"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
Since the number one thing our characters are going to be doing in their lifetimes is hunt the elder dragons down and kill them, I think this name is fairly appropriate. I like the way it sounds and I like the focus on the greatest threat to Tyria of our time.
So everyone is a Dragonhunter?
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564
This is my short proposal about how some easy adjustments to the ‘dragonhunter’ e-spec works for an ‘inquisitor’ e-spec. I have discussed the advantages of the ‘inquisitor’ name over the ‘dragonhunter’ earlier in this thread, so I won’t repeat myself: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/DragonHunter-name-feedback-merged/5078126.Weapon Skills: Weapon skills need minimal tweaks. Even then, these changes are not necessary for an inquisitor e-spec. I would just recommend renaming “Symbol of Energy” to “Symbol of Searing” and “Hunter’s Ward” to maybe “Seeker’s Ward.”
Heal, Utility, and Elite Skills: It turns out that the utility skills are more appropriate for an inquisitor motif than a dragonhunting one: e.g. Purification, Fragments of Faith, Light’s Judgment, Test of Faith, and Procession of Blades. So what of “Dragon’s Maw”? I don’t think that the animation needs to change, but it could simply be renamed to “Inquisitor’s Verdict.”
Traits: The traits would need to be given greater thematic cohesion for the inquisitor e-spec.
- Minor Traits: Virtuous Action, Defender’s Dogma, and Pure of Sight
- Adept Traits: Repenter’s Blood (Piercing Light), Zealot’s Aggression, Wings of Wrath (Soaring Devastation)
- Master Traits: Unwavering Zeal (Hunter’s Determination), Bastion of Faith (Bulwark), Inquisitor’s Mark (Dulled Senses)
- Grandmaster Traits: Confessor’s Grace (Hunter’s Fortification), Faith’s Repulsion (Heavy Light), Foebane (Big Game Hunter)E-Spec Weapon and Armor Skins: The inquisitor armor could be a helm that mostly hid the face, being reminiscent of an executioner’s hood. The inquisitor weapon would be a longbow made to look similar to balancing scales (of justice). No such longbow exists in the game with such a motif. What of the preexisting dragonhunter longbow? ArenaNet can sell the dragonhunter longbow skin on the Trading Post. The gloves could be integrated into a dragon-motif heavy armor or outfit.
I’m really not a fan of the Inquisitor alternative, as I see too many ties to the White Mantle and religious zealotry. However, to me, this makes a ton more sense than Dragonhunter. Personally, I’m still in the Sentinel camp, as I feel the AoE support provided, along with being at the backline but also protecting other backliners is more suited to that name than most of the others I’ve seen floating around. As always though, this is an opinion and nobody’s opinions are right or wrong. Except for Anet’s, with their high concepts.
This is my short proposal about how some easy adjustments to the ‘dragonhunter’ e-spec works for an ‘inquisitor’ e-spec. I have discussed the advantages of the ‘inquisitor’ name over the ‘dragonhunter’ earlier in this thread, so I won’t repeat myself: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/DragonHunter-name-feedback-merged/5078126.Weapon Skills: Weapon skills need minimal tweaks. Even then, these changes are not necessary for an inquisitor e-spec. I would just recommend renaming “Symbol of Energy” to “Symbol of Searing” and “Hunter’s Ward” to maybe “Seeker’s Ward.”
Heal, Utility, and Elite Skills: It turns out that the utility skills are more appropriate for an inquisitor motif than a dragonhunting one: e.g. Purification, Fragments of Faith, Light’s Judgment, Test of Faith, and Procession of Blades. So what of “Dragon’s Maw”? I don’t think that the animation needs to change, but it could simply be renamed to “Inquisitor’s Verdict.”
Traits: The traits would need to be given greater thematic cohesion for the inquisitor e-spec.
- Minor Traits: Virtuous Action, Defender’s Dogma, and Pure of Sight
- Adept Traits: Repenter’s Blood (Piercing Light), Zealot’s Aggression, Wings of Wrath (Soaring Devastation)
- Master Traits: Unwavering Zeal (Hunter’s Determination), Bastion of Faith (Bulwark), Inquisitor’s Mark (Dulled Senses)
- Grandmaster Traits: Confessor’s Grace (Hunter’s Fortification), Faith’s Repulsion (Heavy Light), Foebane (Big Game Hunter)E-Spec Weapon and Armor Skins: The inquisitor armor could be a helm that mostly hid the face, being reminiscent of an executioner’s hood. The inquisitor weapon would be a longbow made to look similar to balancing scales (of justice). No such longbow exists in the game with such a motif. What of the preexisting dragonhunter longbow? ArenaNet can sell the dragonhunter longbow skin on the Trading Post. The gloves could be integrated into a dragon-motif heavy armor or outfit.
