triple trouble: the power of one guild

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6132


Then all of those that can’t do it should create a guild and do the event. It’s not on farm status because it requires more coordination and timing unlike Tequatl which is still a map wide zerg fest.

make a guild? just for one event? now you must see how excessive that is and thus recognize my problem

Or, you know, go to every map and do map chat to call on people and organize a raid by yourself… Your raid, your rules. You don’t like Teamspeak (I don’t know why it is such a big deal)? Don’t use teamspeak on your raid.

Or are you one of the persons that QQ but doesn’t want to take action by themselves? (ie: people who are complaining that zerk groups doesn’t want to take non-zerk in when they can look for their own group)

you would never get the people by calling in map chat for triple trouble and i thin you must know that , so are you ignorant on the subject or jsut deliberatley saying things that cant possibly be helpful?

TTS does that when they can’t reach the number of people needed to organize a run. Or rather they turn in to lfg tool.

Problem with you is that you want to join the run but doesn’t want to play by the organizer’s rules. Then when presented with another solution, you QQ.

Let me get this straight – So basically, you want to join TTS organized raids, without either joining the guild or using TS or both. In short, you want people to carry you (since you’re not fully committed to the organized run).
A bit selfish/entitled on your part eh?

first off i know why they do it, im good at triple trouble and i understand it perfectly, i always volunteer for roles usualy ending up as one of the water ele in the escort team. im not saying its malicious or intentional on their part im saying its exclusionary and opaque.

so lets not try and analyze the “problems” with eachotehr, i am more complex then you are probably capable of understanding and its off topic anyways, dont be so hostile or make so many assumptions

I’m sorry if I sounded hostile.
It also amuses me when people wanted to join on something but doesn’t want to abide by the rules/requirements set by the group.

It’s like seeing a post on lfg “zerk only” and you proceed to join with the almighty pvt/clerics whatnot gear. It’s annoying.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Wurm can be done with 30 or so players per wurm as the players doing it get more skilled and more efficient at working together and learning the event. Kind of like how people felt that you needed a maxed map for Teq and now you can do it with half a map.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6132


In short, you want people to carry you

If we’re going to go there, then I will say that you can easily be carried, even with making the commitment to get on a third party voice chat and listen to someone call out instructions in your ear.

Don’t act like it takes any great amount of personal skill to listen to a voice in your ear and follow the herd.

As far as I can tell, wurm requires a handful of skilled players, strong coordination to kill the heads at the right time, and a bunch of zerglings with good gear and the ability to follow instructions. Go ahead and correct me if I’m wrong, but I seriously doubt I am.

All I’m saying is that if you are “joining” in an organized raid and you’re not the one organizing the raid, at least put an effort to follow the rules they set.

People who act like “I wanna do this but I don’t like going to TS but TS is required wa wa wa” annoys me. Show some respect to the organizers by following their instructions. Not like they are getting paid.

It’s like posting for lfg – “zerk only” and some cleric dude joins, got kicked and QQ’s that the party is elitist. Duh.

big guilds making rules like that is a dangerous trend to get into, today its voice chat maybe tomorrow its a malicious website, its an exploitable thing to have so much power in an outside organization

You’re over thinking it.

It’s not like TTS requires 100% rep. They are not some kind of Illuminati, you know.

So, if you don’t want to join TS, don’t. No one can make you use it by force anyways. But please, don’t QQ if TTS leaves map and leaves you behind. Their raid, their requirements.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


Here is a list of the comunities that do the worm:




In my opinion a lot of people kill the worm.You just have to find them.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

(edited by moiraine.2753)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Map Chat in Lions Arch, Divs Reach, Citadel, Rata sum, Grove, Dry Top 40 mins before event.

“Organizing Teq Run, no TS required, experienced runners preferred. Time to Tequatl: [X], Msg for Taxis”

20 mins before boss drops, move to Sparkfly.

Write condensed version of what to do for Tequatl.

Welcome people to the map, give waypoint loc, paste directions for teq every 7 minutes. Ask if there are any questions.

Answer them.

Wait for Teq to drop.

Run Teq.

win? Good Run

lose? Nice Try.

This also applies to wurm.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Map Chat in Lions Arch, Divs Reach, Citadel, Rata sum, Grove, Dry Top 40 mins before event.

“Organizing Teq Run, no TS required, experienced runners preferred. Time to Tequatl: [X], Msg for Taxis”

20 mins before boss drops, move to Sparkfly.

Write condensed version of what to do for Tequatl.

Welcome people to the map, give waypoint loc, paste directions for teq eery 7 minutes. Ask if there are any questions.

Answer them.

Wait for Teq to drop.

Run Teq.

win? Good Run

lose? Nice Try.

