Dragon Stand really could use some change
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
The Meta is wayyy too long and if you dc then GG. The tower phase sometimes is too annoying, it would be nice if the boss doesn’t respawn right after any of the pods are back up, at 100%, but would take some time to respawn a new one.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AliamRationem.5172
Yeah, while I’m a fan of HoT in general, DS is my least favorite map. Still, I think it’s unique and worth having. Plenty of players seem to really enjoy it. Personally, I feel like I’m not contributing much in the zerg and the event chain is non-stop and far too long. I can barely keep my eyes open through the whole thing.
I think I just prefer the smaller scale event chains like most of the other HoT maps feature. I can show up, start working on it by myself, and maybe other players show up. Maybe not. If I get stuck I can just go to a different point on the map and work on those events.
It also seems far more difficult to join a DS map in progress than it is for any of the other maps. I can only seem to manage it if I enter the map just before the reset and start fresh.
Although i do find it a bit too long to do regularly, the main thing I don’t like compared to the other metas is that all 3 lanes are very similar and there’s little variation to motivate me to go back and do it again. It just seems a bit rushed imo. Yet id rather they worked on new content than tweaking existing maps.
Benny Hill theme map. Cue the song.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
I mean the respawn time of the commanders during the tower event is really short, why can’t it be extended for a while? So it won’t immediately come back right after even one pod is back.
I mean the respawn time of the commanders during the tower event is really short, why can’t it be extended for a while? So it won’t immediately come back right after even one pod is back.
Adds to the challenge, people need to work together to beat the bosses. There was harsh player criticism that most fights in GW2 were a zerg fest (before HoT) with little penalties.
It’s a bit long indeed, but I really like the DS Meta.
The only thing I would like to see changed is the lanes. They are way to similar.
Maybe they did this because this way you don’t have any problems with filling a lane, like on some other meta’s. Because now there are no other tactics or skills required.
The tower event is horribly boring IMO. At best, you end up in a good map and run in a circle for several minutes, killing boring mobs, when a single mistake you can’t do anything about can cause the whole thing to fail. At worst, you realize one of the lanes is full of players who don’t read the chat and can’t organize, so you fail. The entire event being based around infinite spawns and unintuitive mechanics doesn’t help.
Tarir’s meta is the same thing, but much better, because once you’ve done your job, you can wait for the others to finish instead of repeating it ad nauseam.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
Adds to the challenge, people need to work together to beat the bosses. There was harsh player criticism that most fights in GW2 were a zerg fest (before HoT) with little penalties.
So it’s better to not kill the boss rather than kill it fast when others have not done?
It’s a 90 mins-2 hours event, I don’t think part of it should be that annoying.
(edited by Slowpokeking.8720)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
The tower event is horribly boring IMO. At best, you end up in a good map and run in a circle for several minutes, killing boring mobs, when a single mistake you can’t do anything about can cause the whole thing to fail. At worst, you realize one of the lanes is full of players who don’t read the chat and can’t organize, so you fail. The entire event being based around infinite spawns and unintuitive mechanics doesn’t help.
Tarir’s meta is the same thing, but much better, because once you’ve done your job, you can wait for the others to finish instead of repeating it ad nauseam.
Yeah, it would be much better if the boss does not spawn immediately back if one of the pods go back.
Some more thoughts on DS.
- when the blighting towers event starts, immediately fail a running “hold against the mordrem” event in front of the gates and despawn all the mobs associated to it. It’s very annoying if the tower starts during such an event as there is no good way to handle the situation. If you tell the players to kill remaining modrem, some will run into the tower and start attacking the preservers. If you tell everyone to go in, half of the squad will remain outside killing random stuff and everyone that respawns at the waypoint has a potential mordrem army between him and the zerg.
- speed up the escort the pact dolyaks event to reach the next waypoint/hub. Most of all south assault is sooooo slooooow. Instead make them more vulnerable so it can actually fail. I have yet to see the morale depleted before reaching the next hub. Might as well remove that.
- add some random events to the lanes or randomize the order in which these events play. For example, not always a thornheart. Center assault could have the wyvern attack instead. In general, make it less predetermined and add surprises.
- not sure about the blighting towers itself. I find the event boring and exhausting myself (as commander). But having the boss respawn only if all 3 collectors are reactivated would make it a bit too easy. If you nerf something too much, people will stop paying attention and will start feeling invincible. Kinda dislike such a mentality. Best to keep them on their toes.
