Adventures too hard?

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sanestar.8731


I donno if there’s already a thread about this or not, the search function seemed to fail me. So, I’ve started doing as many adventures as I can for the exp and MPs, but some of them seem next to impossible for gold.

Example: Fallen Masks (In Auric Basin). Bronze: 10, easy enough, Silver: 15, again, not too bad, Gold: 25…I can’t even get 20 in the 3 min it gives you let alone 5 more than that. The main issue with this one is that the bouncing mushroom animation is so long, on top of the randomness of your target (which isn’t that big of a deal) it can make for a very frustrating experience. If it was 20 for gold that’d make sense. I’ve barely gotten 19 once, and I can get 18 consistently.

Now, before you say “you must be doing it wrong” (who knows, maybe I am) I’ve gotten gold in all but two I’ve done thus far. The Shooting Range (in VB) and Fallen Masks (as stated above). Anyone else struggling with these two or others? Just seems like no matter how hard I try I can’t even come close to getting gold. Heck, can’t even seem to get silver on the shooting range, but haven’t tried as much there.

I’d like to hear other people’s experiences with adventures, pros and cons. Cheers.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MarshMellow.8560


Honestly. I think most people should be able to get bronze on the first three tries. Silver within 15 attempts. As for gold. I think gold should be hard. I think only people how commit to at least an hour on the same adventure deserve gold. I would be upset if gold was easy. I want gold to be unattainable for some people. Then top leaderboards can be the gold of the golden. Just my opinion.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sanestar.8731


I certainly agree with you. Gold should be really hard. But I’ve spent at least an hour on the Fallen Masks one now and still can only get to 19 max. I just think they need to be better balanced. They need to factor in the animation times a little more, but I donno, I’m prolly just super frustrated right now with them, lol. Cheers.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


Right now some of the adventures, getting gold is either impossible or pot luck, because they’re randomized on where certain things spawn.

You can get a really lucky set of targets on the Shooting gallery one, or you might get boned so hard on the spawns that it’d literally be impossible to get gold on that set, no matter how well you played.

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Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


It should be hard, but some mastery points being unobtainable for some seems unfair, since that is the gold reward.

I liked Ley Line Run’s difficulty, that took me a while but I enjoyed every second of it.

Conversely, Shooting Gallery is too hard, I can hardly shoot 30 targets in time, and after a while the dummies spawn in random spots, and if you’re too slow events start up and enemies prevent you from doing it. It’s, bullkitten.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaklex.6308


I certainly agree with you. Gold should be really hard. But I’ve spent at least an hour on the Fallen Masks one now and still can only get to 19 max. I just think they need to be better balanced. They need to factor in the animation times a little more, but I donno, I’m prolly just super frustrated right now with them, lol. Cheers.

If you watched the Guild Chat where they talked about the Fallen Masks one, the Dev specifically said the Mask spawn in a “random” rotation of which there are 3, so keep trying it and watching the patterns. Eventually you’ll figure out which rotation has spawned and then you’ll be able to tell which mushrooms go where, he also said some of them aren’t straight forward and the sequence to get them will take time to figure out.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sylent.3165


I don’t think I’ve been able to even get silver in shooting range yet….

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ryb.5861


I don’t think I’ve been able to even get silver in shooting range yet….

Try lowering the camera sensitivity, play in first person mode, memorize the pattern and run towards the general area of where targets will be popping up to make them easier to hit.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


personnaly I think the only “issue” with adventure is that they aren’t in “instance-mode”.
It is quite frustrating to get those frogs at the shooting range or a dragonfly that just pass in front of you and get hit instead of the target.

And sure some adventure are really hard to get GOLD, but some are very easy and you get it at the first try, wich is even more disapointing to me (try the drone one).

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SirServed.5693


The main problem I have with Shooting Range is that it hijacks my camera settings and there’s literally nothing I can do about it. It takes my normal horizontal camera placement and drags it to the opposite side, because reasons. I get that the Action Camera is new and shiny so they want to show it off, but someone went too far with the forced camera settings. With settings like that, I can guarantee that Gold will never be obtainable for me.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


I do not believe gold should be out of reach for most people, ONLY because they tied it into the rewards system, and most importantly the Masteries system. Everyone should be able to max out their masteries, and considering that this is impossible without getting gold on at least most of the Adventures AND accomplishing many of the very difficult story mode challenges, this means that Adventures need to award gold to almost everyone.

