whats the deal with multi-boxing?

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sages.3496


so i came across this dude multi-boxing and noticed that i couldnt event participate in a event because i couldnt touch a mob before he/she went down. so i asked about what that person was doing and they said it was multi-boxing.
isnt this unfair? i think this should not be allowed…
think of all the new players and how annoyed they will be…

if anyone has anything to say go ahead and post here

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Multi boxing is only legal to the extent that he isn’t using any 3rd party software to control is alt accounts. I don’t see how it was possible for him to play two accounts effectively to steal your participation award?

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sages.3496


it was more of they were killing the guys so fast i couldnt touch them

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saulius.8430


well you don’t need to multibox to troll others in events… e.g. with engineer’s flamefrower’s (2) skill you can one-shot group of mobs, before others can touch them. (in low level areas)

trust me. i’m engineer (:

kill all ze thingz

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


That’s just simply lvl 80 characters griefing low level zones?

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sages.3496


well the real question is what is the point of multi-boxing anyways i mean its pretty much a cheat and useless

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sages.3496


enjoy the game rather than leveling 3 or more toons up at once

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


he doesnt have to play two accounts “effectively” at the same time, multiboxing just emulates multiple systems and copy each mouse/keyboard/whatever input to each emulated system, one can play and endless amount of characters at the same time if he has a separate gw2 account for each one and as long as his machine can handle it. Thats why alone you wont keep up with him and probably end up getting less or no participation.

never seen those ranger shortbow/bear farmbots who are always in a group of 3-5 of them? thats just ONE bot, multiboxing with 3-5 (most probably stolen, lol) accounts.

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adine.2184


I believe Anet said a while ago Multi-boxing is in fact banable .

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sages.3496


well if thats the case ill get his account name some time and report it

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toxyn.9608


I’ve always considered multi-boxing similar to map / teleport hacks / botting / etc.

In the right hands multi-boxing can provide an unfair advantage over players who game “normally”. Normally of course meaning that a single game purchase is made and only one character is used at any given time.

“The fatal flaw in every plan is the assumption that you know more than your enemy.”

Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saulius.8430


no. official posts stated that multi boxing is ok. as long as one does not use any automation tools to play them all at the same time.


@ Rocklin.4106 “…emulates multiple systems and copy each mouse/keyboard/whatever input to each emulated system…”
imho this falls under “Does this program allow someone to play faster, better, longer, or more accurately than someone who doesn’t use it?”

kill all ze thingz

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Multiboxing with program which allows you to emulate multiple systems is pretty much botting. Like those bots who used to stack like 20 players on top of each other and farm straits areas. It’s pretty surprising to watch too.

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sages.3496


ok here is a question for you all… what is your opinion of multi-boxing?

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AwwGee.5628


As long as a player isn’t using a key press to control more than 1 character, I’m fine. Hell If I could use my toes, or use 1 hand for each character I’d do it.

If his characters are moving and using the exact same skills, it’s highly likely it’s automated. I report and move on.

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


from https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Q-Is-multi-boxing-allowed/245276

Multiboxing is very simmilar to botting and 3rd party programming so according to Anet’s policy it is strictly forbidden. Please, refrain from making use of this and report any player you see making use of this.
Since the question has been answered , this thread is closed.
EDIT: This post has been quoted in other forum posts, but it is inaccurate. ArenaNet does not prohibit Multi- or Dual-Boxing as along as the player is active on each account and is not botting or using other third-party programs to “play” the account.

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asglarek.8976


What I do is none of your business I 2box all the time no 3rd party software and a single input device. I also use 3 monitors and ati multi-monitor software for 3x the fov a single monitor provides is this cheating too in your envious eyes?

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

What I do is none of your business I 2box all the time no 3rd party software and a single input device. I also use 3 monitors and ati multi-monitor software for 3x the fov a single monitor provides is this cheating too in your envious eyes?

I missed the post where someone attacked you personally. Care to point it out for me?

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


from https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Q-Is-multi-boxing-allowed/245276

Multiboxing is very simmilar to botting and 3rd party programming so according to Anet’s policy it is strictly forbidden. Please, refrain from making use of this and report any player you see making use of this.
Since the question has been answered , this thread is closed.
EDIT: This post has been quoted in other forum posts, but it is inaccurate. ArenaNet does not prohibit Multi- or Dual-Boxing as along as the player is active on each account and is not botting or using other third-party programs to “play” the account.

In otherwords making a slave character that will through third party programs or apparatus copy the movements of the original is in fact a form of “botting”

Report.Move on.Laugh at his wasted 60 bucks.