OPs complaint is with Wurm

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Labjax.2465


All I’m saying is that if you are “joining” in an organized raid and you’re not the one organizing the raid, at least put an effort to follow the rules they set.

People who act like “I wanna do this but I don’t like going to TS but TS is required wa wa wa” annoys me. Show some respect to the organizers by following their instructions. Not like they are getting paid.

It’s like posting for lfg – “zerk only” and some cleric dude joins, got kicked and QQ’s that the party is elitist. Duh.

I have the utmost respect for people who organize such things. I use to do it myself in another game (thank god I wasn’t the head guy most of the time – just secondary).

I understand where you’re coming from on TS and for this fight, maybe it’s essential, but I have been in pug raids in other games where people basically say, “Be on TS/vent/whatever if you don’t know the fights. If you do, we don’t care.” In other words, if you are good enough and know what you’re doing, it’s not really a requirement.

Now to do the coordinated head thing, that may not be the case here. But I can see how some people might feel like requiring TS is excessive, especially if they are good players. My guild used to require Ventrilo for raids, so I feel you, man – although, to be fair, those raids were largely a lot harder than anything this game has.

I just go “wait a minute…” if it feels like people are saying that the individual effort required is more than it is – that being part of an organized raid is a mark of skill and prestige all on its own, when it’s really not.

Minimum you need 3 *commanders’ who are in direct contact with each other for timed kill.
3 deboof
3 condi per head to kill husks unless you don’t need to (which I personally don’t like when it is done that way).
damage for when damage can be done.
If people where as good as they think then ts would never be needed. People are never as good as they think and mob mentality takes over when there are several people doing the same thing.

Sounds about right.

Or words to that effect.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Map Chat in Lions Arch, Divs Reach, Citadel, Rata sum, Grove, Dry Top 40 mins before event.

“Organizing Teq Run, no TS required, experienced runners preferred. Time to Tequatl: [X], Msg for Taxis”

20 mins before boss drops, move to Sparkfly.

Write condensed version of what to do for Tequatl.

Welcome people to the map, give waypoint loc, paste directions for teq eery 7 minutes. Ask if there are any questions.

Answer them.

Wait for Teq to drop.

Run Teq.

win? Good Run

lose? Nice Try.

OPs complaint is with Wurm

Edited to address that.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

My only issue is that the event has to be ran with a 3rd party program (teamspeak) in order to be successful. It’s been a while since wurm was introduced, and I still highly doubt any random group of people would be successful if they don’t use teamspeak room shazbawt something something.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


It can be ran without it. It’s just easier though.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


this is a question for anet about triple trouble

now i know that time and time again u have said that it is SUPPOSED to be very very hard, but is it? certainly very few people succeed at it, but is that because its hard? or because its exclusive?

as it stands now you either have a 100% chance to succeed if you get onto THE MAP or a 0% chance to succeed if you dont, why? because basically only 1 guild organizes it, and this guild forces all its members into one map, any1 who wants to get in that map has to join their teamspeak server or has no chance to get in

this is not fair not fun and not challenging, its also potentially dangerous. imagine the future if we are forced by private guilds to open 3rd party content to participate in the game, they might send us to their websites and steal our information, im not saying this one guild does do this….but consider it a possible future.

so is the triple trouble event working as anet intended?

Think of it like a raid in other games, just not instanced. Getting on voice chat and getting into a guild that can organize it is basically a requirement. Teq/Triple Trouble were never meant to be done casually. It was harder content designed for those that really like raid-type content.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

It can be ran without it. It’s just easier though.

This. its much easier to coordinate people on the fly than it is to instruct them via text and hope enough people pay attention/

Not impossible to do it the latter way though. you just need to explain what people should expect and make sure everyone is organized before they start panicflailing.

People do not like to read though. much less when they are distracted by GIGANTICOMINIOUSBOSS.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


It can be ran without it. It’s just easier though.

This. its much easier to coordinate people on the fly than it is to instruct them via text and hope enough people pay attention/

Not impossible to do it the latter way though. you just need to explain what people should expect and make sure everyone is organized before they start panicflailing.

Not only that.In this moment the squads are limmited only to 50 people.When you have 3 squads the chat is not linked.Yes you can tipe in guild chat but meh.It won’t be the same as one global squad chat that conects the different groups.Map chat won’t do the work.I don’t want the whole zone to listen to me.Only the people that i’m raiding with.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

It can be ran without it. It’s just easier though.

This. its much easier to coordinate people on the fly than it is to instruct them via text and hope enough people pay attention/

Not impossible to do it the latter way though. you just need to explain what people should expect and make sure everyone is organized before they start panicflailing.