- remove the timer after completing the map. Just let the explore phase run until the map resets. If you finish the map early, you are rewarded with more time to loot the place. It also gives a better feeling of having accomplished something instead of frantically porting all over the map collecting pods. Currently almost nobody helps at the insane mushroom hero point at the center assault, or any of the other champs because it actually takes some effort to kill them. Since time is limited many just want to loot pods.
- something more general to the map system: it would be nice if everyone in a full squad could be dumped onto the same map after reset if you group together before. Almost every time at least one player in my squad clicks too slow or has a slow computer and cannot join our map because it’s already full. Sometimes they can get in, sometimes they give up. Since wait time for another new map is 2h, some of them are pretty kittened.
- final fight againt mordrem, many seem to be confused how to actually use the mortar shells against Mordremoth. This probably needs clearer targetting. Maybe make it possible to throw anywhere against the body or better yet, don’t make it a ground targetting skill, but instead something that needs the dragon as target. Fly in, target the creature, press #1. I’ve seen phases where virtually no damage came from the bombs so I assume people are confused where to actually throw the thing.
Hm, long post. Hope something of this could be considered. I like the map “ok” Least favorite of the four. I only organize it if I’m in the right mood. Takes a thick fur sometimes.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
- not sure about the blighting towers itself. I find the event boring and exhausting myself (as commander). But having the boss respawn only if all 3 collectors are reactivated would make it a bit too easy. If you nerf something too much, people will stop paying attention and will start feeling invincible. Kinda dislike such a mentality. Best to keep them on their toes.
But Boss immediately respawn at 100% is too much, it should take some time and not at full HP.
But Boss immediately respawn at 100% is too much, it should take some time and not at full HP.
I’d still prefer that over a rather strong nerf. Maybe middle ground? Something like:
- collector respawns and it will start to revive the boss. If you manage to destroy the collector before the timer expires, boss stays dead.
- the more collectors come up, the faster reviving will be. Up to impossible to prevent if all 3 are up.
If a collector comes up again, it’s most likely rather chaotic anyway. You’d still have to kill the preservers and, most likely the boss group, will have to destroy the new collector in time. If the group can pull this off, which will be quite hard, reward is no boss respawn.
I actually fell asleep a couple of times doing DS
The escorts take too long and are not remotely challenging/rewarding. Wave after wave of enemy that are going to die anyway without much trouble, but still take too long to kill.
It may be moot. When the new maps for Living World come out, and the next expansion, most of the Heart of Thorns maps will be dead regardless. But . . . if they make some radical changes . . . maybe it’ll survive, but I’m doubtful.
Dragon Stand is already almost dead. The main reason?
Only one megamap gets in. Everyone else gets screwed. ANet needs to fix the population problem.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Reverielle.3972
Dragon Stand is a great idea and has so much potential, and updates to it have improved things; but the two final fights – the three Blighting Trees and Mouth – are simply just not engaging or enjoyable.
Additionally I think the map should NOT close if you’ve successfully defeated the mouth.
Thinking about it now, the reason I don’t head there is because of the final fight; it’s just not enjoyable.
Been saying the same thing, Rauderi. For quite a while.
But others keep telling me otherwise. And, once again, that’s another topic. . . .
Eheh, my previous post may have been a bit salty. I was looking forward to doing Dragon Stand paths for exploration and the last few mastery points I need to finish my non-raid masteries.
It’s really discouraging, though. I did all the right things: showed up early, scouted LFG, joined a squad. That squad was on another map, which was full.
But, making one’s own squad goes as follows: make squad, people join, people see it’s not the huge meta map, people leave, map shard stays empty. I’m not sure I could wish for GW1’s hero system any harder than with Dragon Stand.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AliamRationem.5172
That’s odd. I don’t do DS often because I simply don’t enjoy the meta, but I believe literally every single time I have shown up on a dead map and let the dragon kill me upon map reset, I arrive dead at the entrance portal and commanders appear out of nowhere and start organizing the meta.
The only explanation I can think of for this is that nobody plays this map outside of the meta (which makes sense for obvious reasons). Those commanders appear out of thin air like clockwork because I’m on the only open instance of the map, guaranteed by the fact that I let the dragon kill me – who sticks around for that, right?
