spoiling star wars in map chat
Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me
Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.
Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.
Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.
Another kitten hat for the ignore list.
I feel deeply offended by your choice of words towards me. I’m glad the word you used was censored, because this is a aggressive behavior against myself and therefore the rules. I reported you and hope to see your posts removed because if not, ANet’s ruling of harassment seems different from what the general view of that topic is.
(edited by I Deschain I.4623)
Would that categorize pranks as well as form of sadism?
I would say that pranks motivated by a desire to be hurtful are absolutely a form of sadism. The same principle is at work here — Support will almost certainly be reviewing incidents to determine INTENT.
There’s an element of naked callousness at work. This isn’t an interaction with a person you know which opens up the possibility of good natured poking between friends — this is being sprung on complete strangers with no other goal than to be hurtful.
Since it’s so black and white issue I can almost see no difference between deriving pleasure from torturing people and throwing a water filled balloon…
Then I hope you develop the social skills to tell the difference. You’ll probably need them at some point. Because in the real world there are places where pitching a water balloon with be considered fun and others where it’ll get you fired (or worse). Likely with even less opportunity for appeal than here.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Gaile is simply saying you can report abusive behavior, and ruining other people’s fun is abusive.
But where do we draw the line then? That’s the problem with this supposed policy. It cannot be enforced at this moment because there are no rules against it. Sure, people can quote the User Agreement, but what sort of “laws” are going to be written down? Gaile has responded, so this issue is now something that ANet has to spend time and resources looking into.
But here’s the thing that bothers me so much… why is this issue getting more attention than worse problems in the game?
In Orr, players are constantly begging for temple events to fail (because it is required for certain achievements), yet other players will complete the event despite their pleas in map chat. Their progress has just been barred by another player, yet this is not a report-able offense. Perhaps just poor game design… Regardless, is this abusive? Is this ban-able? Someone just had their fun ruined, so why not?
When running dungeons, players will discriminate, ridicule and kick others for not having the preferred gear. Or in even worse cases, people leading the dungeons have been kicked by other members of their group at the very end, so that their friends could finish the dungeon with them and reap the rewards. From my observations, players guilty of the latter issue do not get banned, despite the blatant grief it causes towards others. Is this abusive? Is this ban-able? Someone just had their fun ruined, so why not?
During the horrendous WvW Golem Rush event, players were purposely exploiting the bugs to one-shot-kill other players. This was clearly an exploit of the game, and legitimate players had to suffer the consequences. They were either forced to deal with it, or take a break until the event was over. Nothing was done on the devs side to solve this issue. It was swept under the rug after the event concluded. Was this abusive? Was this ban-able? Someone just had their fun ruined, so why not?
This game promotes so much “fun ruining” by design and yet these are not ban-able offenses despite the numerous complaints over the years. The inaction and silence of the devs seems to suggest that this sort of behavior is acceptable. Why is example one not considered griefing? Why does example two go unpunished despite how common it is? Why did example three not get any attention from the devs, despite causing problems for a sizable portion of the playerbase?
So again, my question is: Why does this topic get special snowflake status when there are far worse issues for the devs to be looking into within their very own game?
(Note: This isn’t an attack towards you Pandaman. Merely what you said got me thinking about how we define the boundaries between other people’s fun, and why spoiling movies is getting more attention from the devs than other rampant in-game problems that are a result of their own design.)
Because not only are we dealing with in-game problems, now add all of the trolls that decided the holiday weekend was a good place to make it even more miserable.
and now some have taken to sending in game e-mails with spoilers.
Just ban all the the people who are spam spoiling until wintersday activities are over with an additional 2 weeks on top.
well if they are doing that then report them and then block them and move on and have a good day
Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me
Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.
Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.
Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.
Another kitten hat for the ignore list.
I feel deeply offended by your choice of words towards me. I’m glad the word you used was censored, because this is already a behavior against myself and therefore the rules. I reported you and hope to see your posts removed because if not, ANet’s ruling of harassing seems different from what the general view of that topic is.