This doesn’t mean Gold has to be faceroll simple, just that it should be achievable to all, and none of that “well anyone can do anything if they just try hard enough” nonsense, anyone over the age of six knows that’s not true.

So the targets should be, anyone should be able to get bronze within a few tries (and most skilled players should get it first or at least second try), and anyone should be able to get silver within a few more as they shave the edges off, and gold should come soon enough after. For those that say “but there should be real challenge,” that’s what the leaderboards are for, post something ABOVE gold. Gold is not the ultimate finish line, nor should it be. Gold is just the tier at which you get the peak rewards, and therefore the level that everyone should be capable of reaching.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


All I know is playing on 10-20 FPS is pretty bad……and that’s just the burn the tentacles one. I did try the Shoot the targets one on day 1 of HOT and I saw people running around shooting at things but I could never see 1 target. Maybe a load bug or problems for my graphics card?

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amethyst Lure.5624

Amethyst Lure.5624

It’s fair if they’re hard imo but i think some of them suffer from either UI or animation wonkiness issues that make it a little harder to do them.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Yitsul.8342


Getting gold on Every Single adventure is too hard! Either the goals have to be lowered or time limits have to be extended. I’m going insane >:(

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: suffish.4150


I think the difficulty of most adventures seems very good. some a bit too hard and a couple are WAY to easy (I got gold by an absolute mile on my first try on salvage pit). Most are good though for the difficulty, for example I had a lot of fun running the leyline run adventure over and over and over until I finally got gold by 1 second. It felt brilliant and that is why I think the difficulty if good. If they were easier I would just rush them all and never do any again and if they were too hard I would just not bother trying for gold. They seem just right for pretty much every one I have tried.

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Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I don’t find adventures too hard so far. It took a fair amount of time to grab a Silver in Ley Line Run, but I expected to have to work for it.

Mesmerising Girl

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


There are strategies to each of the adventures. If you want gold in them, then you need to learn them. None of them seem impossible to me.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


They’re supposed to be hard and require some luck and practice though, the entire design mimics arcade game setups with high scores. They’re not meant to be things you breeze through on your first few attempts, but rather content with some legs that might require a session or two of play devoted to an adventure to get that gold.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Adventures need to be balanced. yes.

Problem is with with Adventures, that they are sometimes heavily mastery biased.
Certain Adventures can you do surely with gold, without havign to invest first alot of tiem to build up the right masteries to even have at all a CHANCE at Gold, other Adventures can you do without needing to have any masteries at all..

Then there are adventures, that are so unfair and ununforgiving, that they mean, that you can DO INSTANTLY A RESET if you just make the absolute tiniest mistake in them, because animations cost you way too much time to be able to compensate that mistake with good gameplay after it to win back that lost time.

Also the Action Camera should work in the Minigames exactly like when usign it in the normal game, but in the minigame you just get a silly tiny point for aiming, with that aiming is really hard, because you don’t see with the stupid point, if you are in the range for the target to actually hit it ….
Also what is really annoying and should be changed is the removal of this idiotic artificial movement speed slowdown at Adventures.. if we play adventures, I want to move at the normal movement speed I have when I’m outside of an adventure, so that the right equipment/build with somethign that increases my movement speed can help me out in these time trial adventures, where every single freaking second can make upbfor the difference between just silver and making gold.

and what they absolutely NEED to make ASAP is making finalyl all Adventures accessable all of the tiem whenever youz want to play.
Who really at Anet thought of it that it is a good idea to put adventures behind a stupid event wall mechanic that forcers players to wait for like 40+ minutes or so until they can finally play their wanted adventures, only because a god darn undone yet event blocks the adventure off? Seriously.. who at ANet seriously thought that THIS IS GOOD GAME DESING THAt MAKES FUN?

Yes, they changed a few of the adventures now to make them more accessible, but thats not the right solution …
The right solution is it to make adventures from begin on completely seperate thigns that aren’t affected by any events around them and if you can’t do that, then give players an option how they can play their wanted adventrues whenever they want in some kind of personal instance that isn’t affected…

Shouldnt be hard to make of the maps an instanced version that is permanently free from any dangerous stuff to which players get ported when they use an inventory item them pots them to the adventure that want to play.


