your opinion on gears to swap skins & stats
Besides allowing ascended gear to be able to swap the stats, it would be even better to take a step further by allowing the weapon sigils / armor runes / infusions to be unlock-able and swappable too, as well as the various infusions.
The current system, people would just buy whatever weapons sigils / armor runes / infusions they want to use and that’s it. However, if we can unlock and swap the sigils / runes / infusions as we like when not in combat, then people would actually try to buy all the sigils / runes / infusions to try out various possible combinations.
All wearable ascended gear should be able to do this, thus, a character begins on an ascension quest to obtain all ascended gear wearable.
Besides unlocking, swapping stats combinations (Berserker’s, Soldier’s, etc), Weapon Sigils, Armor Runes, Infusions this functionality of unlocking and swapping should also be expanded to weapon / armor skins as well as trinket icons.
For example, there could be a new Mystic Forge recipe by taking a weapon / armor / trinket and combining it with three (3) other special materials, to produce a “skin token” of the original weapon / armor / trinket.
This “skin token” could be then put into the Mystic Forge with an ascended gear along with two (2) other special materials in order to fuse the skin into the ascended gear.
Thus, a character begins his or hers quest for character ascension by obtaining a full set of ascended gear, then sets out to obtain all skins to unlock to swap freely at their leisure when not in combat.
The current system we have is very limited. Players were forced to stick to one skin, or have multiple sets of armor in their bags or the bank. Very inconvenient and the space will run out eventually.
With this system of unlocking and swapping, players can freely obtain new skins and stats without worrying out running out of bag or bank space.
This is the ultimate horizontal gear treadmill that players have been asking for. Players will always be looking forward to unlock new skins, stats combinations, runes, sigils.
As there will always be new skins, stats combinations, sigils / runes / infusions being added into the game, this horizontal gear treadmill will never be exhausted.
Players who want to grind, will always have something to do.
Players who have a lot of characters may argue that this system is not very “friendly” to their other characters since they may feel that they have to unlock everything for all their characters. Well, Rome is certainly not built in a day and when they have so many Romes to build, it will take some time before all Romes have been completely built.
This unlock, swap skins, stats system would greatly reward the players who only plays one character, as they will feel that their character is getting more and more “powerful” as they unlock more skins, stats, sigils, runes, infusions. Powerful as in having more choices of skins and stats, not powerful as in able to one shot monsters though.
Also, the player community have been asking for this kind of unlock and swap system since 2006 ( so it would be very nice if we can finally have something like this.
Thank you for reading!
So, dear fellow official Guild Wars 2 general discussions forum goers, what do you have to say regarding this? Come, lets share your thoughts with us and discuss!
There are dozens of things they could have done with ascended gear that would have been better and more novel than the current implementation, including the things that you suggest. Instead they went with the dullest and most unimaginative implementation possible: “just put bigger numbers on it”. Ascended gear has unfortunately proven that ArenaNet is not looking to think outside the box at all when it comes to giving players a sense of progression.
(edited by Rooks Zaer.5846)
In short — i agree. Detailed version here:
The reason a lot of these things aren’t true is for inflation sake. They need ways to remove gold from the economy, and buying things on the TP and buying salvage kits is one of them.
The reason a lot of these things aren’t true is for inflation sake. They need ways to remove gold from the economy, and buying things on the TP and buying salvage kits is one of them.
well this system would encourage more buying. prices would go up as people would buy everything. there will always be new players.
everything will be more expensive.
as of now, people buy one set of runes / sigils and thats it.
with this, people will buy everything.
some may even buy everything for all their characters.
So when is it exactly that Ascended armour is going to rear its ugly head? Next Update? Or will it be announced later?
tl; dr: when out of combat, characters can unlock, swap:
skins, stats, runes, sigils, infusions of all wearable gearGuild Wars 2 launched with Legendary Weapons that require a lot of grinding to obtain, tons of various tier 6 fine crafting materials, karma, gold and a precursor weapon, obtained randomly or bought from the trading post for an outrageous amount of gold.
Throughout the year, I have seen lots of complaints regarding precursors in the official Guild Wars 2 forum, mainly about the acquisition method via the Mystic Forge. For example, some people have spent 600 gold by “gambling” rares or exotic weapons into the Mystic Forge but have not gotten a single precursor weapon.
