Guild Halls for Small Guilds

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alsyoni.5920


We did Gilded Hollow with 4 people. Chrono, scrapper, D/D thief, and guardian with lots of stab and condi cleanse.

It is advisable to ignore everything but the vine tenders unless you run into leechers or trolls. Reflects help a lot as well. If you focus the vine tenders down, most of trash will just die in the cleave from killing the tenders. Every time except for once when we went straight for the tenders, by the time we were halfway done with the second tender everything surrounding it was dead. Stacking is also advised for group healing and cc/field blasting.

As said above, if the spawn is far away, let it go. If the enemy composition is unfavorable, let it go. The cold never bothered me anyway…err…just get back to the middle and wait for the next spawn. The biggest hint I can give is seeing how there is just the one group of you running around make sure you have an exit plan for the terrain you are in to best get to the next spawn point. Feel free to pm me in game with any other specific questions with how we did it.

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kunzaito.8169


Is there any initiative going to help small guilds do their claim? I have been asking in map and in lfg and don’t get even a nibble. Maybe a time when a few interested people can trade claim help with each other?

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: White Sorceress.4672

White Sorceress.4672

Is there any initiative going to help small guilds do their claim? I have been asking in map and in lfg and don’t get even a nibble. Maybe a time when a few interested people can trade claim help with each other?

Absolutely amazing idea!

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I’d be interested to hear tactics for those who did it with 5. It was not even remotely close when we tried, far too many mobs and the vinetenders have so much HP, it was nigh on impossible to kill even 1 in the time limit, let alone 2 plus the Maw and travel there…all in 3.30 mins…

My guild did it with 5 (and one player was….not top tier), and it was tough, but certainly doable. Our team was a Necromancer, Guardian, Elementalist, Warrior, and Mesmer with various exotic and ascended gear. No legendary weapons. Here’s some things we had success with:

- Focus on the Vinetenders exclusively at the start of fights. Run past all other mobs. Use knockbacks to break the bar and then hammer it with all you have. We focused on one Vinetender at a time and were able to kill it and the other fast enough. Make sure to keep the CC attacks up on the Vinetenders as the damage will be greater with the break bar down.

- Once both Vinetenders are down, focus 100% on the maw. ignore EVERYTHING else. Just hammer it down and rez only if it can be done within 5 seconds.

You’ll have to do this 5 times. Once you get the pattern down, you’ll be successful. Also, if a maw spawns really far away, let it go. You can skip 4 before the whole instance wipes. Try to get your group to the center of the map so you can most efficiently travel to the maw spawns.

- Finally, on the last boss, use as much ranged weapons as you can and stay away from the black lines he drops. You will have plenty of time for him, so just keep the pressure on.

Enjoy! Once you get the formula down, it really is a fun experience. Message me if I’m online and I’ll help you out.

OK thanks. It is sort of what we tried, but we were simply overwhelmed by dozens of adds. We’ll refocus and try again

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Exsay.7601


Any of the small guilds want to maybe group up? Since we can have multiple guilds would it not be beneficial for 3-4 small guilds to join each others guilds then take turns helping doing this for each other? We only have 6 of us as well and hard to get us all on since it is basically me my husband and then our children and their boyfriends/girlfriends. Anyone interested in the joining of each others guilds and assisting each other send me a message!

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shalya.6728


My guild only has 2 people online at any given time, so we’d be interested in an alliance Exsay or anyone for that matter. I asked for help in map chat but the response was less than positive. A lot of people don’t see the point of very small guilds, but ours is family.

Off topic: for some reason I can’t pm…it says something about spam controls even though I’ve never posted here before?

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: El Psy Congroo.7965

El Psy Congroo.7965

What happens if you pay the 100 gold and then fail to claim the hall?
Or you can’t “fail”? If you can; do you have to pay 100 more gold?

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

My guild [Saad] completed the lost precipice with only 3 members. It took us about 10 tires and a bit of luck but once you learn some strategies about it it’s not to bad. Recommend you bring your zerker builds xD. Also get ready to farm mats after you get it, the upgrades once you get the hall a geared towards larger guilds for sure. Needing to craft 50 kegs on the first upgrade needing ~600 of the new flax plant is just the tip of the iceberg. Anyhow good luck and have fun anything above 5 players should be fairly reasonable to complete with.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

AN claimed it to scale from 5 people up to 200 so yeah 5 people should be able to do it…

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thorin.9624


Small guilds should be able to do this fairly easily. Our guild only has around 20 members total and we went through and did the mission with 6 online. 3 guardians 2 rangers and an elementalist no elite specs in the lot. If you only have 2 or 3 people in your guild give a shout out and hire some mercenaries to help you out. The scaling works very good on this mission so have fun and good luck!

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephiera.9804


I’m happy to help other small guilds claim their hall in return for help claiming mine. My guild is only about 7 people and it’s rare that even two are on at the same time these days so nine times out of ten I’m playing solo….

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dreadicon.5840


I really would like to see more Guild Halls. Something to be said about quality, but Guild Halls are also a matter of expression and reflection of a guild itself. Having the same Guild location for both 5 man and 200 man guilds, and only having two options means there’s a full 50% chance that you have the same guild hall as any other given guild, decorations asside. I would really like to see closer to 8 guild halls within a year, including 2+ ‘small’ halls, and 1-2 ‘big’ guild halls, specifically aimed at megga-guilds like AARM, requiring large quantities of guild members to obtain.

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gendrike.3601


My guild and I tried, and we got kittened up so bad, we stopped playing. Not ragequit. We just didn’t want to play for now.

In a year of playing together, a small guild of less than ten (some being in it since the lauch) we braved and defeated thing that outclassed us. We always had a hard time to stop playing for the day. For the Hall we gather in less than a week our 100 golds, thing we never did before. But we wanted to have that hall. Even if we had to pay the same ridiculous amount than the biggest guild. We’re probably never gonna be able to do the hard mission. And we feel kinda ok with this. the rest balances it out. Mostly.

In a year of incredible moments of fun, feelings of achievement and friendship, we never gave up. Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but it’s true.

In a year it never happened to us. Until today. And if there’s not something wrong with this, I don’t no what it is.