I’m really not a fan of the Inquisitor alternative, as I see too many ties to the White Mantle and religious zealotry. However, to me, this makes a ton more sense than Dragonhunter. Personally, I’m still in the Sentinel camp, as I feel the AoE support provided, along with being at the backline but also protecting other backliners is more suited to that name than most of the others I’ve seen floating around. As always though, this is an opinion and nobody’s opinions are right or wrong. Except for Anet’s, with their high concepts.
It’s not too farfetched though. If any class could tie itself to religious zealotry, the Guardian class would be the first. Necromancers might come in a close second with their attribution to Grenth (at least for humans anyway), but the Guardian fits the Paladin archetype fairly well. I do, however, agree with your counterpoint regardless, just that I also feel like Inquisitor could work if it was implemented differently.
I just saw the overview of this Reaper specialization for the Necromancer. It looks very interesting and reminds me of the Dervish character I had from Nightfall. Loved that class. Anyway, this specialization looks to be interesting however, I did notice a few things.
1. Why are all these specialization Melee specific? Necromancers by design do not really have a place in the front of combat. (It one of the main reasons they have minions to fight for them)
2. They seem to be slowing down the skills that make this class truly interesting to play like conditionmancer and Minion Master. The reaper doesn’t seem to complement any of these.Basically the way that I am seeing things so far is that they are going to make everything Melee class and we are going to be going the Tanking build with the Berserker/Zojia Builds. This part kinda stinks, its removing the most interesting parts of the game and making this more hack and slash. My opinion is if we keep going hack and slash were going to loose the people that want to be healers, want to be casters, want to do AOE over time and those that want to be support. I’m not certain how this is going to take off.
First of all, Power necro has always been a thing. Second of all, Now power necros have more weapon options. Third of all, Zerker stuff has nothing to do with being a “tanking build”.
Try as one might, one can not simply ‘erase’ the inherent meaning in words merely by offering a single-paragraph explanation. Meaning in words is derived over time, and that’s certainly not passed here.
“Dragon” + “Hunter” = someone or something who hunts the large, powerful, magical creatures that most people have preconceived notions of. And this notion is all you’re going to have in the forefront of people’s minds for the forseeable future.
As a result, this mundane, common and uninspired profession name necessarily comes off as juvenile and corny. This simple truth can not be merely explained away.
Change the name.
Since this particular branch of the guardian family tree is sprouting from the Heart of Thorns…
Hedge Knight
Can only agree with Genesis here. As a sign of this, I want to add my personal version of his Posting as “Seeker” (but I would love and like Inquisitor same as much, if it ends up finalls as this one)
Profession Mechanic
Spear of Justice > Arrow of Justice
To make the Skill more cohesive with the Bow Weapon Design, letting you shot mighty magical Light Arrows which hit everything in line of sight and cause a trail of purging fire, which heals also conditions of allies.
You know, something liek this, only not so “extreme” in its animations ^^
A moment of clarity, puttign all your strength and concentration into one mighty all purifying shot of justice, that blows all evil away and cleanses all the corruption in its line of sight. Make it a gw2 unique, but slightly similar animation so that people can get by view most likelythe reference that has been taken and there you go with having your “Crowd Pleaser”
Wings of Resolve > Leap of Resolve
Just change the Wing Animation to look less angelic, simply doesn’t fit to the theme and design and makes the Class unwantedly just look like a stupid wannabe Paragon Clone
Shield can basically stay as it is
Weapon Skills
Puncture Shot > Seeking Arrows (as it was already a GW1 Skill, this would add some nostalgia simply)
True Shot > Arrow of Truth (simply sounds better and more catchy, also a Shot simply can’t be not true, so it also can’t be the opposite, also this opens up the option for maybe a Stealth Reveal Trait)
Deflecting Shot > Punishing Shot (Same effect, + reflects a part of the damage thedeflected projectiles would have done back to the source!!) Increase CD to 12s
Symbol of Energy > Symbol of Purgation with a slight effect change of causing Burning so more Conditions an Enemy has and healing allies, so more Conditions they have when standing in the Symbol.
Hunter’s Ward > Seeker’s Ward Simply just only rename it, like Genesis suggested also.
Healing > No change needed, just perfect.
Procession of Blades > Blades of the Sinners (sounds imo alot catchier and better suiting for a Seeker/Inquisitor)
The only thing where I needs, it requires a complete change, is Dragon’s Maw.
The whole skill is so extremely out of place from its whole design.
Dragon’s Maw = > Heaven’s Punishment with not a huge Dragon Bite Animation, but instead simply a jaw moving WOW causing big Light Explosion after a big beam of light crushing from the sky into a foe, that runs into the trap, like beign hit by some kind of shootign star of pure light.
Maybe take this classical thing as a little inspiration g, just that it triggers when you run into the trap.
Core Specs
Minor > Can stay all how they are.
