Pre-Purchase Community Address

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bris.7984


We have been misled and more they succeded in turning one on another playing contradiction games and for what?Just to apeal their big interest in money!Shame on you,Anet!I feel let down like when we had connection problems for months waiting for a fix…or bugged content to be fixed and most of the part never came…!!!

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I don’t like it how ANet handled this.

They were basically bullied, yet again, into giving out refunds and MORE free stuff… They do this way too often about everything regarding the game.

Before I make the point of the thread, another thing regarding this is refunds for recently bought games. If you bought the game recently, you’re already playing and enjoying it and you will keep playing until HoT gets out.
Why on earth would someone in that position feel entitled for a refund? I would only refund that money if those people got their recently created accounts deleted, and when HoT gets out they can start over again from scratch. You think anyone in that position would take that deal? Probably not, because given that choice they would sure as hell rather shell out that little money so they could keep playing RIGHT NOW.

Now, the argument that “they’re giving us a new profession and no new char slot” was always weak at best, it’s one of those things someone thought about saying and everyone else started repeating.
The game released with 8 professions and only 5 character slots, they didn’t “make” us buy another 3 slots, did they?
How many players today play ALL the professions REGULARLY? Personally I even have repeated professions amongst my characters while other professions in game right now are no where to be found.
Why are people under the impression they HAVE to play a Revenant? I’ve heard the most absurd comments about this, some people are threating this new profession as if it’s going to be over-powered and it’s gonna be a go-Revenant-or-go-home deal.

ANet is really setting a bad example here, give a mice a cookie and he’s gonna want a glass of milk, I honestly don’t see why would anyone think they have the right to make a fuzz about this.

As for pre-purchase, use common sense, my rule is NEVER pre-purchase a game.
For the people that do it then worry if they’re gonna get their moneys worth, here’s an idea, how about you wait and see? What do you think you’ll miss out if you buy it a few days after it’s out?

I’ve been on since the start and I play most days, I’ve got more than my moneys worth several times already I don’t need and incentive, I’ll most likely buy HoT even if it’s slim.

The reason for the refund is because of deceptive wording in the HoT FAQ. It was absolutely appropriate for Anet to at least offer a refund to people who read an ambiguous FAQ and made a bad decision because of it.

As for the character slot, I think if you offer a new profession, it makes sense to offer a new character slot, particularly if you don’t have oodles of content other than that new profession to show off just yet. It’s a logical decision.

I said that Anet would offer the refunds before they posted and I said they should offer a character slot, before they posted, even though I’d already preordered the Ultimate Edition and had nothing to gain from it.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


build wars kept the developers on their toes! -snicker-

that was the the time the developers had to get face rolled with us to understand how to balance the game. We had the meta builds and it was easy enough to create a collection of them.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daddar.5971


I am quite happy with my pre-purchase in this case. Yes, it’s marketing and economics. The character slot is ‘interest’ on the money I’m lending A-Net upfront, and I know that. If you don’t trust A-Net enough to give them a loan, fine. But then you can’t complain that they didn’t pay you interest, can you?

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SoPP.7034


Sure it is their opinions and I won’t take it away from them but we should not even try to understand what they are upset about. Some may be upset that the water in their tub today was cold and they blame it on Anet.

Some people just have to have an opinion, even if that opinion is ill informed or advised. Mainly because people like to think of themselves as important, with important things to say. Unfortunately this is not always true.

This thread is no different.

While the downvote system in reddit does get abused the plus side is that the community overall does a good job to remove stupid opinions.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OnionXI.6735


Yeah, I don’t get why they’re holding onto that character slot so tightly. It would have been simpler and garnered more goodwill to just include a character slot with HoT regardless of pre-order.

Plus I’m not a fan of pre-orders in general anymore (Arkham Knight is just the latest example of why you don’t pre-order); and in the case of HoT I haven’t seen anything that would lead me to believe that PvE is anything but dead in the water or that it’s worth $50.

