I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: joneb.5679


OP have you considered the possibility that this is precisely why you don’t own a game studio? Or a supermarket. Or anything that deals with customers directly. Oh snap.

Also lack of intelligence is not a disease <O>

But I do have an MBA from an Ivy League. I’d hate to own a supermarket because the vertical is stupidly competitive but margins hover only at 2-3%. Kinda hard to respect anyone whose scope of business knowledge is limited to high competition, low margin industries.

I don’t own a game studio because I’d hate to have customers like you.

I’m an extremely well paid consultant and I have no shame turning down clients I feel would be difficult to work with.

Was amused by the rhetorical questions you asked me. I doubt that you own a game studio or supermarket or even deal with customers.

My question to you isn’t rhetorical…

Are you a high income, debt-free, self-made multimillionaire?

The bottom line is what makes the huge difference between you and what I call decent people. I truly believe people like yourself are so corrupted by your position and riches you can’t see how your arrogance and greed is so far from what makes a “good” person. You contradict yourself about tight margins and how you need to make sure your business profits with the fact that the people that run these businesses are able make sure they are very nicely well off indeed. I would never do business with you. I would feel dirty.

I use forums to give my opinions but I mostly avoid discussing over
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arkblue.6129


OP have you considered the possibility that this is precisely why you don’t own a game studio? Or a supermarket. Or anything that deals with customers directly. Oh snap.

Also lack of intelligence is not a disease <O>

I don’t own a game studio because I’d hate to have customers like you.

No, probably because you would close the day after you realized saying “you’re not happy, don’t buy it” costed your game studio several millions of income.
especially when the issue is legit and you are already hovering on the edge of false advertising.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

As a business I would HATE costumers that give you honest feedback especially in a very competitive market too.

As a business I would LOVE costumers that run to my forums praising dishonest and deceptive marketing.



Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cambeleg.7632


If there’s anything I hate, it’s hypocrisy disguised as “honesty”. Someone who tells to not be a ‘fanboy/supporter’, but acts as one, is a hypocrite.

As someone said previously, I’m glad you’re out of any of the games I play. With so mean attitude, I would stop to pay you asap.

Not for repeating same defense than others, the protests will be less justified. For every ‘vet’ who considers this deal as unfair, is justified.

Its really just that simple.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: little ceasar.9254

little ceasar.9254

It’s ok. I would read a couple reviews and probably not do my business with you either.


I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moderator.1056


Since the discussion in this thread has derailed and is no longer constructive this thread is now closed.