Adept > Piercing Light > Purified Blood
Master > Hunter’s Determination > Seeker’s/Inquisitor’s Determination, Bulwark > Confidence of the Just, Dulled Senses > Sight of Truth
Grandmaster > Hunter’s Fortification > Seeker’s/Inquisitor’s Fortification, Heavy Light >Radiant Light, Big Game Hunter > Final Judgment
E-Spec Skins
The current things like the Gauntlet, the Bow and the Back Item Wings become simply Gemstore Skins.
The Seeker should receive a new Longbow Skin (or change it to Shortbow with an somewhere integrated Range Increaser Trait to Longbow Range!)
And some kind of Armor, be it Helm, Shoulder Gauntlet, thats more than just only a Reskin of the Draconic Armor. The other E-Specs so far got all something new and unique and not something, that was just a Reskin of something already existing.
Conclusion: Most of the suggested things here are basically only simply renames to make the whole design in and about itself alot more cohesive for a Seeker/Inquisitor as a highly zealotry witchhunter inspired super righteous E-Spec, which seeks and destroys all evil beings, that need to be purged and erased out of Tyria by their strong faith, that what they do will bring justice to Tyria. That they wil lfind the truth that lies somewhere behind the existance of the elder dragons and they they will be the ones, that are chosen to bring back right and order to Tyria by challenging their own fate as being Seekers, apologists of justice and harbinger of truth, which relentlessly bring justice to the world and never stop under their zealotry, until they finally fulfill their job and return as the righteous brave white knights that they are which can’t see any unjust thing happening right in front of them simply (in case of humans, under the name of Kormir – so by lore it simply can be explained, that humans caused the first Seekers to appear and other races just adapted to that extreme rightneousness of the humen)
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
This is my short proposal about how some easy adjustments to the ‘dragonhunter’ e-spec works for an ‘inquisitor’ e-spec. I have discussed the advantages of the ‘inquisitor’ name over the ‘dragonhunter’ earlier in this thread, so I won’t repeat myself: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/DragonHunter-name-feedback-merged/5078126.Wow i like that alot! :O
I’m really not a fan of the Inquisitor alternative, as I see too many ties to the White Mantle and religious zealotry. However, to me, this makes a ton more sense than Dragonhunter. Personally, I’m still in the Sentinel camp, as I feel the AoE support provided, along with being at the backline but also protecting other backliners is more suited to that name than most of the others I’ve seen floating around. As always though, this is an opinion and nobody’s opinions are right or wrong. Except for Anet’s, with their high concepts.
The links may certainly be there, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And I could see all the playable races with their own inquisitors dealing with all the issues that Mordremoth and the Maguuma Jungle bring.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Puncture Shot > Seeking Arrows (as it was already a GW1 Skill, this would add some nostalgia simply)
I like this.
Deflecting Shot > Punishing Shot (Same effect, + reflects a part of the damage thedeflected projectiles would have done back to the source!!) Increase CD to 12s
Symbol of Energy > Symbol of Purgation with a slight effect change of causing Burning so more Conditions an Enemy has and healing allies, so more Conditions they have when standing in the Symbol.
Hunter’s Ward > Seeker’s Ward Simply just only rename it, like Genesis suggested also.
These are also good proposals.
Adept > Piercing Light > Purified Blood
I like this better than the name I came up with.
Dulled Senses > *Sight of Truth
I suppose the obvious truncation would probably just be Truesight.
Big Game Hunter > Final Judgment
Also a good name.
Conclusion: Most of the suggested things here are basically only simply renames to make the whole design in and about itself alot more cohesive for a Seeker/Inquisitor as a highly zealotry witchhunter inspired super righteous E-Spec, which seeks and destroys all evil beings, that need to be purged and erased out of Tyria by their strong faith, that what they do will bring justice to Tyria. That they wil lfind the truth that lies somewhere behind the existance of the elder dragons and they they will be the ones, that are chosen to bring back right and order to Tyria by challenging their own fate as being Seekers, apologists of justice and harbinger of truth, which relentlessly bring justice to the world and never stop under their zealotry, until they finally fulfill their job and return as the righteous brave white knights that they are which can’t see any unjust thing happening right in front of them simply (in case of humans, under the name of Kormir – so by lore it simply can be explained, that humans caused the first Seekers to appear and other races just adapted to that extreme rightneousness of the humen)
Kormir would be an interesting patron, given how she is the goddess of truth, and as a human she had no experience with the White Mantle or their inquisitors.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Hedge Knight
While it’s just a brainstorm and I don’t think it would actually work for the elite spec, I want to nominate this as one of the best puns ever especially as it refers back to mythic Arthurian culture. It’s layered.
Now I need to make a sylvari who describes him/herself as a hedge knight.
Dragonhunter didn’t come out of a hat. Its been compared to and overcome probably every dammed name thrown out here and it did it 6 months ago. Is it set in stone? Not for another 3 months, but for pity’s sake UNDERSTAND if you want to change it you’re not going to insult them into action and you’re not gonna get a petition of 18 random posters and 11 bloggers who all like page 1 generic names to change their minds either.
