Double-jump for glider?
Its a feature. Helps drain your gold due to more waypoint costs when you die horribly.
It is a feature. Though devs said there are masteries that will help reduce the delay of getting your glider out, so you can start gliding faster after drop.
double jump YES PLEASE !
You have to fall a bit because otherwise you don’t have enough wind to deploy the glider. Plus, it allows them to control where you can or cannot get to. Maybe you’re just missing that ledge you need for a vista; well, now you know to keep looking for a slightly higher ledge that will get you there. Or maybe the dev’s character didn’t have enough mastery of gliders to properly deploy them.
I’m wondering if there’s a mastery that will allow passive deployment of the glider as soon as you fall past the jumping point. By passive I mean it doesn’t require additional button presses, it just happens automatically.
I’m wondering if there’s a mastery that will allow passive deployment of the glider as soon as you fall past the jumping point. By passive I mean it doesn’t require additional button presses, it just happens automatically.
That’s definitely possible, although I can see situations where a person just wants to fall rather than deploy the glider. I do know they mentioned there’s a mastery that allows the glider to be deployed sooner, so it’s certainly not out of the question.
Would it be too hard to activate the glider while hitting your jump button twice versus what’s been shown?
That is exactly how it works. You can see right in the video that it says “Press Space” to activate the glider.
They just added in the delay deliberately, so that you actually have to be falling to glide, and not just bunny hopping everywhere you go.
Yeah, we really need to be able to instantly activate or pre-activate our gliders. This delayed deployment is going to be murder when I’m having a bit of lag… i.e. when I can’t activate it quickly enough and miss my target or fall too my inevitable death (stamina system seems kinda… well lets hope you can upgrade it ALOT).
During one of the recent Points of Interest, the hosts got into a rather animated discussion about the gliding and updrafts. Describing that moment “when you’ve got a tiny bit of endurance left and then you hit an updraft” saving you from crashing out of the sky.
If that doesn’t indicate that updrafts will recharge your endurance meter for the glider, then I’m not sure what does
I think you’ll find that with high enough mastery in the line, and sufficent skill to plan your routes to take advantage of updrafts, we’ll probably be able to glide some more than decent distances