Do you guys have a similar experience or am I just experiencing ridiculous luck when I do it this way?
I’m on the only open instance of the map, guaranteed by the fact that I let the dragon kill me – who sticks around for that, right?
Do you guys have a similar experience or am I just experiencing ridiculous luck when I do it this way?
If I recall right, I’ve seen large groups doing absolutely nothing, sitting around at the entrance while the timer ticks down. I think they will, on occasion, intentionally wait to get dragon-murdered so they’re on the map at reset.
The Meta is wayyy too long and if you dc then GG. The tower phase sometimes is too annoying, it would be nice if the boss doesn’t respawn right after any of the pods are back up, at 100%, but would take some time to respawn a new one.
It is players and squad Commanders responsible for finishing the event fast, or drag it forever. It’s not the event mechanics “faulty” but players’ ability to do their job efficiently and timely.
Last evening I was in a map who finished the event, including Mordy’s death, in approximately 45 minutes. It was the fastest and more efficient DS map I have ever played. They were no accidents, no delays, no respawns and, most importantly, no AFKers.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
It is players and squad Commanders responsible for finishing the event fast, or drag it forever. It’s not the event mechanics “faulty” but players’ ability to do their job efficiently and timely.
Last evening I was in a map who finished the event, including Mordy’s death, in approximately 45 minutes. It was the fastest and more efficient DS map I have ever played. They were no accidents, no delays, no respawns and, most importantly, no AFKers.
The mechanic affected pugs, it was boring to keep running and 1 mistake gg.
So what? You can’t decide what kind of player would you meet. And it’s not just about difficulty, it’s basically punishing players for killing the boss early if they can’t keep the run up.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Redfeather.6401
The olden says of waiting an hour to find a healer so I could finish a quest.
Now it’s wait almost two hours struggling to find people in an empty map, because any time you try to join a group in lfg the instance is full, and if you are too slow in joining a taxi after waiting for that map reset almost every 2 hours…. wait another hour and 45 minutes.
It’s mind boggling how it still left to function this way, after months of frustrating many players.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: zakuruchi.4086
Eheh, my previous post may have been a bit salty. I was looking forward to doing Dragon Stand paths for exploration and the last few mastery points I need to finish my non-raid masteries.
It’s really discouraging, though. I did all the right things: showed up early, scouted LFG, joined a squad. That squad was on another map, which was full.
But, making one’s own squad goes as follows: make squad, people join, people see it’s not the huge meta map, people leave, map shard stays empty. I’m not sure I could wish for GW1’s hero system any harder than with Dragon Stand.
Hm.. strangely, the last few times I do DS, the smoothest runs are the ‘late start’ runs. I park one of my alts at DS, and when I log in, it’s 1:30 left on the timer and the meta just started, comms are still organizing. I just join the late run hoping to just grab some nox pods without really hoping to finish the meta. Surprisingly, the late run finish relatively smoothly, taking 40 mins or so till MoM dead and no blighting tower reset required.
Since then I somewhat noticed that from my last 10 DS runs or so, the late runs usually takes around 45-1 hour, while the ones that start on the mark usually finish at 1 hour or so. It’s also usually less drama and finger pointing on the late runs. Not sure why this is the case. Perhaps people bringing their A-game because of the tighter time constraint?
Point is, if there are enough people hanging around in your instance of DS and just spamming to join a full map, its better to organize with what you have and do a late start run on your instance. Most of the time you still have enough time to finish the run anyway. Even if you just finish the escort phase, the nox pods near each WP makes a decent consolation prize.
(edited by zakuruchi.4086)
Hm.. strangely, the last few times I do DS, the smoothest runs are the ‘late start’ runs. I park one of my alts at DS, and when I log in, it’s 1:30 left on the timer and the meta just started, comms are still organizing. I just join the late run hoping to just grab some nox pods without really hoping to finish the meta. Surprisingly, the late run finish relatively smoothly, taking 40 mins or so till MoM dead and no blighting tower reset required.
Since then I somewhat noticed that from my last 10 DS runs or so, the late runs usually takes around 45-1 hour, while the ones that start on the mark usually finish at 1 hour or so. It’s also usually less drama and finger pointing on the late runs. Not sure why this is the case. Perhaps people bringing their A-game because of the tighter time constraint?