Dragonhunter is a silly name and the concept from which it was derived is incompatible with the setting of GW2.
That’s a great premise, now show it’s true and you might have something worth discussing and a decent reason to change the name.
It doesn’t matter if we show you yet another reason, people like you and Nike refuse to understand.
When Nike pm’ed me with a write up for a post expressing the notion of change, I implored him to consider compromise as well.
The point that needs to be made is, if you’re too close-minded to not consider working with certain aspects available or presented, why do you feel the devs should be any less close-minded?
What I’m trying to say is, sure the name could be totally changed…but that might not be an option. Yet you refuse to accept that possibility and expect an all or nothing approach to an answer? Then be prepared for nothing and the name to remain as Dragonhunter.
That is a real possibility. Now you can mature enough to accept that, cry until you don’t care anymore (because the likelyhood things will change from your limited perspective of the spec is very very small) or consider more lenient solutions that compromise to make both parties more comfortable.
This is my short proposal about how some easy adjustments to the ‘dragonhunter’ e-spec works for an ‘inquisitor’ e-spec.
Weapon Skills: Weapon skills need minimal tweaks. Even then, these changes are not necessary for an inquisitor e-spec. I would just recommend renaming “Symbol of Energy” to “Symbol of Searing” and “Hunter’s Ward” to maybe “Seeker’s Ward.”
Like the symbol name change with Inquistor or Dragonhunter. Seeker’s Ward is a good swap for your theme – calling the effect a ward is still a little strange to me – I think I’d like Hunter’s/Seeker’s Binding better but that’s just me.
Heal, Utility, and Elite Skills: It turns out that the utility skills are more appropriate for an inquisitor motif than a dragonhunting one: e.g. Purification, Fragments of Faith, Light’s Judgment, Test of Faith, and Procession of Blades. So what of “Dragon’s Maw”? I don’t think that the animation needs to change, but it could simply be renamed to “Inquisitor’s Verdict.”
I like it. Sounds appropriately beefy.
Traits: The traits would need to be given greater thematic cohesion for the inquisitor e-spec.
- Minor Traits: Virtuous Action, Defender’s Dogma, and Pure of Sight
- Adept Traits: Repenter’s Blood (Piercing Light), Zealot’s Aggression, Wings of Wrath (Soaring Devastation)
- Master Traits: Unwavering Zeal (Hunter’s Determination), Bastion of Faith (Bulwark), Inquisitor’s Mark (Dulled Senses)
- Grandmaster Traits: Confessor’s Grace (Hunter’s Fortification), Faith’s Repulsion (Heavy Light), Foebane (Big Game Hunter)
I would avoid using “Zeal” and Zealot" outside of the Zeal line if possible. One of the challenges of working in an established namespace is not reusing terms .
Dulled Senses is definitely on my list of “whuhuh?” It looks like a leftover name from when the effect changed underneath it.
E-Spec Weapon and Armor Skins: The inquisitor armor could be a helm that mostly hid the face, being reminiscent of an executioner’s hood. The inquisitor weapon would be a longbow made to look similar to balancing scales (of justice). No such longbow exists in the game with such a motif. What of the preexisting dragonhunter longbow? ArenaNet can sell the dragonhunter longbow skin on the Trading Post. The gloves could be integrated into a dragon-motif heavy armor or outfit.
All sounds in-theme and flavorful. I could find uses for a heavy armor hood in my wardrobe .
I don’t think it’s necessary, but I think this could be a good and understandable set of changes. Hopefully they’ll review it with an open mind. And at the very least save it to look at again in the next wave if it doesn’t get used here.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Not to be Mr. Negative, but I think the name is pretty much set in stone. However, I will continue to voice my disapproval. Every reason I don’t like it has been covered in this thread by more eloquent posts. So, a simple Nay I say.
Instead of the cliche and out of character Dragonhunter name lets just go full cliche and out of character and name it Legendary Hero!
Like the symbol name change with Inquistor or Dragonhunter. Seeker’s Ward is a good swap for your theme – calling the effect a ward is still a little strange to me – I think I’d like Hunter’s/Seeker’s Binding better but that’s just me.
I enjoy being reminded of the obvious choices that I was missing. Playing off Binding is one of those.
I would avoid using “Zeal” and Zealot" outside of the Zeal line if possible. One of the challenges of working in an established namespace is not reusing terms
How about Fanatic’s Aggression (Zealot’s Aggression) and True Conviction (Hunter’s Determination).
All sounds in-theme and flavorful. I could find uses for a heavy armor hood in my wardrobe
I don’t think it’s necessary, but I think this could be a good and understandable set of changes. Hopefully they’ll review it with an open mind. And at the very least save it to look at again in the next wave if it doesn’t get used here.
Great to hear.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Just rename it Placeholder.
