the Lost shores for oceanic players

the Lost shores for oceanic players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phabby.8945


After 3 days without one response from Anet on our threads is a little poor, and they have even moved the subforum so we can no longer post in it without addressing our complaints.

So now we have to start a new thread with our complaints? looks like it , we deserve better treatment then this, you have broken your own rules by making this by discriminating against our time zone, and to even rub more salt into it, you gave away elite stuff?

You have created this drama now how about a response?

the Lost shores for oceanic players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sahriah.3792


As unhappy about the situation as a i have been as a fellow oceanic player, they have at least sent out an email with a survey about the event where you can voice your concerns.

It is much more reliable for them to do a survey then to just read the forums, as the forums are only a small subset of the total community.

Many of my American friends have not yet received the email, so if you have not, please go here

the Lost shores for oceanic players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Febrizzio.8024


I and some other People from ASIA already complaint that to ANET. They also already discussed on this trhread:

so I think this thread will be close soon.

[Tarnished Coast]
Febrizzio Romeo, Human Guardian of [Pro Baddies]
Indonesia Player, Say Hello ^_^

the Lost shores for oceanic players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nysta.6713


After 3 days without one response from Anet on our threads is a little poor, and they have even moved the subforum so we can no longer post in it without addressing our complaints.

So now we have to start a new thread with our complaints? looks like it , we deserve better treatment then this, you have broken your own rules by making this by discriminating against our time zone, and to even rub more salt into it, you gave away elite stuff?

You have created this drama now how about a response?

i have to say, i didn’t even log in this time. well, i did on the first day because a friend asked if i wanted to kill with him. logged in and found we were in the area of one of the events, but it was bugged. seemed other events in the area were kind of dead, so pretty much gave up.

didn’t bother going back because the event feels like it’s not really aimed at me.

to be honest, i feel a bit left out of everything lately. i thought gw2 was inclusive, but it’s slowly becoming something made for a specifice portion of the population. or, at least, a specific portion get the exciting moments and the dregs get left for the rest of the globe. in a lot of ways i’d almost prefer the static holiday events of wow. while i can see what anet is doing, it’s a bit unfair to have it happen at the same time every day.

would have been nice to maybe shift the timezone each event so everyone could have a chance at it.

combine this event with everything else being added into the game right now, and i’m sitting here going, “why is someone using blizz’s patches on gw2? won’t that break the software?”

the Lost shores for oceanic players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PanzerG.3270


They have not only discriminated players in the Oceanic timezone, but also those who like me are in Euro timezone and have 2 accounts.

They should have repeated the event every 3 hours but made it so, that one can participate once per account only.

the Lost shores for oceanic players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mooge.2346


7am on a Monday morning for a once off event handing out elites is very poor form. I agree with the above posters on it feeling like we are being excluded. I am a massive ArenaNet fanboy but the trend that is developing has me looking to other titles.

I want GW2 to be a great game. I can see me playing for years to come, buying gems and expansion packs as I did with GW1. But only if they get back on the path. Right now they seem to be losing their way.

Event weekends or even weeks are a great idea but content needs to be built in such a way that every country can take part without being told to take a day off work and set the alarm clock (our jobs are important, that shouldn’t really need explaining).

By all means limit the reward to one per character or account but there are so many ways to make this repeatable. A mini dungeon like Mad King or even a recurring event like the dragon champions would do the trick. For the “absolutely must be a single time” moment just use a cut scene, worst case we can watch it on YouTube or visit a skrying pool in game. We could have beaten back the king Karka every 3 hours for a couple of days then had a cut scene showing its cave collapsing in on it to close the event. Everyone gets a fair go at the event.

Aside from making it fair on the entire playerbase it would also help mitigate the lag issues that occur when everyone has to be in the same place at once.

My wishlist:

1) No more gear levels after Ascended. More legendaries and stat combos sure but no gear grind (I know what has been said, I just hope it comes to pass).

2) Redress the balance, give everyone who took part in any of the events over the weekend the phase 3 rewards. We could all do with the gold injection for siege and I wouldn’t mind the pendant and bag as mementos of the weekend.

3) No more single shot events. Structure them to be repeatable or instanced so everyone can take part no matter their timezone / country. Take the exclusivity out of the equation, we all paid for the game, no one time zone should be favoured over the others.

4) Get back to making an excellent game with content we can all look forward to.

This is a wish list, not a list of demands. I love ANets work and I love this game but I can see it going in a direction I don’t like. I really hope there is a change of course.

the Lost shores for oceanic players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mooge.2346


It’s the end of the week now and ArenaNet seem to feel this issue is not worthy of comment. Really?

After all these years … oh why bother trying to discuss this. Clearly they want non-US members to quietly go away. Planetside 2 has a much better take on thw 3-way faction warfare and Australian servers.

Anything on this Oceanic issue ANet has created? I don’t want to play an endless grind with no chance to take part in the epic events.