Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Reaper.9342


Let me start by saying, I have now played 3 characters all the way through the heart of thorns story and have 1 more ready to fight Mordremoth.

I have loved Guild Wars 2 since the day it came out, sure it has a few problems and a few parts that annoy me, but the same is true of most games.

That being said, Heart of Thorns is horrible. the new class skill are pretty good for the most part, but that is where my enjoyment of the expansion began and ended.

The new map design strategy seems to be to make the maps as difficult, annoying, and ultimately frustrating to navigate as possible. Having to run “miles” out of your way to get up, down, or around just to get to something only a few yards away quickly losses any sense of adventure and becomes tedious. While some of the new enemies are interesting most of them are annoyingly fond of knockdown and cheap 1 shots.

The new approach to the content on the map is also frustrating. While the general exploration can be soloed most of the Hero Points cannot. Now I know this is an mmo so group content is part and parcel, but the core game did a good job of striking a balance between offering group content while still remaining very solo friendly. As many of us who purchased HoT have been playing GW2 for years it stands to reason we enjoy the kind of content already on offer. So why change an approach that was working?

On the topic of the final fight with Mordremoth, the sections of the fight where you have to glide to avoid his attacks are poorly designed. Half the time the updrafts don’t launch you like they are supposed to especially if you have been hit by a rock. Also barring defeated players from the fight instead of letting others try to resurrect them is overly harsh given the fight’s tendency to suddenly kill players such as with the gliders.

In closing, I am a long time fan of Guild Wars and greatly enjoy the game, but the first expansion is a frustrating mess. All I ask is that is that Arenanet pays attention to the feedback from myself and the rest of the community and better reward our faith and loyalty in the future.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shinigami.4051


I agree entirely.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daniel.4763


You are much nicer than I am. Hated almost everything about it and am bitter and angry about the whole thing. It was nowhere close to worth $50. No word on any future improvments, but several updates to their stinking Gem Store. I doubt Anet will ever get another dime out of this long-time player. (Started when Elona came out).

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: gunslinger.6084


I have 2 problems so far with the expansion. ( I haven’t started any of the crafting so that is still up in the air for me)

The first is how convoluted the maps are of each zone-you may as well not have a map to go by. This wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t have to fight your way through the whole freaking map to get anywhere safely.

The second is all the glitches of the final battle.

I killed Mordremoth for the first time tonight.

After 5 attempts.

Those 5 attempts were not deaths on my part or failed attempts. Each attempt was glitched and I had to retry 5 times before I was able to complete it.

First glitch I experienced was, right after defeating the second clone of my party we have to kill, the usable portal (red gear) on the battlefield, glitched and would not progress the battle.

Second glitch was at the 3rd clone, same glitch with the usable gear on the battlefield.

Third glitch was after killing the 3rd clone and it joined the battle did not progress and Mordremoth was invulnerable to all attacks except something that I was doing that was hitting him for 8 damage, after about an hour of dodging, healing and hitting him I made it to the second glider part of the battle, I was not paying attention because I was not expecting it to progress the battle while it was glitched and missed my opportunity to jump into the air with the updrafts and died. I was kittened.

fourth glitch, everything went smoothly up until the first glider part, none of the updrafts activated when used, and I died.

fifth glitch see number four but on the second glider part of the fight.

I though the mechanics to the final boss of the original games “my story” were the worst mechanics I have ever encountered in a game, until now.

This fight was way too long, every mechanic in the fight is apparently prone to glitching out and the final part of the battle where you have to hit Mordremoth and run back across the battlefield to use the portal/red gear to make him vulnerable while 20 or 30 mobs are swarming you is idiotic.

I only had enough time to run up and hit him about 5 times before he became invulnerable/disappeared and then had to run across the battlefield to use the portal after killing all the adds. Rinse, repeat 5 times. FIVE TIMES! you have got to be joking, in all this battle took over an hour once I got a fight that didn’t glitch out.

I kept retrying this battle over 4 hours tonight. This is ridiculous.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: synk.6907


I’d love to see video of these glitched out attempts folks keep posting about. I’ve done it for 8 or 9 characters without issue, but I can imagine how frustrating it might be. Makes me curious to see.