Hey, just calling a spade a spade. Sorry I ruffled your troll feathers.
6 pages and I can’t even justify this thread with more popcorn.
*runs off to see who’s panties are in a bunch over Trump’s latest drivel
not mine and sets down a big bag of pop corn with a soda goes ruining back to the woods :P
This is ridiculous. If Anet starts banning people for this I’m out.
Spoilers for movies is not against the EULA/ToS.
If you can’t handle the internet, unplug your network cable.
Bunch of crybabies with first-world problems.
you should re read the EULA/ToS. and Ms.Greys posts a few pages back on this topic and matter at hand
Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me
Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.
Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.
Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.
Another kitten hat for the ignore list.
I feel deeply offended by your choice of words towards me. I’m glad the word you used was censored, because this is already a behavior against myself and therefore the rules. I reported you and hope to see your posts removed because if not, ANet’s ruling of harassing seems different from what the general view of that topic is.
Hey, just calling a spade a spade. Sorry I ruffled your troll feathers.
Further I don’t see any regret in your choice of words. What have I done to you? I was only pointing out that Rosebud was his sled in the movie Citizen Kane.
Trolling is trolling- it doesn’t matter what the subject of the trolling is.
If somebody is discussing anything with the intention of upsetting or annoying people, it should be looked at by the moderation team/CS.
Trolls are using Star Wars spoilers as the subject matter as it can quite easily upset a large number of people in one go.
Usually “en-masse” trolls use distasteful or controversial topics to get attention or upset (e.g. racism/sexism/homophobia). I guess this is different because the subject matter would usually be allowed, but the intention behind it that causes problems.
This means that CS will likely be very choosy about who to punish for such things. There has to be very clear evidence that the “trolls” are indeed spoiling for kicks rather than discussing. For example, somebody spamming spoilers in map chat, changing to other popular maps and repeating is more likely to get an infraction than somebody mentioning a spoiler when discussing the topic jovially.
Tl;dr: It’s about the intent, not the content. It doesn’t matter if it’s spoilers or an inflammatory joke. The results can be the same.
very true
Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me
Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.
Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.
Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.
Another kitten hat for the ignore list.
Reported for threating behavior!!
Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me
Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.
Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.
Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.
Another kitten hat for the ignore list.
I feel deeply offended by your choice of words towards me. I’m glad the word you used was censored, because this is already a behavior against myself and therefore the rules. I reported you and hope to see your posts removed because if not, ANet’s ruling of harassing seems different from what the general view of that topic is.
Hey, just calling a spade a spade. Sorry I ruffled your troll feathers.
Further I don’t see any regret in your choice of words. What have I done to you? I was only pointing out that Rosebud was his sled in the movie Citizen Kane.
Classic Troll
Everyone’s opinion has value.
I simply believe that our rules against harassment encompass this sort of situation, where there’s no legitimate reason to shout spoilers in game and that the only motivation would seem to be a desire to cause distress to others. That would seems to make such activities reportable offenses that our CS agents will analyze and react to, as appropriate. (And let’s be clear, this was not a conversation, this was merely one person trying his/her best to spoil the movie for as many players a possible. Some sort of warped sense of power, perhaps? Who knows??)
As we have always said, players are welcome to report questionable chat or comments about which they have concerns. And as Elden Arnaas mentioned, each situation will be reviewed and acted upon, or not, after an analysis by the team.
As to timing, with theatres sold out for days and day, even those with a heavy devotion to the film series may simply not have been able to see it yet. What’s a good shelf date for “No spoilers, please?” (And remember, I’m talking only the very current spoiler, not the ending of Anna Karenina.
) I’m willing to ask CS, and I’d like to have opinions here. Maybe one week? Two weeks? What do you think?
