Free Character Slot for veteran players

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Run Away PLZ.7639

Run Away PLZ.7639

Just curious about whether the offer of veteran players getting a free character slot for prepurchasing HoT expansion was still a thing.

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Danikat.8537


As far as I know it is.

Because the slots have to be added manually you won’t get it right away, they’re added in batches once a week, usually on a Friday.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Run Away PLZ.7639

Run Away PLZ.7639

Alright I don’t really care when they gave me one just that I would get on 11 is not enough it seems…

thank you

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaniTheHero.6318


How is 11 not enough? There’s only 8 classes right now 9 including the upcoming class.

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


Well, according to Gaile, they have given veteran players a free character slot. She didn’t mention anything about needing to pre-purchase:

We’ve given veteran players a free character slot, and as others have pointed out, a beta test is not a demo or a preview. If you’re unsure about purchasing Heart of Thorns, consider reviewing our extensive Heart of Thorns website for a great deal of information, then make the decision that is right for you.

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: black sun empress.7401

black sun empress.7401

the free char slot is for prepurchase.. u dont get one without buyin HoT, just cuz you are a veteran..

got 2 free slots from prepurchase the 99$ one..

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Well, according to Gaile, they have given veteran players a free character slot. She didn’t mention anything about needing to pre-purchase:

We’ve given veteran players a free character slot, and as others have pointed out, a beta test is not a demo or a preview. If you’re unsure about purchasing Heart of Thorns, consider reviewing our extensive Heart of Thorns website for a great deal of information, then make the decision that is right for you.

It seems that way because you’re taking it out of context.

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


Well, according to Gaile, they have given veteran players a free character slot. She didn’t mention anything about needing to pre-purchase:

We’ve given veteran players a free character slot, and as others have pointed out, a beta test is not a demo or a preview. If you’re unsure about purchasing Heart of Thorns, consider reviewing our extensive Heart of Thorns website for a great deal of information, then make the decision that is right for you.

It seems that way because you’re taking it out of context.

I quoted her post in its entirety. It happens to be written in such a way as to make ANet seem more generous than they truly are, as well as being a false statement.

If it had been said “We’ve given veteran players who pre-purchased HoT a free character slot…” perhaps the meaning would have been more clear, and less insulting to those of us who are veterans but are not pre-purchasing.

But hey, why should a Communications Team Lead worry about, like, words and stuff?

No matter. I’m done. I uninstalled GW2 last night, so they no longer have to concern themselves about how to wring more money out of me.

Does anyone want my stuff?

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Well, according to Gaile, they have given veteran players a free character slot. She didn’t mention anything about needing to pre-purchase:

We’ve given veteran players a free character slot, and as others have pointed out, a beta test is not a demo or a preview. If you’re unsure about purchasing Heart of Thorns, consider reviewing our extensive Heart of Thorns website for a great deal of information, then make the decision that is right for you.

It seems that way because you’re taking it out of context.

I quoted her post in its entirety. It happens to be written in such a way as to make ANet seem more generous than they truly are, as well as being a false statement.

If it had been said “We’ve given veteran players who pre-purchased HoT a free character slot…” perhaps the meaning would have been more clear, and less insulting to those of us who are veterans but are not pre-purchasing.

But hey, why should a Communications Team Lead worry about, like, words and stuff?

No matter. I’m done. I uninstalled GW2 last night, so they no longer have to concern themselves about how to wring more money out of me.

Does anyone want my stuff?

You did quote her entirely but you’re taking the entire post out of context.

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Canakun.8031


Well, according to Gaile, they have given veteran players a free character slot. She didn’t mention anything about needing to pre-purchase:

We’ve given veteran players a free character slot, and as others have pointed out, a beta test is not a demo or a preview. If you’re unsure about purchasing Heart of Thorns, consider reviewing our extensive Heart of Thorns website for a great deal of information, then make the decision that is right for you.

It seems that way because you’re taking it out of context.

I quoted her post in its entirety. It happens to be written in such a way as to make ANet seem more generous than they truly are, as well as being a false statement.

If it had been said “We’ve given veteran players who pre-purchased HoT a free character slot…” perhaps the meaning would have been more clear, and less insulting to those of us who are veterans but are not pre-purchasing.

But hey, why should a Communications Team Lead worry about, like, words and stuff?

No matter. I’m done. I uninstalled GW2 last night, so they no longer have to concern themselves about how to wring more money out of me.

Does anyone want my stuff?

Gods, how dramatic. You should write a soap opera.

The post was made in the context of a discussion about pre-purchase perks.

Mamorou Itou Defense Club.
Protect him at all costs.

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


Just curious about whether the offer of veteran players getting a free character slot for prepurchasing HoT expansion was still a thing.

I prepurchased a few hours ago and got two slots, so yes the free veteran character slot is still a thing.

it just so happens that i prepurchased a few hours before they rolled out the veteran character slots for this week. they do it every friday as someone pointed out on another post in the forums (apologies for not remembering who that was).

To be exact, i prepurchased the $100 version and immediately got one character slot and created a necromancer in that slot. I went on an errand for a couple of hours, came back home and found another free character slot waiting to be filled.

(edited by castlemanic.3198)

Free Character Slot for veteran players

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Charrbeque.8729


The answer is yes, until HoT launches.

Additional exclusive pre-purchase offers

We’re offering some special deals to show our appreciation for loyal players.
Free character slot

If you registered your core Guild Wars 2 game before January 23, 2015 and register a pre-purchase serial code for Heart of Thorns any time before the expansion is released, you’ll receive a free character slot! Once you apply a pre-purchase serial code, you’ll be eligible for the slot regardless of where you bought the core game.

If the serial code you used to register the core game came from a retail vendor (rather than or in-game) and was applied to your account between January 23, 2015 and June 16, 2015, you’ll also be eligible for a free character slot if you apply a Heart of Thorns pre-purchase serial code before the expansion release.

All accounts that become eligible by July 9 will have their free character slot applied by July 10. Eligible accounts that are upgraded with a pre-purchase serial code after July 10 will receive their slots on a weekly basis after that.

There’s something charming about rangers.