(edited by synk.6907)

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daniel.4763


What new maps? All I’m heard so far is just quality of life improvements and gem store updates. I’ve heard nothing about the continuation of LS3 except that it will come at a slower pace so they can multi-task between LS3 and their next expansion. Please enlighten me!

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blackhand.1854


Have a ping above 50ms and watch as you plummet face first into the ground and die becuase the updrafts are tied to server-side authentication. Had Mordremoth bug out and portals just not spawn and he has to be CC’d down manually if you are lucky. Worst bloody boss fight ever.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


Also barring defeated players from the fight instead of letting others try to resurrect them is overly harsh given the fight’s tendency to suddenly kill players such as with the gliders.

(the personal/living story is intended to be done solo and if you die solo…)

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


I’d love to see video of these glitched out attempts folks keep posting about. I’ve done it for 8 or 9 characters without issue, but I can imagine how frustrating it might be. Makes me curious to see.

I finally gave up on Hearts and Minds. Towards the end of the fight one of the holes you have to deal with spawns in an area of the platform that has already fallen away and I can’t get to it. This happens every single time for me. I don’t have a video or screenshot but if you look around on the forum other people have posted at least screenshots of it.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


Towards the end of the fight one of the holes you have to deal with spawns in an area of the platform that has already fallen away and I can’t get to it.

If you die during the gliding phase, the encounter will still transition to next phase with a smaller area, so you’ll want to intentionally die again on the next attempt to reset it again.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: slashlizardy.9167


Nicely summed up Reaper

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zodryn.4216


Hmm…I just beat Zhaitan for the first time before HoT launched, and beat Mordremoth yesterday. Everything about the expansion felt superior to the core game. Better map design, better story pacing (though it could use one extra story step where you learn how to beat Mordy), more interesting characters, challenging enemies, amazing final boss (seriously, go beat Zhaitan and tell me HoT is disappointing).

The core game is bigger, but how much time do you spend in each map? I’d wager most people only visit SW, major cities, and the WPs closest to world bosses. The only issues I have with HoT are the PvP balance problems and guild costs, but those could have been problems even if they launched separately from an expansion.

Edit: and armor. They really should have added more armor sets.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Elric Of Melnibone.4781

The expansion was targeted at end game content, challenging and interesting content, not skip through the tulips occasionally pressing 1 content. Yes there is a learning curve, and yes many of the Hero Points require some help, but some of those in Orr required some help as well. I still have trouble getting to some of the events in Tangled Depths, but no where do I have trouble getting around in general.

I had taken a break from GW2 after LS2 ended, but I look forward to playing every night now. The collections have me going all over the place and doing things I would not normally do. (I do however feel that the challenge requirements where set to high in a few cases causing extreme, but fortunately limited frustration now that they are behind me.)

I feel the added difficulty has added much to the community involvement. Just the other night I saw about 50 Tutor tags in a massive zerg running through all the HPs in TD. The challenge was to keep up because everything was being burned in a really short time. Lots of people will tag up and lead DS, TD, or Auric lanes. Lots of people are taxiing people into maps to get the population up to handle the meta. (Solving the mega-server issues should be a top priority for one of the updates this year however.)

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


I’d love to see video of these glitched out attempts folks keep posting about. I’ve done it for 8 or 9 characters without issue, but I can imagine how frustrating it might be. Makes me curious to see.

Lucky. I only bothered on one character. Boss took me almost twentry tries because every single time I glitched on the gliding and died; all of the combat aside from this was frankly extremely easy. The pools were constantly bugged out of the stage. Braham fell under the platform like four times. Never again.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: synk.6907


What does "glitched on the gliding" mean? You couldn’t fly up? You did but couldn’t control where you moved? A lag-type issue where you saw one thing on your screen but then you rubber-banded (remember that in GW1? so frustrating!) to dead?

If the rifts are appearing on land that’s not there, it is quite likely the retry mote was used before the encounter was given time to properly reset, as mentioned above and in other threads. Braham, or anyone, going through the floor is a new one to me. What the heck...?

