t see an upside in spending more time and resources.

The idea behind it is to discover the story behind it, if ANET is good at anything, they are good at intricate stories. Imagine all the backstory and characters in the game they needed to link together, NPC’s they needed to add to put more depth of story to the game.

You’re joking, right? There is no story behind gathering what you need to make 100 deldrimor ingots, just tedium. Just like completing the first tier collection, during which I spent more time waiting for the events that I needed to do to kick off than actually doing them. Waiting for 30 minutes to do a 25 second event. Such an amazing story experience.

Yes if you just want to buy the legendary weapons then do it and stop complaining, but from what I have seen so far with the 2 precursor collections that I have started, is that there is far more depth to the game than I initially thought. For a while I just thought The Moot was something of a joke weapon, but it turns out its a time honored Norn tradition. I find all of the little random facts your find everywhere about the legendarys pretty cool.

Maybe you should pay more attention to the game. I learned nothing I hadn’t already seen or done a dozen times before. Doing a few slices of stale three-year-old content yet again, it was no great source of entertainment. Especially the many, many minutes I spent just waiting for the events to start.

It also makes it feel like you are actually working towards something (at least for me). Rather than just farming for everything for money.

Well, have fun actually “working” for your thousands upon thousands of raw materials.

Different thought though: if you are looking to make money, buy the cheap yellow armor runes and mystic forge them. A 12g investment ususally gets me a 12g average profit over the investment. More if you are lucky enough to find more than one Supirior rune of Strengths (15g on averge) . Hoelbrak’s are another good one (at about 6g average). It’s a good way to farm for some gold, but its boring and can kill your wrists after 10 minutes of double clicking.

I don’t need to make gold. I have gold.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective: Legendary Weapons are prestige items, nothing more. Everyone does realize this, right?

They look cool, but ascended gear is equally good. They are in the game as an added endgame goal for the people who have already done everything else and have nothing better to do.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter. No one is making you craft a precursor. There is no game content that is locked behind having a precursor or legendary. In the end, the only benefit you get is a skin and the ability to switch weapon stats outside of combat(which is a trivial benefit).

If you find it so unreasonably tough to make a Precursor, just don’t do it. Ask yourself this: Are there better things to do with my time/effort/gold than make a Precursor? If the answer is Yes, then go do them instead of complaining. If the answer is No, then why complain at all?

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective:

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter.

Actually, every single thread about precursor crafting for the last 2 weeks has had multiple posters saying this exact same thing, so likely, everyone has already seen this comment before.

I do think the fact that so many of a precursors’ collection items involves RNG is a real problem, though. Since, you know, this was supposed to be a non-RNG way to get one.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop…

Except that is exactly what is so infested into the precursor crafting system. RNG is again blocking people from completing their quests. I’ve been killing risen in Orr over the past few days, doing events, killing all levels of mobs, and have yet to get a black pearl. Others are doing the fight against Shatterer in hopes that they will randomly be chosen to be crystallized in order to get a token that way. Others still are waiting for RNGesus to bless them with whatever token they are on.

And that doesn’t even include the issues people are having with bugs and broken events.

At this point, I half expect to get The Lover as a drop before I get to actually craft it.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


If they cost less than the TP price of precursors it would crash the TP pre economy and have a knock on effect on the rest of the economy. Anet specifically said they didnt want to do this.

Pre crafting’s purpose was ONLY to give a non RNG method, and a non grindy method of gaining precursors. All of the gold skin components dont need to be grinded and can be got just by playing maps.

Idk why people cant seem to understand this.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


If they cost less than the TP price of precursors it would crash the TP pre economy and have a knock on effect on the rest of the economy.

Untrue. That would happen only if it was a cheap easy, and fast option. Nobody (well, almost nobody) expected precursor crafting to be fast or easy. I doubt anyone asking for that system expected it to be also extremely costly on top of requiring a lot of time and effort.

Of the old systems, drops were cheap, not requiring much of dedicated effort, but also lengthy and unreliable. MF was faster, but required a bit more effort, was more costly and still unreliable (though to a lesser degree). TP was fast, reliable but costly.

The precursor crafting is long, requires a lot of dedicated effort, it’s prohibitively costly, and on top of that it’s also not very reliable. And thus there’s no point of actually picking it over any other option.

Pre crafting’s purpose was ONLY to give a non RNG method, and a non grindy method of gaining precursors.

Funny thing, it’s both RNG and grindy.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter.

That’s not the whole story however, as you well know already. After all, buying precursor from TP would have been a sufficient option, if it was only about that.

