hi , as the title says these are afew things in my opinion are most necessary
1- Hide all players option ( this 1 is very very useful for world bosses i think this is a must !)
2- show all node/objects/enemies in option ( its realy anoying to keep holding CTRL for chests and …_
3- Solo mode Dungeons (ok im playing for over a year now and never had a chance to watch all dungeons cutsence coz people kick whoever does and some of u might say solo but im not that pro and this will be so stresful also made group for it and no1 joins and agree to watch all , so pleasseeeee make a solo mode it doesnt even have to reward us i just want to do all parts of dungeons only once and watch alll the cutsence and the story that u worked hard)
4-ingame boss timer and guide pannel (we need a tab and page in game for guide about bosses of dungeons and raids and world bosses – alittle bit of biography and spells they do and some basic info about what to do , also a tab in it to show timer for bosses wich we wouldnt have to go to other websites for it)
5- Season 1 ( u puted so much effort in season 1 so many content so many dialogs and so much story that most of us miss doing those i know it can be very hard to put them back in world but for people like me who wants to do the story its realy important . i know its very hardand u can make all of it instance based even with no reward )
6- spliting daily and monthly achivements ( ok this 1 can be very important, i personaly think u must split achivements to twi part 1- daily-monthly achivements and another part actual ingame achivements , i know it might be only me and people who havnt been present from first day who say it but its not true ,upper achivement can be the achivement point u earned by doing things ingame and another point blew it shows daily n monthly- i know people like me never can beat people with 30k achivement but we all know those r literly 80% monthly and daily so if u split those mybe people have chance to challenge high ach people by doing more ingame achivement and actualy gain achivement by doing stuff isntead of gathering some woods and flowers everyday, just make it a 2 part achivement so all will have a chance to challnege and kinda prove they r good)
7- DPS meter ( to encourage people to do more damage and ….. and well aswel other uses
8- more emotes Specialy interactive emotes (well i think mmos are past that time when e type /hug it just says u huged some 1 XD it would be nice if 2 charecter could actualy huge eachother mybe huge is abit complicated with these varity of races but a nice handshake would be nice
9-interactable objects ! more of them specialy for rp players or who just want to talk ingame well now the only way to sit on a couch is typing /sit wich isnt realy pretty u mybe want to try it XD mybe in future patches and future areas this can happen for some objects
10- Action Combat Tutorial ( ok even myself for a long time after it released didnt even know it exist and after i learned i had to ask some people had to active it and many had no idea and also the way we active it is kinda unusual going to key setting and set a key for it i bet literley all new players doesnt even know it exists for months , what must be done is when soem 1 make a char u let them choose between acton combat or targeting system and ofc they can change later if they want to, a simple hint woudl be nice )
11- PVE and WVW Tournament ( ok i see every month or season u start a league and and a ournament with prizes like 200 000 $ and more n more thats nice, but is this realy fair ? is gw 2 all about pvp ?
look at the gw 2 and see how small is that part. encouraging people to do pvp is very good and i know the positive things about it and i know many of those reasons but! mybe its true to say most of people do pve and orgnize guilds for it and take theyr time and … for such things mybe u can do the same for pve and wvw.