I like the suggestions on the previous few posts, but I actually prefer Seeker to Inquisitor. Seeker has less of a religious connotation, while still being somewhat faith-based (when you remember the “seekers”, the group of people who crossed the Crystal Desert seeking ascension), and it also has links to the concept of someone who goes proactively hunt for the enemies instead of waiting for them to come.
Dragonhunter and all the names and attitudes associated with it are fine as is. Some people, including myself, like it while others do not. And who knows? The names of things and others may change from now til release.
I like it as it is. I personally can’t wait to explore a guardian that is verging so much towards lawful good and zeal that they can be considered borderline morally gray in the future. It leaves open some interesting story-telling paths.
Just my two cents on feedback. Keep up the good work devs.
Superior Spirit of RAM [ROPE] – Guardian primary.
Legendaries made: Sunrise, The Bifrost, Juggernaut, Bolt
Since the number one thing our characters are going to be doing in their lifetimes is hunt the elder dragons down and kill them, I think this name is fairly appropriate. I like the way it sounds and I like the focus on the greatest threat to Tyria of our time.
So everyone is a Dragonhunter?
Well, everyone, every class is a warrior because they all kill and fight things, but no one seems bothered by only one class being singled out as a warrior. Not sure if this is what you meant, but it seems to work the same.
Well, everyone, every class is a warrior because they all kill and fight things, but no one seems bothered by only one class being singled out as a warrior.
Because the warriors are better suited to be warriors than every other profession (thus the “masters of weaponry” line at their description).
Just like most of our characters do eventually fight to defend something at some point of the personal storyline, but the Guardians get to be called Guardians because they have more tools to defend others, and are thus more fitting for the task of guarding than the other professions.
Is the dragon hunter (sorry, I’m not going to spell it in the silly way ArenaNet does) better suited to killing dragons than any other profession? Do they have anything that does more damage to dragons than to other enemies? Do they have any kind of specific ability that gives them an edge when hunting dragons as compared to the other professions?
Then they don’t deserve the title of dragon hunters. It is, really, as simple as that.
Since the number one thing our characters are going to be doing in their lifetimes is hunt the elder dragons down and kill them, I think this name is fairly appropriate. I like the way it sounds and I like the focus on the greatest threat to Tyria of our time.
So everyone is a Dragonhunter?
Well, everyone, every class is a warrior because they all kill and fight things, but no one seems bothered by only one class being singled out as a warrior. Not sure if this is what you meant, but it seems to work the same.
The difference is SPECIALISATION.
Putting up another vote for anything but something as dumb as “dragonhunter”
Also, another reason I really dislike it is how inherently “anti-Sylvari” it is.
I said it before and I’ll say it again, but, what, no one would have a problem playing “Charrslayer” or “Asurawrecker” ?
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArkisTruefire.1746
Say what you will about borrowing ideas from other games and worlds, but after looking at the new Pathfinder: Adventure Card Game, Wrath of the Righteous and seeing:
and her class “Inquistor”
I just don’t see why the elite specialization couldn’t have been more understandable to your average fantasy crowd and less “high fantasy”.
Just looking at the skills and hearing the name “Inquistor”, everyone knows this is a class that should not be messed with.
And that specific character is bow wielding holy archer that hunts down her enemies.
No matter what the justification is, it’s much less work to just have a name and theme that makes more sense to your casual crowd. I’ve asked a fair number of my friends who played GW2 and took a break what they though. Super casual players who are very into fantasy settings. They were like “What? A guardian? You mean like the paladin, protector, holy knight class? They’re becoming like an archer Dragoon?”.
It’s just confusing. Again, I will re-iterate, there better be some crazy amount of lore involved to justify the name and the theme. Chapels, orders, NPC interaction, dialogue, Braham going crazy and just killing anything dragon.
Sadly I don’t trust the lore (especially in regard to class specifics) to justify the name.
My vote is for the Inquisitor, which has been suggested already in this thread.
(edited by ArkisTruefire.1746)
I’d personally prefer “Arbiter”. But I don’t care that much about the name. This thread just shows how few problems we have. 41 pages of raging only be cause the name doesn’t please you? That’s ridiculous… After a couple of months playing as “Dragonhunter” (unless they change the name) no one cares. Just move on, my god, the class won’t be different to play…
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I got it! It was right there, right in front of us, all along!
What if ‘Imbagon’ turned out to be an old Elonian word meaning, oh, I dunno, ‘dragon foe’ of ‘enemy of dragons’ or ‘dragons, why did it have to be dragons’ or ’I’ve had it with these merry festive dragons’ or something like that. Not in reference to Elder Dragons, of course, but to a breed of lesser dragons that once roamed Elona but which were HUNTED to extinction by Imbagons, long ago, and all records of such creatures and events and people have been lost — until now!
