HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ellobo.1572


This game is starting to feel a little like the TV show LOST… Lots of good and mysterious questions have been raised the last 2 years….. almost none have been answered.

I would expect that after 2 years and a 60$ expansion later we would have a little more closure…. but the ending felt flat for me. All and all it wasn’t too bad an expansion but the entire story was finding the original destiny’s edge members and then it ended.

Maybe I missed something or I didn’t catch part of the story but if anyone has more info to give me please tell…. without speculation because there is alot of that with no hard facts to back it up. And please don’t tell me "all will be revealed in the upcoming Living story. PLLLLLLLEASE….. its been 2 years… and an expansion. Somethings should have been made more clear.

Questions that needed to be answered:
1. What the heck was Scarlet’s main goal? Why did she say just before her death to caithe that “one day the world will see they needed me” or something along those lines…. we have no idea why she would want to wake the dragon. Speculation states that she was the first minion of mordy and he was controling her to aid in waking him up… but I have seen no concrete evidence of this.

2. Ley Lines…. they look cool…. sound cool… still not sure why they are in the game or how they drive the story forward… they are the magic of the earth that dragons feed on…. but ok so??? They purely exist to give us more missions that tell us nothing it seems. Can ley lines be used as a weapon against the elder dragons? Can we starve the dragons with them? We know nothing…..

3. Glint’s egg…. have no idea what this is all about, or how it helps or hurts me. Apparently from the final cut scene more will be revealed later…. sigh….. YAY! I am the one true egg bearer. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN! Why is the egg important?

4. Oh that last fight… king koopa…. So if mordy is an elder DRAGON….. when they explain exactly what he is, the massive vines in the earth, what exactly is dragon like about that. He does not sound like a dragon at all. Well at least the fight was better then zhaitan’s fight fight.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astra Lux.2846

Astra Lux.2846

1. Scarlet’s motivations and objectives outside of forcing Mordremoth to wake are as of yet unknown. People say she was Mordremoth’s first thrall because she looked into the Eternal Alchemy and presumably saw him and his connexion to the Sylvari and lost her mind or something. However, the story does seem to hint at maybe something else driving her to do what she did. Maybe she wanted to free the Sylvari after learning that they come from Modremoth.

2. In LS2 it was explained, if I am remembering right, that the ley lines are what the asura exploited for some of their magic and that they are a way for magic to flow through the world.

Hmm, on 3. It looks like when Modremoth was killed his energy/power was sent all over. I think when an elder dragon dies maybe the others get stronger? Modremoth was very significantly more powerful than Zhaitan despite only being awake for a very short time. Some of that energy from his death went into the egg, as we were shown, so I think whenever it does hatch it will be very strong.

For number 4 I think he is just really, really, really big. We never actually see him proper or fully.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


1. Scarlet was Mordremoths first awoken champion..
waking the Dragon and freeing the Sylvari would be her way of saving her species..
The Dragons destroy everything.. all life..
Scarlet naturally thought the best way to save her own would be to release them to the Dragon..
It’s likely that Scarlet didn’t even know she was being enslaved..
listen to Faolins Dialogue.. and other fallen Sylvari..
they consider the Dragons embrace freedom.. it warps their minds like that
or it could be possible that Scarlet wasn’t Scarlet at all.. and was directly being controlled by Mordremoth himself.. also a possibility

3. Glint was originally going to become a Elder Dragon..
with the death of Kralkatorrick Glint would have taken his place.. essentially becoming an allied Elder Dragon.. that was originally the plan that.. well didn’t happen as we all know
Upon Zhaitans death we learned that an Elder dragon releases massive levels of magic back into the world.. which then goes to feed another Dragon making it even more powerful..
in this case.. Mordremoth who absorbed Zhaitans power.. this is why Mordremoth is considered soo much more powerful than Zhaitan as well
Glint’s Egg it our counter to this..
our way to kill the Elder Dragons without making the others stronger
this is very obvious to us as the player.. even though our characters have not yet worked this out
the end goal will be the same as the original though.. we will create a new Dragon through Glints egg that will contain the power of all the fallen Elder Dragons..
whether that Dragon is good or bad is totally up in the air right now