The idea of precursor crafting was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, while at the same time providing a different option than gold farming. Instead, we got something that combined the worst parts of the TP approach with the unreliability of the drop/forge option.

Basically, the new system was made by combining the worst parts of the old, already available ones. Those very parts that people wanted to avoid.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective: Legendary Weapons are prestige items, nothing more. Everyone does realize this, right?

They look cool, but ascended gear is equally good. They are in the game as an added endgame goal for the people who have already done everything else and have nothing better to do.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter. No one is making you craft a precursor. There is no game content that is locked behind having a precursor or legendary. In the end, the only benefit you get is a skin and the ability to switch weapon stats outside of combat(which is a trivial benefit).

If you find it so unreasonably tough to make a Precursor, just don’t do it. Ask yourself this: Are there better things to do with my time/effort/gold than make a Precursor? If the answer is Yes, then go do them instead of complaining. If the answer is No, then why complain at all?

I’m really tired about the ignorence of many people in this forum.

I’d use an example so people can stop repeating these same non-sense over and over again.

Dawn Price: 700g on TP

Deldrimor Steel Ingot x 100 price: 1050g
Additional material cost: At least 250g.
1050+250g = 1300g.

Let’s assume you love collecting your own materials, so you’re going to get all the material yourself, that market price doesn’t matter to you.

Now you have 2 options:

1st options:
Collect 10000 iron ores.
Collect 4000 platinum ores.
Collect 10000 mithril ores. (Yes, you need this many because there’s another mithril sink in other part of collection)
Use the above mats to make 100 Deldrimor Steel Ingots
Collect Orichalcum ores.
Collect Karka Shell
Collect Passion flowers
Do WvW for 10 hrs
Do PVP for 10 hrs
Do Silver Waste for 5 hrs
Do fractals for 5 hrs.
Do Dry top for 5 hrs
Run all over the world.
Hunt mobs around the world.
Wait for bugged event to finally come up
Wait for bug fix that prevent progress.

2nd options:
Collect 6300 iron ores
Collect 2800 platinum ores.
Collect 7000 mithril ores.
Make 70 Deldrimor Steel ingots.
BUY Dawn on TP for 700g

So even assuming you collect everything yourself, it’s still much faster/ easier to buy the precursor off TP.

People really need to get smarter…

(edited by Aomine.5012)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Citronvand.2837


So even assuming you collect everything yourself, it’s still much faster/ easier to buy the precursor off TP.

People really need to get smarter…

Exactly. People also need to remember that time is money. It really is. Look for instance at Grow Lamp on the trading post, currently its ingredients cost about 4,5 gold. But it sells for 29 gold. Why? Well, because it takes 10 days to make one! If it didn’t take 10 days to make one the supply would be much higher and thus it would be cheaper. Remember though that it takes no effort to make one, only time. If you would add effort as well the price would be even higher.

Currently, making a precursor already takes time and effort. There is no reason to add gold in the form of stuff you can buy/sell on the TP into the equation. Especially when said stuff can be sold for so much that you can buy the precursor for the money and still have money left.

No, here’s what I would like:

Option 1: Make a precursor – Time & Effort (NO items req that can be sold/bought on TP)
Option 2: Buy a precursor – Gold

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

If they cost less than the TP price of precursors it would crash the TP pre economy and have a knock on effect on the rest of the economy. Anet specifically said they didnt want to do this.

Pre crafting’s purpose was ONLY to give a non RNG method, and a non grindy method of gaining precursors. All of the gold skin components dont need to be grinded and can be got just by playing maps.

Idk why people cant seem to understand this.

People understand Anet’s protectionism of their virtual economy just fine, they just don’t agree with it. Those aren’t the same thing.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


If they cost less than the TP price of precursors it would crash the TP pre economy and have a knock on effect on the rest of the economy. Anet specifically said they didnt want to do this.

Pre crafting’s purpose was ONLY to give a non RNG method, and a non grindy method of gaining precursors. All of the gold skin components dont need to be grinded and can be got just by playing maps.

Idk why people cant seem to understand this.

People understand Anet’s protectionism of their virtual economy just fine, they just don’t agree with it. Those aren’t the same thing.


Anet seem to only care about price level not dropping, but they don’t seem to care about price level continue to rise, because it’d directly increase the incentive of people buying gem with real money and trade it for in-game gold.

They don’t hesitate about INCREASINGING the material quantity in crafting (leather need 4 to craft now), as well as adding excessive ore/wood sink that inflate the price hugely.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Capa.7684


I think people understand that time is money. When a precursor hunt need you to run 2hours in a cycle a player can think that the Precursor cost lesser gold because he spent 2hours of his time. Anets weird idea of Fun is that 2h running cycles cost you nothing.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective: Legendary Weapons are prestige items, nothing more. Everyone does realize this, right?