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Matter of taste really.

I agree about the bugs in Hearts and Minds, but most of the other stuff you’re listed as negatives are the things I felt GW2 lacked.

I like the increased teamwork in the open world, the increased difficulty, increased waypoint distance as death penalty, and the inclusion of more long term goals. If there’s one thing I’d fault HoT on it’s the rewards. I really do think they should settle on a standard of one or two complete armor sets per map and use that standard for all future expansions/LS additions. There are far too many outfits far too frequently and far too few armor pieces added with HoT.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


What does “glitched on the gliding” mean? You couldn’t fly up? You did but couldn’t control where you moved? A lag-type issue where you saw one thing on your screen but then you rubber-banded (remember that in GW1? so frustrating!) to dead?

If the rifts are appearing on land that’s not there, it is quite likely the retry mote was used before the encounter was given time to properly reset, as mentioned above and in other threads. Braham, or anyone, going through the floor is a new one to me. What the heck…?

As in I deploy my glider above it, and nothing happened; I’d fall to the ground. This occurred many, many times. Latency wasn’t an issue during the encounter.

The rifts broke during my first attempt, and no, it was always a new spawn and not the result of the stage not resetting. I distinctly remember having jump off the cliff because it was about 800 units off the stage. This happened repeatedly throughout other encounters as well.

Whether or not these bugs have been fixed, I don’t know. I just can’t be bothered to deal with it again, and as it sounds, people are still having bug issues with the fight.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


If there’s one thing I’d fault HoT on it’s the rewards. I really do think they should settle on a standard of one or two complete armor sets per map and use that standard for all future expansions/LS additions. There are far too many outfits far too frequently and far too few armor pieces added with HoT.

Also, the absolutely garbage drop rate of ANYTHING good in favor of map currencies. I may be wrong, but it seems like now there really is nothing to be had of any real value from drops or chests, just more greens and blues to salvage. Meaning, you either grind for specific items (of which there are almost NONE in all of HoT that I am interested in) or fill up your wallet with endless quantities of each map currency… This is what makes re-running the HoT maps anymore than I already have done (all professions to full elite spec) rather unappealing….

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boomer.2834


“You win the rosette for Rant Of The Day!
You should definitely youtube it.”

Thank you Doc! I think for the time being I’ll just max out in Gliding, go back to GW1 and see what these “alleged new maps” will be in Tyria where Gliding is supposed to be implemented if it ever does happen or is it just another “Anet Pipe Dream”?

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


If there’s one thing I’d fault HoT on it’s the rewards. I really do think they should settle on a standard of one or two complete armor sets per map and use that standard for all future expansions/LS additions. There are far too many outfits far too frequently and far too few armor pieces added with HoT.

Also, the absolutely garbage drop rate of ANYTHING good in favor of map currencies. I may be wrong, but it seems like now there really is nothing to be had of any real value from drops or chests, just more greens and blues to salvage. Meaning, you either grind for specific items (of which there are almost NONE in all of HoT that I am interested in) or fill up your wallet with endless quantities of each map currency… This is what makes re-running the HoT maps anymore than I already have done (all professions to full elite spec) rather unappealing….

Agreed. In GW1 each region had a number of common skins specific to that region, and a few region specific rare drops. Since hoT maps (and GW2 open world in general) is about map event completion, there really should be some more drops that just RNG from the meta boxes/map chests. I really like the keys and chests implementation, but I’d like it more if there was occasional cool loot in them that I could only get in that manner.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

“You win the rosette for Rant Of The Day!
You should definitely youtube it.”

Thank you Doc! I think for the time being I’ll just max out in Gliding, go back to GW1 and see what these “alleged new maps” will be in Tyria where Gliding is supposed to be implemented if it ever does happen or is it just another “Anet Pipe Dream”?

You may be disappointed; there are no new maps in either GW1 or Core Tyria. There will, however, be gliding in the present Core Tyria maps tomorrow after the patch.