that can be one of ways to encourage people to do wvw it , how u can do it in wvw is ur problem to think about and find out XD but well i have my ideas,
but for pve u can start by this raid challenge people spent days and weeks failing to be able to do it mybe u can do a tornoment in there and give away prizes every week or months to those who done it faster or who did it for first time it doesnt have to be 200 000 $ XD anything would be nice , u can do the same for challenges in game
12- Add Fishing ( idk what to say XD)
13- Add Visual Effect Change for spells in cash shop or ingame things (u can start by changing some models and idk changing colors even.. imagin mesmers skills instead of purple be black, or armored version of ranger’s pet or warriors stump instead of jumping and stomping on ground, smash her/his hand to the ground and do the similar skill or idk it can go on and on)
14- encouraging youtube and other channels who do ragular gw 2 videos , there r many of them and i like most of them , i can for example tell dulfy i used her help so many times , u start tornoments and give people money why not helping those channels abit too not only with money , most of them spent alot of time in game and number 1 fan they can have great ideas , and we sure need more than dulfy siegmaster for her there should be a hall of heroes for them and all gw 2 developers and designers and … and also it would be amazing to see a new npc of her in durmand priory
15- nerf cheap farmins like SW- ( now people who do other things a voice in theyr head says u can do this sure BUT u can go and farm in SW and get alot more XD) thats not the only reason this sw chest run attract people to do it and it makes other map less popular , also these kind of farming hurts economy …
i dont say nerf the way people make money for example u can add more nodes and tress to maps to encourage people to go and explore the world and well gathering mats
there can be many ways to nerf sw like make chest visible to who only digged it like how nods and trees work or idk make it like we only can open that chest in that location once a day( btw chest farm isnt the onlyfarm u know , there r some veteren karka farming tooand … i guess more , old champions farm was atleast fun ,, well more fun that these XD)
16-making series of short movies like “Point of No Return Finale Cinematic” to explain gw 1 stories , each episode can be like 10 mins it doesnt have to be visualy that nice but many lore lovers like myself would love the idea
17- Return of The Queen’s Jubilee and other evens (ok there were so many events people like me missed all i have is some video in gw 2 channel and seeing how amazing they were , why remove such awesome content ) 1 thing is a must wich is 1vs 1 battle with npcs in The Queen’s Jubilee i mean the single player challenges , it realy must be returned in a very bigger and better model it would even be daily like fractals and ….
we need single player fights like this , these kind of things would make gw 2 perfect.. we will have single player things like this , dungeons wich r 5 man champion farms wich r larger scale raids wich are 10 man andworld bosses wich r idk 150 ? so this game literly can please any1
18- reward for xp after lvl 80( idk anything would be nice , even a bag of rare) well there can be 1 achivement point after gaining 10 lvls after lvl 80 and that can be repeatable 500 times … or idk more or less
19 -Do something about Historical Achivements - Queen’s Jubilee – Dragon Bash- dragon bash and 24 more biiig events like these ,are sad enough and torturing for us players who joined less than 2 years ago , thats a huggge disspointment we dont get to play those amazing content u made wich are all awesome !
but mybe soemthing else hurts is the AP those events gave !!!! those r like thousands of achivements idk 4 k or 5k ap , if u r not going to bring them back u must do soemthing about it , 1 simple way is to remove the ap people got from those events like other mmos do( for things we dont get to play again)
but im not a huge fan of that , coz people worked, its ture they got amazing stuff like pets and titles and reewrds and … but still some did it for ap , the other solution is to move those achivement points to daily/monthly section wich i heard it has 15k cap.
a real nice solution for that would be adding a MAGIC Carnival or Magic circus to the game wich is a big land with entertaining stuff and with many portals to all those events , mini dungeons , minigames and ….. well people who read this can design the rest in theyr head XD
20- New PVP maps- ok im persoanly so booooored by seeing these same pvp maps over n over , what i say is im not asking for new Modes nor im asking to make new maps actualy , well i mean change them visualy ,dont do anything else ,
for example keep how exatly Forest of Niflhel is and just change how it looks like instead of forest make it frozen area or a volcanic thing isntead of forest ,and change the look of those giants, we can keep the original Forest of Niflhel and have other versions of it, so when people choose to play Forest of Niflhel it can randomly choose of of those similar maps , it would be amazing XD
20- Trahearne !!…… ok i realy realy realy dont want him to be one of main charecters in gw 2 world , he must have a horrible ending !if he is dead bring it back to life and let us kill it , not just killing ! it wouldnt wash all these hatred , i want him to not exist at all , some might say too late but its not , u can add a vilian and then player realize Trahearne was no1 just some leaf and a bigger force just controled it , or he was mind controled all these times, and player must be the person who kills him , not a rememberable death a pathetic and … death !
21- place toys in charecter menu as skills ( like minis)
22-add a dressing room to game- its fun instead of jsut inspecting ina small window we see the armor and dye on ourself also we can change hair and apearance there
23-auto consume foods- i would love to see a way to make it possible , there can be 2 new bag slot like those shared inv ,or idk soemthing in option , wich automaticly consume 1 food or utility effect when the duration of the current 1 expires. wouldnt it be nice to never worrying about it
24- add some skill slots – for in inventory things for foods-toys-and any consumable things
25-add more core tyria mastery -
26- nore more Stereotype stories please .
i will edit and complete this topic in future ty all who comments
(edited by Greyrebel.7492)