I don’t think any time period because I think it’s silly to try and have a policy against spoilers for a movie, book, or show on the basis that it might cause distress to someone. I think that if someone is going to be so traumatized by knowing what will happen that their day is truly ruined, then they should take appropriate precautions, such as turning off chats or not getting on the internet or talking to people.
Now, if someone is obviously and intentionally spamming, harassing, or griefing, then that falls under the ToS and why should there be a time limit on that?
Edited because I can’t grammar before coffee.
Would that categorize pranks as well as form of sadism?
I would say that pranks motivated by a desire to be hurtful are absolutely a form of sadism. The same principle is at work here — Support will almost certainly be reviewing incidents to determine INTENT.
There’s an element of naked callousness at work. This isn’t an interaction with a person you know which opens up the possibility of good natured poking between friends — this is being sprung on complete strangers with no other goal than to be hurtful.
Since it’s so black and white issue I can almost see no difference between deriving pleasure from torturing people and throwing a water filled balloon…
Then I hope you develop the social skills to tell the difference. You’ll probably need them at some point. Because in the real world there are places where pitching a water balloon with be considered fun and others where it’ll get you fired (or worse). Likely with even less opportunity for appeal than here.
You understand that he said that it’s you who is viewing it black and white?
And I agree with him, you don’t really see this on a larger scale, even tho one could think you are saying smart things cuz you actually have some English skills so you choose to use a bit more complex words and sentences to make your arguments seem stronger – which they really aren’t, they are very subjective.
You use too strong words, words that don’t have place in this debate. Sadism, really?
If I poke you, will you tell them I attacked you? Be carefull with words you are choosing and think about real arguments. This ones arent really useable because they are on much greater scale which this topic isnt.
re: series known as “Tripe by J J Abrams – Considering how horribly JJ Abrams butchred Star Trek, I must admit I’m concerned. I would actually like certain spoilers. But if I want spoilers, I can choose to seek them out, in the proper places. I don’t want them barfed into map chat for everyone to see by some jerk, for the purposes of griefing.
Would that categorize pranks as well as form of sadism?
I would say that pranks motivated by a desire to be hurtful are absolutely a form of sadism. The same principle is at work here — Support will almost certainly be reviewing incidents to determine INTENT.
There’s an element of naked callousness at work. This isn’t an interaction with a person you know which opens up the possibility of good natured poking between friends — this is being sprung on complete strangers with no other goal than to be hurtful.
Since it’s so black and white issue I can almost see no difference between deriving pleasure from torturing people and throwing a water filled balloon…
Then I hope you develop the social skills to tell the difference. You’ll probably need them at some point. Because in the real world there are places where pitching a water balloon with be considered fun and others where it’ll get you fired (or worse). Likely with even less opportunity for appeal than here.
Yeah, you have to love those that don’t understand that throwing out an over the top comment doesn’t always make it true or related to something else. It’s like using the internet kitten phenomenon in a discussion. Pretty much the moment you use it (in most scenarios), you show that you are over generalizing and hyperbolizing what is being said.
This is ridiculous. If Anet starts banning people for this I’m out.
Spoilers for movies is not against the EULA/ToS.
If you can’t handle the internet, unplug your network cable.
Bunch of crybabies with first-world problems.
^This. 100%.
Mag is the No.1 killer of WvW. -Exciton.8942
What does not kill me, makes me stronger. -Nietzsche
This is ridiculous. If Anet starts banning people for this I’m out.
Spoilers for movies is not against the EULA/ToS.
If you can’t handle the internet, unplug your network cable.
Bunch of crybabies with first-world problems.
^This. 100%.
The caveat being this is mostly true for good media, so Star Wars might not follow this trend.
Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me
Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.
Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.
Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.
Another kitten hat for the ignore list.
I feel deeply offended by your choice of words towards me. I’m glad the word you used was censored, because this is already a behavior against myself and therefore the rules. I reported you and hope to see your posts removed because if not, ANet’s ruling of harassing seems different from what the general view of that topic is.
