"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
Out of fear of being considered a copycat too close to recent movies. In this day and age Names and words are Copyrighted, and the lawyers are hungry.
The “Avenger” was used as a name in D&D 4th edition for the offensive striker ‘paladin.’ It works. The lawyers would not exactly have a case for a game’s use of Avenger that in no way would infringe on the Avengers franchise.
Well in that case I’m all for Avenger.
and I don’t. Not at all.
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.
3. Its copying ESO and Final Fantasy to the Cheesiest degree
I’m pretty sure hunting dragons wasn’t invented by those titles.
One game had the Dragonborn, the other Befriended a dragon from birth. yet still fight dragons. So fine, even if we don’t Need the close association with dragons to have Dragon in the class spec, Why are guardians any better at hunting Dragons than every other class. its just too broad a term for a name to give to a Specialty.
How in the world did you get any of that out of my statement? You said the name was cheesy and accused it of ripping off of other games, I said dragons are not limited to Final Fantasy and ESO. That argument was off, which is why I pointed it out. I didn’t say you were wrong for not liking the spec name or that the spec name even made sense.
Its more about timing, than ripping someone off, its too common now to use the idea of dragonhunting and far too broad for a class Spec. I’m glad you see it doesn’t make sense as well.
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DragonflyDusk.6582
3. Its copying ESO and Final Fantasy to the Cheesiest degree
I’m pretty sure hunting dragons wasn’t invented by those titles.
One game had the Dragonborn, the other Befriended a dragon from birth. yet still fight dragons. So fine, even if we don’t Need the close association with dragons to have Dragon in the class spec, Why are guardians any better at hunting Dragons than every other class. its just too broad a term for a name to give to a Specialty.
How in the world did you get any of that out of my statement? You said the name was cheesy and accused it of ripping off of other games, I said dragons are not limited to Final Fantasy and ESO. That argument was off, which is why I pointed it out. I didn’t say you were wrong for not liking the spec name or that the spec name even made sense.
Its more about timing, than ripping someone off, its too common now to use the idea of dragonhunting and far too broad for a class Spec. I’m glad you see it doesn’t make sense as well.
Ok, I get that more.
Just as an fyi, I posted a link to the poll on Reddit, just for a few more votes. May not make much of a difference, but who knows.
Dragoon! “I have returned!”
There has been a lot of negative opinion on the name Dragonhunter and really, why not? What profession in GW2 ISN’T a dragon hunter? So here’s an alternative that I think would make everyone happy.
As someone who made a Norn Guardian specifically to model the character after Lenneth from Valkyrie Profile, the only things I was missing from making the character complete were the abilities to wield a bow as an alt, temporarily grow wings made of light and drop a giant flaming spear on my enemies. This class is straight up a Valkyrie.
I’m neutral.
On one hand it doesn’t have anything to do with the guardian. There’s no link with what the guardian does or stands for.
On the other hand, the name doesn’t matter. It’s the class/skills that matter.
If the core concept of the elite specialization is that Braham is picking up his mother’s bow to avenge her, why not call the guardian elite specialization the Avenger?
I’m sorry is this some kind of beta spoiler? Did I totally miss Eir dying? Like multiple people are talking about this Braham taking her bow thing and it seems completely random to me.
Makes me think people in closed betas are “speculating” in public forums about what they are “guessing” will happen.
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082
3. Its copying ESO and Final Fantasy to the Cheesiest degree
I’m pretty sure hunting dragons wasn’t invented by those titles.
One game had the Dragonborn, the other Befriended a dragon from birth. yet still fight dragons. So fine, even if we don’t Need the close association with dragons to have Dragon in the class spec, Why are guardians any better at hunting Dragons than every other class. its just too broad a term for a name to give to a Specialty.
How in the world did you get any of that out of my statement? You said the name was cheesy and accused it of ripping off of other games, I said dragons are not limited to Final Fantasy and ESO. That argument was off, which is why I pointed it out. I didn’t say you were wrong for not liking the spec name or that the spec name even made sense.
Its more about timing, than ripping someone off, its too common now to use the idea of dragonhunting and far too broad for a class Spec. I’m glad you see it doesn’t make sense as well.
