Thanks for all your feedback and help testing the work-in-progress Enhanced Squad UI during Beta Weekend 3! While we encountered some issues during the beta test, it was great to see it up and running by the end of the weekend so we could get your input. And there was a lot of great feedback! As a result, we’ve decided to hold off on releasing the first version of the new UI until a few weeks after the launch of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™. This will give us a little more time to properly address the issues that were encountered as well as add some needed polish.
We expect this first version to be a great enhancement to squads, including introducing the “commanderless squad” that provides basic squad functionality for a group of 10 players that doesn’t have a member who purchased a Commander Compendium. And for those who are already commanders, you’ll get additional functionality. But this first release won’t include everything we’d like to provide. For example, we’re going to follow up in a later release by adding markers for marking locations in the world and creatures/characters. We’re also looking into adding additional features like displaying boon and condition information in the UI.
As we get closer to future releases, we’ll be sure to provide information on the new functionality we’re adding. We think the Enhanced Squad UI is going to be a great addition to the Guild Wars 2 experience.
Thanks again for your help in making it the best it can be!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events