Still it seems like this move has managed to placate most people, so good for them.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


and for the record, I do enjoy gw2 also, I love rolling with zergs

but we need some of that gw1 mojo back.

I insist the developers make 2 teams and revisit hero’s ascent for some good old fashioned arrow to the knee battles!

I sincerely believe that if the new players understood where we came from, while gw2 is a great game as is, it would be infinitely better if new players knew how to form a gw1 team

the debates about areas would be much different on the forum then, guilds would be too busy thinking about how to win gvg fights in mid air more than wondering how much new content we got. Math majors with their calculators and charts would be working over time on the latest tactics, team builds, and specializations ….that would be a HUGE deal. But the new guys don’t get it.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fixit.7189


Win is for people who pay 50 bucks, instead of having to buy 10 dollars more for a slot…they now get one for free so essentially they are paying 40 bucks instead of 60 now.

I bought ultimate and the reason is simple…

Basic had no char slot so I would have to pay 10 bucks more to play the new class.

Delux does but has no gems, only fluff items that if were able to be sold on BLC; it would cost 1 silver total, maybe 2. Clearly the worst choice and even more so now.

Then Ultimate came with a char slot, 4k gems, and the fluff junk. In essence it was 110 worth of value for 100 bucks. This is reason why I bought the ult so save a bit a money b/c of that slot.

Now all vets, any version get a free slot. Some want that slot but a bunch of us did not ask for it. :S

All I want is that ult char slot to be exhanged for 800 gems. There really is no downside to this at all for anet to allow me the choice! And most certainly has no effect on people buying the basic version so I am confused why they are against this other than to argue/make fun of ult buyers.

So basically you can buy basic, buy 4k gems, and pay 90 bucks! Ten less than ultimate, the fluff items like I said are worth nothing. Only decent perk is beta weekend access but that in itself is pretty lame; yet another game that makes you pay money to beta test. I really am not a fan of being tricked like this but that’s just me.

Whatever, it’s done…i should have simply waited instead of pre-ordering right away since clearly the ultimate is not worth the price now. If this was apparent from the get go with vet free slot then I wouldn’t even be here writing this! :S

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Animism.9803


Sure it is their opinions and I won’t take it away from them but we should not even try to understand what they are upset about. Some may be upset that the water in their tub today was cold and they blame it on Anet.

Some people just have to have an opinion, even if that opinion is ill informed or advised. Mainly because people like to think of themselves as important, with important things to say. Unfortunately this is not always true.

This thread is no different.

While the downvote system in reddit does get abused the plus side is that the community overall does a good job to remove stupid opinions.

There’s no such thing as a stupid opinion.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: olTThreelo.6710


This community can never be pleased.

The pre-order crap with gaming companies is a scam. Sorry, but it’s true. So yeah, I’m not pleased.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: adormtil.1605


Also if we are all pleased this forum will not exist. I mean even that fact that so few people use the forum means that the community is just to pleased.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daddar.5971


This community can never be pleased.

The pre-order crap with gaming companies is a scam. Sorry, but it’s true. So yeah, I’m not pleased.

Well, that’s an easy fix. Go buy a game that pleases you! No one is forcing you to pre-purchase. I admit it’s a bit of a risk, but I’m willing to take it. You’re not, and that’s fine with me.

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tere.4759


Wow, complain when they don’t give you what you want and complain when they do give you what you want. Those who don’t pre-order should NOT get a character slot.

Guild Leader of The Black Court, we’re small, friendly and active.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


it’s not a risk, the anet guys are masters at game development. We just need to refocus them :p

trust me, you have the best in the biz listening to you. They just need to stop experimenting so much and build on the tried and true methods that got them here, improve those. Everything is a remix. You aren’t discovering something new, just presenting something that worked in a new way.

time to go back to our roots :p

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


PLS. Stop.

maybe the price will drop,
maybe the package changes,

DO NOT take this to “in 3 years this package will be 10 euro’s so I will not buy it if it’s not changed to 10 euro” and that’s where it’s heading now.