Well seeing as the story of Guild Wars 2 revolves around the elder dragons, namely us fighting them, I think it makes a lot of sense to have people specialize in hunting them. And how is dragon hunting broad? If anything, it is rather specific. More specific than hunting, more specific than big game hunting, more specific than flying big game hunting. It is dragon hunting. Anet decided that the advanced techniques of guardians were more suited to hunting dragons than the advanced techniques of the other classes, and that is fine by me. (Note that by advanced techniques I mean the skills that classes have been developing/honing into the new elite specializations.)
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DragonflyDusk.6582
Yeah, but aren’t Valkryies all female?
That would be awesome for my female guardian, whom I’ve already dressed up like Lenneth, but not really sure for all the manly men out there.
“Valkyrie” is too gender specific.
It would be like calling the elite Warrior an “Amazon”.
This class is straight up Lenneth Valkyrie from Valkyrie Profile.
Nibelung Valesti!
The Larch
What profession in GW2 ISN’T a dragon hunter?
What profession in GW2 isn’t a warrior?
And as have already been pointed out: Valkyrie’s are all female.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Einherjar then?
Einherjar then?
Doesn’t really fit at all. Einherjar would be more along the lines of and advanced Warrior than a Guardian.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DragonflyDusk.6582
What profession in GW2 ISN’T a dragon hunter?
What profession in GW2 isn’t a warrior?
And as have already been pointed out: Valkyrie’s are all female.
Warrior isn’t as loaded of a term as Dragonhunter. I’m not saying I would have ever picked “Warrior” for a class name myself, but the latter has a heftier weight to it, which I think is what is bugging most of us. Calling one class a dragonhunter over everyone else just makes us look like we’re playing second fiddle.
3. Its copying ESO and Final Fantasy to the Cheesiest degree
I’m pretty sure hunting dragons wasn’t invented by those titles.
One game had the Dragonborn, the other Befriended a dragon from birth. yet still fight dragons. So fine, even if we don’t Need the close association with dragons to have Dragon in the class spec, Why are guardians any better at hunting Dragons than every other class. its just too broad a term for a name to give to a Specialty.
How in the world did you get any of that out of my statement? You said the name was cheesy and accused it of ripping off of other games, I said dragons are not limited to Final Fantasy and ESO. That argument was off, which is why I pointed it out. I didn’t say you were wrong for not liking the spec name or that the spec name even made sense.
Its more about timing, than ripping someone off, its too common now to use the idea of dragonhunting and far too broad for a class Spec. I’m glad you see it doesn’t make sense as well.
Well seeing as the story of Guild Wars 2 revolves around the elder dragons, namely us fighting them, I think it makes a lot of sense to have people specialize in hunting them. And how is dragon hunting broad? If anything, it is rather specific. More specific than hunting, more specific than big game hunting, more specific than flying big game hunting. It is dragon hunting. Anet decided that the advanced techniques of guardians were more suited to hunting dragons than the advanced techniques of the other classes, and that is fine by me. (Note that by advanced techniques I mean the skills that classes have been developing/honing into the new elite specializations.)
Except this isn’t just about the PVE story is it? I don’t see any dragons in Spvp or WvW. a specialization for big game hunting won’t help you fighting multiple players. the idea is that the specializations should be named accordingly to what they can do.
For example Arbiter: judgement from Afar
Signaller: Artillery guidance
These more broad terms span pve and pvp and match the flavor this current specialiation more closely than DragonHunter. Names still need to hawken back to the scource of the class itself, and in this case the Holy light magic theme is not represented at all.
A lot of people hate it but I’m willing to bet that they’ll see tomorrow’s stream and later, a few crazy people play it and they’ll go…. “OOOOooooooOoooooh….. now I get it.”
I personally, am in love with the new virtues and bow. I’ll reserve judgement on the traps.
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mor The Thief.9135
In all honesty, that name makes me cringe. The traps are fine as long Anet makes them do their job, and I see where the name comes from, as a hunter usually use traps(why isn’t a Ranger or Thief named hunter then?).
But seriously, this name really doesn’t fit anything else other then using said traps and trying to kill Elder Dragons(which all classes do and they have better names).