I have seen guild members quit the game or become less active after obtaining their legendary weapons.
I have seen guild members quit the game after not able to obtain their precursors or legendary weapons.
Well, of course, they are also many guild members who kept on playing after gotten legendary weapons, and continue to work towards getting more legendary weapons.
Recently, legendary weapons have the new function to swap all possible stats combinations while disengaged (out of combat) while I agree this is a very convenient function however I cannot agree that this wonderful stats swapping function be limited to legendary weapons only.
The stats swapping function should be available for all types of wearable gear, not just legendary weapons.
With ascended armor being introduced soon, it is a good time to expand this stats swapping function into ascended gear via “piece by piece” stats unlocking for each piece of ascended gear.
For example, for a Zojja’s Greatsword to be able to swap its berserker stats into Soldier’s stats, a Chorben’s Chorben’s Soldier Inscription must be combined with the Zojja’s Greatsword with two (2) other more special materials in the Mystic Forge.
The legendary weapon will still have its prestige and convenience since it will have access to all possible stats combination right away as well as future stats combination as they are introduced into the game.
This way, people will have something solid to slowly work towards to instead of complaining not able to obtain their precursor due to the price on the trading post being too expensive. Even though it is said that the precursor weapons would be craft-able in the future but it will be quite a while before they implement that.
Good idea but I disagree, legendary items already provide this motivation and purpose, this would only reduce a material sink from the game from not building full weapons/armor. The only thing good I see about this is saving bag space, aside from that it seems to only hurt the economy.
Good idea but I disagree, legendary items already provide this motivation and purpose, this would only reduce a material sink from the game from not building full weapons/armor. The only thing good I see about this is saving bag space, aside from that it seems to only hurt the economy.
another option would not hurt.
legendary gear would be about luxury, prestige, while ascended gear would be about necessity, quality of life.
furthermore, there is little motivation for legendary as the cost is too great, and we would not be able to reap the rewards immediately. plus there is RNG involved in getting the precursor weapon.
people often get demotivated when they feel like they are unable to get their precursor or farm tier 6 fine crafting materials for their legendary and have quit the game eventually.
this “piece by piece” system will fix that.
they can reap the rewards as they progress slowly.
unlocking things one step at a time.
you are very wrong, this would increase material sink, not decrease it.
the current system does not promote hoarding.
people will, in reality, spend less.
for myself, i only keep / acquire / buy sigils / runes that i intend to use.
i will not buy anything else.
i am not spending at all.
if this system is made possible, i will attempt to buy them all.
i am positive there are a lot of other players who think alike.
this will help the economy greatly.
prices of all items will go up tremendously.
(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)
So when is it exactly that Ascended armour is going to rear its ugly head? Next Update? Or will it be announced later?
I would expect it in the patch just after Halloween. We know it will be introduced this year, but it’s too big to be put as a side content in either the Halloween on Wintersday patches.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
you are very wrong, this would increase material sink, not decrease it.
the current system does not promote hoarding.
people will, in reality, spend less.for myself, i only keep / acquire / buy sigils / runes that i intend to use.
i will not buy anything else.
i am not spending at all.if this system is made possible, i will attempt to buy them all.
i am positive there are a lot of other players who think alike.this will help the economy greatly.
prices of all items will go up tremendously.
I don’t think I’m wrong at all but you are entitled to your opinion, in your own perspective you are correct, by adding new weapon types into a current weapon it would simplify things and make it easy for people to do it. However that doesn’t mean everyone will spend the gold just to keep adding them to the list and have overall more options used then originally and you said that pretty much yourself by stating you buy just what you need. That is pretty much what everyone does right now already and why we have other weapons and such in our bags.
I think the update would be a good one as long as it used the full weapon to fuse it with another keeping material dump at large and providing it easier to players swap their gear and sigils around. To me it seemed like this feature is only available to players willing to spend 1000’s of gold getting a legendary and that was a perk to it, giving it to ascended players may not be ideal as ascended weapons are by far easier and cheaper to craft in comparison.