Not only that.In this moment the squads are limmited only to 50 people.When you have 3 squads the chat is not linked.Yes you can tipe in guild chat but meh.It won’t be the same as one global squad chat that conects the different groups.Map chat won’t do the work.I don’t want the whole zone to listen to me.Only the people that i’m raiding with.

two tabs, one for party of commander and one for current squad?

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: felessan.9587


I think, OP, your big problem is that TTS requires TeamSpeak in order to coordinate. It sounds like you have a few assumptions that could be addressed:

1. TeamSpeak is the chosen tool, it’s not the only possible option. However, there is no in-game option that will give the same results. Map chat isn’t effective and typing while trying to survive The Wurm is completely ridiculous. Anet said they wanted to create an event that would require massive coordination on a scale the game had never seen before. They wanted to teach players how to organize and be effective at large-scale combat. That’s why Wurm and Marionette were both introduced in the same patch. The Wurm is harder because it was permanent content. The only tragic problem was that they didn’t give us an in-game tool to coordinate beyond clumsy map chat.

2. TTS is NOT some kind of for-profit corporation or company. They are NOT reps for TeamSpeak, nor are they attempting to profit in any way. Wanting to protect your personal identity and information on the internet is very laudable, but the fears of escalating to malware sources are coming across as tinfoil-hat-wearing paranoid.

3. TTS is not one guild; it’s 13 or so guilds, brought together under one parent guild. A voice service is the best way to communicate when in-game resources are limited.

For the other issues:

3. While it’s true TTS searches for a basically empty map and then floods it with its members, often leaving full maps completely empty, that is a downside of megaserver technology with no ability to force a separate guild instance. TTS has the interests of its members first and foremost. There are always more than 150 people who want to run the Wurm and the commanders who are available to run are spread across different maps. The members must consolidate in order to get things running smoothly enough to make the kill.

4. TTS is not always successful, especially in the Wurm. A few mistakes can actually ruin the entire event for all 120+ people.

5. If you’re on an NA server, TTS is really easy to get into. The guild exists specifically to tackle events like this (note: the guild was created in response to the Teq revamp, not the other way around).

(edited by felessan.9587)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IceVyper.6810


I totally understand the OP and we all know he is talking about the TTS guild.

These guys are like poison for the multiplayer aspect of the game..
They spread their guys out to find THE MAP, collect their guys and leech out
maps that are almost full.

That leaves people back with 15-20 players not having any chance to beat Tequatl or the Worms. Usually these are the people who waited for 40 minutes in a map to play a successful event.
Behavior like that belongs forbidden or somehow denied by A-Net.
You know things are wrong when people come into a map and ask “is this run by TTS?” and leave if it is.
I really feel bad for the people who waited such a long time just to be betrayed by a gang of clowns with a Team Speak server.

Please A-Net do something about this situation,the comunity is already poisoned.
We don’t need another battlefield

Sorry but the game is already too casual.Why there can’t something harder for us too?I know atleast 4 Europe comunities that are doing the worm just fine.If you are not part of them then you have to try harder to get into their guilds.
When TxS is doing a run we want it smooth with experienced players.People being on TS listening and doing what is told to them.People coming with food and drinks.Good gear.They must know the fight.Yes the fight needs preparation.If you can’t do it then find someone who can.Not everything in this game is for the casual player.

I like the worm as it is.Why?Because i put an effort in it.You must do the same.Not every World boss has to be like the rest.Killed by numbers without 0 strategy only pressing 111111.

This is so not the point. Nobody is complaining that the fight is hard, or that it requires different tactics.

The problem is that no matter how experienced you are, how good gear you have, you have no chance of completening the event unless you have access to the TxS guild.

And how do you join them since they are always closed to recruiting? How do you ask for taxi on the TS server when you have no rights?

The only chance of success for that event, is you being “lucky” to be in the same artificially created guild, whose slots got filled with randoms.

I was having crazy fun with this fight the first week when it was released. Spent hour after hour guesting Desolation, trying to help them get the first kill. Know the kitten fight by heart. And now what? I can’t get into the right map because 200 others have been taken there already.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: guardian.6489


I totally understand the OP and we all know he is talking about the TTS guild.

These guys are like poison for the multiplayer aspect of the game..
They spread their guys out to find THE MAP, collect their guys and leech out
maps that are almost full.

That leaves people back with 15-20 players not having any chance to beat Tequatl or the Worms. Usually these are the people who waited for 40 minutes in a map to play a successful event.
Behavior like that belongs forbidden or somehow denied by A-Net.
You know things are wrong when people come into a map and ask “is this run by TTS?” and leave if it is.
I really feel bad for the people who waited such a long time just to be betrayed by a gang of clowns with a Team Speak server.