4. Mordremoth isn’t a Dragon.. not in the traditional sense by design anyway..
there were many hints of this such as him saying I am this world in the trailer
or in the living world someone mentions the vines being part of Mordremoth etc
a lot of people bring up the Maw we see in cutscenes to prove he has a physical Dragon form.. but its far more likely that Maw is the Mouth of Mordremoth we fight in the Dragons Stand meta event..

If you really want to get an idea of what Mordremoth looks like in some form of context then think of the Pokemon Tangela

sarcastic jokes aside which I know people will want to make :p
like mordyboots lol

Tangela and Mordremoth both share a design concept in that they are seen as a swarming mass of vines with a sentient something inside.. a brain or for better use of the word.. Heart.. (Heart of Thorns ring a bell)
he isn’t a Dragon like design.. like Teq or Shatterer.. which is how most people would perceive a Dragon..

In truth the term Dragon spans a massive number of shapes, forms, sizes etc
its one of the reasons why Dragons are such a popular concept for fantasy

(edited by Teratus.2859)

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


It was specifically said that we are walking on the mordremoth’s back. He is the jungle, he is everywhere. You cannot fight him in real world, thus we had to go to dream and kill his mind.

Btw, Teratus thank you for excelent points. I did not think about the egg in that way…. It souds amazing and it gives some answers for what will happen when we slay all the bad dragons.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


You’re welcome ^^

Im very curious as to if the Egg will be a good or bad Dragon… there is no way to tell atm

can you imagine if its bad?
the power of 2 Elder Dragons currently linger in the Egg..
what if it hatches with the power of 3… 4… 5 Dragons..

It would be thee most powerful being in Tyria..
and if it turns out to be bad.. well we are quite doomed lol
and even if we could kill it.. the power of all those Dragons released back into the world at once.. I dread to think of the damage that could do..

but lets be honest.. I am super excited to find out

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


I sort of thought Glint will be reborn from that egg…or that her child dragon will be our powerful ally in fighting other dragons.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I had a similar theory on the reincarnation of Glint through the Egg.. but considering she is a Revenant Legend I quickly dropped that theory lol

although I am quite pro the idea that the hatched Dragon will take on Glints name and legacy.. essentially becoming Glint 2 lol

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


Yes, exactly something like that…. I think Revenant shouldn’t be a problem. After all, Mists is set outside of time. But yeah, Glint 2 sounds more reasonable.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VaLee.5102


Does Rytlock end up explaining how he got his “new magic”? Because I just remember he kept postponing the answer.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


Yeah he said something about it…

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Does Rytlock end up explaining how he got his “new magic”? Because I just remember he kept postponing the answer.

Nope.. he literally just kept saying blah blah blah we don’t have time blah blah blah I’ll tell you later etc..

at most he mentions that he was able to harness the power of legendary heroes of the mists but as to how he learned that and why he still has not given us a definite answer..

one of the biggest disappointments with HoT is the fact that many of these big questions are still being dodged around..
it’s starting to get to a lot of people tbh.. myself included

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: myren.5490


The whole scarlet thing might not be that she’s mordremoth’s minion but that she tried to get all of these alliances to wake Mordremoth and maybe kill him? She does say that Tyria needs her, so maybe she prematurely woke up Mordremoth to kill him. Although destroying Lion’s Arch to get to the Ley Line is kinda drastic.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Starknight.3759


What if the egg doesn’t hatch at all,what if Glint has left this object just to contain the magic from the elder dragons as we vanquish them?

Fight for what you believe in!!!!