I don’t think I’m wrong at all but you are entitled to your opinion, in your own perspective you are correct, by adding new weapon types into a current weapon it would simplify things and make it easy for people to do it. However that doesn’t mean everyone will spend the gold just to keep adding them to the list and have overall more options used then originally and you said that pretty much yourself by stating you buy just what you need. That is pretty much what everyone does right now already and why we have other weapons and such in our bags.
errr i only have one stats combination for each type of weapon that my warrior has. for example, my warrior has a berserker long bow. he does not have a carrion long bow or dire long bow etc. just one type.
and only using one type of sigil. if sigils were swap-able i would attempt to collect more sigils to unlock to swap. with the current system, i will not be doing that at all. not spending more in the trading post for other different sigils.
I think the update would be a good one as long as it used the full weapon to fuse it with another keeping material dump at large and providing it easier to players swap their gear and sigils around. To me it seemed like this feature is only available to players willing to spend 1000’s of gold getting a legendary and that was a perk to it, giving it to ascended players may not be ideal as ascended weapons are by far easier and cheaper to craft in comparison.
using full weapon / armor / trinket to fuse is fine, as long as is able to swap stats as well as skins.
again, the insane grind for legendary is due to the luxury prestige feeling behind it, not the quality of life function of swapping stats freely.
necessity, quality of life things should be made more available to all and not just to a small group.
Personally I would opt for ascended items that don’t have stat boosts, but allow out-of-combat switching of stats. At the moment they seem like a forced grind and I oppose this kind of action.
What ever costs them less money and consumes less time is what will be approved. How many people and time do you think it takes to create a weapon model, paint it and put bigger numbers on it?
I bet it’s one guy on his lunch breaks.
What ever costs them less money and consumes less time is what will be approved. How many people and time do you think it takes to create a weapon model, paint it and put bigger numbers on it?
I bet it’s one guy on his lunch breaks.
I recently started using blender, a program which allows you to create your own 3d models for games. I’m really shocked by how easy it is to do so, I’m able to create a full 3d model after playing around with it about a week for an hour a day max. Really, creating 3d armour models is rather easy if you are an adept on modelling.
You can view the program @
Personally I would opt for ascended items that don’t have stat boosts, but allow out-of-combat switching of stats. At the moment they seem like a forced grind and I oppose this kind of action.
aye, but slightly better stats is already introduced, so now i’m trying to get more for our monies (in game monies, time spent for acquiring ascended gear)
lets make it so that ascended can unlock and swap skins too. while also able to swap all kinds of stats, sigils, runes, infusions.
What ever costs them less money and consumes less time is what will be approved. How many people and time do you think it takes to create a weapon model, paint it and put bigger numbers on it?
I bet it’s one guy on his lunch breaks.
this system does not require new models to be drawn, does this mean there is a higher chance for this to be approved?
Having just started playing SPvP I would have to say that the sigils/runes/jewels/infusions idea would be nice. In SPvP the runes, etc they allow are free to purchase and can be added into your PvP locker. While maybe making people have to acquire them first, a similar system could be implemented for the PvE side of things which would make it great for re-gearing.
Personally I would opt for ascended items that don’t have stat boosts, but allow out-of-combat switching of stats. At the moment they seem like a forced grind and I oppose this kind of action.
If they drop the whole grind forever for bigger stat’s mantra and go back to creating more armor skins we can kill bosses or do events for I’ll be happy.
If it ever goes past ascended/legendary grind I really will quit this game forever. Didn’t we leave games like WoW to get a break from all the endless grind?
I like WoW, don’t get me wrong, but because they do vertical progression correctly.
GW2 grind is sloppy and boring, drives me crazy. I just try not to think about it while playing but my willpower is meh when it’s a significant stat upgrade , especially since I do a lot of pve and want every advantage I can get. I just want those advantages to be more skill based instead of time based.
You can say well it’s optional, yeah I guess if you want to be the underdog. I suppose that’s how ANet gets us to grind 24/7, make it optional but also a necessity to a lot of people. The bane of being a competitive player…
In GW1 you infused your armor in optional 1 or 2 missions to fight the mursaat which would damage the hell out of you without it, took like 20 minutes top which was very alt friendly. To see such time gating and grind to do higher level fractals makes me just as sad as this ascended and legendary fiasco.
End the grind ANet, back to your roots. This isn’t fun at all and you aren’t really different than all the other MMOs that pull the same crap. I thought change was one of the biggest selling points of GW2?