Hey, just calling a spade a spade. Sorry I ruffled your troll feathers.
Further I don’t see any regret in your choice of words. What have I done to you? I was only pointing out that Rosebud was his sled in the movie Citizen Kane.
Classic Troll
Obviously you didn’t see my posts, and my talent was thusly ignored
Would that categorize pranks as well as form of sadism?
I would say that pranks motivated by a desire to be hurtful are absolutely a form of sadism. The same principle is at work here — Support will almost certainly be reviewing incidents to determine INTENT.
There’s an element of naked callousness at work. This isn’t an interaction with a person you know which opens up the possibility of good natured poking between friends — this is being sprung on complete strangers with no other goal than to be hurtful.
Since it’s so black and white issue I can almost see no difference between deriving pleasure from torturing people and throwing a water filled balloon…
Then I hope you develop the social skills to tell the difference. You’ll probably need them at some point. Because in the real world there are places where pitching a water balloon with be considered fun and others where it’ll get you fired (or worse). Likely with even less opportunity for appeal than here.
Is this ‘the’ Nike from DnT? If so, it’s ironic that you’re taking the high horse at all. Especially considering you trolled thousands of players shortly after Raids launched, got kicked from Raid Testing, and then preceded to remove tweets/posts that people got offended by, leaving only the positive ones in hopes to mitigate the damage already done.
If not, my bad. Just think it’s funny.
Forgot to add. I cannot believe this thread is even being considered by ANET. Laughable. So much politically correct BS these days. Lol.
Mag is the No.1 killer of WvW. -Exciton.8942
What does not kill me, makes me stronger. -Nietzsche
You understand that he said that it’s you who is viewing it black and white?
Really? My being in agreement that it should be turned over for review by the agents of the owners of the spaces is black and white? I haven’t called for hard and fast rules. I haven’t said ban-or-bust. I’ve done nothing but promote a context-sensitive review knowing full well that deliberately worsening another player’s experience in game will earn that offender something from a whole range of possible punishments.
And I agree with him, you don’t really see this on a larger scale, even tho one could think you are saying smart things cuz you actually have some English skills so you choose to use a bit more complex words and sentences to make your arguments seem stronger – which they really aren’t, they are very subjective.
Sorry, I’ll try to be less persuasive next time.
No, wait. I won’t.
You use too strong words, words that don’t have place in this debate. Sadism, really?
Yes. Really. Were talking about people using the tools available to them to hurt complete strangers for no other reason than to hurt them. That’s SADISM. And if it nets them getting whacked on the nose with a rolled up newpaper, good.
If I poke you, will you tell them I attacked you? Be carefull with words you are choosing and think about real arguments.
If you poke me, I might very well report it. That decision is mine to make, and you should factor it into your thinking before you poke me.
This ones arent really useable because they are on much greater scale which this topic isn’t.
And once again, the people giving offense aren’t the ones who get to make that call if it’s ok. You’d be surprise how slight a contact it takes to merit the term “assault”. You have no right to poke me and IF I take offense, the larger agency of enforcement WILL get involved with real lasting consequences. Here that agency is ANet’s Support team.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Wow. I don’t like spoilers either but I don’t see any particular reason that BY ITSELF ALONE it would be something to report in a game. Can anyone please point out for me the relevant text in the game’s license that forbids it?
You will not exploit any bug in Guild Wars 2 and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits) either directly or through public posting, to any other user of Guild Wars 2.
GW2’s lack of an automated spoiler-warning censor bar over any content with the trigger words, “Star Wars,” “Force Awakens,” “Han Solo,” “Kylo Ren,” “Space battle,” “Chewbacca on harpsichord,” or “Luke Skywalker’s missing pants,” is an exploitable bug which players are abusing in mapchat.
This has nothing to do with spoilers.
Forgot to add. I cannot believe this thread is even being considered by ANET. Laughable. So much politically correct BS these days. Lol.
