the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaag.6538


please make it so we can change the colors!!! I know, I know, you are thinking “it will never be perfect enough for you guys isn’t it!?!?” well… no, but being able to change color of weapons , at least the skins sets, would make it well worth the buy.

I think the artist really outdid him/herself with Dwayna’s Set, it is the first weapon set that I like after several batches of disappointments (do not get me started with Balth’s set) but not being able to color weapons is already a punch in the kidneys, it is one of the few features I miss from the original GW1, I mean, I love that we can color every part of an armor in GW2, but it is a shame that coloring weapons was a feature left out of the deal, and I think developers should really think about this.

in case there has already been posted a good explanation as of why it was decided to add a feature to fully color armor, but not the weapons, I apologize, would love a link to such explanation though.


how come there is not a Harpoon nor Spear in the Dwayna’s Set?

(edited by Gaag.6538)

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I honestly thought this post had something to do with the map rage from people who crafted Wings Of Dwayna…

I kinda agreed with them too, they changed light flame walker armor because it resembled Human culture armor but eh, I didn’t spend +500g or what ever on a bow when now I can get the cheap 80g version off TP.

In reference to your post though: I would like to change the dye on my new weapon to match the Wings Of Dwayna bow.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


Yeah I wish we had dyeable weapons. It was such an amazing feature in GW1, and there are some weapons in GW2 where I just think ‘man, that would look so much better with this color… what a shame’.

I think it would be a lot of work to redo everything, but it would be an amazing update for the future. If someone got onto it now (or after HoT’s release), perhaps it could be a reality before another GW2 expansion comes out.


Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

I honestly thought this post had something to do with the map rage from people who crafted Wings Of Dwayna…

I kinda agreed with them too, they changed light flame walker armor because it resembled Human culture armor but eh, I didn’t spend +500g or what ever on a bow when now I can get the cheap 80g version off TP.

In reference to your post though: I would like to change the dye on my new weapon to match the Wings Of Dwayna bow.

Dwayna’s longbow and Wings of Dwayna look nothing alike, not even remotely.

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I wish for weapon dyes/color changing as well. If I could change the blue parts of the dwayna set, it’d fit my warrior nicely (wings + seraph intended look = win).

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


Agreed dyeable weapons would add SO MANY options to customization of your character looks, as it is now, if you find a weapon you like to use there like a certain range of colors you would need to use to dye your armor, for it to look any decent, and some weapons just look stupid together casue of colors, but if we could dye them, you could basically mix ANY weapons with ANY armor in whatever color you want

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zackie.8923


dyeable weapons coming in the next expansion after HOT along with legendary armors

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I honestly thought this post had something to do with the map rage from people who crafted Wings Of Dwayna…

I kinda agreed with them too, they changed light flame walker armor because it resembled Human culture armor but eh, I didn’t spend +500g or what ever on a bow when now I can get the cheap 80g version off TP.

In reference to your post though: I would like to change the dye on my new weapon to match the Wings Of Dwayna bow.

Dwayna’s longbow and Wings of Dwayna look nothing alike, not even remotely.

Maybe it’s just my pewp PC set up then combined with the preview links I was given in map chat…

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noktus.8506


dyeable weapons coming in the next expansion after HOT along with legendary armors

Did you just make that up?

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

dyeable weapons coming in the next expansion after HOT along with legendary armors

Did you just make that up?

They did just make that up. Back before they were designing the core game, they decided not to allow weapons to be dyed. This apparently saves them oodles of development and artwork time. Since it’s built into the core, it would take a huge amount of work to change it for GW2.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Gaag, [IIRC] they stopped adding underwater weapons to Black Lion weapon sets around the time collections were introduced. I think it was because people complained about how underwater combat was nearly phased out and they didn’t want to have to get underwater skins to complete the collections.

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Seriously, the face I can dye the outfit with 4 color channel, but can’t for the weapons, really limit my choices of dyes if I want to keep it harmonized. Same thing with the Daydreamer set (outfit + weapons + backpiece), I find myself really hating the backpiece because I can’t dye it to match my outfit (because why would I keep the default color?).