Please A-Net do something about this situation,the comunity is already poisoned.
We don’t need another battlefield

Sorry but the game is already too casual.Why there can’t something harder for us too?I know atleast 4 Europe comunities that are doing the worm just fine.If you are not part of them then you have to try harder to get into their guilds.
When TxS is doing a run we want it smooth with experienced players.People being on TS listening and doing what is told to them.People coming with food and drinks.Good gear.They must know the fight.Yes the fight needs preparation.If you can’t do it then find someone who can.Not everything in this game is for the casual player.

I like the worm as it is.Why?Because i put an effort in it.You must do the same.Not every World boss has to be like the rest.Killed by numbers without 0 strategy only pressing 111111.

This is so not the point. Nobody is complaining that the fight is hard, or that it requires different tactics.

The problem is that no matter how experienced you are, how good gear you have, you have no chance of completening the event unless you have access to the TxS guild.

And how do you join them since they are always closed to recruiting? How do you ask for taxi on the TS server when you have no rights?

The only chance of success for that event, is you being “lucky” to be in the same artificially created guild, whose slots got filled with randoms.

I was having crazy fun with this fight the first week when it was released. Spent hour after hour guesting Desolation, trying to help them get the first kill. Know the kitten fight by heart. And now what? I can’t get into the right map because 200 others have been taken there already.

TTS in NA has open recruitment and GW2community in EU has open recruitment.

Retired Leader of TTS

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: doombreaker.3710


Add to EU: (3 English runs/day often even 2 maps per run!) Usually 1 German run/day Few runs per month

So basically everyone in EU can participate in wurm kills if he/she wants to. Of course you need ts because of the high fluctuation. If you play in a skilled guild you don’t need TS.
I can’t understand why there is only 1 Guild organizing wurm in NA. Maybe all other guilds/players aren’t interested in wurm or are too lazy?
Anyway I really like wurm kills and it is the most challenging boss

(edited by doombreaker.3710)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


There’s more that one guild in NA that does Wurm. At least one of them chooses to be a close-knit guild rather than flood the guild with randoms. It makes for more consistent and fun runs.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shen Slayer.3058

Shen Slayer.3058

TTS in NA has open recruitment and GW2community in EU has open recruitment.

That settles it, the only way I can beat the Wurm is by joining TTS. Thanks a lot Anet.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLTCIEAGE.3029


lets wait for duke when he would complain that guilds requires website to apply to them or even better why he has to use web browser to check gw2 forum it should be built in feature !!!! rly dont like tts and how they require ts ? create your own guild and dont use ts .

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VodCom.6924



Just saying : nobody forces you to talk when you join a ts.
Just get a taxi and then leave. You’ll see nobody will notice you were ever here.

Known as Reegar Else, Linda Else, Xiana Else and Thorgall Breakstone

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLTCIEAGE.3029


but anyway what you expect with this thread ? Anet will go to tts and tell them “hey guys dont use ts and dont switch maps because some leechers want to get free loot” ? They can use every communicator they want and they can switch map so many times as they want , it is their game and you are just random guy whining that you cant play with them .

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


i read this thread as I am whining that one guild (not my guild) devote so much time and effort ensure that that the event succeed for their member while I cannot piggyback off of their effort because Anet horrible megaservers.

Correct me, if I am misinterpreting this thread

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ykfox.3825


The irony of it all is that anyone can join TTS, download TS, and then get instant-successful Teq/Triple Trouble/Etc raids anytime they want.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


The irony of it all is that anyone can join TTS, download TS, and then get instant-successful Teq/Triple Trouble/Etc raids anytime they want.

tts is a very welcoming guild. They usually want a fresh instance because they cannot include enough people.

If anything, tts are reacting to a problem with megaservers

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JusticarArkiel.1564


The irony of it all is that anyone can join TTS, download TS, and then get instant-successful Teq/Triple Trouble/Etc raids anytime they want.

tts is a very welcoming guild. They usually want a fresh instance because they cannot include enough people.

If anything, tts are reacting to a problem with megaservers

welcoming, HAH. i joined 3 different iterations of them at 3 different times, the second i represented my own guild, i got booted. if thats welcoming, i don’t want to see unwelcoming

Fix what you have before you build something new

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


now i know that time and time again u have said that it is SUPPOSED to be very very hard, but is it?

The answer:

Crystal Reid

This was a crazy marathon to watch with so many servers/guilds competing for this. You guys have built some truly amazing communities through these difficult encounters.

Congratulations Desolation! Well deserved!


Working as intended!

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


This isn’t about the “power” of one guild. This is about the inability, perhaps even incompetence, of other players to actually do the same level of organisation as the guilds who make the attempt.

