suggestion for makeover kits
Not a bad suggestion to have a 5 minute preview of your new makeover before you commit to it.
However, you would then have to find a solution to this issue; how would you stop players from simply re-applying the 5 minute preview every time it runs out? And thus, they never actually consume the makeover kit, and can infinitely re-change their look forever?
I do like this idea, but Zalladi brings up a very good point.
Maybe have the cooldown until the next reset, being that you can only have a change on one character per day? I’m not sure how many that would affect (it might affect players like myself who have the perma hairstyle kit and tend to change their character’s look 2-3 times a day, but I’m sure that’s only a small percentage), but I feel that that would be fair.
to be honest having to reset your look every 5 minutes seems like an enormous hassle :P but you could maybe limit this option to 10 tries?
to be honest having to reset your look every 5 minutes seems like an enormous hassle :P but you could maybe limit this option to 10 tries?
10 tries for what? Forever? I don’t think that’d be good for anyone – Anet’s revenue or the player getting the look they desire.
If you’re going to put a gate on it you’ve seriously gotta give it a lot of thought.
I want the makeover kit to be able to change race like it did back then…
I dislike being Asuran for my mesmer.
I want the makeover kit to be able to change race like it did back then…
I dislike being Asuran for my mesmer.
Deleting a character in this game is not as big of a deal as you’d think, the only thing you lose by deleting a character and re-leveling it is the soulbound armor (which you can salvage) and possible bag slot expansions you invested in, otherwise all progress you did is account bound, just delete and re-level.
I want the makeover kit to be able to change race like it did back then…
I dislike being Asuran for my mesmer.
Deleting a character in this game is not as big of a deal as you’d think, the only thing you lose by deleting a character and re-leveling it is the soulbound armor (which you can salvage) and possible bag slot expansions you invested in, otherwise all progress you did is account bound, just delete and re-level.
Well, getting to 500 artificer is annoying. I don’t even mind the costs, it’s just the going back and forth to TP etc.
I want the makeover kit to be able to change race like it did back then…
I dislike being Asuran for my mesmer.
To my knowledge the makeover kits never actually did allow race changes, as devs have mentioned it would mess up the personal story a bunch.
to be honest having to reset your look every 5 minutes seems like an enormous hassle :P but you could maybe limit this option to 10 tries?
10 tries for what? Forever? I don’t think that’d be good for anyone – Anet’s revenue or the player getting the look they desire.
If you’re going to put a gate on it you’ve seriously gotta give it a lot of thought.
i mean 10 times that you can run around with a chosen look for 5 minutes, after that it automatically becomes final. This means you can tweak around for a while and than test your 10 fav looks, or less of course.
I’d like to see a count-down timer, with a fairly long count-down. Preferably, more than 24 hours. Can’t say how many times I used one, then the next day when I log in I regret it. I’d like to see a week long, RL count down. I can easily spend hours in character creation mode, but there’s lots of things that you can’t see using a makeover kit:
- asura ear animations
- preview armor or outfits that you don’t own
- preview dyes you don’t own
- cut screen animations: how the face moves
- how different ambient lighting affects colors
- hair movement when walking, running, jumping
- preview with weapons you don’t own
- how you look in relation to other players
- there’s probably more….
With a countdown timer, you can re-use/go back and make changes as much as you like — for the limited time of the duration of the countdown. Once the timer is up, the current look is permanent, so you want to be sure to give the player enough time to make the changes in advance and not have it cut out in the middle of using it — or if someone is in the middle of actively using it, they have until they hit “make changes” for it to become permanent.
I have 15 character slots and counting. I spend most of my gems on makeover kits, but I never use multiple kits one after the other — I just grit my teeth and bare it when I don’t like the results and use them very, very sparingly. I’d use the kits more frequently this way. One thing I hate about the kits is, when I’m making a brand new character, I re-make them over and over again until I get them right. With a makeover kit, I only get one chance to get it right. I hate this.