Do not say you know what the marketing will be in the future, will be, or NEEDS to be to keep this franchise operational. SO stop shouting too much. If they do not earn money there will not be any money, and:

No money/profit for ArenaNet/NCSoft = NO GUILD WARS 2 (expansions)

I think they will lose out on ~50% of the returning/veteran players buying a character slot now, which could be up to 1-2 million players so they’ll lose out on 10 times this number in dollars in expected revenue. 10 million dollar is the wages of ~100 programmers for a year. Maybe you do not care about the future of your game, I still hope for a decent future….

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SoPP.7034


Sure it is their opinions and I won’t take it away from them but we should not even try to understand what they are upset about. Some may be upset that the water in their tub today was cold and they blame it on Anet.

Some people just have to have an opinion, even if that opinion is ill informed or advised. Mainly because people like to think of themselves as important, with important things to say. Unfortunately this is not always true.

This thread is no different.

While the downvote system in reddit does get abused the plus side is that the community overall does a good job to remove stupid opinions.

There’s no such thing as a stupid opinion.

You’re right, just stupid people.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Simulator.4687


"For Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, we didn’t want the core game’s price to be a factor in a new player’s decision to begin playing Guild Wars 2. In the future, if we release further Guild Wars 2 expansions, we plan to offer all of the prior expansions, the core game, and the latest expansion for one single purchase price."

So if your a veteran of the game, bought GW2, pre-purchased the Heart of thorns expansion, you get to pay twice as much as someone just buying heart of thorns. and the same goes for any other expansion? so a veteran not only pays twice as much but all they get is one character slot extra? that is one hell of an expensive character slot. should get at least 5. which is the amount you get in GW2. WHICH WE PAID FOR.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Angelica Dream.7103

Angelica Dream.7103

I actually was looking at playing other games if Anet was not not going to look after the Veteran’s. But since they reconsidered I am staying and going to pre-order.
I like the game and the $50 will not only give us some new maps ( which I don;t care about) but pay for the new content.

My only concern is after reading the Business Model we will be doing this again in 2-3 years.

But they’ve told you, from now on, everyone who buys the expansion is going to get all the previous versions. There’s no reason for you to play the game now and protest in 3 years time. Anet was completely transparent about this.

Fare enough. And when the time comes, if new players get a better deal then the people that made them successful I will have no no problem is moving to a new game.

Note: All the major magazines and independent media blogs support my view.

(edited by Angelica Dream.7103)

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cocowoushi.7150


Still believe 800 gems would have been a wiser option, but I’m glad they are taking the complaint seriously. (Not that they had much of a choice.)

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rin.1046


Thank you! Pre-Purchased just now :-)

Thanks for your support!

Thank YOU for your support.

Thanks to all at Arenanet, for continuing to be awesome.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dinna.6725


Been playing Guild Wars 1 since the beginning also Guild Wars 2… and I’m not happy with this decision at all.. Why give the character slot only to those who pre-purchase? If i remember correctly with every expansion in Guild Wars 1, you would also get a slot, without people begging for it or buying any kind of deluxe versions… Should be by default, since your making us buy the whole game all over again – with a bit extra content.

Overall its probably even better to wait few months or a year for the whole game to be on discount.. since hey.. we had to wait for the game for years might as well wait with the expansion..
I’m not in a rush buying it..

Dinna X [Yumy] / [JI]
Piken Square

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Krisztian.8405


I just don’t understand why people can’t see the business side of Anet. Anet’s first and most important goal is to make money. And they have made it blatantly obvious that, like walmart, they don’t care how long you’ve been a customer or how much you’ve spent on their services.

Thus, as a customer it, is our duty to tell them what we want, and give them feedback about their practices. This is basic supply and demand. And if you really look at it, a lot of the “new features”, are things vet players have been asking for over the years.

If you feel great about your purchases, that’s great. But please don’t tell the rest of us to stop giving feedback. Anet is not a charity. If they want to make more money, all they have to do is listen to their customers and give us what we want, that is within reason. Also the fact that people are here giving feedback shows that they really care about this game.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sitael.4680


See nothing to panic over. They’re always listening even if it doesn’t seem like it

It’s true. We are. We do. We always will.