As an EU player I’ve been on numerous runs with the guilds who organise runs there. If people are too lazy to exert the effort to learn the ropes then the fault lies not on the guilds but the players. Why shouldn’t guilds organise for their members as a priority? That’s the point of being in a good guild, you get to do fun stuff together. If there’s room for non members who are willing to play by your standards then the more the merrier, however they should not arrive expecting to be automatically included.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Labjax.2465


This isn’t about the “power” of one guild. This is about the inability, perhaps even incompetence, of other players to actually do the same level of organisation as the guilds who make the attempt.

As an EU player I’ve been on numerous runs with the guilds who organise runs there. If people are too lazy to exert the effort to learn the ropes then the fault lies not on the guilds but the players. Why shouldn’t guilds organise for their members as a priority? That’s the point of being in a good guild, you get to do fun stuff together. If there’s room for non members who are willing to play by your standards then the more the merrier, however they should not arrive expecting to be automatically included.

It never even occurred to me to say a word about Wurm until now, so clearly it’s not a major issue for me.

That said, I just find it kind of odd that every single other world boss can be done without needing to join a guild or use third-party VOIP. It creates an expectation that all bosses shouldn’t need such levels of dedication and organization, so when one comes around that is beyond that, it confuses people.

Anyway, I don’t think that’s what the topic was about. And it certainly isn’t about being lazy and wanting to get carried. If that was the desire in question, people could just go join the guild, sit in teamspeak at the right time, and get carried.

Or words to that effect.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Just to clarify,

The event is big requiring a large number of players. Requiring (or at least benefiting greatly from) large scale organization including guild, TS, perhaps even commanders.

And there is a guild that is (unless things have changed since last I heard) completely open to people joining just for the event, no need to rep outside of the event, etc, willing to spend the time, money and effort to provide all of this for anyone with a desire to use.

And those who opt to not partake of that offer (and I am not saying they should or should feel compelled to do so) complain that they might be left out. That they are not willing to either join an existing guild set up specifically for this sort of event nor put the effort into creating their own organization (need not be a guild) to do the event ?

Are in fact presenting those who are making the effort for not only themselves but anyone willing to join in as somehow blameworthy when those not willing to organize fail at an event designed around group organization ?

(edited by Ashen.2907)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Just to clarify,

The event is big requiring a large number of players. Requiring (or at least benefiting greatly from) large scale organization including guild, TS, perhaps even commanders.

And there is a guild that is (unless things have changed since last I heard) completely open to people joining just for the event, no need to rep outside of the event, etc, willing to spend the time, money and effort to provide all of this for anyone with a desire to use.

And those who opt to not partake of that offer (and I am not saying they should or should feel compelled to do so) complain that they might be left out. That they are not willing to either join an existing guild set up specifically for this sort of event nor put the effort into creating their own organization (need not be a guild) to do the event ?

Are in fact presenting those who are making the effort for not only themselves but anyone willing to join in as somehow blameworthy when those not willing to organize fail at an event designed around group organization ?

That sounds much like the gist of it. Or perhaps that “this guild is making a serious run of it, they’re required to let me join it”

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Just to clarify,

The event is big requiring a large number of players. Requiring (or at least benefiting greatly from) large scale organization including guild, TS, perhaps even commanders.

And there is a guild that is (unless things have changed since last I heard) completely open to people joining just for the event, no need to rep outside of the event, etc, willing to spend the time, money and effort to provide all of this for anyone with a desire to use.

And those who opt to not partake of that offer (and I am not saying they should or should feel compelled to do so) complain that they might be left out. That they are not willing to either join an existing guild set up specifically for this sort of event nor put the effort into creating their own organization (need not be a guild) to do the event ?

Are in fact presenting those who are making the effort for not only themselves but anyone willing to join in as somehow blameworthy when those not willing to organize fail at an event designed around group organization ?

That sounds much like the gist of it. Or perhaps that “this guild is making a serious run of it, they’re required to let me join it”

What throws me off is, doesn’t the guild in question actually allow anyone who is willing to rep during the event to join ? Aren’t they already willing to, “let me join it ?”

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


So you want to make dungeon party members immune to kicks because it’s their group and their rules they shouldn’t be kicked.

Yet when you have issues with another type of party (zerg) organization in this game that does not have rules you like, you’re crying foul and that they should change their rules?

Does the party leader get to make the rules of their group or not Duke? You can’t have it both ways.

TTS is the leader of the party when it comes to doing Teq and Wurm when they organize it. Don’t like their rules? Quit their party and find or make your own with rules you like better.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CeruleanRevolver.6085


I’m not a member of TTS, yet I’ve been consistently joining their runs and getting my wurm and Teq kills. Without membership, then of course it’ll be an advantage to get into TS so you’ll know you have to map hop. They map hop because very so often you get a bunch of people who simply afk, making the run pointless.