“Adventurer’s Map”
Double click to open up the Map to select an Adventure of your Choice to that you will move to automatically. Adventure Ports must be first played to unlock them for the Adventurer’s Map.

Practically an item, that works similar like the Home Instance Portal Stone , but in this case of being warped to your Home instance, the Adventurer’s Map warps you to own safe instanced versions of the Maguuma Maps where you are ensured to play the Adventure that you want to play, while all the other Megaserver Map Versions where the normal game runs on aren’t affected by this stine, because people who want to play the Adventures get warped onto their very own independent Map Version where no Events are running on and where the Map is practicalyl permanently in a state of no danger.

Add this item for example as a reward item for completing the first maguuma map to 100%, so that its somethign that players have to earn that feels like being a reward, cause with it you can then more comfortably play the adventures without being time gated anymore through not good thought out game design in the maguuma maps in regard of the adventures getting constantly locked out due to the event design.

Also adventures hsould be more rewarding for once you have won the mastery point,s the reward should be daily exchanged out with something different that replaces the mastery point reward.


First Time Adventure Bronze = Chest, Exp + Green Item Container
First Time Adventure Silver = Chest, Exp + Mastery Point
First Time Adventure Gold = Chest, Exp + Mastery Point

This shpould be changed to this system.

FTA Bronze = Chest Reward, Exp + Mastery Point
FTA Silver = Chest Reward, Exp + Mastery Point
FTA Gold = Chest Reward, Exp + Ascended Equipment Box of Choice

After that when you continously play the adventures, they should provide 7 different rewards, easch day somethign else on rotation.

Day 1

Continued Adventure Bronze = Chest, Exp, Badge of Random 5 T6 Materials
Continued Adventure Silver = Chest, Exp, Badge with 5 Globs of Ectoplasm
Continued Adventure Gold = Chest, Exp, Badge with 5 Laurels and 5 random Gemstones (among them also Azurite Gemstones, which currently can’t be received nowhere anymore)

Day 2
CA Bronze = C, E, Badge with 1 random Lodestone
CA Silver = C, E, Badge with 2 Gold
CA Gold = C, E, 1 Black Lion Chest Key

Day 3
CA Bronze = C, E, Badge of 10 Karma Jugs a 600 Karma (Total 6000 Karma)
CA Silver = C, E, A random Exotic Rune and Sigil
CA Gold = C, E, Random Exotic Equipment with the Chance of also Precursors

Day 4
CA Bronze = C, E, Random amount of Rare Materials (Giants Eyes, Charged Quartzs Crystals, Pristine Toxic Spores, ect)
CA Silver = C, E, 2 Icy Runestones
CA Gold = C, E, Badge of 5 Mystic Clovers and some random Ascended refined Crafting Materials

Day 5
CA Bronze = C, E, Some Max Level random Buff Items (Food,Potions)
CA Silver = C, E, A Big Celebration Booster that lasts 3 hours instead of 1.
CA Gold = C, E, A Badge of 50 Gems and some PvP Reward Track Boosters

Day 6
CA Bronze = C, E, Exp and Item Boosters
CA Silver = C, E, Those two Items which extend durations of Food/Potions to 12h
CA Gold = C, E, A Black Lion Ticket Scrap

Day 7
CA Bronze = C, E, 2 Globs of Dark Matter
CA Silver = C, E, A random Black lion Utility/Fun Item (Ress Orb, Vendor Call, BL Vendor Call ect)
CA Gold = C, E, Item with a very high chance for very valuable junk (5G), but also a chance with it to receive with it an item, that can unlock for your Account ANY Item Skin/Minipet/Glider Skin ect, you want instantly, which can’ be sold by TP.

These are just Daily Reward Replacement Suggestions for when you have earned alreay the Mastery Points as Continued Daily Rewards.