I also wish that all the current special faces, hairstyles and hair colors would be added to the regular character creation when the expansion comes out. Of course, there would be new exclusive faces, hair, colors, ears, horns, etc added, making the kits still desirable. But, I’m probably dreaming.
to be honest having to reset your look every 5 minutes seems like an enormous hassle :P but you could maybe limit this option to 10 tries?
10 tries for what? Forever? I don’t think that’d be good for anyone – Anet’s revenue or the player getting the look they desire.
If you’re going to put a gate on it you’ve seriously gotta give it a lot of thought.
i mean 10 times that you can run around with a chosen look for 5 minutes, after that it automatically becomes final. This means you can tweak around for a while and than test your 10 fav looks, or less of course.
Again, 10 times within how long? 10 times per kit? 10 times per day? 10 times per character? You’re not being specific enough.
Not a bad suggestion to have a 5 minute preview of your new makeover before you commit to it.
However, you would then have to find a solution to this issue; how would you stop players from simply re-applying the 5 minute preview every time it runs out? And thus, they never actually consume the makeover kit, and can infinitely re-change their look forever?
That’d be kind of a PITA, wouldn’kitten I can’t see anyone doing that every 5 minutes, indefinitely. They’d never have time to play the game.
Deleting a character in this game is not as big of a deal as you’d think, the only thing you lose by deleting a character and re-leveling it is the soulbound armor (which you can salvage) and possible bag slot expansions you invested in, otherwise all progress you did is account bound, just delete and re-level.
Of course it depends on the character, but there are a few things you could lose, that are not that easily replaced. For instance, crafting levels and recipes you have learned on that character.
Also, depending on when you made that chara, it could set you way back in terms of getting anniversary presents. A friend of mine made a character somewhat close to the original game release, then took a longer break in between and is now back and somewhat displeased with a character he made back then. So that would be more than two years of progress towards the 3rd birthday present lost in case he deleted it.
Not a bad suggestion to have a 5 minute preview of your new makeover before you commit to it.
However, you would then have to find a solution to this issue; how would you stop players from simply re-applying the 5 minute preview every time it runs out? And thus, they never actually consume the makeover kit, and can infinitely re-change their look forever?
Maybe making it a one minute cd? You can still reset it in order to see how it feels for 5 min, but becomes a really pain to reset it all day
I want the makeover kit to be able to change race like it did back then…
I dislike being Asuran for my mesmer.
To my knowledge the makeover kits never actually did allow race changes, as devs have mentioned it would mess up the personal story a bunch.
yea, they have never once allowed race changes through make over kits. I know. The day they added them in i bought four of them for four of my characters, it was never an option!
to be honest having to reset your look every 5 minutes seems like an enormous hassle :P but you could maybe limit this option to 10 tries?
10 tries for what? Forever? I don’t think that’d be good for anyone – Anet’s revenue or the player getting the look they desire.
If you’re going to put a gate on it you’ve seriously gotta give it a lot of thought.
i mean 10 times that you can run around with a chosen look for 5 minutes, after that it automatically becomes final. This means you can tweak around for a while and than test your 10 fav looks, or less of course.
Again, 10 times within how long? 10 times per kit? 10 times per day? 10 times per character? You’re not being specific enough.
Oh my bad it seemed fairly obvious to me that I meant per kit, so yea.. per kit Blame it on english not being my native language, it probably wasn’t as obvious as I thought it was.
to be honest having to reset your look every 5 minutes seems like an enormous hassle :P but you could maybe limit this option to 10 tries?
10 tries for what? Forever? I don’t think that’d be good for anyone – Anet’s revenue or the player getting the look they desire.
If you’re going to put a gate on it you’ve seriously gotta give it a lot of thought.
i mean 10 times that you can run around with a chosen look for 5 minutes, after that it automatically becomes final. This means you can tweak around for a while and than test your 10 fav looks, or less of course.
Again, 10 times within how long? 10 times per kit? 10 times per day? 10 times per character? You’re not being specific enough.
Oh my bad it seemed fairly obvious to me that I meant per kit, so yea.. per kit
Blame it on english not being my native language, it probably wasn’t as obvious as I thought it was.
I would agree with this. 10 times per kit seems reasonable.