WvW has been decimated, but luckily there are no more queues and when everything is capped we play on on EBG, as there is no rewards fighting -no-one- on the borders.
The map is beautiful and could have been epic… probelm is guilds do no longer have acces to buffs, or players. Most WvW players feel betrayed, and ignored. as they warned A-net 3 fold at least…. After each wvw-beta!
PvP… I find E-sports commercials all over the web, BE legendary, join GW2 PvP… Problem? It’s very nice you can earn 1000’s of dollars playing an unbalanced game with a clear meta… which has had (balancing) problems since launch… which -no-one- outside the pvp community cares for except for some people on staff at A-net and the people smiling who drag away the cash. No viewers, no interest from the remainder of the worlds populace.. I do not care for PvP. I loved WvW though, I’m still wondering why PvP and WvW were given different rewards… if it would have been the same, some problems wwould have been avoided…
Dungeons… you know the unbalanced stuff still littering the landscape, which had no real support since ~a year after launch, except for a very long unrewarding path with keys you needed to farm throughout the world in PvE….
They were unbalanced and FUN. At least to me, I enjoyed running AC Fulll for 1000 days straight with some COF 1,2 and SE 1,3 added for flavoring, on relaxed days I added TA and CoE to maximize my enjoyment of thisgame and did some Cursed shore or (later) Silverwastes to get nice gear for fractals…..
RIP dungeons 2012-2015
Fractals were nice long duration games with no real guess what would be spawning always causing a decent surprise, somtimes good, sometimes bad… at lvl 50 people got good drops… But…. well getting good drops should be nerfed, and Fractals being a dungeon was striped from rewards, and it’s renowned randomness
The opening to the masses who repeated easy fractals again and again and again to level up faster then the Saturnus V went to the moon trivialized this nice piece of content…
Well they are not dead yet, but the pulse is faint…
So we got more Event maps…
After Hirathi Hinterlands (Centaur battles), Fields of Ruin (Ogre battles) and Orr (Risen battles), Dry Top (mostly battling yourself in the end…) and Silverwastes (Mordrem battles)
We now got Verdant brink (Mordrem battles), Auric Basin (Octovine: Mordrem battles), Tangled Depths (Chak battles? No: Mordrem battles!) and last but not least the epic battlle versus Mordremoths Lieutenant (Wanna guess? Yeah! Mordrem!) in Dragon’s stand… Yes….,yes…, well yeah…, ye, ow… why bother….?
Well…. some are nice, some are okay and some are useless…
As for world bosses: we got …. Nothing really, as the bosses now are behind a huge chain of events, and your activity in these events will determine your reward…. All others, the classics, still respawn on their respective timers day in and day out….
Tequatl might not be more epic then Dragons Stand , it is way more accesible… and still has it’s own armor skin(s), as has the Tri Wurm…
I used to do few World bosses… but Sometimes it was a welcome change of pace..
Luckily: My bank guild with 3 ppl in it has all former WvW players and we cannot even pay the 100 gold (well we might have it available, but why in the name of dwayna would we want to?) to cap it, nor have the influence to start the event…. so…. we will not get a hall.. Come to think of it we will not be able to build anything afterwards either….
I used my bank guild to build banners, guild cata’s, +5 supply and some other bonusses..
Now I cannot…. Why not?… Are so many players not worthy to use upgrades?
SO I play on to find I am now obligated to play PvP to be allowed my next legendaries, and I will certainly get much WXP now in WVW without any players so my legendaries are all in the box … Yes we need everything reworked so it will be better….. or will it? I have seen no real improvement….
And raids… Guild missions are cancelled in our guild, the hard core is raiding leaving us with 8 ppl from 175 to do guild missions and 2 groups of 10 are enjoying their fails on the Vale Guardian… putting in dozens of hours for 4 gold….
Love raids, hate the frustration, and the costs…
Yes It has been a perfect storm, quake, tsunami, vulcanic eruption, meteorstrike, famine, plague and firestorm all rolled into one showing us it will now can only go up from now on….
Might be a bit worse yet…
As all things which were, are now: no more and the remains of the populace are now farming mats, farming events, farming otherwise and Raiding for minimal income saying it is all better now….
And still people say well it’s perfect… I love your determination…., or fanatism…., and is it just my problem?
I’m still wondering : “WTF happened here?” Of the 80 people in our WvW and PvX guild who have bought HoT 50+ are no longer playing….. or just logging in for dailies…. This second group isn’t inactive, but is no longer playing either… most are completely dissillusioned and let down by the events participated in the last weeks…
Most of these players were WvW players the ones remaining are the fanatics, most of these do the raids now and some are fed up with it. some are tryin to do some new events or trying to find new light in unlocking masteries and elites specs,, but I am no longer hearing the shouts of joy or amazement… Just frustration and detachment…
Group play…..
Guild missions are no longer for the guild as people, just for the guild as an object, no longer supporting the guild as group… And as such we no longer run these as a guild…
I as the officer in my guild have seen the problems,, and for the PvP guild missions.. wel doing ’m with 40 ppl at once is a problem, PvE missions are bugged, no rewards= no people and for WvW… well they are truly, and I really mean truly uninteresting.
We will see… HoT is live…. and dying…. at least for me, I find myself in vanilla again… less frequent, very, very shaken by the scale of the multifold disaster, still unfolding.
New stats, food nerfs… no stat selection after invalidation of stats… lists are long….. Frustrations are big…..
No solo play…. at least no outside story or farming HP, or masteries in HoT
No gold =>
no travel,
no food,
no gear,
no mats,
no crafting,
no fun
no reason to play,
no progression,
no reward,
no player(s),
no purchases,
no revenue,
no game,
no A-net,
no jobs,
no money,
no travel,
no food,
I hope you’ll make amends… And I hope you’ll understand who I’m adressing here.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)