Having just started playing SPvP I would have to say that the sigils/runes/jewels/infusions idea would be nice. In SPvP the runes, etc they allow are free to purchase and can be added into your PvP locker. While maybe making people have to acquire them first, a similar system could be implemented for the PvE side of things which would make it great for re-gearing.
well, i’m thinking about making it real convenient.
for example, say we click on the chest armor icon in our hero menu, then it pops up a window showing us what skins we have unlocked, then we can swap to those skins.
we click on the chest armor stats button, then we can choose from the stats that we have unlocked.
we click on the chest armor runes button, then we can choose from the runes that we unlocked.
etc etc for all the gear we wear.
what if there were items that you could use mats to exchange for, or buy on the gem store, which would allow switching of stats on ascended weapons or switching sigils / runes? for a cost?
in this way, you get the QoL updates – which i think would eb very very neat. at the same time, there’s still that “gold sink”.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
well, there is already a huge cost to unlock them and make them swap-able.
there’s no need to add additional costs of swapping to them.
people enjoy permanent things, not temporary or rented etc.
that is why people play guild wars 2, because there is no monthly subscription.
etc etc for all the gear we wear.
But ANet was really clever in designing their vertical progression by branching out stat progression into many different aspects of the game. Traditional armors and weapons are just the most obvious and popular elements. There’s even a recent quote saying that they want to pursue different avenues of shallow stat progression. We know what that means because we experienced it in GW Factions, Nightfall and EotN with reputation based skills that increase in power with higher ranks.
WvW rank and abilities are just as much a form of vertical progression as ascended gear is, with most of them being passive boosts to stats, and some of them active. As far as I can see, there are no upgrades that have an inherent drawback, or a choice you have to make between unlocking one bonus over the other.
You are probably aware that even if they promise to never release another, better tier of gear, they can easily give any other system in the game vertical progression. And the hilarious thing is that if they never expand on any added vertical progression system beyond its initial introduction, they can still claim that each aspect on its own technically has a plateau, effectively dismantling initial arguments about introducing treadmills.
Looking at how many strictly visual titles could be given stat bonuses based on rank, their possibilities for adding stat progression are almost limitless. Well, technically, they already turned achievements into a stat progression on a broad scale by giving AP permanent stat increases as rewards. But you know where I’m coming from.
changed the topic to reflect on the actual topic better.
for the unlock and swap skins, stats system, they could easily made it that transmutation crystals (gem store item) is required to extract weapon armor skin / trinkets icons tokens from weapons / armor / trinkets.
as well as requiring transmutation crystals to embedded a skin or stat into an existing gear.
for example, put the following items into the mystic forge
weapon A
transmutation crystal (insert x amount)
xxx material (forged or crafted from aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd materials etc)
yyy material (forged or crafted from 111,222,333,444 materials etc)
then the weapon A’s skin token is extracted, then another mystic forge recipe to put the weapon A’s skin token into a new weapon
for example,
weapon A’s skin token
weapon B
transmutation crystal (insert x amount)
zzz material (forged or crafted from xxx,yyy,ooo,ppp materials etc)
after that, weapon B will be able to swap between skins A and skins B.
this system will encourage even more sales of transmutation crystals.
since the unlocking is permanent, people will be more willing to buy transmutation crystals for the purpose of unlocking and swapping.
no one likes temporary one off things.
we all love permanent unlocks.
here’s the catch, there will always be new skins introduced into the game, hence there is a never ending chase to acquire the new skins.
limited bag / bank space will prevent people from spending uncontrollably.
this system will remove that limitation and let people spend all they want to.
the same extract / embed to unlock can be done for stats (berserkers, soldiers etc), weapon sigils, armor runes, infusions (offensive, defensive, utility) as well.
for all types of gear (weapons, armor, back item, trinkets)
and please, remove “level cap increase” from the “table” so everyone can have a peace of mind. i.e. do not increase the level 80 level cap ever.
That is a good horizontal progression idea. It would be late but hopefully not never.
That is a good horizontal progression idea. It would be late but hopefully not never.
well, hopefully, better late than never.
the original guild wars community has been asking for something like this since 2006.
in 2013, changing stats is now possible.
lets make that possible for changing skins, sigils, runes, infusions as well.
and not just limit this wonderful feature to legendary gear.
changed the title into a question.
a question for the general populace of the official guild wars 2 forum community.