Let alone a dev actually responded to it trying to set a ruling. Pathetic.
Would that categorize pranks as well as form of sadism?
I would say that pranks motivated by a desire to be hurtful are absolutely a form of sadism. The same principle is at work here — Support will almost certainly be reviewing incidents to determine INTENT.
There’s an element of naked callousness at work. This isn’t an interaction with a person you know which opens up the possibility of good natured poking between friends — this is being sprung on complete strangers with no other goal than to be hurtful.
Since it’s so black and white issue I can almost see no difference between deriving pleasure from torturing people and throwing a water filled balloon…
Then I hope you develop the social skills to tell the difference. You’ll probably need them at some point. Because in the real world there are places where pitching a water balloon with be considered fun and others where it’ll get you fired (or worse). Likely with even less opportunity for appeal than here.
Is this ‘the’ Nike from DnT? If so, it’s ironic that you’re taking the high horse at all. Especially considering you trolled thousands of players shortly after Raids launched, got kicked from Raid Testing, and then preceded to remove tweets/posts that people got offended by, leaving only the positive ones in hopes to mitigate the damage already done.
If not, my bad. Just think it’s funny.
I believe he is. He is the one of so called kitten people, they say a lot, but nothing at all. White knights, trolls, egomaniacs who still didn’t get banned for their behaviour in all this years – like in that incident.
Very bad kind of people who don’t have self reflection
re: That’s the problem with this supposed policy. It cannot be enforced at this moment because there are no rules against it. – You might want to go back and actually read the rules you clicked through without looking at them because you didn’t care.
re: Sure, people can quote the User Agreement, but what sort of “laws” are going to be written down? – You might go back, read, and try to understand all those rules that you clicked through without looking at them because you didn’t care.
It’s Anet’s house, and you agreed to the rules.(regardless of whether you read and understood them or not) If a guest in my house chooses to misbehave, I am within my rights to ask him to leave. The rules are set down in print, and you’re supposed to read them before you agree to them.
<edit: In before someone asks – Yes, I did read them. And it took forever, but I did read them all. I always read something I’m supposed to agree to. How else can you agree , unless you know what you’re agreeing to?>
(edited by Elden Arnaas.4870)
Forgot to add. I cannot believe this thread is even being considered by ANET. Laughable. So much politically correct BS these days. Lol.
maybe you should put Anet to the testing waters and see how your luck is and what the cost for doing so is . drinks last of wine from wine bottle tosses at you good luck with that
Is this ‘the’ Nike from DnT?
Nope. I think that player’s screenname here is EuroNike (though I’m not certain).
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Forgot to add. I cannot believe this thread is even being considered by ANET. Laughable. So much politically correct BS these days. Lol.
Let alone a dev actually responded to it trying to set a ruling. Pathetic.
oh really Pathetic sounds like you like to test waters with Anet too .
how come it is easy to see what is going to be soon coming . now knowing this will not be good or even end well . sigh oh well some are not willing to see the light so be it . there lose .
I assume Anet’s policy on trolling with spoilers will be the same as their policy with any other in game report.
They won’t do anything
The caveat being this is mostly true for good media, so Star Wars might not follow this trend.
Fair warning, posted that earlier and it was deleted for “derailing the thread.”
As for
This has nothing to do with spoilers.
Nothing personal, but I find it hard to feel guilty if you took that post literally.
Wow. I don’t like spoilers either but I don’t see any particular reason that BY ITSELF ALONE it would be something to report in a game. Can anyone please point out for me the relevant text in the game’s license that forbids it?
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.
Repeatedly spamming spoilers in map chat and lfg is straight up harassment and griefing and SHOULD be met with the appropriate response of a suspension.
I’m sorry but I fail to interpret talking about a movie in the same seriousness as harrassment or hate speech. These cannot and SHOULD NOT be treated similarly. People need to grow up. Shall I just report anyone who talks about things in map chat that I don’t want to hear? Ridiculous.