They just want people who can respond and know what they are doing. TS is just an easier tool to explain and you can get faster response. Same for wvw. Unless you have one dedicated map chatter who just purely map chat the instructions, which is not very effective since often you have to stop to react to enemy attacks.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Just to clarify,

The event is big requiring a large number of players. Requiring (or at least benefiting greatly from) large scale organization including guild, TS, perhaps even commanders.

And there is a guild that is (unless things have changed since last I heard) completely open to people joining just for the event, no need to rep outside of the event, etc, willing to spend the time, money and effort to provide all of this for anyone with a desire to use.

And those who opt to not partake of that offer (and I am not saying they should or should feel compelled to do so) complain that they might be left out. That they are not willing to either join an existing guild set up specifically for this sort of event nor put the effort into creating their own organization (need not be a guild) to do the event ?

Are in fact presenting those who are making the effort for not only themselves but anyone willing to join in as somehow blameworthy when those not willing to organize fail at an event designed around group organization ?

That sounds much like the gist of it. Or perhaps that “this guild is making a serious run of it, they’re required to let me join it”

What throws me off is, doesn’t the guild in question actually allow anyone who is willing to rep during the event to join ? Aren’t they already willing to, “let me join it ?”

I have no knowledge of this as I am on EU and there is no expectation of repping unless you’re a member of multiple guilds. If a player is a member of a hosting guild then they’re expected not rep more so the hosting guild ncan get the influence but it’s not mandatory

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6132


Just to clarify,

The event is big requiring a large number of players. Requiring (or at least benefiting greatly from) large scale organization including guild, TS, perhaps even commanders.

And there is a guild that is (unless things have changed since last I heard) completely open to people joining just for the event, no need to rep outside of the event, etc, willing to spend the time, money and effort to provide all of this for anyone with a desire to use.

And those who opt to not partake of that offer (and I am not saying they should or should feel compelled to do so) complain that they might be left out. That they are not willing to either join an existing guild set up specifically for this sort of event nor put the effort into creating their own organization (need not be a guild) to do the event ?

Are in fact presenting those who are making the effort for not only themselves but anyone willing to join in as somehow blameworthy when those not willing to organize fail at an event designed around group organization ?

That sounds much like the gist of it. Or perhaps that “this guild is making a serious run of it, they’re required to let me join it”

What throws me off is, doesn’t the guild in question actually allow anyone who is willing to rep during the event to join ? Aren’t they already willing to, “let me join it ?”

You don’t even need to join TTS. You can join the raid repping other guilds, just be on TS.

Sure, TTS members get priority call when switching maps, but other players who belong to different guilds are also given the chance to join them.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elrey.5472


The spanish community is kinda similar to TTS as i’m reading in this thread. This didn’t happen in purpose, we both just tried to find a working way-around of the coordination issues of GW2 and found something that works fine. That only makes more obvious that this is not a guild problem but a game lack of coordination tools.

Here in spain we kill the three headed wurm weekly and we are not just 1 guild, we are more than 20 small random guilds that share the same teamspeak and divide into channels. We got a public teamspeak where anyone can join, and no need to represent any guild to play there. The event can be done without it, but due to the coordinated level the event needs, we seriously encourage the players join our teamspeak, and while the event lasts we are all on the same channel speaking and socializing with the rest of the community and different guilds.
That said, it’s not a closed environment. We had some level 55 players last weekend, random map guys that were just passing by and helped us to kill the wurms. We weren’t angry at all, it was actually kind of fun to have them asking all kind of stuff about why we were there and what they’d need to do to help us.
I also heard about a Far Shiverpeaks teamspeak that kills wurm on a regular basis.

So… if you don’t like how a certain guild/community is doing it, try to join other ones. Just make sure that you team up with the communities expectations since this events aren’t the usual brainless zergs hitting skill 1. Your role is not just needed but really appreciated if you do it fine, and it could make a difference.

ES Wiki Sysop. Vanquiser of the Marionette, Lover of the Aetherpath.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides

(edited by Elrey.5472)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geekfox.4267


Here is a list of the comunities that do the worm:



In my opinion a lot of people kill the worm.You just have to find them. - ATT for NA as well.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnawarePolarBear.9502


I thought I would reply to this, purely because you called into question the methods TTS uses to find their maps, our use of TeamSpeak, and the application process of our guilds.