Meh, strip the upgrade slots from the items, and instead put them into the hero panel next to the affected items. The current system is needlessly convoluted, perhaps to prod us towards buying transmutation crystals.
If ascended gear can do everything like swapping skins, sigils, and stats why make legendaries? There’s no sense of permanence if you can just swap everything whenever you want.
If ascended gear can do everything like swapping skins, sigils, and stats why make legendaries?
people make legendaries because they want the ugly skin associated with it.
as well as the achievements related.
There’s no sense of permanence if you can just swap everything whenever you want.
you are very wrong. there is more sense of permanence if we can unlock things one by one and swap to them at will.
the current system feels very “temporary” and not “permanent” at all.
I don’t know if they should allow you to swap stats, however…
I’ve been kicked from dungeon groups now due to the color of my sword. If it ain’t red, it ain’t making things dead. Also, the cost in time and materials pretty well locks your traits and gear. Gone are the days my mesmer could switch between a condition build and a zerk build by swapping out some gear and tweaking my traits. This has pretty well cemented builds for the near future. Wait for the howling that will ensue when new traits and skills are added and you find you should have gone with the precision weapons and the celestial trinkets to make the best use of them for example. It will get worse for armor. They should have done the skills and traits before people were asked to marry their gear. This won’t end well.
What they should do is allow you to trade your trinkets plus a laurel or two or a gold for a different one. Some fee similar to changing traits. You should also be able to re-craft a new ascended from an existing one provided you have bought the proper recipe and it would cost something along the lines of the exotic inscription plus the existing weapon to change it.
I’m not holding my breath for any of this. The whole reason they released ascended was we got exotic too fast. They want this to drag on.
I’ve been kicked from dungeon groups now due to the color of my sword. If it ain’t red, it ain’t making things dead.
Once again. No. Want this get a legendary.
Once again. No. Want this get a legendary.
legendary has an ugly skin, cannot swap skins, cannot swap sigils, cannot swap infusions.
it is just terrible.
now what if,
ascended can
unlock skins one by one, can swap skins
unlock stats one by one, can swap stats
unlock sigils / runes / infusions one by one, can swap sigils / runes / infusions
it would be so much better.
and people can actually work towards this slowly unlike legendaries.
edited the title again.
let people come forth and share their opinions regarding this.
(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)
God. This is what happens when you start walking down this path. It was all good and ok, people were making legendaries to stand out, to have a shiny, to get that skin, to get the achievement. Now, all of the sudden, all these skeletons started to appear out of the closets, who wants to be more equal than everyone else. Now they want AN to humor their vanity and leave that part of the game, which needs significant quality of life improvements, unchanged, and who cares that this game, effectively, will be worse as gaming experience as a result of that. How sad and predictable.
God. This is what happens when you start walking down this path. It was all good and ok, people were making legendaries to stand out, to have a shiny, to get that skin, to get the achievement. Now, all of the sudden, all these skeletons started to appear out of the closets, who wants to be more equal than everyone else. Now they want AN to humor their vanity and leave that part of the game, which needs significant quality of life improvements, unchanged, and who cares that game, effectively, will be worse as experience as a result. How sad and predictable.
hmmm what are you going on about?
legendary users can always have their ugly skin.
everyone else can have quality of life feature: gear: unlock, swap skins & stats.
everyone is happy.
what is your problem?
Now, all of the sudden, all these skeletons started to appear out of the closets, who wants to be more equal than everyone else.
i do not understand this statement. could you clarify this? thanks!
Now they want AN to humor their vanity and leave that part of the game, which needs significant quality of life improvements, unchanged, and who cares that game, effectively, will be worse as experience as a result.
i do not understand this statement as well. could you explain?
I’am going on about people who want this to be solely the legendary gear feature.
I’am going on about people who want this to be solely the legendary gear feature.
ooo u mean the legendary weapons users who insist stats swapping should be exclusive to legendary weapons?
now, we can’t have that.
everyone needs to have access to such basic features.
I support the ability to change my looks and stats without
1. Filling up my bank more than it should.
2. Causing a massive fashion delema. People like to have clothes to choose.
I have all 3 SAB greatswords but I can’t show them off because I can only use one colour, one greatsword at a time.
everyone needs to have access to such basic features.