Paragon fans kinda sorta almost get their paragon and paragon non-fans have nothing about which to complain! Meanwhile, it’s a happy fun nudge nudge wink wink to ye olde Guild Wars.
flamebow (flambeaux)
I’d personally prefer “Arbiter”. But I don’t care that much about the name. This thread just shows how few problems we have. 41 pages of raging only be cause the name doesn’t please you? That’s ridiculous… After a couple of months playing as “Dragonhunter” (unless they change the name) no one cares. Just move on, my god, the class won’t be different to play…
Yet again, I have to reiterate that the general opinion of the name of the spec has no correlation to whether or not people like the actual spec. The only thing that makes this issue stand out is that something as simple as the name would likely be more easily pressured into being changed.
I think the name Dragonhunter is silly, however… I compared it to the other trait lines instead of the profession name. I wonder how we’d feel if they said the new specialization was Virtues or Radiance?
Chronomancer compares not to Mesmer, but to Dueling and Inspiration?
And the weirdest one; we now have Reaper and Soul Reaping? So we have a spec for reaping of souls and another for all other run of the mill reaping.
I think the name Dragonhunter is silly, however… I compared it to the other trait lines instead of the profession name. I wonder how we’d feel if they said the new specialization was Virtues or Radiance?
Chronomancer compares not to Mesmer, but to Dueling and Inspiration?
And the weirdest one; we now have Reaper and Soul Reaping? So we have a spec for reaping of souls and another for all other run of the mill reaping.
I think they did that because they aren’t supposed to be compared. You will only ever be able to equip one elite spec at a time (when they do introduce more) and, in doing so, your class becomes specialized and your class name technically changes to reflect your new profession skills and mechanics. No other trait line changes the mechanics of your class; all they do is add effects to existing mechanics. Every elite spec is going to have a profession name for it.
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DragonflyDusk.6582
I think the name Dragonhunter is silly, however… I compared it to the other trait lines instead of the profession name. I wonder how we’d feel if they said the new specialization was Virtues or Radiance?
Chronomancer compares not to Mesmer, but to Dueling and Inspiration?
And the weirdest one; we now have Reaper and Soul Reaping? So we have a spec for reaping of souls and another for all other run of the mill reaping.
lolI think they did that because they aren’t supposed to be compared. You will only ever be able to equip one elite spec at a time (when they do introduce more) and, in doing so, your class becomes specialized and your class name technically changes to reflect your new profession skills and mechanics. No other trait line changes the mechanics of your class; all they do is add effects to existing mechanics. Every elite spec is going to have a profession name for it.
I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes sense when you look at the names we have so far:
Necromancer —> Reaper
Mesmer --> Chronomancer
Ranger —> Druid
Guardian --> Dragonhunter
Otherwise we’d probably have “chronomancy”, “reaping” (though we do have soul reaping), “druidism” and “dragonhunting.” The Elite specs are most definitely acting as profession names.
And now for something different. If I didn’t have more characters than I really play already, I would make another Guardian and name it Bowreguard, just for this specialization…
If anyone ever does this, please please send me a picture. Please.
At this point it’s probably moot. I think I’ll be renaming my Guardian to “<Previous name> the Arbiter” and ill be referring to her as an Arbiter. of JUSTICE. rawr.
they can call it what they want. they can call it two ways to Thursday. They can call it Nancy. I think we’ll need to be making up our own names for this one.
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gravox the Terrible.2157
I will throw my two cents in: DragonHunter is a terrible name.
I would be happy with any of the others that have been suggested.
My own contribution would be “Argent” seeing as how this new spec is going to be the shiniest thing on the battlefield by the looks of it.
TdlR: I am confused about the recent names we got for classes and spezialisations. They feel out of place if we look at the others which are already ingame.
Now today the guardian specialization has been revealed.
It is called the Dragonhunter.
And I don`t like it that much. It has the same problem as the Revenant.
Please hear me out.(Disclaimer, I am aware of the fact that classnames can also be easily used as titles or nicknames. I am more going for the feel the names envoke in me)
The Revenant
The whole thing started actually already with the Reveant. A cool name, but if you look at any other class ingame you have no idea what he is supposed to be.An elementalist uses Elements, an Ingeneer uses machinery, a Warrior fights, a guardian protects and a Mesmer meszemerizes.
The Revenant was the first class who I find confusing. The name sounds more like a Title then a class description. He sounds like something which is undead, but we allready have the necromancer for that.
In terms of the games lore he is a Mistuser, Mistbender or even a Mistshaper (I don`t know what to name them either, to be honest).
The problem with this class is that it is bound to the lore, so it is hard to get a fitting name. However Revenant, aside from Rytlocks involement makes no sense. This is further helped by the fact that they ignore the timeline for these new classes.The Dragonhunter
Here we have a specilization which again, sounds more like a title then a class.
It also goes against the established names we had so far.
A dragonhunter is very specific. It goes against dragons. Other classes however are covering a wide field.
While specilizations are known to narrow these fields down, they stay in certain direction. How do we get from holy warrior who protects his allies and brings down the holy flame to Dragonhunter?
How does this specialization fit into the lore? The World?
