HoT seems more a DLC than true Expansion
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: illustriouz.2594
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: illustriouz.2594
Can I please get some acknowledgment for the argument that most MMOs with so-called “cheaper” xpacs still have that monthly fee thing going on?
I’m honestly tired of this argument.
Games with fees offer better services than Gw2 do. If Anet would have support as good as Blizzard i would be wanting to pay even 30$ subscription.
In WoW when i’ve encountered acc related bug or any other problem – response was extremely fast. In-game chat with GM, they even had GM that talked in my national language.
Here in GW2 my ticket from 3 years back is still open and i got no proper response to it. What i call proper response is not sending me mindless stupid CTRL+C, CTRL+V mail which just proves that GM didn’t even bother to read one line of my ticket, he/she just assumed what is in there by reading the title.
Just don’t act like Gw2 = WoW with no fees. I love Gw2. I love Gw1. I quit WoW long time ago, but holy crap i do miss their support and instant responses.
and also everyone was able to get a dragon mount, not just the elites or lucky aka legendries in gw2. Its sad that instead of releasing more then 3 new legendary skins (not yet even out) they have to make it even harder to get the old content. I mean come on really 3 new legendries and you want $50? gtfo
I remember when the first guild wars Nightfall expansion came out we got a whole new continent to explore and quest (ELONA) which had 4 regions with multiple sub-regions.
We got new PVP environments, (2) new classes to play and race. A true expansion.For the cost of the vastness of guildwars 2 we bought HoT. Which included one new class, no new race, for PVP there is supposed to be the new Battle of Champion’s Dusk don’t know much about it if that’s live for all to play yet or not.
In guild wars 1 Maguuma was huge with places like bloodstone fen and reed bog, we only got 3 sub-regions in maguuma, are more regions to unlock in soon weeks to come?
I just feel shortchanged
I disagree with this as a small dlc. I’m feeling overwhelmed with the amount of new content within the new maps (overwhelmed in a good way).
With all the other maps in tyria everything was pretty much straightforward and simply a matter of running from point A to B. In the new maps there’s a huge amount of depth; things don’t feel linear.
nightfall was a campaign, not an expansion
HoT is more akin to EotN expansion for GW1
people keep saying this, but EotN actually also smashes hot fairly easily content wise
Not really, considering 1 area like verdant brink is essentially equal to AT LEAST 10 gw1 zones. The zones in gw1 were extremely basic. And the gw1 games never rrally added significant gameplay changes, they were essentially the same game in a new place
its objectively more content.
However maybe subjectively more value.Hey if enough people are happy with it, its all good. How much something is worth is based on that. We shall see in the next few weeks how it holds up
How much actual space on the GW2 map does EotN take compared to the space that HoT takes, also taking into account that each zone in HoT is at least three levels of varying amounts of stuff while GW couldn’t even let you move off the available paths.
Ok, so there are actually more like 56 new armor sets. There are the two new set types, across three different armor types, plus the Revenant set, across three different body types and two genders.
All armors in GW had to be made for two bodies, male and female and then animated for only a single set of animations for that particular class. In GW2 it has to fit Human, Asura and Charr, while also being animated for all five races, all of which move differently.
I don’t. I am having a blast just exploring VB at the moment. I haven’t even left that one to go to the next yet, lol. I keep finding new things.
I love it when people add this useful info….. No you are right its Not what it needs to be. Just because you are having fun does not mean that things are ok… People saying things like this are preventing reconciliation.
Can I please get some acknowledgment for the argument that most MMOs with so-called “cheaper” xpacs still have that monthly fee thing going on?
I’m honestly tired of this argument.
Games with fees offer better services than Gw2 do. If Anet would have support as good as Blizzard i would be wanting to pay even 30$ subscription.
In WoW when i’ve encountered acc related bug or any other problem – response was extremely fast. In-game chat with GM, they even had GM that talked in my national language.