Repetitive Rewards after havign earned the Daily reward should just cosist only out of Exp and Karma or Exp and the Map relevant unique Map Currency.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


They don’t need to be rebalanced. Masteries will not be an issue a month or two from now.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


but in the minigame you just get a silly tiny point for aiming, with that aiming is really hard, because you don’t see with the stupid point, if you are in the range for the target to actually hit it

If you’re referring to the shooting gallery, the range of the gun is farther than you can see.

if we play adventures, I want to move at the normal movement speed I have when I’m outside of an adventure, so that the right equipment/build with somethign that increases my movement speed can help me out in these time trial adventures

That’s cheating. Everyone’s base is equal within adventures.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Problem is with with Adventures, that they are sometimes heavily mastery biased.
Certain Adventures can you do surely with gold, without havign to invest first alot of tiem to build up the right masteries to even have at all a CHANCE at Gold, other Adventures can you do without needing to have any masteries at all..

This isn’t a problem. Like many things, this is intended to make the mastry system rewarding to progress. You can get more places, do better in adventures, etc. This is why, just like hero points, mastry points, and many other things, there are some you can utilize fully or more easily with the right masteries, and some you can not.

It’s the samce principal as when you were leveling. You had a rough time with a +3 mob. Then you leveld. It was easier and you said “yeh, my character is more awesome now”

Remember that masteries are intended as progression akin to leveling. They used the mastry system to make ongoing “leveling” a more customizable experience, and to not create an ever-rising gear treadmill.

What you’re calling a problem is an intended part of the design of masteries.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


lol everyones base is equal,.. please dont make me laugh.. have you even played an adventure yet to realize, that you get slowed down in them to move even slower than normal.
You move in adventures like a felt snail with just only like 85% movement speed or so, at least feelable slower than normally without even a trait, rune or swiftness ect,. to increase your movement speed…

Anet has designed the adventures, that you can get it easier by progressing your masteries.
Do you consider this also cheating? Ridiculous!! People which have learned the Speed Mushroom Mastery can move 40% faster within adventures where anet has placed them to give further progressed playes anadvantage there over players that havent learned this mastery yet to the point even, that this mastery is in certain advantures absolutely required to even have a chance at al to get those adventures done with Gold and without them you hardly make it even to silver in some cases!!

My equipment belongs to my Player progression and not only Masteries, so when I brign to an adventuires, that requires to be swift and agile equipment, that makes me swift an agile, then I think this is just being SMART and not cheating ROLMAO /facepalm

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


lol everyones base is equal,.. please dont make me laugh.. have you even played an adventure yet to realize, that you get slowed down in them to move even slower than normal.
You move in adventures like a felt snail with just only like 85% movement speed or so, at least feelable slower than normally without even a trait, rune or swiftness ect,. to increase your movement speed…

Anet has designed the adventures, that you can get it easier by progressing your masteries.
Do you consider this also cheating? Ridiculous!! People which have learned the Speed Mushroom Mastery can move 40% faster within adventures where anet has placed them to give further progressed playes anadvantage there over players that havent learned this mastery yet to the point even, that this mastery is in certain advantures absolutely required to even have a chance at al to get those adventures done with Gold and without them you hardly make it even to silver in some cases!!

My equipment belongs to my Player progression and not only Masteries, so when I brign to an adventuires, that requires to be swift and agile equipment, that makes me swift an agile, then I think this is just being SMART and not cheating ROLMAO /facepalm

How about Anet just disable the adventures to players that don’t have the masteries used within them. Problem solved now as you are no longer at a disadvantage as you cannot even do them.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


lol everyones base is equal,.. please dont make me laugh.. have you even played an adventure yet to realize, that you get slowed down in them to move even slower than normal.
You move in adventures like a felt snail with just only like 85% movement speed or so, at least feelable slower than normally without even a trait, rune or swiftness ect,. to increase your movement speed…

Anet has designed the adventures, that you can get it easier by progressing your masteries.
Do you consider this also cheating? Ridiculous!! People which have learned the Speed Mushroom Mastery can move 40% faster within adventures where anet has placed them to give further progressed playes anadvantage there over players that havent learned this mastery yet to the point even, that this mastery is in certain advantures absolutely required to even have a chance at al to get those adventures done with Gold and without them you hardly make it even to silver in some cases!!

My equipment belongs to my Player progression and not only Masteries, so when I brign to an adventuires, that requires to be swift and agile equipment, that makes me swift an agile, then I think this is just being SMART and not cheating ROLMAO /facepalm

The difference is that your masteries taking effect are equalized advantages avaliable to all classes at no additional cost. Speed boosting traits, passives, gear, etc. may vary. This is why masteries are used in adventures, but character stats are not. They don’t want you to have to go buy a whole new set of gear just to do an adventure, but they assume (rightly) that leveling masteries is something you’re doing anyway, regardless of whether or not you’re doing a specific adventure.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Getting a build that makes it possible to get 25% increased movement speed through either traits or runes also soooooo hard..