Good luck.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

Don’t give up on Anet yet! I’m currently playing the GW2 Cantha expansion and other than being a little bit grindy, it’s great! They finally brought back Assassins and Ritualists, although I’m not too thrilled with the renaming of ritualist to summoner. Can’t have everything I guess!

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: gunslinger.6084


I’d love to see video of these glitched out attempts folks keep posting about. I’ve done it for 8 or 9 characters without issue, but I can imagine how frustrating it might be. Makes me curious to see.

Ask and you shall receive, one of the attempts I had bug out on me in the post I mentioned above:

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: synk.6907


Ask and you shall receive, one of the attempts I had bug out on me in the post I mentioned above:

Thanks so much for humoring me!

Caithe definitely shouldn’t have still attacked you after the rift being open phase. haha man. At least, based on your description, you could still fight Mordy to push to the next phase.

I noticed you had some glider trouble while using the updraft in the NPC’s shielded area. I went to that one the first time I did this fight and had similar happen to me. I stopped using that one whenever a glider phase began, seemed to be a good idea. Your mileage may vary.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Recent changes to the gliding mean you glitch less often. In fact, since the gliding change update, I’ve done the last story instance twice and it was far far easier to open your glider during that phase.

The change was that they moved the open glider command to client side. They didnt’ realize that the latency would quite affect gliding as much as it does on live and they fixed at least that part of it.

That said, there are quite a few bugs in the story and it’s frustrating in the extreme. Not to mention I really think whoever designed the penalty box concept should give a rethink as to what make a mechanic fun.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tharizdun.3654


I played the HoT content long enough to unlock gliding and then left, never to return. I found the experience massively frustrating and time wasting – I simply died over and over and over until I lost interest.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: gunslinger.6084


Ask and you shall receive, one of the attempts I had bug out on me in the post I mentioned above:

Thanks so much for humoring me!

Caithe definitely shouldn’t have still attacked you after the rift being open phase. haha man. At least, based on your description, you could still fight Mordy to push to the next phase.

I noticed you had some glider trouble while using the updraft in the NPC’s shielded area. I went to that one the first time I did this fight and had similar happen to me. I stopped using that one whenever a glider phase began, seemed to be a good idea. Your mileage may vary.

I was pretty irritated in that video, wasnt really trying because that was like the 4th time in a row it glitched on me, I was trying to see if I could get it to the next phase but wasnt ready for it when I did, (was half paying attention lol) The next video I have on my PC I completed it. My blood pressure was high.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


I’d love to see video of these glitched out attempts folks keep posting about. I’ve done it for 8 or 9 characters without issue, but I can imagine how frustrating it might be. Makes me curious to see.

I finally gave up on Hearts and Minds. Towards the end of the fight one of the holes you have to deal with spawns in an area of the platform that has already fallen away and I can’t get to it. This happens every single time for me. I don’t have a video or screenshot but if you look around on the forum other people have posted at least screenshots of it.

Stay close to the middle of the map, to avoid that issue.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


I played the HoT content long enough to unlock gliding and then left, never to return. I found the experience massively frustrating and time wasting – I simply died over and over and over until I lost interest.

You may want to try changing your gear, if you keep dieing repeatedly.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nacario.9417


Im fine with the expansion as a Whole, though I do hope they do something different with the next.

Im quite bummed about the hype of new legendaries, and we only get 3, and we still dont know when we only get another 3. Legendary armor is like another year down the road. PvP has been a stalemate, Leagues are a coverup, why not implement new types of PvP, WvW is also a big letdown as Anet seemes to have a 180 vision of what the WvW playerbase wants. From here on we basically get retweaked existing systems as things were rushed and not done properly in the past.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


What new maps? All I’m heard so far is just quality of life improvements and gem store updates. I’ve heard nothing about the continuation of LS3 except that it will come at a slower pace so they can multi-task between LS3 and their next expansion. Please enlighten me!

They added new maps with season 2. If they want me or most of the people who have been underwhelmed with HoT, they had better add more maps. Or we all payed a lot of money for what will ultimately be very short on content Season pass DLC.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I played the HoT content long enough to unlock gliding and then left, never to return. I found the experience massively frustrating and time wasting – I simply died over and over and over until I lost interest.