Are there other Dragonhunters out there? Aren’`the Vigil allready Dragon Hunters? Isn`t the Pacts whole purpose to hunt and fight these dragons?
Tyria is not well known to have a lot of Dragons anyway. Aside from the ones under the Eldar Dragons, there are not many wild ones. So how do they hone their skills? How are they different from members of the pact? How are they bestowed the title of Dragonhunter?Looking at the specialization it doesn`t even scream anything dragon. Aside from the equipment, he is a trapper light shooting heavy class, with Angel Wings. Go call him Seraphim or something.
Tempest for the elementalist is again a very confusing name. It sounds like a title or a skill.
Does it mean It is focused on weathermagic? Now I know we don`t know much about it, so I cannot judge it, but for me it allready sounds like a dangerous name.Good example: Druid
The Druid is fine. He is rooted in the lore, explained and from what we know allready (which isn`t much) he is fitting with the usual image we have from a druid. Simple and effective.Good example 2: Chronomancer
Even if you don`t know about GW Utopia, you might know about the connection to time in it`s name. This class uses time. This class has the motive written all over it in it`s design. I love it.
Just popping back in to say I’m happy with Dragonhunter as a Guardian Elite Specializtion Name, but with a cross reference to Witch Hunter’s I feel I would of loved Main Hand Pistol more then longbow. We could of seen Guardian’s with;
- Pistol + Torch - Burn witch Burn (Oo sorry Burn Dragon Burn).
- Pistol + Shield - Through science & a good defence we will defeat you.
- Pistol + Focus - Our faith will protect us & our laser pistol burn.
Which feels more witch huntery then longbow.
Also although loving the gameplay concepts people are coming up with for the some of the name ideas, I’m not a fan of any of the names that have ties to the White Mantle;
- Justiciar
- Inquisitor
- Seeker
Although not a main faction now the White Mantle still exist in GW2, which is hinted in the human story line. Each of these names are ranks within the White Mantle and for me feel very at odds with what we would want with Elite Specialization names.
Justiciar & Inquisitor were the leaders of the White Mantle directing their order to sacrifice innocent people on top of a Bloodstone in Bloodstone Fen. Seekers were the hunters of people that had the chance to fulfil the Flameseeker Prophecies and it was these people that made up the sacrifices.
With this history behind these names I just can’t feel right if any of these names were to become a Guardian’s Elite Specialization without some very hot footed lore work. Don’t get me wrong I love some of the ideas people have put forward behind these names. I just don’t like the names due to the history from GW1.
Half the problem with any names is that we need to look back into GW1 & the books to see if they’ve already been used & what is the GW history & lore around these names. Could some still be use? Yes but we have to be careful.
So to finish Yes I’m happy with Dragonhunter & I’m looking forward to discovering the lore behind who are the Dragonhunters & where did they come from?
Devout, Prophet, Ethereal , Divine hunter
Devout, Prophet, Ethereal , Divine hunter
How do you see those working for Charr, who actively reject the divine as a source of power?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Devout, Prophet, Ethereal , Divine hunter
How do you see those working for Charr, who actively reject the divine as a source of power?
No big deal. They also shun magic, but you can still make magic wielding charr.
Devout, Prophet, Ethereal , Divine hunter
How do you see those working for Charr, who actively reject the divine as a source of power?
Then those Charr won’t become a Guardian in the first place.
I think the name Dragonhunter is silly, however… I compared it to the other trait lines instead of the profession name. I wonder how we’d feel if they said the new specialization was Virtues or Radiance?
Chronomancer compares not to Mesmer, but to Dueling and Inspiration?
And the weirdest one; we now have Reaper and Soul Reaping? So we have a spec for reaping of souls and another for all other run of the mill reaping.
lolI think they did that because they aren’t supposed to be compared. You will only ever be able to equip one elite spec at a time (when they do introduce more) and, in doing so, your class becomes specialized and your class name technically changes to reflect your new profession skills and mechanics. No other trait line changes the mechanics of your class; all they do is add effects to existing mechanics. Every elite spec is going to have a profession name for it.
I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes sense when you look at the names we have so far:
Necromancer —> Reaper
Mesmer --> Chronomancer
Ranger —> Druid
Guardian --> DragonhunterOtherwise we’d probably have “chronomancy”, “reaping” (though we do have soul reaping), “druidism” and “dragonhunting.” The Elite specs are most definitely acting as profession names.
And now for something different. If I didn’t have more characters than I really play already, I would make another Guardian and name it Bowreguard, just for this specialization…
If anyone ever does this, please please send me a picture. Please.
Umm…then how does Tempest fits in?
I think the name Dragonhunter is silly, however… I compared it to the other trait lines instead of the profession name. I wonder how we’d feel if they said the new specialization was Virtues or Radiance?
Chronomancer compares not to Mesmer, but to Dueling and Inspiration?