To give you some background information, on Average we have 240-320 people on TeamSpeak for Triple Trouble alone. We run roughly 4-5 Tequatl’s during one raid block, and the only requirement we ask is that: 1.) Our members are repping TTS, and 2.) you get on TeamSpeak. There’s nothing malicious about this, nor is there an issue with people claiming we are “shady” by giving out our TeamSpeak for the OPEN use of the community. Furthermore, we shouldn’t be held accountable for any negative things that occur to someone because they download TeamSpeak (a program that’s widely considered clean, so for you to suggest we’re going to “hack accounts” is hilarious.)

To address the issue you have with the methods we use to find maps, I’ll clue you in rather quickly. We ask our members to flood maps (anyone on our Teamspeak begins to pour into Sparkfly Fen) and the first thing we ask is that everyone begins repping TTS so we may find a map, without causing too much inconvenience within other people attempting to organize Tequatl. More often than not, we are the first to load into freshly spawned maps, and as such cannot be placed at fault for the way ArenaNet utilizes their mega-server system. If there were a server list, we could possibly just enter a world and take our members with us immediately, thus not causing a rift within those who attempt to organize maps themselves. Yet, this functionality is not in the game, so we are left to our devices. I apologize if you feel we are maliciously filling maps and “abandoning” them so you cannot get your kill, which is completely against what we stand for.

Our goals as TTS leaders is to get players their kills, foster community relationships, and generally encourage people to socialize. This is the reason I show up everyday, I honestly don’t care about the loot, nor do I need anything from either of these fights. It’s not as if TTS is forcing people to pay a gold-fee to taxi into our maps, and there’s no requirement besides the TeamSpeak application itself to join our Teamspeak. We haven’t even been using our member server-group (to give priority taxi’s) because we want to give everyone a chance to participate in the fight. If you truly feel that TTS is elitist, there’s nothing I can do to strike that preconceived notion from your mind-set. Legitimately, our application process is quite possibly the easiest thing to do in the entire game. We only have an application process because we have over 4,000 members.

Honestly, if you don’t wish to work with other people, if you refuse to download TeamSpeak, and you refuse to coordinate complex kills like this, then I must respectfully ask you to stick to the easier content. I don’t mean to be rude, but this is Mega-boss content, it’s raid level content and is meant to be hard. If you truly believe that you can organize a fight of this scale (30-40 people on each Wurm, including a condition team and a reflect team, PER wurm) then be my guest. However, the hardest part comes next – ensuring each Wurm is in its critical damage state so it can be decapitated within 1 minute of the first decapitation. If you can do this without utilizing outside functions, then you don’t ever need to play this game again, because you’re a wizard.

TL;DR – Nothing we can do about “abandoning maps” because of the way the mega-server system works, we’re not monopolizing content by asking you to use a resource that’s invaluable, and lastly – if you refuse to utilize the resources, I suggest you do easier content that would fit your play-style. Triple Trouble isn’t Jormag level.

(edited by UnawarePolarBear.9502)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


Here is the updated list of the comunities that do the worm:


  3. (3 English runs/day often even 2 maps per run!)
  4. Usually 1 German run/day
  5. Few runs per month


In my opinion a lot of people kill the worm.You just have to find them.Stop complaining that it is too hard or something.Worm and Tequatl are simmilar to raids.They have higher difficulty from the rest of the World Bosses.They are made only for those people who are willing to put some effort in them.They are not made for the rest that just farm Open World by zerging the bosses to death by using only one skill.Those bosses need more coordination and preparation than normal.

You need specific food,drinks,gear,traits.Some people may want TS for better coordination.
Rl and officers make the rules of the comunity/guild.You do what they tell you to do or you will be kicked.It’s that simple.If you don’t like how the things are done then just leave.80+ people are giving their best.You won’t be the only exception.You either deal with it or you get lost.Nothing more nothing less.I don’t like to boost people and i’m not supporting suh play.You either give everything from you or you don’t.AFKers/Leachers are just not welcomed.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

(edited by moiraine.2753)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Thanks to Elrey and Unaware for sharing what they did. From my raiding time, I know that organizing these events with this many people — and in the face of the technical limitations imposed by GW2’s server/megaserver system — is not easy. Kudos to you for your efforts. As to the OP, I see this thread as needlessly alarmist, and wish to assure you that he does not represent me, nor — I suspect — anyone but himself.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


The irony of it all is that anyone can join TTS, download TS, and then get instant-successful Teq/Triple Trouble/Etc raids anytime they want.

tts is a very welcoming guild. They usually want a fresh instance because they cannot include enough people.