There are tons of better names that actually fit that Guardian’s elite spec role that doesn’t sound so childish(in my opinion at least), and ones that don’t sound so thoughtless(it really makes me wonder how long it took anet to come up with this kind of name). i.e. Sentinel(one name that has already been suggested by a number of people in this forums).
In truth i actually wanted for the elite spec to be called Paragon because the game is still linked to GW1, and let’s face it, the Guardian is in truth the GW1 Paragon combined with Monk(what’s more 2 of the elite spec virtues are named after the GW1 Paragon’s Weapons, Spear and Shield and the 3rd virtue actually gives wings like most of the Paragon skills from GW1.)
Sorry, but I vote that this name has to go…
(edited by Mor The Thief.9135)
whats with all these valkyrie stuff with peopel here…
Are people seriously so mind numbed, that they all forget, that valkyries are FEMALES ONLY???
So alone this makes a profession named valkyrie just simple impossible.
Its already immersion breaking enough that there exist in the game Valkyrie Armor Upgrades that can be used by male characters alike. These Upgrade should get renamed imo finally into “Justiciar” Upgrades instead or something else, that is neutral for both genders.
And before you mentioned it – No, the typ “Valkyr” doesn’t exist at all if you want to come up with the cheap try to say, that htis would be the male version of valkyries, cause as said, there exist none.
Valkyries are female only War Maidens of Odin which had the purpose to guide the slain heroes of various battlefields to Valhalla.
They do this, to turn their chosen heroes into Einherjars, mighty heroes that prepare for the events of Ragnarok
PS: got ninjad xD
Just as an fyi, I posted a link to the poll on Reddit, just for a few more votes. May not make much of a difference, but who knows.
Voted basically doubled. Lol. Seems like 57% or so dislike it, a few love it/are neutral and a handful think it’s just okay. Seems like it’s pretty underwhelming overall. Is it enough to make them change it at this point though? I’m not sure. I mean… They do have some art already associated with the class (skins and I’m sure specialization based artwork). I don’t know but I sure hope so…
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Gah. Keep in mind the vocal minority is usually the group thats already upset. By the nature of it more people that dislike it are going to actually take the 10 seconds to vote. So im not sure how accurate this is going to be.
The vocal minority may be upset, but all of the major video bloggers with clout, including AuroraPeachy and WoodenPotatoes, are scratching their heads and expressing a tremendous amount of reservation about the name and specialization.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
whats with all these valkyrie stuff with peopel here…
Are people seriously so mind numbed, that they all forget, that valkyries are FEMALES ONLY???So alone this makes a profession named valkyrie just simple impossible.
Its already immersion breaking enough that there exist in the game Valkyrie Armor Upgrades that can be used by male characters alike. These Upgrade should get renamed imo finally into “Justiciar” Upgrades instead or something else, that is neutral for both genders.And before you mentioned it – No, the typ “Valkyr” doesn’t exist at all if you want to come up with the cheap try to say, that htis would be the male version of valkyries, cause as said, there exist none.
Valkyries are female only War Maidens of Odin which had the purpose to guide the slain heroes of various battlefields to Valhalla.
They do this, to turn their chosen heroes into Einherjars, mighty heroes that prepare for the events of RagnarokPS: got ninjad
Einherjars? is that pronounce how I think it does?
Stop pushing ‘valkyrie.’ There are better alternatives.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
I prefer Avenger, but Arbiter works for me.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
whats with all these valkyrie stuff with peopel here…
Are people seriously so mind numbed, that they all forget, that valkyries are FEMALES ONLY???So alone this makes a profession named valkyrie just simple impossible.
Its already immersion breaking enough that there exist in the game Valkyrie Armor Upgrades that can be used by male characters alike. These Upgrade should get renamed imo finally into “Justiciar” Upgrades instead or something else, that is neutral for both genders.And before you mentioned it – No, the typ “Valkyr” doesn’t exist at all if you want to come up with the cheap try to say, that htis would be the male version of valkyries, cause as said, there exist none.
Valkyries are female only War Maidens of Odin which had the purpose to guide the slain heroes of various battlefields to Valhalla.
They do this, to turn their chosen heroes into Einherjars, mighty heroes that prepare for the events of RagnarokPS: got ninjad
Then what would be the nearest ambiguous term to Valkyrie? Because that’s what this class is.