Point is, if there are enough people hanging around in your instance of DS and just spamming to join a full map, its better to organize with what you have and do a late start run on your instance. Most of the time you still have enough time to finish the run anyway. Even if you just finish the escort phase, the nox pods near each WP makes a decent consolation prize.
Thanks for the perspective. It has me thinking, if I just put up an LFG for “Empty DS map, taxi in” if people would actually come looking. Not a commander though, so I don’t think I can squad that way. Hm.
I think the new Bloodstone map is Anet’s way to say to gamers we heard you about the excessive long meta-event timers and durations. To be honest I like the new map way more than HoT which I hardly bother to visit anymore.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Redfeather.6401
I think the new Bloodstone map is Anet’s way to say to gamers we heard you about the excessive long meta-event timers and durations. To be honest I like the new map way more than HoT which I hardly bother to visit anymore.
I imagine bloodstone fen is easier to QA as well. Imagine trying to troubleshoot problems in dragonstand’s event chains and boss events. :O
Adds to the challenge, people need to work together to beat the bosses. There was harsh player criticism that most fights in GW2 were a zerg fest (before HoT) with little penalties.
So it’s better to not kill the boss rather than kill it fast when others have not done?
It’s a 90 mins-2 hours event, I don’t think part of it should be that annoying.
Annoying, is relative. What’s annoying to you may not be annoying to others.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
Annoying, is relative. What’s annoying to you may not be annoying to others.
Nobody is against easy zerg events, if you want complex stuff that require tight group work, raid is the place.
Annoying, is relative. What’s annoying to you may not be annoying to others.
Nobody is against easy zerg events, if you want complex stuff that require tight group work, raid is the place.
I think that is up to Anet to decide.
I have been farming DS repeatedly over the past few days to complete various collections, and I think the meta is just fine. What I don’t think many people realise is that you can’t just wander randomly into the map and expect to complete the meta, as you can with other HoT maps— you have to go at the very start of the cycle (or just before). LFG is great for getting yourself in with a group, and it has never failed me yet.
The blighting tower fight is fine. While the actual running in circles Benny Hill-style is kind of comical, I appreciate the fact that the event actually requires some amount of coordination from both the commanders and the players. Of course, this does lead to frustrating instances when some players inevitably have no clue what they’re doing, but it is what it is. Players have to learn to earn the win, instead of just having it handed to them.
A few other things:
-Exploration of the zone is relatively easy after Mordremoth is dead; there are no obscenely difficultly placed strongboxes, vistas, etc. in DS as compared to in the other HoT maps. It took me one, perhaps two “Mordremoth aftermaths” to easily finish 100% map completion.
-To save yourself much frustration, don’t try to do the meta during off-peak hours, at least in the EU. ^^ And again, use that LFG tool… preferably 5-10 minutes in advance of the start.
A satisfied DSer.
(edited by Torzini.1523)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
I think that is up to Anet to decide.
I don’t think DS is hard, mostly too long and annoying.
I think that is up to Anet to decide.
I don’t think DS is hard, mostly too long and annoying.
I’ve been on maps that have completed it in under an hour. The amount of time that it takes falls onto the quality of players that you have and also the number. Contrary to popular belief, the events do actually scale down fairly well and I seem to remember being able to apply swiftness to the NPC’s.
The only exception comes to the blighting towers where you “may” need a full map. I added the quotation marks as the likely intended mechanic for the towers hasn’t actually been done or at least I haven’t seen anyone ever post about it. That mechanic could mean that you don’t need a full map. Just a theory though.
ability to do their job efficiently and timely.
You sound like my boss…is this a game or a job we’re talking about here?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
I think that is up to Anet to decide.
I don’t think DS is hard, mostly too long and annoying.
I’ve been on maps that have completed it in under an hour. The amount of time that it takes falls onto the quality of players that you have and also the number. Contrary to popular belief, the events do actually scale down fairly well and I seem to remember being able to apply swiftness to the NPC’s.
The only exception comes to the blighting towers where you “may” need a full map. I added the quotation marks as the likely intended mechanic for the towers hasn’t actually been done or at least I haven’t seen anyone ever post about it. That mechanic could mean that you don’t need a full map. Just a theory though.
1 hour is still too long and it doesn’t happen often, most of the good ones finish in 1 hour +20-30 mins
Also it’s hard to get in the only good map sometimes.
ability to do their job efficiently and timely.