Here in GW2 my ticket from 3 years back is still open and i got no proper response to it. What i call proper response is not sending me mindless stupid CTRL+C, CTRL+V mail which just proves that GM didn’t even bother to read one line of my ticket, he/she just assumed what is in there by reading the title.
Just don’t act like Gw2 = WoW with no fees. I love Gw2. I love Gw1. I quit WoW long time ago, but holy crap i do miss their support and instant responses.
and also everyone was able to get a dragon mount, not just the elites or lucky aka legendries in gw2. Its sad that instead of releasing more then 3 new legendary skins (not yet even out) they have to make it even harder to get the old content. I mean come on really 3 new legendries and you want $50? gtfo
100% correct! I bet anet shuts this post down like they did everything I had to say about this expansion being weaksauce.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: PyrateSilly.4710
I don’t. I am having a blast just exploring VB at the moment. I haven’t even left that one to go to the next yet, lol. I keep finding new things.
I love it when people add this useful info….. No you are right its Not what it needs to be. Just because you are having fun does not mean that things are ok… People saying things like this are preventing reconciliation.
If I am having fun than things are ok. I don’t think anything needs to change. It is supposed to be things to work towards as long term goals. You are not having fun and that’s your problem, not mine. I am enjoying it quite a bit and have not found anything yet to not have fun with. When my husband has time to log in he is also having fun with it. I asked him if got to the 2nd quest part after upping his gliding and he was just playing and having fun so much he didn’t even notice the story blocked or unblocked with getting gliding.
You see neither one of us has ever rushed to see how far and how fast we can get thru content. We enjoy it and just play to have fun. We started playing online games back in the very old BBS days so I guess you can say that we have played quite a few games and stuff, lol. We have too many things I real life that can be stressful so why should we play a game that makes us stressed?
It’s just the matter of perspective. It’s whether you take the free living story (both previous& future) for granted, or you value them in the cost. Typical humans behaviour is that when they are given free stuff for sometimes, and when they stop getting it for free, they blame, they forgot it wasn’t any obligation in the first place.
I can see that Anet spoilt most of us, what is expected is Anet coming out living story every 2 weeks is a MUST, and on the other hand they have to come out FULL content expansion.
To me, I would say I take all the future contents into that $50. Hell man, $50 for 2-3 years of fun, why not? it’s not like $500. Unless, you’re content locust.
(edited by Kyle.5931)
HOT in’t a DLC
Core game is ALPHA
<something> is release
All of us paid for early access.
Why I say is alpha because they keep changing the features, like they have no idea what they really want guild wars 2 to be. Then, HOT come with all the feature changes and becoming more concrete of what guild wars 2 should be. However, it fills with bugs.
Alpha is the stage of features while beta is the stage of stress and bug fixing. So yea
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
kitten in FF14 Heavensward had much less content but people will try to spin the “it had 3 new classes and we only got 1” while ignoring the fact that not only does Rev alone have more skills than all three of those combined but we also got more skills on each of the elite specs than those entire new classes.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.
Also, those three classes and my especially my monk/ninja/warrior are far more complex than anything in GW2 and require much more skill to play effectively. Also, I don’t have to level (or do an annoying waypoint run on a new alt, this kitten should be account bound, seriously) everything again to play a new class on the same character.
Also, by the time Heavensward is over, it’ll have 3-4x more content that HoT will. They also use their older content much better as well.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729
It felt more like a big update to me than an expansion. But I’m used to games where the level of content in expansions is massive.
Ok I’m done, this place is just toxic. Keep enticing eachother to keep hating like the toxic crew you are while I go back and enjoy my game.
I remember when the first guild wars Nightfall expansion came out we got a whole new continent to explore and quest (ELONA) which had 4 regions with multiple sub-regions.
We got new PVP environments, (2) new classes to play and race. A true expansion.For the cost of the vastness of guildwars 2 we bought HoT. Which included one new class, no new race, for PVP there is supposed to be the new Battle of Champion’s Dusk don’t know much about it if that’s live for all to play yet or not.