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DragonflyDusk.6582
Einherjars? is that pronounce how I think it does?
It’s a fun word.
Come to me my noble einherjar.
Einherjars? is that pronounce how I think it does?
I think it’s en hair (e) yarr, but don’t quote me on that.
Then what would be the nearest ambiguous term to Valkyrie? Because that’s what this class is.
In which way? Valkyries were helpers of Odin that floated above battlefields and chose the fallen heroes to take to Valhalla. Their most iconic weapon was the shield.
How is Guardian’s elite spec similar?
(edited by RabbitUp.8294)
I probably woulda gone with the name Questing Knight or Crusader but thats just me
It should be Sentinel 100%.
a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I dont know what you think how it gets pronounced…however, Einherjars are basically nothing else, than for the norse mythology special heroes, which died in battlefields and got ressurected by a valkyrie to be brought by them to Valhalla to Odin either, or those, which weren’t worthy for Ragnarok, the other half of the dead of a battlefield could have Freyja
its basically pronounced “Eye -n -her- jar”
Their most symbolic weapon was the shield,
AND their industrial strength bras!
Seriously, this is pretty much the silliest thread on this whole naming affair but it has a certain charm.
I absolutely hate this idea, the name, and even the weapon choice.
Played my guardian from day 1 of release because it was a front line fighter with supportive buffs to allies – kind of like a templar or paladin. Now they turn it into a fairy ranger. Really upset with this choice! Looks like I’ll have to find a new main.
I would be happier if they even forgo giving guardians a longbow (which doesn’t even match this class) and just fix our broken/useless traitlines/skills (zeal/radiance/spirit weapons). That would be my version of a new specialization.
I hope they give necromancer a rifle and kitten them off to.
Arbiter seems to be just that call it a day solution, we’ve come to on Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/357a70/fixing_dragon_hunters_lukewarm_reception_is/
Well, when I said “I tried to find something around the idea of intervention, or interference but didn’t find anything satisfying.” I was actually thinking about Arbiter. But it felt weird to me because in my langage we use the same word for a Referee.
It would still be better than Dragonhunter for sure… At least from a lore and thematic perspective (because Dragonhunter actually sounds good in French)
So I give my vote for Arbiter !
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DragonflyDusk.6582
Their most symbolic weapon was the shield,
AND their industrial strength bras!
Seriously, this is pretty much the silliest thread on this whole naming affair but it has a certain charm.
It does. I can’t seem to stop checking on it. XD
Also, for those wondering how to say “Einherjar”:
And for giggles, the Lenneth variety:
You do realize you dont have to use the longbow? and your class still has a weapon swap so you can go longbow/gs and use the traps for area denial and youll have access to new mobility.
See what you guys are missing is…..Guardians are Dragon Hunters and the rest of you….Guardian Helpers! Isn’t nice to be a Helper?
I absolutely hate this idea, the name, and even the weapon choice.
Played my guardian from day 1 of release because it was a front line fighter with supportive buffs to allies – kind of like a templar or paladin. Now they turn it into a fairy ranger. Really upset with this choice! Looks like I’ll have to find a new main.
I would be happier if they even forgo giving guardians a longbow (which doesn’t even match this class) and just fix our broken/useless traitlines/skills (zeal/radiance/spirit weapons). That would be my version of a new specialization.
I hope they give necromancer a rifle and kitten them off to.
The point of an elite spec is to offer a new direction to the class, not further cement it into a strict role. You can already play your guardian like a paladin and the elite spec doesn’t change that. No one’s forcing you to be a Dragonhunter.
You should irrational, spiteful and self entitled. The game is not designed around you.
I think most will agree with me that the name Dragonhunter kind of sucks. Let’s throw some ideas for a better name at ANet and hope they’ll consider changing it.
I do not agree.
Yeah, this doesn’t “ruin” Guardian. A guardian is still 100% a guardian if you chose. This is all about that… Name. :P
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DevilLordLaser.8619
You know what a worse name for the new Guardian spec than Dragonhunter is?
Literally all of these ideas.
People. Is “Chronomancer” a bad synonym for Mesmer? No? is “Druid” a bad synonym for Ranger? No? Then explain to me why everyone keeps coming up with bad synonyms for ‘Guardian’ as a replacement for the name Dragonhunter.