The game lacks weapon and backpiece dye… and it’s really annoying. Not every weapon/backpiece needs to have dye channels, but I found that any set with armor/outfit really should need it at the least…

Please Anet, consider this feature for this weapon set!

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

I understand the point here- I too would absolutely love to customise our weapons.

However, the amount of dev time it would take to implement a feature like this retroactively would be huge. One thing would be coding it and redesigning to UI to allow it, but the other problem would be to design dye-fields on each and every weapon (in which there are thousands). Unlike armours, weapons were never designed to be dyed- for all we know it might be so difficult to implement that they would need to redesign the weapons entirely for such a feature to be able to work.

It would also mean that they would have to set aside extra time in the future for it when designing new weapons- for instance, the BL ticket weapons and gemstore weapons. Ultimately, this might mean that they can’t release new sets as often. Of course, this could impact their profits, even when ignoring the expenditure of re-hauling the system.

I understand that this was a feature of GW1, which is why a lot of people ask for it. GW1 was designed with this feature from the start, but also had far less weapons in total and fewer weapons released outside of expansions. I wasn’t able to calculate total unique weapon skins in GW1 due to some repetition, but it’s quite apparent that there are far fewer than the total of 2,004 that are currently present in GW2. (Here’s the list of weapon skins from GW1:

(edited by Crimson Clouds.4853)

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Seriously, the face I can dye the outfit with 4 color channel, but can’t for the weapons, really limit my choices of dyes if I want to keep it harmonized.

Yeah, I have a warrior themed as a Seraph but with golden armor, and the Dwayna weapons actually fit that theme perfectly (wings and all). If I could change the blue to red, it’d be awesome for the sword or axe. I may look at maybe grabbing them and simply pretending in my head the colors are different.

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrimsonDX.4821


Not just weapons, I wish we could alter the color of our skills as well. For example changing all of the guardian skills from blue to gold or something. When CoH (one of my favorite MMOs when it was still up) added that option I loved it. Added so much customization to a game that already had so much customization.

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


I understand the point here- I too would absolutely love to customise our weapons.

However, the amount of dev time it would take to implement a feature like this retroactively would be huge. One thing would be coding it and redesigning to UI to allow it, but the other problem would be to design dye-fields on each and every weapon (in which there are thousands). Unlike armours, weapons were never designed to be dyed- for all we know it might be so difficult to implement that they would need to redesign the weapons entirely for such a feature to be able to work.

It would also mean that they would have to set aside extra time in the future for it when designing new weapons- for instance, the BL ticket weapons and gemstore weapons. Ultimately, this might mean that they can’t release new sets as often. Of course, this could impact their profits, even when ignoring the expenditure of re-hauling the system.

I understand that this was a feature of GW1, which is why a lot of people ask for it. GW1 was designed with this feature from the start, but also had far less weapons in total and fewer weapons released outside of expansions. I wasn’t able to calculate total unique weapon skins in GW1 due to some repetition, but it’s quite apparent that there are far fewer than the total of 2,004 that are currently present in GW2. (Here’s the list of weapon skins from GW1:

What if they only added dye channels to the BL ones and maybe also the legendaries and ascendeds?

After all, many of the other weapons are either just fairly basic wood and/or steel ones, or are already the colour(s) associated with whatever they are supposed to be made from (shells, plants etc.).

I really only ever felt the desire to dye them, once I got some BL ones with distinct colours.

ETA: Actually, I tell a lie, I did wish I could dye The Bow of the White Hart, as I really liked the design, but would have preferred it in a darker colour.

So, maybe you could add in the level 80 exotics?

Not sure what that would bring the total to, but still.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

(edited by Tigaseye.2047)

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

I understand that this was a feature of GW1, which is why a lot of people ask for it. GW1 was designed with this feature from the start, but also had far less weapons in total and fewer weapons released outside of expansions. I wasn’t able to calculate total unique weapon skins in GW1 due to some repetition, but it’s quite apparent that there are far fewer than the total of 2,004 that are currently present in GW2. (Here’s the list of weapon skins from GW1:

And even then, most of the weapons in GW1 that were dyeable were only so in a technical sense: the dye would only affect the wrapping on the hilt or something similarly trivial.