What I do is none of your business I 2box all the time no 3rd party software and a single input device. I also use 3 monitors and ati multi-monitor software for 3x the fov a single monitor provides is this cheating too in your envious eyes?

That isn’t possible. unless you’re auto attacking things and manually switching between toons to send them commands.

Irony…. xD

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


The latest Arenanet post in regards to multi-boxing was made by Gaile, since one of the original responses from one of the CSR’s was incorrect.

I believe Gaile said that multi-boxing is not bannable unless you have a 3rd party program running it and not an actual person.

Personally, I don’t see how multi-boxing can be operated properly without 3rd party programs

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whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sages.3496


still this seems quite stupid in my opinion

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


I think the concern with multiboxing is that someone can control multiple accounts with a single input. After reading some stuff on the internet I can understand the concern. There is hardware and software designed for multiboxing that allow a single input to be sent to multiple computers/processes, therefore a single press of #1 is sent to all game clients without the user having to switch between clients.

From what I can tell this is a “grey” area as the user is still in control of the characters, but is not controlling them separately.

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yocto.1782


so i came across this dude multi-boxing and noticed that i couldnt event participate in a event because i couldnt touch a mob before he/she went down. so i asked about what that person was doing and they said it was multi-boxing.
isnt this unfair? i think this should not be allowed…
think of all the new players and how annoyed they will be…

if anyone has anything to say go ahead and post here

You’re look at the person behind the character and saying it’s unfair. Just as a group is unfair, just as a guild is unfair. If I have 9 fingers, everyone with 10 fingers is playing unfair.

You can’t balance by the person behind the computer, you balance by account.

PS Why are you intent on killing those characters target, that’s the only mob? Are you trying to kill their target befor they can? If that so, you’re the one picking on them. What’s the event that can be dominated by 2 characters, I want to look at it.

(edited by yocto.1782)

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enko.6123


Response Via Email (Landry) 02/06/2013 06:35 PM
Hello, and thank you for your patience.

After further review, we have decided to unblock all of the accounts in question. You are correct that multiboxing is not a violation of our current policy. Automation software that allows for unattended game play is a violation. Your observed behavior in the game may have been confused for the latter.

It’s always possible that our stance on multiboxing by routing commands to multiple instances of the client could change, so I’d keep your eyes on our forums just in case. Also, keep in mind that what you do is rather striking and alarming to most players (and even most GMs) when they see it. It might be in your best interest to tone it down a bit, but that’s not an order. That’s just a practical suggestion to avoid future reports and investigations.

Thank you again for your understanding. The accounts will be reinstated momentarily.

Guild Wars Support Team

This is from a support ticket from someone that was banned for botting and was reinstated. As per this support ticket, multiboxing is not currently a violation of the rules but may change in the future.

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: selan.8354


Yep seen a lot of them lately, the all use an attack at the same time, jump and dodge at the same time and run in the same direction all the time. in wvw they seem at first like a very very organized guild…but in rality only 2 people that control them.ikittenill the main 1 the others are easy to finish off.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RageQuit.5687


well the real question is what is the point of multi-boxing anyways i mean its pretty much a cheat and useless

I’m not sure which “version” of multi-boxing you are referring to, but generally multi-boxing is me using my laptop beside my pc, both running a copy of GW2 with two different accounts, and multi-tasking by doing events with two chars. If this is what you are referring to:

1) Not a cheat.
Why? – Because the person doing this is just better at multi-tasking and imho deserves to play however he/she want. If it was two different people doing this, nobody would even care. But if everything is done by a single person who bought two accounts of GW2, that’s suddenly a cheat.

2) Not useless.
Double the fun, double the challenge and double the loot. Not.Useless.

Again, my reply here is only valid considering this is not being done via a program.
If it is, then this has nothing to do with skill and my reply is moot. (Point two still applies without the “challenge” part)

ok here is a question for you all… what is your opinion of multi-boxing?

I think it is fine, provided that there’s no involvement from 3rd party programs, other than, say some hack allowing you to run two instances of the game on one pc. If you have the hardware to run it, it should be something that’s allowed.

whats the deal with multi-boxing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

This question has been brought up before. Threads have been quoted with words from the team so we would like to make a statement about the issue. The quotes are correct.
Multiboxing is allowed as long as the player is actively controlling every single account. That means no automation, no one keyboard and mouse to control many characters at once.

Hope this has been helpful. As always, please make sure you report any player you see breaking this rule but, as always, we ask you to please provide us with as much evidence and feedback as possible to help the team.

Thanks for your understanding.