The announcement trailer blew me away. It was epic. But it didn’t escape it’s fails, and neither did a-net when preseting HoT info. Here are some things to learn for the future.
The movie:
1. Engineer with hammer scene. Total bs and we all know it. Since when do mordrem wolves run away from you, rather then fiercely engaging you in combat? Only when feared or changing their prey. None of that seems to be the case. And what about those golfballs with propellers flying around engi? Well…erm…they fly?
This one will bite you in the kitten , rest assured. Combat in GW2 does not look like that, level 80 mobs don’t die from single hammer swing and we all know that. Hyped up players will run into the jungle and there “Not as seen on tv”. Instead you could’ve had those wolves chase another player, engi getting on their trail, the small drones doing something(!) like attacking the last one, then when still ignored by the wolves engi catches up with some hammer bashing. That would make much more sense, and not have players feel cheated when it’s down to GW2 reality of “each mordrem mob takes work to put down”.
2. Another engi scene – the one with 3 characters in the darkness and that small (albeit awesome looking) dragon walking right into them. Now here we have a character holding a rifle in medium armor. Others are heavies with a hammer and sword and shield (so both legit warrior or guard). Now we got forums in hopes that it’s a thief specialization. If it is, forget i said anything. But if it’s an engi then a fair move would be to have him equip a kit and not confuse people. Feature you hinted but it won’t be there will once again bite you in the kitten .
3. Oh that awesome looking dragon too. Remember teq? Plague Bearer? Or Zhaithan champion dragons in personal story end? Yeah that’s one skin that didn’t get reused….more then 4 times. Claw of jormag also ain’t looking the best.
Now we’re gonna get the new guy that makes you ask “How lazy where those guys designing all those dragons before? Why didn’t we get something looking like THIS?”
And he better look like this ingame, and not another teq who’s artwork is nothing like ingame model.
4. Mesmer’s shield skill. Oh so he casts it and they die….riiiiight. So what does this skill do anyway? You guessed it -something. Who knows what. Hey, still better then those golfballs of engis, at least it killed something. How it did that, how will that skill hint at new abilities of mesmer and gameplay mechanics? Errrr…oh hey look! Pink butterflies when it’s done with it’s animation!!
5. Rytlock is walking in the distance…erm…walking…in which direction exactly? Away from screen, to screen? Those vines are withdrawing…because he’s nearing? Or because he’s away and no point anymore?
6. Rytlock opens the gate to cities of gold (had to make that reference;) that are wide, beautiful aaaaand.. we’re already inside the temple that seriously gives off the “last scenes before the dragon will take place here”. That’s just in case you wondered why so many people ask about map size.
Little zooming out, panning the view, showing just how BIG it all is from bird’s view would do wonders to making players believe x-pac will be bigger. Instead you subconciously send them message “oh you’re in, welcome…and the end.”
7. Rytlock going ninja kitten on mobs, once again giving the wibe “two swings it’s all it takes against the mordrem” riiight….
Other then that the trailer was awesome and certainly got many people hyped up to the max myself included. I just would prefer less smoke and mirrors in trailer and more actual gameplay to both myself and new players won’t give off yet another moan of dissapointment at game trailer completely detached from the game reality.
Ps. do you seriously believe old borderlands WvWvW map will be even mentioned in anything else then horror stories once the new elemental themed one launches?