1.) “Call it a Paragon! Because GW1, and because it has wings and a spear!”
You can stick a rune in its headpiece and it’ll have a spear and magic helmet, too. Does that mean we should call it the Elmerfudd? Paragons don’t exist anymore. They were a flawed idea in GW1, and the parts of them that worked have already been folded into the base Guardian. Yes, you could call it the Paragon just because people are overly attached to a bunch of guys who couldn’t decide if they were nomadic native hunters or angelic heralds who wore their underwear on the outside, but that’d be lamer than Dragonhunter.
2.) “Call it Warden!”
Is it in charge of a prison? Is it responsible for the healthy maintenance of a thriving natural ecosystem (and if you make ‘hurr durr jungle’ cracks here I’ma pitch a fit)? No, and no? Then how does this make any remote sense? It’s also a passive term that doesn’t give any indication that this profession is a proactive hunter of bad things. It’s weak. Dragonhunter, at least, isn’t weak.
3.) “Call it a Valkyrie!”
I’d be delighted to call my Guardians, both of which are female, Valkyries, though it would cause clashes with the equipment prefix of the same name. Easy enough to change the prefix name, I suppose. That said, the menfolk likely wouldn’t particularly appreciate their new bow spec being Valhalla’s beer wenches.
4.) “Call it the Keeper/Defender/Sentinel/Protector/Bulwark/…!”
IT’S NOT A FREAKING GUARDIAN. It’s a new class that builds on the basis of the Guardian while taking it in a new direction the base class wouldn’t/can’t go, like the Chronomancer is not a Mesmer. Calling it ‘Guardian’ with different letters is insulting. Stop it.
5.) “Call it the Crusader then, if you want an aggressive, proactive holy warrior!”
Cantha has been removed from the game completely because NCSoft feels like the mingling of Asian/Oriental influences is offensive to their international customers. Do you really think that naming an elite spec “Perpetrators of the Islamic Holocaust” is going to fly?
Crusaders are bad, not good. No.
6.) “Okay…fine! Call it the Arbiter, then!”
…anyways. In all seriousness…actually, no. No, ‘wort wort wort!’ just about covers it.
6.) “Well fine then! What do you think we should call it?!”
I’unno. Dragonhunter works. After all, we’re all people who fight wars and also members of a standing army, which makes us all Warriors and also Soldiers. We’ve all also gone on long, epic quests for various reasons, which makes us Adventurers, and a great many of us would qualify as Scholars, as well.
Who cares whether “we’re all Dragon hunters!” or not?
I get that it’s not good English, and I would’ve preferred Dragon Hunter myself. However, ArenaNet has had a very long-standing tradition of one-word class names they’re clearly unwilling to break. Give me a better idea for a proactive, righteous hunter of bad things – an actually better idea, not just Guardian with different letters – and we’ll talk.
I have yet to see one.
(edited by DevilLordLaser.8619)
Dragon Hunter The Ultimate Loot Stick (Staff + Bow)
OP plz nurf
I get that it’s not good English, and I would’ve preferred Dragon Hunter myself. However, ArenaNet has had a very long-standing tradition of one-word class names they’re clearly unwilling to break. Give me a better idea for a proactive, righteous hunter of bad things – an actually better idea, not just Guardian with different letters – and we’ll talk.
I have yet to see one.
I have already proposed Avenger, which suggests something more offensive and proactive than Guardian while still evoking the sense of justice, righteousness, and fury against the dragons.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
I think the names abit odd because EVERYBODY by lore is a dragonhunter at this point. Unless there’s going to be smaller dragons to fight in which case…yeah its cool.
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
IT’S NOT A FREAKING GUARDIAN. It’s a new class that builds on the basis of the Guardian while taking it in a new direction the base class wouldn’t/can’t go, like the Chronomancer is not a Mesmer. Calling it ‘Guardian’ with different letters is insulting. Stop it.
Except that it IS a guardian. It IS a mesmer. It is a specialization, yes. It is NOT a new class as you claim.
It should be Sentinel 100%.
a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.
Yeah that’s my favorite of the ones I’ve seen, however, don’t really care Dragonhunter works fine for me!