6 Runes of Speed = less then 15 Gold.
15 Gold is quickly earned in Silverwaste/ Maguuma Map Farm in no time with the help of also some fast dungeon/fractal runs ect. in between over the day.
You can practically earn what is needed just within 1 DAY, say maximum 2-3 days as a casual gamer.

This isn’t GW2 of 2012 anymore, where gettign 15 Gold took a felt half eternity for many people you know … and the rune solution is a way with that easily everyone, regardless of the played class can get an equal solution that gives everyone a competitive same effetc of +25% movement speed, thats even lesser, than what you get from using the speed mushrooms if you mastered that stuff.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Yes, but the intent is that it should cost zero gold. Which is why the gold you spend, the class you play, and the gear you wear don’t factor in to them.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


No. Players should not be forced to purchase gear in order to do adventures.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


lol ..forced… the same could i say about masteries.. players should’t be forced to have to master masteries first just to play the adventures on a competitive level with others..

What do you think will you reach first..
Get 15 Gold within 1-3 days..
Or Grind the millions of exp required to get a needed mastery just to have a chance at Gold??

I clearly think everyone will have today quicker the required gold to get some helpful equiment, because stats play absolutely no role in staventures, you just just buy some karma lvl 80 exotics in orr and put the ruens of speed in…everyone who plays HoT by now should already drown in Karma…

For Speed Mushrooms you need to grind 3,3 Million Exp.
In the time until you have grinded this Exp out in the Maguuma Maps, I easily have earned already far more than 15 Gold!!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


lol ..forced… the same could i say about masteries.. players should’t be forced to have to master masteries first just to play the adventures on a competitive level with others..

What do you think will you reach first..
Get 15 Gold within 1-3 days..
Or Grind the millions of exp required to get a needed mastery just to have a chance at Gold??

I clearly think everyone will have today quicker the required gold to get some helpful equiment, because stats play absolutely no role in staventures, you just just buy some karma lvl 80 exotics in orr and put the ruens of speed in…everyone who plays HoT by now should already drown in Karma…

For Speed Mushrooms you need to grind 3,3 Million Exp.
In the time until you have grinded this Exp out in the Maguuma Maps, I easily have earned already far more than 15 Gold!!!

Masteries are across all characters. If you don’t like that adventures use the mastery system then you don’t have to do the adventures.

Also, which adventures require the speed mushrooms to get gold?

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Also, which adventures require the speed mushrooms to get gold?

The Floor is Lava for example, or Salvage Pit, or Fallen Masks or A Fungus Among Us or Scrap rifle Field Test (why, because the mushrooms dont increase not only your movement speed, but also your gliding speed by 40%…)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Also, which adventures require the speed mushrooms to get gold?

The Floor is Lava for example, or Salvage Pit, or Fallen Masks or A Fungus Among Us or Scrap rifle Field Test

Salvage Pit doesn’t require it.

A Fungus Among Us doesn’t require it. You just need proper usage of the skills.

I’m unsure about Fallen Masks as I haven’t figured out a good way to get gold. Most of it requires gliding/using mushrooms which are not affected by speed mushrooms as far as I know.

Floor is Lava can be done without speed boosts when you find the optimal route.

I haven’t messed with scrap rifle enough to really comment on it.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dlarnkk.1068


I certainly agree with you. Gold should be really hard. But I’ve spent at least an hour on the Fallen Masks one now and still can only get to 19 max. I just think they need to be better balanced. They need to factor in the animation times a little more, but I donno, I’m prolly just super frustrated right now with them, lol. Cheers.

If you watched the Guild Chat where they talked about the Fallen Masks one, the Dev specifically said the Mask spawn in a “random” rotation of which there are 3, so keep trying it and watching the patterns. Eventually you’ll figure out which rotation has spawned and then you’ll be able to tell which mushrooms go where, he also said some of them aren’t straight forward and the sequence to get them will take time to figure out.