And the weirdest one; we now have Reaper and Soul Reaping? So we have a spec for reaping of souls and another for all other run of the mill reaping.
lolI think they did that because they aren’t supposed to be compared. You will only ever be able to equip one elite spec at a time (when they do introduce more) and, in doing so, your class becomes specialized and your class name technically changes to reflect your new profession skills and mechanics. No other trait line changes the mechanics of your class; all they do is add effects to existing mechanics. Every elite spec is going to have a profession name for it.
I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes sense when you look at the names we have so far:
Necromancer —> Reaper
Mesmer --> Chronomancer
Ranger —> Druid
Guardian --> DragonhunterOtherwise we’d probably have “chronomancy”, “reaping” (though we do have soul reaping), “druidism” and “dragonhunting.” The Elite specs are most definitely acting as profession names.
And now for something different. If I didn’t have more characters than I really play already, I would make another Guardian and name it Bowreguard, just for this specialization…
If anyone ever does this, please please send me a picture. Please.
Umm…then how does Tempest fits in?
In a teacup!
The word tempest can be applied to more than just violent storms, which, by the way, can combine water, air, fire (following some lightning strikes) and even earth in the form of mudslides. Heck, there could be cows! You never know.
I personally think it would be cool if our eles could focus on just one element without being rendered less than optimal, but that’s another thread.
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DragonflyDusk.6582
I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes sense when you look at the names we have so far:
Necromancer —> Reaper
Mesmer --> Chronomancer
Ranger —> Druid
Guardian --> DragonhunterOtherwise we’d probably have “chronomancy”, “reaping” (though we do have soul reaping), “druidism” and “dragonhunting.” The Elite specs are most definitely acting as profession names.
And now for something different. If I didn’t have more characters than I really play already, I would make another Guardian and name it Bowreguard, just for this specialization…
If anyone ever does this, please please send me a picture. Please.
Umm…then how does Tempest fits in?
I just assumed we’ve moved beyond wielding the storm and now ARE the storm. Well, embodiment of it. I’m not really sure why you didn’t think it makes sense with the others.
Also this.
In a teacup!
The word tempest can be applied to more than just violent storms, which, by the way, can combine water, air, fire (following some lightning strikes) and even earth in the form of mudslides. Heck, there could be cows! You never know.
I personally think it would be cool if our eles could focus on just one element without being rendered less than optimal, but that’s another thread.
Hollywood has Sharknadoes, let’s have Cowslides!
Bow Fairy /15chars
Bow Fairy /15chars
Tsk. The bow, the wings…obviously the perfect name would be Cherub. Alternatively Cupid. :p
wow… 42 page just for Dragon Hunter name? I find Dragon Hunter good enough.
And renaming it…. wont change anything.
Why dont suggest to rename warrior? I mean all classes are warriors. By that word definition.
wow… 42 page just for Dragon Hunter name? I find Dragon Hunter good enough.
And renaming it…. wont change anything.
Why dont suggest to rename warrior? I mean all classes are warriors. By that word definition.
Renaming not changing anything, is your opinion, just like how its ours that it will. Wow its been awhile since ive been in this thread! Soon it will outlength the Cantha thread!
Other, more compelling reasons for changing it have been given, i am not however going to read through 42 pages to find them. Other compelling names, that actually dont need to change much but the name and a few names of the skills have also been suggested.
wow… 42 page just for Dragon Hunter name? I find Dragon Hunter good enough.
And renaming it…. wont change anything.
Why dont suggest to rename warrior? I mean all classes are warriors. By that word definition.
It’s not Dragon Hunter, it’s Dragonhunter.
And if renaming won’t change anything why complain about it?
It’s not Dragon Hunter, it’s Dragonhunter.
And if renaming won’t change anything why complain about it?
And that lack of space makes it all the worse somehow. Dragon hunter is bad. Dragonhunter is worse.
It sounds… so out of place.
Like you know, guardian meaning to look over something, BUT NOPE, LEMME HUNT SOMETHING WITH A BOW HERE.
Why not something more angelical or heavenly name? It feels way out of place. Protectorate, Vanguard, Paladin. Or probably idk, Rearguard since you go backline now.
but man, dragonhunter?
Guardians aren’t associated with heavenly or angels but the faith in one self to protect their allies & Smite there foes. This elite spec Dragonhunter is about proactively Smiting said enemy instead of waiting around for them to come to you. If looking at another name for this Elite Specialization (I quite like Dragronhunter now) we should look for names that symbolise this proactive Smiting and avoid names with more defensive /guarding qualities.
Also maybe look at creating a list of names players would like for future specializations. We should check to see if the name has already been used in the GW universe and in what context. Then looking at the context could it develop into something that would be acceptable in the GW2 of today.
An example would be names that have a connection with the White Mantle;
- Justiciar
- Inquisitor
- Seeker
For me I would see these as names shunned by the the general population due to the history & lore tied to them. If these names were used I would be looking very close at the new lore associated with them. Actually it could be quite interesting, maybe this elite spec is trying to redeem themselves.