You sound like my boss…is this a game or a job we’re talking about here?
Of course it is a game, you’ll never hear me saying otherwise; but there is a big difference between players who commit to the tasks at hand, and do what is required for the event to succeed, and those who either go AFK (usually in the most crucial part, the towers), or don’t even read the squad/map chat for instructions doing exactly the opposite of what their squad leader has asked them to.
ability to do their job efficiently and timely.
You sound like my boss…is this a game or a job we’re talking about here?
Of course it is a game, you’ll never hear me saying otherwise; but there is a big difference between players who commit to the tasks at hand, and do what is required for the event to succeed, and those who either go AFK (usually in the most crucial part, the towers), or don’t even read the squad/map chat for instructions doing exactly the opposite of what their squad leader has asked them to.
People are bored and tired, the metas are repetitive and you have to do them on anets schedule. I have all of the chak weapons, auric weapons, machined weapons, I am almost done with the order backpacks. All I have left is a massive DS grind for crystalline ore so I can finish all of the guild weapons/armors. I might even just skip those as once you finish these collections there is no real reason to do the metas. The leyline sparks, auric dust, and airship oils pile up to an absurd amount and have no use, the chak eggs and auric ingots and reclaimed plates pile up with no use, the currency piles up with no use…. Maybe a lot of people are just burnt out like me.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
Of course it is a game, you’ll never hear me saying otherwise; but there is a big difference between players who commit to the tasks at hand, and do what is required for the event to succeed, and those who either go AFK (usually in the most crucial part, the towers), or don’t even read the squad/map chat for instructions doing exactly the opposite of what their squad leader has asked them to.
But this is open map and you don’t get to pick ppl, the event itself is long enough, I don’t see why should the blight tower event be so repetitive.
DS is doable with 15 people per lane (non guild team) so it’s fairly easy and most of the time boss reset occurs because of people not paying attention and/or not suited for the task (like zerk people with no condi clear when getting rooted by husk is fairly common).
At least half of the zerg is just braindead during this event and just AA all the way long. And tbh i’m always surprised by the fact that people never cc the thornheart but instant cc the mouth even you explain that you want to slow cc.
If you miss the starting instance, just pop a tag and start a lfg you will be surprised by the number of people just waiting for a taxi.
There is one thing that does need to change in DS, is the area where the electric wyvern spawn, granted you can only charm them after the Meta event, but every time i enter the map it’s dead nobody wants to do it anymore. (i’ve tried for 3 weeks now) This leaves the WP’s contested all the time and you can’t enter the final bit
So can Anet please spawn the elec wyverns in a more accessable place please.
Pretty please with a cherry on top lol
Vis Era.
There is one thing that does need to change in DS, is the area where the electric wyvern spawn, granted you can only charm them after the Meta event, but every time i enter the map it’s dead nobody wants to do it anymore. (i’ve tried for 3 weeks now) This leaves the WP’s contested all the time and you can’t enter the final bit
So can Anet please spawn the elec wyverns in a more accessable place please.Pretty please with a cherry on top
Vis Era.
They’re already a great deal more accessible than they were when HoT launched. The best time to join the map is right when it resets.
cough I don’t see any old content that needs polishing (except all of it) cough
Look over here at these new things, instead …
There is one thing that does need to change in DS, is the area where the electric wyvern spawn, granted you can only charm them after the Meta event, but every time i enter the map it’s dead nobody wants to do it anymore. (i’ve tried for 3 weeks now) This leaves the WP’s contested all the time and you can’t enter the final bit
So can Anet please spawn the elec wyverns in a more accessable place please.Pretty please with a cherry on top
Vis Era.They’re already a great deal more accessible than they were when HoT launched. The best time to join the map is right when it resets.
Ayrilana, you can’t progress on the map at all when the map is dead, even after a reset the map you can’t go beyond the WP’s as they are blocked so your still screwed lol
Ayrilana, you can’t progress on the map at all when the map is dead, even after a reset the map you can’t go beyond the WP’s as they are blocked so your still screwed lol
Put up a LFG?
Ayrilana, you can’t progress on the map at all when the map is dead, even after a reset the map you can’t go beyond the WP’s as they are blocked so your still screwed lol
Put up a LFG?
Did that. 30 minutes in advance. Did that too.