I begs to differ. The highest I got was 23th. However I lacked enough time to acquire 24th as it seem that the entire thing is practically based on timing everything. Rotation everything. The developers are expecting you to be very inhumane and have sudden reaction speed to immediately acquire the point in which you won’t able to. It seen very complicated, and alot of players are lacking time. . .

That being said.
10 for bronze. 15 for silvers. . .Suddenly 25 for gold. That’s a leap there.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Here one person who did that run getting gold and I already see how to improve their time.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dlarnkk.1068


Here one person who did that run getting gold and I already see how to improve their time.

What the player did is that she or he used her stealth skill to get mushroom affect, then teleport back immediately so that she or he have enough time to run getting all masks with the speed boost. That is only way of getting gold. . And of course you need to teleport for that to work. >.<

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

if they were too hard I would just not bother trying for gold. They seem just right for pretty much every one I have tried.

Your tolerance level is different than mine. There are a few that I’ve given up on getting gold from. I might be able to get silver if I devote a lot of hours to it, but I’m not sure I want to do that.

The timers would have to be adjusted on some for me to not feel as though they were too hard.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Here one person who did that run getting gold and I already see how to improve their time.

What the player did is that she or he used her stealth skill to get mushroom affect, then teleport back immediately so that she or he have enough time to run getting all masks with the speed boost. That is only way of getting gold. . And of course you need to teleport for that to work. >.<

Not really. It only saves them a few seconds and there are other areas during the run that they can cut down on some seconds.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Now come on, look at that video, does anyone think that the average casual player should be able to play out that rotation?

Again, that players CAN do it that fast is great, and they can use that skill to compete for leaderboards, but the average player should not need that level of precision just to get their masteries out of the way.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Now come on, look at that video, does anyone think that the average casual player should be able to play out that rotation?

Again, that players CAN do it that fast is great, and they can use that skill to compete for leaderboards, but the average player should not need that level of precision just to get their masteries out of the way.

Then they don’t get gold. And they do not even need to do that adventure in order to max out their masteries. Please please count the number of available mastery points.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

How many mastery points are needed to max them out?

I haven’t done the math, so I’m not sure if we needed all available mastery points to reach max or if there is a significant surplus of mastery points available.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


How many mastery points are needed to max them out?

I haven’t done the math, so I’m not sure if we needed all available mastery points to reach max or if there is a significant surplus of mastery points available.

I think it came out to 112. I’ll count the remaining mastery points that I have available to earn plus any excess points I’ve already earned when I get home.

EDIT: You have a buffer of 19 mastery point achievements for HoT masteries.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Svarty.8019


My (albeit brief) experience of adventures is that they need to be easier to learn and difficult to master, whereas at the moment they seem difficult to learn and thus not fun enough to want to master.

Example: Ley Line Run. This could be great if it were simple at the start, but it’s awkward, people die instantly and it’s not encouraging. You can have the end be tricky if you want to go that route, but easy to learn and difficult to master is the golden ideal of games, everybody knows this!

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I suck at most adventures outside of Verdant Brink. Not sure if its lag for a lot of them or what. :/

It would be nice to complete them for the achievements, but its something to push myself to do later I guess. It really is going to take just a lot of memorization of the adventures I think (for me).

Since I can get the Mastery points from easier stuff for me I’m not too upset about it.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

How many mastery points are needed to max them out?

I haven’t done the math, so I’m not sure if we needed all available mastery points to reach max or if there is a significant surplus of mastery points available.

I think it came out to 112. I’ll count the remaining mastery points that I have available to earn plus any excess points I’ve already earned when I get home.

EDIT: You have a buffer of 19 mastery point achievements for HoT masteries.

Okay, thanks for doing this.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Then they don’t get gold. And they do not even need to do that adventure in order to max out their masteries. Please please count the number of available mastery points.

Again, these events should not be tuned with the expectation that some players will not be able to earn gold. That’s just bad design for a largely casual game, in which earning gold has a meaningful outcome like mastery points. And yes, you don’t have to earn all the masteries, but you do have to earn most of them, and many of the others are equally or more challenging to pull off, like Extreme Mode boss fight.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Then they don’t get gold. And they do not even need to do that adventure in order to max out their masteries. Please please count the number of available mastery points.