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daralii.8940


The thing that bothers me about the egg is that Glint had a child in GW1, but Gleam hasn’t been mentioned at all by anyone since his name was revealed. Is he even still alive? Did the devs just forget?

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Randulf.7614


The thing that bothers me about the egg is that Glint had a child in GW1, but Gleam hasn’t been mentioned at all by anyone since his name was revealed. Is he even still alive? Did the devs just forget?

There was speculation it was Gleam who gave the Master the egg.
Some have even speculated Gleam to be Mr E

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daralii.8940


The thing that bothers me about the egg is that Glint had a child in GW1, but Gleam hasn’t been mentioned at all by anyone since his name was revealed. Is he even still alive? Did the devs just forget?

There was speculation it was Gleam who gave the Master the egg.
Some have even speculated Gleam to be Mr E

Except E grabbed Marjory in Divinity’s Reach. I think a dragon in the city would draw some attention.

It could have been an intermediary, but there’s no evidence one way or the other.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Maybe it wore a hood and sunglasses to hide its identity!

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Oraxis.9705


As for your first point, I personally believe that what Scarlet meant is that she forced the confrontation with Mordremoth. Her awakening of Mordie forced us to engage the far more dangerous threat first before other dragons that seem to move slowly and methodically. Mordremoth himself attacked more viciously and over a far greater area far faster than any other dragon. Scarlet, in many ways, gave Tyria the initiative by waking him on her terms.

For two, Ley Lines are an actual real world mythological construct, which is part of why I believe they are not well explained. Ley energy flows throughout the world evenly distributing magic throughout it. We know very little because by their very nature Ley Lines are a mysterious thing to Tyria proper. When / If we get more involved with the Asura I expect we would learn more.

As to three, the egg is important because it is the see of a further minor dragon that has been infused with the massive energy released by the destruction of Mordy.

As to four, remember that Mordremoth is by his very nature a massive plant. Consider, for a moment, that as a plant he is fed by ley energy. His size would in turn be rather massive. Also, remember, that we have only seen one other elder dragon, and there is nothing in reality to say that a being such as Jormag has any kind of realized dragon like physical form. Yes, we have one of his teeth, but he is often described as a living blizzard and avalanche. We describe them as dragons because of our limited understanding of creatures that by their very being act as forces of nature.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daralii.8940


Small correction: we saw Primordus and Kralkatorrik in GW1.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Small correction: we saw Primordus and Kralkatorrik in GW1.

you could also see Jormag’s champion Drakkar frozen under a lake in the far shiverpeaks
(we’ve not actually seen him in Gw2 yet)

You do see Jormag in art form during the Norn’s introduction video which depicts Jormag as a huge ice dragon..

it’s safe to say that Jormag, Primordus and Kralkatorrik definitely look like traditional dragons

although going back to gw1.. its a likely bet that Primordus is quite small in comparison to the others..
maybe the same size as Zhaitan..

Jormag and Kralkatorrik though.. I expect them to be absolutely massive.. specially Kralkatorrik whom in GW1 was an entire mountain range..

I seriously hope they retain their colossal size in Gw2 or im going to be severely disappointed..

Mordremoth is the biggest of the dragons though by far.. but he had no actual dragon form..
he was a mass of vines.. kinda like a Tangela which I mentioned already..

(edited by Teratus.2859)

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Palador.2170


I think that, when they’re sleeping, they take on a more dragon-like form. As they awaken and gain power, they then shift and change into different forms that fit their nature.

This is why we saw hints of a dragon’s body when Scarlet first awakened Mordremoth, but he had no such body when confronted at the end. It’s also why the “Rise of Orr” cinematic shows Zhaitan looking more like a normal dragon, but when we face him he’s a multi-headed nightmare.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Naevius.3185


Glint’s plan is for her offspring to replace the Elder dragons. The egg just absorbed Mordy lifeforce. One Wurm to Rule Them All.

You heard it here first.

PS: Gleam opened a deli in Cantha.