I assume Anet’s policy on trolling with spoilers will be the same as their policy with any other in game report.
They won’t do anything
pretty much i would have to say . that is there answers to that fully . and i see no room for questions of other kinds on it to come into play but yet others sure are trying to do just that lol
Would that categorize pranks as well as form of sadism?
I would say that pranks motivated by a desire to be hurtful are absolutely a form of sadism. The same principle is at work here — Support will almost certainly be reviewing incidents to determine INTENT.
There’s an element of naked callousness at work. This isn’t an interaction with a person you know which opens up the possibility of good natured poking between friends — this is being sprung on complete strangers with no other goal than to be hurtful.
Since it’s so black and white issue I can almost see no difference between deriving pleasure from torturing people and throwing a water filled balloon…
Then I hope you develop the social skills to tell the difference. You’ll probably need them at some point. Because in the real world there are places where pitching a water balloon with be considered fun and others where it’ll get you fired (or worse). Likely with even less opportunity for appeal than here.
Is this ‘the’ Nike from DnT? If so, it’s ironic that you’re taking the high horse at all. Especially considering you trolled thousands of players shortly after Raids launched, got kicked from Raid Testing, and then preceded to remove tweets/posts that people got offended by, leaving only the positive ones in hopes to mitigate the damage already done.
If not, my bad. Just think it’s funny.
I believe he is. He is the one of so called kitten people, they say a lot, but nothing at all. White knights, trolls, egomaniacs who still didn’t get banned for their behaviour in all this years – like in that incident.
Very bad kind of people who don’t have self reflection
Whether it is that Nike or not, just because he had a screw up in the past, doesn’t automatically make whatever he says afterwards false.
Well it is an American game, after all. Being offended is like breathing to them.
So, pray tell, what country are you posting from that glorifies passivity in the face of sadism? Where is this great people that likes getting harassed?
So I can never go there.
Straya m8. Gotta learn to handle the bants m8 no need to be so uptight m8 just gotta have a few bevvies n a laugh m8.
Forgot to add. I cannot believe this thread is even being considered by ANET. Laughable. So much politically correct BS these days. Lol.
Let alone a dev actually responded to it trying to set a ruling. Pathetic.
Pathetic, is a perfect word to described people who have nothing better to do. Or people that actually defend troll behavior.
Forgot to add. I cannot believe this thread is even being considered by ANET. Laughable. So much politically correct BS these days. Lol.
Let alone a dev actually responded to it trying to set a ruling. Pathetic.
IKR. New Esports meta.
Mag is the No.1 killer of WvW. -Exciton.8942
What does not kill me, makes me stronger. -Nietzsche
Forgot to add. I cannot believe this thread is even being considered by ANET. Laughable. So much politically correct BS these days. Lol.
Let alone a dev actually responded to it trying to set a ruling. Pathetic.
oh really Pathetic sounds like you like to test waters with Anet too .
how come it is easy to see what is going to be soon coming . now knowing this will not be good or even end well . sigh oh well some are not willing to see the light so be it . there lose .
English ist not my first language. Should I maybe rephrase it to ‘miserable’? By not closing this topic and actually responding trying to ‘fix’ it with what it seems to be not over thinking the whole situation, the situation as whole was handled… miserable.
I am not trying to get banned. I’m just stating my opinion and question the posts by the dev on page 3 to clarify as to what I am allowed to do or not.
If you think about it Star Wars is irrelevant to this discussion.
It doesn’t matter what you or I or anyone else thinks of the movies, their fans or detractors, what you think of movie spoilers in general, or whether anyone should care about them.
Because basically what it all comes down to is that people are sending messages in game (whether it’s a whisper, mail, map chat, whatever) with the sole intention of upsetting the recipient.
It wouldn’t matter if it was about a movie, a sports event, baby photos, somebody’s cat, the weather…the point is the only purpose of the message is to ruin other people’s enjoyment of the game, which is griefing no matter how you go about it.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
If you think about it Star Wars is irrelevant to this discussion.
