Guild halls theme pack?
There is a group of folks who’ve been politely requesting more access to decor for non-humans for a while now. I would love to see more diversity on this issue.
+1 This is a valid request.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I love this idea so much! Our guild’s scribe would sacrifice his own arm for some asuran sci-fi tech stuff to decorate his scribing station with!
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…
I love this idea so much! Our guild’s scribe would sacrifice his own arm for some asuran sci-fi tech stuff to decorate his scribing station with!
I’ve already bought the pirate hook to do just that.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I do support the OP idea. But what I thought of when I saw the thread title is an overall Guild Hall makeover kit. Not taking the place of decorations, but a “skin” for the existing elements. It could do things like:
-change the color and texture of the Gilded Hall rocks to be silver, or rose gold, or bronze, or brown, and matte instead of shiny. Different choices for the other hall.
-change the current buildings to be those of a different race or style
-change the current NPCs
Then of course we could add decorations on top as usual.
I think this is an interesting idea, but I thought the guild hall decorations were intended to resemble the look of the maps the guild halls are located near — Verdant Brink and Auric Basin.
The thing I would like most is for some of the fog to be lifted in Gilded Hollow so we can more easily see so much of the fantastic work the artists and designers have done in there. Even at fully maxed settings on a 4k display, Gilded Hollow’s look is a disappointment, except for things that are very close. You have some fantastically talented artists, Anet — let us appreciate their hard work more. ….please?….
Contacts: Archranis.2375 // Neksis Syxx.6983
I whole-heartedly agree with this statement. I would also like to suggest more craftable items or furniture that you see in Hoelbrak or perhaps some of the other decorative things you see from city to city.
It would also be nice to have some interactive items besides just the NPC’s that would make the Guild Hall’s seem lively. Bring Pact agents into the hall randomly or special open world content that’s delivered by some NPC saying "they need help to protect themselves from blah blah (insert mob(s))
It’d also be nice to be able to craft Interactive objects that could theoretically recycle items players throw in and get something different. NOT THE MYSTIC FORGE for guild halls, but maybe a treasure chest or two that can give extra materials or chances for rare mats or ascended mats and so forth…
I think Guild Halls could use a Makeover non the less and allow for items that you can see in Open World to be crafted.
Honestly, if we are going into the new, we need to bring up the old. Just made some furniture today for the scribe’s hall and well…
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Honestly, if we are going into the new, we need to bring up the old. Just made some furniture today for the scribe’s hall and well…
I’m sorry, I just can’t help myself… :)
Awwww! Fluffy little killer kitty!
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…