Again, these events should not be tuned with the expectation that some players will not be able to earn gold. That’s just bad design for a largely casual game, in which earning gold has a meaningful outcome like mastery points. And yes, you don’t have to earn all the masteries, but you do have to earn most of them, and many of the others are equally or more challenging to pull off, like Extreme Mode boss fight.

No. It’s not bad design. It gives players something to work towards. There are 15 adventures which leaves 4 more mastery points that you can skip. Not to mention that several of the adventures are easy to get gold in with the pit one in VB being the absolute easiest. The game should not be balanced around people who are unwilling to put in the time and effort to develop the skills to overcome challenges.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


No. It’s not bad design. It gives players something to work towards.

You miss the point. Giving players “something to work towards” is fine, if it’s something that all players can reasonably work towards. The way Adventures are currently tuned, sure, some players don’t get good scores the first few tries, but with a little time and effort they can get gold, and that alone is fine, but there are plenty of other players who will just never have the capabilities to complete it. This idea that every player is capable of infinite growth is just nonsense that needs to stop.

The game should not be balanced around people who are unwilling to put in the time and effort to develop the skills to overcome challenges.

No, it should be balanced around those who are unable to overcome the challenges, regardless of time and effort invested. The game should provide methods of surpassing the minimum requirements, so that people who can do much better than that can have their achievements recognized, but this should not be necessary for clearing the tangible and important rewards in the game. Doing better than most should be rewarded in prestige, not in currency.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


No. It’s not bad design. It gives players something to work towards.

You miss the point. Giving players “something to work towards” is fine, if it’s something that all players can reasonably work towards. The way Adventures are currently tuned, sure, some players don’t get good scores the first few tries, but with a little time and effort they can get gold, and that alone is fine, but there are plenty of other players who will just never have the capabilities to complete it. This idea that every player is capable of infinite growth is just nonsense that needs to stop.

The game should not be balanced around people who are unwilling to put in the time and effort to develop the skills to overcome challenges.

No, it should be balanced around those who are unable to overcome the challenges, regardless of time and effort invested. The game should provide methods of surpassing the minimum requirements, so that people who can do much better than that can have their achievements recognized, but this should not be necessary for clearing the tangible and important rewards in the game. Doing better than most should be rewarded in prestige, not in currency.

It is something all players can work towards. You appear to be under the impression that some players are incapable of doing so. There may be some things that people struggle with but luckily there are excess points available so there’s a bit of a buffer. Similar to maxing out the honor monument in GW1. You were given a little leeway in what you needed to do but still restrictive enough.

These are meant to be challenges. If you cannot do them, then don’t. It’s as simple as that. As I’ve stated before, you do not need to do all of them and you certainly don’t need to get gold in all of them either. I even ranked the ones that I felt new players would find the easiest to get gold in.

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


It is something all players can work towards. You appear to be under the impression that some players are incapable of doing so.


These are meant to be challenges. If you cannot do them, then don’t. It’s as simple as that. As I’ve stated before, you do not need to do all of them and you certainly don’t need to get gold in all of them either. I even ranked the ones that I felt new players would find the easiest to get gold in.

You don’t have to get all of them, but you have to get enough of the harder ones that you can’t just dabble in the easy ones and call it a day. And the more of the Adventures you quit on, the more you have to complete difficult JPs, meta events, and high challenge story bonuses, and anyone who can’t complete gold Adventures is likely not going to have an easier time clearing Extreme Mode story.

I don’t think it’s a huge problem right now because they are super generous with the first half to 3/4 of the mastery points you’ll need, and the XP grind is Real, so most semi-casual players are nowhere near out of point to spend yet, but give it a few weeks and months and players will have exhausted all the low hanging fruit and will find themselves well short of the points they need to continue, and then the drama will begin in earnest.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Adventures too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aleister.5423


Right now Adventures are neigh on impossible for one reason: They’re broke as kitten.

In Tentacle Torches the kitten things don’t spawn visually on my graphics settings (which I had to lower because HoT killed my FPS), My charr character actually shoots his flame thrower straight into the ground which is insanely disorientating when you’re trying to tell if you hit the tentacles or not…

In Bugs in the Branches my glider deploys about 40% of the time (even with a solid average ping of 44)

Same with Sanctum Scramble, Glider deploys only if the stars align, skill 2 hardly ever works when I press it…

Yeah, I think I’ll come back when they’ve done a bit more “iterating” (see: Fixing)