Exactly. This should be a basic feature and every player should have access to it. What we witness now, from some of the people, is worst kind of elitism in my opinion. One can only hope that AN are not with them on this.
I don’t even mind doing a tough quest chain to help an asura complete his project, just for that account. It’ll be nice for veteran players (if elitism is an issue)
Since when is stat swapping supposed to be a basic feature? Seems like OP wants the advantage of a legendary (and then some) but without putting in the work to get one. While we are at it why not make an ascended weapon turn into any other weapon or armor piece and be able to hold objects like a bag
Since when is stat swapping supposed to be a basic feature?
since stats swapping was introduced into the game. it is supposed to be a basic feature, not exclusive to legendary weapons only.
Seems like OP wants the advantage of a legendary (and then some) but without putting in the work to get one.
you are very wrong. please take back your false accusations.
the advantage of the legendary is just the fancy skins, the stat swapping is a basic feature that should be available for everyone, not ugly legendary weapon users.
legendary grind is outrageous, and is fine, for those who wish to acquire the ugly legendary weapons skin.
quality of life basic feature such as stats swapping should be made available to all non legendary gear, with a reasonable grind. the grind for ascended gear is still reasonable and acceptable when compared against legendary absurd grind.
plus the skin is really ugly. and limited to weapons only.
why must everyone use the same ugly legendary weapon in other to swap stats?
if all gear can swap skins and stats, everyone can be dress up as how they like. anytime, anywhere. no restrictions.
While we are at it why not make an ascended weapon turn into any other weapon or armor piece and be able to hold objects like a bag
lets start off with swapping skins and stats for now.
the engine is capable of handling that.
If stat swapping was a basic feature then they would have put it on existing ascended gear (trinkets) and on weapons when they came out. Since this was not implemented it seems that it was the devs intention to have these exclusive to legendaries.
If stat swapping was a basic feature then they would have put it on existing ascended gear (trinkets) and on weapons when they came out.
back then, they have not coded this basic feature into the game engine yet.
Since this was not implemented it seems that it was the devs intention to have these exclusive to legendaries.
nope. you are wrong.
stats swapping is not exclusive to legendary weapons.
6 years has passed.
when can we finally be able to free swap the skins, stats of our weapons, armor?
anet, please.
Giving all ascended weapons access to stat swapping is a slap in the face to those of us who put in all the time for legendaries.
I’ve been called elitist enough to not care, so please spare your keys.
If you want that kind of functionality, get off your lazy entitled kitten and work for it.
This is a common downfall to games.. too many people complaining and the developers water down the requirements. I don’t know what I’ll do if/when that day comes.. I will probably continue to play, but I’ll know not to put time into anything that takes it because eventually it will be given away to others for free.
So, alas, we shall see.. I’m not forecasting one way or the other.
Giving all ascended weapons access to stat swapping is a slap in the face to those of us who put in all the time for legendaries.
legendary weapons users can have their ugly skin.
the rest of us wants the stats swapping and skins swapping feature.
not the ugly skin.
If you want that kind of functionality, get off your lazy entitled kitten and work for it.
nope. the legendary skin is way too ugly.
and there are only legendary weapons at the moment.
all gear must be able to swap skins, and stats.
not just limited to ugly weapons with basic stats swapping.
all stats, runes, sigils, infusions etc.
This is a common downfall to games.. too many people complaining and the developers water down the requirements. I don’t know what I’ll do if/when that day comes.. I will probably continue to play, but I’ll know not to put time into anything that takes it because eventually it will be given away to others for free.
nope. you are very wrong. this is not complain.
this is the horizontal gear treadmill that everyone has been asking for.
I like it when topics like these pop up, they highlight some of the true burdens that players face in the game.
In my last game LOTRO, we had legendary weapons that come in three forms, 3rd age, 2nd age and 1st age. Everytime the level rose, the developers will put in 3rd ages at the new level but leave out the others. Once people have spend time and money perfecting their 3rd ages, they release 2nd ages so players will have to dispose of the 3rd ages. Then a while later they will introduce 1st ages to render all the work spent on 2nd ages useless. After another while, low and behold, another level cap rise and then the higher level 3rd age does way more damage than your hard earned 1st age that you raided for.