Not quite. It was mentioned in the thread that people went on to spoil HoT after the release without getting any form of punishment. Gaile mentioned that she wasn’t talking about spoilers like Rosebud (which is actually spoiled in the Hints: section right above when you are posting).
Where is the line when you are allowed to post spoilers and when not? That is, at least to me, very unclear.
Yes, not having English as your first language is a disadvantage on these forums. Let me please answer your question about wording:
You would say the situation as whole was handled badly.
I’m just giving you advice on your wording, though. This isn’t any kind of statement that I agree or disagree.
I know I can’t get banned for posting Tybalt/Sieran/Forgal or Wynne in map chat, but can I get banned for Eir/Faolain/Trahearne?
Would that categorize pranks as well as form of sadism?
I would say that pranks motivated by a desire to be hurtful are absolutely a form of sadism. The same principle is at work here — Support will almost certainly be reviewing incidents to determine INTENT.
There’s an element of naked callousness at work. This isn’t an interaction with a person you know which opens up the possibility of good natured poking between friends — this is being sprung on complete strangers with no other goal than to be hurtful.
Since it’s so black and white issue I can almost see no difference between deriving pleasure from torturing people and throwing a water filled balloon…
Then I hope you develop the social skills to tell the difference. You’ll probably need them at some point. Because in the real world there are places where pitching a water balloon with be considered fun and others where it’ll get you fired (or worse). Likely with even less opportunity for appeal than here.
Fired? That’s… awfully specific. But y’know what you’re absolutely right! I’m converted! Next time my feelings get hurt in game I know exactly what to do! Mash dat report button till it’s white hot! For everything and anything! Throw a tantrum on forums as well because who else can judge the level of offense I’ve taken better than myself?
Thanks Anet for keeping me safe!
wait how is that a double standards thing
re: Gallant and Goofus – Wow, is that still running, or are you as old as I am?
Back on topic – You’re blowing it out of proportion and ignoring context. And you can hardly say Gallant would approve of griefing. If I recall, that strip ran in a Boy Scout publication. :p Gallant would report someone who was blatantly disregarding the rules and griefing others. You know he would.
Forgot to add. I cannot believe this thread is even being considered by ANET. Laughable. So much politically correct BS these days. Lol.
Let alone a dev actually responded to it trying to set a ruling. Pathetic.
oh really Pathetic sounds like you like to test waters with Anet too .
how come it is easy to see what is going to be soon coming . now knowing this will not be good or even end well . sigh oh well some are not willing to see the light so be it . there lose .
English ist not my first language. Should I maybe rephrase it to ‘miserable’? By not closing this topic and actually responding trying to ‘fix’ it with what it seems to be not over thinking the whole situation, the situation as whole was handled… miserable.
I am not trying to get banned. I’m just stating my opinion and question the posts by the dev on page 3 to clarify as to what I am allowed to do or not.
not that i woundered or any thing like that but it did come to my mind you might not be from the USA . so i kinda took that in to count. but yet it is good to ask questions . and hope we can get the right answers with out being tossed out on our ears for it too m8 . and i can agree with you there too btw the question not ask is the same question not answered . kinda two sides of a coin idea if you will
I know I can’t get banned for posting Tybalt/Sieran/Forgal or Wynne in map chat, but can I get banned for Eir/Faolain/Trahearne?
now if you can get banned for them and you can not get banned for apes . that is too funny
GW2 turning into an SJW safespace…. what a disgrace.
re: Gallant and Goofus – Wow, is that still running, or are you as old as I am?
Back on topic – You’re blowing it out of proportion and ignoring context. And you can hardly say Gallant would approve of griefing. If I recall, that strip ran in a Boy Scout publication. :p
You should try quoting posts, it’s cool and good.
According to wikipedia G&G is still running.