No squad? People leave.
LFG size too small? People leave.
Other map taxiing? People leave.
“Put up LFG” is not the catch-all answer to a broken system, and it’s particularly lazy and flippant as a response.
Ayrilana, you can’t progress on the map at all when the map is dead, even after a reset the map you can’t go beyond the WP’s as they are blocked so your still screwed lol
Put up a LFG?
Did that. 30 minutes in advance. Did that too.
No squad? People leave.
LFG size too small? People leave.
Other map taxiing? People leave.“Put up LFG” is not the catch-all answer to a broken system, and it’s particularly lazy and flippant as a response.
It’s not a broken system. That entire map relies on a substantial number of players working together in each lane. That is how that particular map was designed. Just because you don’t like that doesn’t mean that is is broken. Especially if any issues are coming from the players themselves where they leave maps with no commander tags and so on.
LFG is very much an adequate solution to you problem. You lack the people. LFG is used to bring players onto maps. This is what we have been doing since megaservers. Also, because you disagree with it doesn’t mean that the response was lazy and flippant.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720
It’s not a broken system. That entire map relies on a substantial number of players working together in each lane. That is how that particular map was designed. Just because you don’t like that doesn’t mean that is is broken. Especially if any issues are coming from the players themselves where they leave maps with no commander tags and so on.
LFG is very much an adequate solution to you problem. You lack the people. LFG is used to bring players onto maps. This is what we have been doing since megaservers. Also, because you disagree with it doesn’t mean that the response was lazy and flippant.
None of the other maps are like that, and the tower event is boring, it should work like other maps, when you shut down the tower and kill the boss, you can go help others rather than keep running all the way doing the same thing.
It’s not a broken system. That entire map relies on a substantial number of players working together in each lane. That is how that particular map was designed. Just because you don’t like that doesn’t mean that is is broken. Especially if any issues are coming from the players themselves where they leave maps with no commander tags and so on.
LFG is very much an adequate solution to you problem. You lack the people. LFG is used to bring players onto maps. This is what we have been doing since megaservers. Also, because you disagree with it doesn’t mean that the response was lazy and flippant.
None of the other maps are like that, and the tower event is boring, it should work like other maps, when you shut down the tower and kill the boss, you can go help others rather than keep running all the way doing the same thing.
Which was why I singled that map as being different than the others. Read the bolded.
Running around was just the tactic created by a guild when they first completed meta event. It’s not the tactic that the map was designed for. Having the tower boss not being able to regenerate promotes players being able just zerg each tower which is something that a large percentage of the playerbase complained about with LS1 events.
Ayrilana, you can’t progress on the map at all when the map is dead, even after a reset the map you can’t go beyond the WP’s as they are blocked so your still screwed lol
Put up a LFG?
Did that. 30 minutes in advance. Did that too.
No squad? People leave.
LFG size too small? People leave.
Other map taxiing? People leave.“Put up LFG” is not the catch-all answer to a broken system, and it’s particularly lazy and flippant as a response.
It’s not a broken system. That entire map relies on a substantial number of players working together in each lane. That is how that particular map was designed. Just because you don’t like that doesn’t mean that is is broken. Especially if any issues are coming from the players themselves where they leave maps with no commander tags and so on.
LFG is very much an adequate solution to you problem. You lack the people. LFG is used to bring players onto maps. This is what we have been doing since megaservers. Also, because you disagree with it doesn’t mean that the response was lazy and flippant.
Just because you say it isn’t broken doesn’t mean it isn’t broken. That’s denial. If the megaserver can’t justly sort out people into a map when they rightly show up for a meta-event, there is a problem.
And LFG fails, as I already described. Therefore, not the magical solution you make it out to be. Clinging to that insistence is indeed lazy. “It works for me, so it works for everyone” is utterly short-sighted is callous an unhelpful in a forum.
Unfortunately, this is an issue that needs ANet intervention to resolve, and it’s a highly complicated, technical problem. Probably complicated enough that they’re not interested in cleaning up the logistical clusterbomb involved, even though it might advance their megaserver algorithms for the whole game.
Sadly, Dragon Stand doesn’t even require that many people, if the starting ‘event’ is any indication. Twelve people total to get it started. If I’m not on the Sacred Dragon Stand Taxi Map, I don’t even see more than three other people, so it’s impossible to organize anyway.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.