You may want to try changing your gear, if you keep dieing repeatedly.

The question at that point is whether the XPac zones offer enough incentive to him to make him want to do that.

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rhyav.4812


// First of all, I consider myself a “fast learner”, so I do understand that some people do find the map navigation annoying and the learning curve too slow or hard either because they like the old casual gameplay GW used to offer or don’t have that much time to play. //

So many people complaining about the maps being “hard”. Seriously although they are indeed harder, they’re still on casual level in my opinion. The only mobs that kill me now are the smokescales if I’m not paying attention. Or large amounts of Chak.
Maps are hard to navigate… the first 1-2 times. Then is a walk in the park, even Tangled Depths is easy.
The only map I dislike from the expansion is Dragon’s Stand, mostly because its extremely boring to fight wave after wave of mobs until you reach a point, but overall is still a very interesting map. I’d like some more time to explore after the Mouth is dead too…

I do agree that Mordremoth fight is glitchy to the point of annoying, but once you know how the glitches work you can even use them in your favor. The most useful glitch specially if you wipe on Challenge Mode is a break bar that appears on Mordremoth that, even on first stage if you break it, Mord’s HP will drop to 20% and last phase with the waves of mobs will start. If happened to me and we almost rage-quitted that when I had to give the final blow and lets say… Mord was on the southern part of the map and the “Finish it” interaction was in the northern part of the map, where Mord should’ve been and it took us some time to find… I found it I believe seconds before people started to quit Lol
I used to have issues with the updrafts when I tried to jump or interact with them, so I took Dulfy’s advice and starting rolling into them. Not a single time it got glitched again.

The transition to Mordremoth’s fight is not as epic as Zhaitan’s, but the fight itself is SO much better, even with the glitches.

The ending itself felt a bit unfinished, as many people say, but only because you just… kill something else after Modremoth (trying not to give spoilers here) and that’s it. But the cinematic was great! Can’t wait for LW3!

I loved the Masteries system. Although it is a bit grindy when I started doing Chak Gerent for the Mini Chak Gerent achievements I leveled so many Masteries without even thinking about it that by the time I got my Mini and I checked what I had to do next, what Mastery, I was so confused because I only needed a few more. I even had to start looking for Mastery Points because the bar got filled before I could get more points.

I paid $100 for the expansion (I wanted the 4K Gems to buy the unbreakable tools) and I have no regrets. LOVED this expansion!

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MHCerberus.1385


I feel like I need to add my say into threads like these with crap loads of complaining going on. I really, really enjoy HoT. I love the maps, adventures, masteries, story, new specs, I love it all. Now that I have really gotten to sink my teeth in and put many hours into it, I can say I am having a freakin blast. I’ve unlocked a number of my specialization collections and have been running the maps like a beast on my thief. If you wanted casual play, too bad, that’s not what they said it would be. They told us it would be lasting content, which as long as you pace yourself (eat, sleep, work, ect) it turns out it does take a while. So enjoy the scenery! Or sit in a dark room groaning about “grind”.

Death Express in game
Beta, remembering the good ol’ days

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


Don’t give up on Anet yet! I’m currently playing the GW2 Cantha expansion and other than being a little bit grindy, it’s great! They finally brought back Assassins and Ritualists, although I’m not too thrilled with the renaming of ritualist to summoner. Can’t have everything I guess!

I call that utter BnS

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Heart of Thorns a lurker speaks.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

I really love HoT, the maps, the monsters, and the way they did the story.

And many HPs are soloable. I believe there are enough or nearly enough throughout all the HoT maps to get your elite specialization unlocked. The rest can be unlocked by simply asking for 2 people to help you in map chat.

If you absolutely can’t find anyone to help you in-game with HPs, just come ask for help in the “Players Helping Players” section or go to Lion’s Arch and ask for help there. There are tons of helpful people who will stop whatever they’re doing (which is generally just lolly-gagging if they’re in Lion’s Arch) to come help you with a few HPs.

It’s not a big deal.