In guild wars 1 Maguuma was huge with places like bloodstone fen and reed bog, we only got 3 sub-regions in maguuma, are more regions to unlock in soon weeks to come?
I just feel shortchanged
Factions was the first add on campaign, but it was also a stand alone game. There where no new races in Guild Wars, you Played Human, or Human. You could play a Human from different parts of Tyria, but they where still humans. The only “new” PvP we had was also in factions. Alliance Battles.
The first and only expansion for Guild Wars, was Eye of the North. No new race, PvP mode, a few maps and new skills. I’d say HoT is about the same as EoTN.
Actually, there were new races. You got the Canthan race and new style in factions, and in Nighfalls you got Elona and their race and style. The different “races” in guild wars 2 would be called Species (probably?) anywhere other than in game world nomenclature.
Other MMO’s and RPG’s differentiate between playable human races. Rift, Vanguard, and ESO, just to name a few off the top of my head.
(edited by Dovienya.6597)
In GW2 it has to fit Human, Asura and Charr, while also being animated for all five races, all of which move differently.
Not really.
It’s a well known fact that armors for Charr and Asura are incredibly poorly done. They are basically textures poorly stretched over their body types, which often looks ridiculous, especially as you see the Charr’s tail clipping through the armor. That, if nothing else, is a perfect evidence of how ArenaNet didn’t even bother to make even the smallest effort to adapt the armors for different races.
And thus, the comment about animations is preposterous. The armors don’t animate; they fit over the bodies that already have their own animation.
So yep, HoT has an incredibly low amount of new skins. Trying to inflate the number of new skins through some bad math (are you going to say each single armor piece is a new skin, too, so you can inflate that number even more?) just highlights how much of a DLC HoT feels like.
But the real kick here is how HoT has very few new skins, but the Gem Store is bursting with them. It has been less than two weeks since the release of HoT, but we have already seen new designs for the following Gem Store items:
(HoT came with 5 new weapon sets. The Gem Store has designs for 3 new weapon sets found in less than 14 days. That’s more than 50% of the number of new skins of HoT.)
So it’s not like ArenaNet couldn’t add more skins to their $50,00 DLC. They could, but they chose not to so they could add more stuff to the Gem Store.
Ok I’m done, this place is just toxic. Keep enticing eachother to keep hating like the toxic crew you are while I go back and enjoy my game.
Yeah, how dare people have different opinions! Don’t they know how toxic that is? No, everyone should just stop complaining about the overpriced content they paid for and go quietly spend more at the Gem Store, right?
To people saying Guild Wars 1 maps had more content, yall have nostalgia goggles on. Lanes with unclimbable hills on either side led you from place to place. While the missions were repeatable, the green exclamation mark quests from NPCs were mostly once and done. My Ritualist that I did everything on, goes into a Guild Wars 1 map now and it’s a wasteland. Nothing is happening, just mobs walking from here to there. The main thing that made Guild Wars 1 feel like a lot of content per campaign/expansion was the need to repeat the same missions to get the bonuses. And grinding to get faction or clearing out maps or raise skill levels or zoning in and out of maps to get the boss for an elite skill.
It had more content for its day. That’s what people are saying.
And nobody is saying core GW2 had little content at launch – people are saying too little content was added after launch to core GW2.
People are comparing the amount of content HoT added to core GW2 with the amount of content EoTN added to core GW1 – and Hot falls short in that regard.
It adds very little compared to the base game – while EoTN added quite a bit compared to its base game.
That’s what people are trying to point out – that while core GW2 had loads of content and stuff to do at launch – 3 years after we’ve received very very little.
It’s not the amount of content that matters but the longevity of it. We won’t know if HoT passes that test until at least two maybe three months after release.
I think that part of the problem is that we’ve been given everything (except for raids, etc…) at once. When compared to LS2, chapters were spread out fortnightly to monthly. So despite LS2 having a fraction of the content it managed to take up the months of June to January.
