I understand the need to change te reward structure for dungeons. I have felt for a long time that the amount of pure liquid gold pumped into the economy per dungeon path was too high. I was happy to see how silverwastes was structured in that it gave materials, including bags which could have their materials tuned based on the player’s needs by specifically opening on x level character, which could be used by the player or sold for gold. While I dont think the chest farm is quite a healthy thing, overall silverwastes was a step in the right direction.
Please note, the following is written even though I know that the developers seem to want to pretend dungeons are obsolete and dont plan on doing anything with them aside from, apparently, nerfing their rewards so that those gold generation sources may be moved elsewhere.
Dungeons dont need an outright nerf; dungeons need a rebalance in their reward structure away from gold and toward other things. For instance, nerf the ending gold as of now you get 1.31 gold per normal dungeon path (with some exceptions of course), lets move that to, say, 50 silver total. Now, rework the structure in a couple ways.
1) increase the drop rate of cores and lodestones where it makes sense. Golems/inquest across all dungeons should have a chance (and higher than current)at charged cores and lodestones. Destroyers in all dungeons, destroyer cores and lodestones. All flame legion and effigies should have (or have a higher chance) of dropping molten cores/lodestones. Undead should have a chance (or higher chance) of giant eyes. As a few examples.
2) Further, We have dungeon armor and weapon skins, add in some unique skins that drop in the dungeon itself. In CoE add in some drops for a shoulder or backpack skin based on the things that are coming out of Subject Alpha that drops from subject alpha. Add a subject alpha mask as a head piece. Add a mini essence of alpha ooze drop. In Ascalon Catacombs, give a unique drop to the cave troll, add a mini ghost eater to the ghost eater’s loot table and maybe a mini ectoplasmic ooze as well for example
3) We have recipes for amulets that drop from the last boss, how about recipes for actual unique skins from the last boss that use the different offerings.
4) Furthermore, you could add a chance (50% or so) for a Bag of Wondrous Goods, to drop a new crafting item (call them artifacts for now) specific to each dungeon. This item could be used in the above weapon recipes and, perhaps, also be used in a forge recipe like this to turn a regular exotic item into an ascended item with the same skin:
1 Dungeon weapon
75 artifacts
1 ascended crafted item (made of 1 deldrimore steel, 1 spirit wood plank in the case of a weapon and 1 offering from the specific dungeon)
1 anthology of heroes
dungeons should be rewarding and content should not be disincentivized, but I do agree that the current reward structure with the heavy emphasis on gold generation should be altered.
(edited by That Guy.5704)