They look cool, but ascended gear is equally good. They are in the game as an added endgame goal for the people who have already done everything else and have nothing better to do.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter. No one is making you craft a precursor. There is no game content that is locked behind having a precursor or legendary. In the end, the only benefit you get is a skin and the ability to switch weapon stats outside of combat(which is a trivial benefit).

If you find it so unreasonably tough to make a Precursor, just don’t do it. Ask yourself this: Are there better things to do with my time/effort/gold than make a Precursor? If the answer is Yes, then go do them instead of complaining. If the answer is No, then why complain at all?

I’m really tired about the ignorence of many people in this forum.

I’d use an example so people can stop repeating these same non-sense over and over again.

Dawn Price: 700g on TP

Deldrimor Steel Ingot x 100 price: 1050g
Additional material cost: At least 250g.
1050+250g = 1300g.

Let’s assume you love collecting your own materials, so you’re going to get all the material yourself, that market price doesn’t matter to you.

Now you have 2 options:

1st options:
Collect 10000 iron ores.
Collect 4000 platinum ores.
Collect 10000 mithril ores. (Yes, you need this many because there’s another mithril sink in other part of collection)
Use the above mats to make 100 Deldrimor Steel Ingots
Collect Orichalcum ores.
Collect Karka Shell
Collect Passion flowers
Do WvW for 10 hrs
Do PVP for 10 hrs
Do Silver Waste for 5 hrs
Do fractals for 5 hrs.
Do Dry top for 5 hrs
Run all over the world.
Hunt mobs around the world.
Wait for bugged event to finally come up
Wait for bug fix that prevent progress.

2nd options:
Collect 6300 iron ores
Collect 2800 platinum ores.
Collect 7000 mithril ores.
Make 70 Deldrimor Steel ingots.
BUY Dawn on TP for 700g

So even assuming you collect everything yourself, it’s still much faster/ easier to buy the precursor off TP.

People really need to get smarter…

You asking people to get smarter is very funny actually.

First, as was mentioned, precursor crafting was NEVER ment to be cheaper than the previous methods – FACT. Collin specifically states so in an interview.

Second, precursor crafting is supposed to provide players with the possibility of small increments and steps towards their gold besides watching their gold number increase. The current system accomplishes this, even if stifled with bugs.

Third, the current economic coaster ride that is the TP inflates and deflates certain item prices. Your assumption that prices for precursor crafting will rise base only on crafting is, well let’s say not realistic. Precursor crafting is new and shiny, people are rushing steps as much as they can → prices spike.

Finally, precursor crafting was ment to be a hunt which leads you around the world of tyria. Now not everythig is fun to every one. The current system, and the objectives needed for each precursor are fitting it’s theme (if you bought all the Step 1 precursor books and looked through all the steps, you’d notice that).

Your main argument is only:

- it’s not fun
- it costs way more

both complaints are either subjective or were never intended to get solved. So please, would you kindely refrain from asking others to “get smarter” when you yourself don’t even grasp the situation.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


I’d like to see a time frame…

It takes “this” long to grind gold to buy it.
It takes “this” long to be out in the world getting the various components.

It’s funny how people keep mentioning the “money” aspect, but are forgetting how long it takes to grind the money.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jayllyfish.3489


So wait, it’s hard to farm mats for one of the best weapons in it’s slot and very expensive if you want to circumvent the farm? What a scam! /eyeroll

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So wait, it’s hard to farm mats for one of the best weapons in it’s slot and very expensive if you want to circumvent the farm? What a scam! /eyeroll

No, quite the opposite. It’s both cheaper and easier to circumvent the farm (go straight to tp).

I’d like to see a time frame…

It takes “this” long to grind gold to buy it.
It takes “this” long to be out in the world getting the various components.

It’s funny how people keep mentioning the “money” aspect, but are forgetting how long it takes to grind the money.

You already have a timeframe, look at Aomine’s post. If you read it you’d have noticed that you can either:
1. grind mats, and do all the other side quests
2. grind 70% of the mats from the point 1, sell them on tp.

That means that even if we ignore the time on sidequest (or that there are other, more efficient ways of farming gold than farming mats directly), the gold way will take at most 70% of the time compared to the craft way. If we include sidequests, the gold way becomes even more advantageous.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective: Legendary Weapons are prestige items, nothing more. Everyone does realize this, right?