If anything, tts are reacting to a problem with megaservers

welcoming, HAH. i joined 3 different iterations of them at 3 different times, the second i represented my own guild, i got booted. if thats welcoming, i don’t want to see unwelcoming

They have rules you know.While you raid with them you are bound to representing the guild.When the raid finishes you can switch to your other guild.If you don’t follow the rules of course that you will be kicked.You don’t even have to represent the guild 90% of the time.They ask you to do it only in those 10% when is the raid going on and if you don’t do it you will be booted out.I don’t see anything wrong here.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Just ignore those events .. but whenever somebody asks for changing Jormag or
Shatterer into something like that .. raise your voice against it.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


Just ignore those events .. but whenever somebody asks for changing Jormag or
Shatterer into something like that .. raise your voice against it.

In my opinion Anet mustn’t revamp old World Bosses like Tequatl was.Instead they should make new ones that are as hard as those two.Right now other MMOs make raids every often.Some every 2 mothns,other on 4 months and 3rd on 6 months.Anet has added 2 for 2 years…..And right now when a specific raid or boss is out for to much it becomes farmable by everyone because people have the time to learn the fight.Just look what has happened to Tequatl.At the start only a few guilds could do it.Now everyone and their grandma is killing it.It became old content.The wurm is the same.Right now it’s done only by 5% of the population.The rest of the people may be able to have it on farm 6 months later.I don’t see any problem with that.That is how raids go.1st the hard core have them on farm then the rest.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

(edited by moiraine.2753)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Hopefully. But it has been 7 months already since wurm was introduced.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyprien.4208


The irony of it all is that anyone can join TTS, download TS, and then get instant-successful Teq/Triple Trouble/Etc raids anytime they want.

tts is a very welcoming guild. They usually want a fresh instance because they cannot include enough people.

If anything, tts are reacting to a problem with megaservers

welcoming, HAH. i joined 3 different iterations of them at 3 different times, the second i represented my own guild, i got booted. if thats welcoming, i don’t want to see unwelcoming

There is only a handful of reasons why someone would have been kicked out of the guild. We don’t kick people if they don’t rep our guild in fact the only time we ask people to rep is during a raid and it’s setup. As long you weren’t kicked out because you got banned from the guild you should be able re-apply whenever you feel like it.

However there something currently wrong with our site right now so no applications to join our guild will be sent to us at this time. There will be a post on our site as soon as we can get it fixed.

As you would guess you would have been banned from the guild, since you didn’t get a notice about being banned I don’t think that would be the case.

Guild Missions:
If invited for guild missions then you’re only temporary invited to the guild. Once the guild missions are finished anyone who was invited just for guild missions are kicked out at the end of it.

Every month we have something called a purge which is to help free up the spaces in our guilds in-order to invite new people into the guild. When someone is invited into the guild they are auto set active however every month after that they will need to at least show up to one of our raids during a whole month to be reset to active again.

Error (Mistakes):
While we would hope this never happens it can happen still. Mostly it’s an error with permissions of new members enter here isn’t reset to the correct spot.

(edited by Cyprien.4208)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


Costs you nothing to join TTS.

They only ask that you rep them during TTS-organized events (which is all of two events), use teamspeak so you can listen in on what’s going on, and not to be a jerk.

If you don’t want to join TTS they even have a form for guild alliances – if your guild wants to spawn Teq/TT and doesn’t have the manpower, they’ll help.

And it’s also disingenuous of people to claim that TTS is draining maps – every time I’ve seen them look for new maps, they’re doing it at least half an hour before the spawn; there’s plenty of time for others to show up to organize a non-TTS attempt, if there aren’t enough people on a map then it’s either because it’s a bad time (the 4:30 AM EST time slot is usually completely dead) or the megaserver has shafted you by sticking you in a late instance that nobody is filling up because someone else in your guild or on your friends list is also on the map.

If there’s anything toxic about the community, it’s people insisting that players helping players should be a bannable offense.

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

The info about them having had some private TS sessions with a dev outside official hours, coupled with the rumor that they are asking him to kick people who are afk out of sparkfly fen did leave a bad impression on me and I just can’t shake it off (I know that it might’ve been an isolated case, but it left a permanent stigma on my mind, sorry). But all-in-all, I think TTS is harmless and is sincerely trying to help the community. I still prefer server runs like we used to in BG against teq.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

(edited by Leo Paul.1659)

triple trouble: the power of one guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


The info about them having had some private TS sessions with a dev outside official hours, coupled with the rumor that they are asking him to kick people who are afk out of sparkfly fen did leave a bad impression on me and I just can’t shake it off (I know that it might’ve been an isolated case, but it left a permanent stigma on my mind, sorry). But all-in-all, I think TTS is harmless and is sincerely trying to help the community. I still prefer server runs like we used to in BG against teq.

According to the moderators and developers the developers’ gaming accounts are normal accounts with no access to GM powers, so that leaves two possibilities:

1) It’s a baseless rumor spread by people bitter, for whatever reason, about TTS.

2) ANet’s lying and we have far bigger problems than TTS.