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akuni.8604


I understand the point here- I too would absolutely love to customise our weapons.

However, the amount of dev time it would take to implement a feature like this retroactively would be huge. One thing would be coding it and redesigning to UI to allow it, but the other problem would be to design dye-fields on each and every weapon (in which there are thousands). Unlike armours, weapons were never designed to be dyed- for all we know it might be so difficult to implement that they would need to redesign the weapons entirely for such a feature to be able to work.

It would also mean that they would have to set aside extra time in the future for it when designing new weapons- for instance, the BL ticket weapons and gemstore weapons. Ultimately, this might mean that they can’t release new sets as often. Of course, this could impact their profits, even when ignoring the expenditure of re-hauling the system.

I understand that this was a feature of GW1, which is why a lot of people ask for it. GW1 was designed with this feature from the start, but also had far less weapons in total and fewer weapons released outside of expansions. I wasn’t able to calculate total unique weapon skins in GW1 due to some repetition, but it’s quite apparent that there are far fewer than the total of 2,004 that are currently present in GW2. (Here’s the list of weapon skins from GW1:

Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but afaik dyable weapons were ingame like the acc bound dyes in an early beta. Those features were removed afaik without much statement before launch. So this system wouldn’t be that new as there has to be source code floating around for it simply because the GW2 client is a modification of the GW client. We should be able to get it like the acc bound dyes.

The only reason which get’s thrown around against the dyable weapons is “particles” afaik. However, I’m not really sold on that one…
For tekkies, the way particles are usually drawn involves the base texture/model of the sprite in black and white (As seen with the guild emblem templates from the create a guild emblem contest btw) and a overlay which actually adds the color to the particle. This technique was also used in GW btw, you can see by datamining the client. So… By my understanding It really shouldn’t be an issue to actually change the color of a particles as you only need one base particle in B/W and a filter which is accessible for the player.
But then again, you can’t justify selling the same items 3 times with different colors (cough glowing eyes cough) /shrugs But hey, who am I – It’s not like I know about that stuff…

the Dwayna's Set is beautiful but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853


Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but afaik dyable weapons were ingame like the acc bound dyes in an early beta. Those features were removed afaik without much statement before launch. So this system wouldn’t be that new as there has to be source code floating around for it simply because the GW2 client is a modification of the GW client. We should be able to get it like the acc bound dyes.

The only reason which get’s thrown around against the dyable weapons is “particles” afaik. However, I’m not really sold on that one…
For tekkies, the way particles are usually drawn involves the base texture/model of the sprite in black and white (As seen with the guild emblem templates from the create a guild emblem contest btw) and a overlay which actually adds the color to the particle. This technique was also used in GW btw, you can see by datamining the client. So… By my understanding It really shouldn’t be an issue to actually change the color of a particles as you only need one base particle in B/W and a filter which is accessible for the player.
But then again, you can’t justify selling the same items 3 times with different colors (cough glowing eyes cough) /shrugs But hey, who am I – It’s not like I know about that stuff…

I have friends that played a lot of the beta (I played a couple myself) but nobody can remember having dyeable weapons. I can’t find anything online either, but I’d be happy for you to prove me wrong with some kind of screenshot or somebody else saying something similar. I also find it very hard to believe considering that the wiki has trivia on the dye seeds (something I already knew about) but no mention at all of dyeable weapons.

With that being said, if you are correct, then to me it’s even less likely that they’d reinstate the feature if they added it and then went back on their decision because they disliked it/had some other complaint with it.

I can understand that the technology behind it is fairly simple, but I can imagine that designing the dye-fields would be the most labour-intensive part. Somebody would need to draw the dyeable sections on each weapon and there are 2,004 unique weapon skins in game. If the weapons didn’t have limited dye fields (as somebody said, like in GW1 it was often just the hilt or bindings), then the whole weapon would be dyed- it would be ok in some circumstances (e.g. Chaos weapons), but not for the majority of others.