They look cool, but ascended gear is equally good. They are in the game as an added endgame goal for the people who have already done everything else and have nothing better to do.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter. No one is making you craft a precursor. There is no game content that is locked behind having a precursor or legendary. In the end, the only benefit you get is a skin and the ability to switch weapon stats outside of combat(which is a trivial benefit).

If you find it so unreasonably tough to make a Precursor, just don’t do it. Ask yourself this: Are there better things to do with my time/effort/gold than make a Precursor? If the answer is Yes, then go do them instead of complaining. If the answer is No, then why complain at all?

I’m really tired about the ignorence of many people in this forum.

I’d use an example so people can stop repeating these same non-sense over and over again.

Dawn Price: 700g on TP

Deldrimor Steel Ingot x 100 price: 1050g
Additional material cost: At least 250g.
1050+250g = 1300g.

Let’s assume you love collecting your own materials, so you’re going to get all the material yourself, that market price doesn’t matter to you.

Now you have 2 options:

1st options:
Collect 10000 iron ores.
Collect 4000 platinum ores.
Collect 10000 mithril ores. (Yes, you need this many because there’s another mithril sink in other part of collection)
Use the above mats to make 100 Deldrimor Steel Ingots
Collect Orichalcum ores.
Collect Karka Shell
Collect Passion flowers
Do WvW for 10 hrs
Do PVP for 10 hrs
Do Silver Waste for 5 hrs
Do fractals for 5 hrs.
Do Dry top for 5 hrs
Run all over the world.
Hunt mobs around the world.
Wait for bugged event to finally come up
Wait for bug fix that prevent progress.

2nd options:
Collect 6300 iron ores
Collect 2800 platinum ores.
Collect 7000 mithril ores.
Make 70 Deldrimor Steel ingots.
BUY Dawn on TP for 700g

So even assuming you collect everything yourself, it’s still much faster/ easier to buy the precursor off TP.

People really need to get smarter…

You asking people to get smarter is very funny actually.

First, as was mentioned, precursor crafting was NEVER ment to be cheaper than the previous methods – FACT. Collin specifically states so in an interview.

Second, precursor crafting is supposed to provide players with the possibility of small increments and steps towards their gold besides watching their gold number increase. The current system accomplishes this, even if stifled with bugs.

Third, the current economic coaster ride that is the TP inflates and deflates certain item prices. Your assumption that prices for precursor crafting will rise base only on crafting is, well let’s say not realistic. Precursor crafting is new and shiny, people are rushing steps as much as they can -> prices spike.

Finally, precursor crafting was ment to be a hunt which leads you around the world of tyria. Now not everythig is fun to every one. The current system, and the objectives needed for each precursor are fitting it’s theme (if you bought all the Step 1 precursor books and looked through all the steps, you’d notice that).

Your main argument is only:

- it’s not fun
- it costs way more

both complaints are either subjective or were never intended to get solved. So please, would you kindely refrain from asking others to “get smarter” when you yourself don’t even grasp the situation.

Do you even read my post?

Is it really that hard to understand?

My point is you can GRIND ORES regardless of which method you choose, but one of them only requires 70% of ores to reach the TP price that you can straight out buy it from TP and save 30+ hrs of doing the whole process, and save the additional potential cost of 600g.

So you grind LESS if you buy it on TP.

The process of the grinding ores part is EXACTLY THE SAME between two method, just one method waste the material on crafting precursor, and another method utilize the material by selling them straight away and get gold to buy Precursors.
Either methods gain the potential revenue from this grinding ore method, but one of them spend way less ores and all the other materials.

Is it really that hard to understand?

I’m only viewing this in an rational, economic point of view. It has nothing to do with whether you enjoy the process or not. Both methods are boring, but the method of buying on TP endure the borden way shorter.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

So wait, it’s hard to farm mats for one of the best weapons in it’s slot and very expensive if you want to circumvent the farm? What a scam! /eyeroll

Precursors are just ordinary exotic weapons, aside from their use in mystic forge recipes.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qazwersder.3574


So everyone just grinds 70% of the materials and buys off the tp. Then what happens to the precursor price with the increased demand?

And what happens to the ascended material price with the decreased demand?

This is simplifying the price dynamics, been that precursor prices are linked to a number of other markets, not just supply/demand. The reason you are seeing such a difference between crafting cost and tp cost is because the market is unsettled. Give it a few months and the ‘problem’ will go away.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

So everyone just grinds 70% of the materials and buys off the tp. Then what happens to the precursor price with the increased demand?

When no one does the precursor “hunt”, things will stay as they were. Grinding for money and buying a precursor off the TP has been the norm for ages, why would it falter now?