When it came to HoT, people have shot through the story chapters in a matter of days. Makes me wonder if opinions would be different if the chapters were released weekly or fortnightly, allowing people to level up their masteries and span out the story for a longer period of time.
I’m not sure if the $50 expansion price tag model is a good fit for GW2. I think a mix between MMORPG expansions and the Living Story would have worked better. Where HoT would have been everything minus the story chapters and the story chapters would be purchased in a Living Story type bundle. So HoT would cost $30 and the HoT LS would be something like $20 in total if you buy all the chapters at once.
But that’s just me. I hope that HoT will be enough to last until whenever they release the next expansion.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Absconditus.6804
The more they dumb it down, the less it feels like an expansion. I will agree to this. I was able to take all the core professions (as I’m still leveling Revenant at leisurely pace instead of throwing Tomes at him) on a little Hero Challenge run through the first two maps yesterday, and had all Elite Specializations completed within the same evening. That’s in my opinion way too quick. Far too easy. It actually disappoints me a bit. And all these changes they have done to the Hero Challenges. Suddenly the challenge is four regular mobs and a Veteran, where there used to be a Champion. A channeled one has had a very trivial regular mob with a knockback (you can face the wall and avoid getting pushed off) removed next to it, they moved the one that needed Itzel Poison knowledge outside of the area that would kill you and you can land next to it, avoding the three enemies down there completely. It’s systematically dumbed down. What’s next? They slash the required XP to progress Masteries, and we can finish those within a day too? The more they dumb this stuff down, the more it feels like a slightly souped up Living World update, and not an expansion. At least in terms of time spent on progression.
Masteries is leveling that doesn’t void your previous escapades. Instead of raising the level cap and introducing new power creep tiers, they went with a horizontal approach instead. Elite Specializations are perfectly capable of functioning without all their Traits and Skills too, I ran around collecting these with just the first few things available to me, just fine. No issues were presented when facing those Hero Challenges that aren’t dumbed down and at least still have their Champion (by getting other players, obviously—which is easy, I’ll say it one more time; Say you are doing it, give directions to where it’s at. Don’t ask for help, and people will come).
Now, I am perhaps being a bit unfair here. There’s Guild Halls, the new Elite Specializations and Profession as well as the four rather expansive maps (when considering their layers) are quite a chunk of content. There’s the Masteries, which albeit has been made trivial by allowing XP exploits on endless, rapidly spawning foes, does introduce such things as the Precursor crafting. There’s more Fractal levels to conquer, and there will be Raids. Sure, it does have a whole lot more to it than a Living World and/or Content Patch has brought in the past, but I can’t help shake the feeling of it being lessened as an expansion, by making everything so trivial and easy to unlock (time wise).
Note that I don’t equal time to difficulty. I just think it should take more than a few hours to unlock every single profession’s Elite Specialization in full. It’s a progression kind of reward. And it was tuned just fine as it were prior to this pampering change. If the zones starts to die down, then yes, I am all for tuning them accordingly. They aren’t currently however, and things are getting far too easy. Soon we’ll just press 1 and not even need to hit ‘F’, since we all got our Pact Mastery item vacuum by exploiting XP loopholes (—but no, I don’t have it yet, as I refuse to partake in anything I perceive as an exploit).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tobias Steele.2071
kitten in FF14 Heavensward had much less content but people will try to spin the “it had 3 new classes and we only got 1” while ignoring the fact that not only does Rev alone have more skills than all three of those combined but we also got more skills on each of the elite specs than those entire new classes.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.
Also, those three classes and my especially my monk/ninja/warrior are far more complex than anything in GW2 and require much more skill to play effectively. Also, I don’t have to level (or do an annoying waypoint run on a new alt, this kitten should be account bound, seriously) everything again to play a new class on the same character.
Also, by the time Heavensward is over, it’ll have 3-4x more content that HoT will. They also use their older content much better as well.
You countered an objective argument with a highly subjective one.
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