It is so simple.
All what players want is, that the Company& the Developers listen to them and care a lill bit about their concerns.

With the decision “For our long-standing fans and loyal players, we would like to say thank you and show our appreciation. … ff.” you made now sure, i will buy HoT.
I am just still waiting for more information (i.e. launch date, maps etc.) to decide which package.


Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Baldrick.8967


Dear Gaile,
Thanks for the update, however it does not address the disparity in the price of the HoT expansion for those in for example the UK and those in the USA.

To explain at the current exchange rate the rough cost of the HoT expansion in the USA is $50, $75 and $100 for the Standard, Deluxe and Ultimate versions. At the current exchange rate converting the $US price to UK sterling the equivalent cost would be approximately £31.67, £47.50 and £63.34 respectively. Sadly ANet/NCSoft have costed the expansion in the UK at a considerable different price to that in North America; £34.99, £59.99 and £79.99 so at the current exchange rate this equates to $55.25, $94.72 and $126.30 respectively.

I am a member of a multinational guild within GW2 and the the cost disparity between the rest of the world and the North American price is typical. Members outside North America are very reluctant, to put it politely, to purchase the HoT expansion because of this.

Could you please explain why this disparity in price is present?

20% VAT (or 22% if they are selling it from Ireland for tax purposes of their own) plus a small amount for exchange differences.

The problem is that with the addition of VAT, the prices sound even worse.

WvW player. Doing another world completion for my next Legendary. Hater of mini-games.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


I think this was all planned to get away with charging 50 dollars for it. It’s not worth 50 dollars unless the guild halls are absolutely incredible because the amount of content appears to be very low for a 50 dollar expansion.

And it’s really annoying that you are trying so hard to get people to preorder. If it turns out to be good people will buy it after it comes out. Don’t push the preorder this hard. Just make a good product and it will speak for itself after you release it.

I ended up preordering but I’m not happy about it. I felt like the only way I’d get a good value is by preordering the ultimate edition. I felt bullied into it. I may have done it, but I’m not happy about it.

So what did they do to bullie you into it give you a fair discount on 4000 gems?

well that can be bought with ingame gold if you play long enough, shouldent be that

Was it the ingame items? well considering you bought the first game and saw that deluxe was offered to people after game shiped for gems that can also be get in game it cant be that either.

I guess it was the betas and the really swag title.

No I got it its the character slot you could have had for 50+10 bucks ( or ingame gold) that now are included in all the editions

I cant for the life of me see how they twisted your arm to get you to preorder 100$ one.

Maybe you should ask for a refund/downgrade to the 50 buck one if you still have all the gems left that is.

If you wanted character slot 4k gems and the expansion the ultimate is the only edition to go for but now you get a extra character slot ontop of it, thats when you start complaining?

To clarify, I felt bullied into preordering at all. If I felt like standard edition was a better value I would have gotten it but I still would have felt bullied into it.

I was complaining before they added the character slot too. All I asked for was decent value and I shouldn’t have to preorder to get a decent value.

I wanted to wait until after it came out. Is that difficult to understand?

Then why dident you Im still waiting to see if its of value to me.

They dident bullie you, your family/friends/guild pressured you into getting the expansion maybe. (they havent even said what date the prepurshas ends or when the expansion launches yet )

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elorna.5329


Dear Gaile,
Thanks for the update, however it does not address the disparity in the price of the HoT expansion for those in for example the UK and those in the USA.

To explain at the current exchange rate the rough cost of the HoT expansion in the USA is $50, $75 and $100 for the Standard, Deluxe and Ultimate versions. At the current exchange rate converting the $US price to UK sterling the equivalent cost would be approximately £31.67, £47.50 and £63.34 respectively. Sadly ANet/NCSoft have costed the expansion in the UK at a considerable different price to that in North America; £34.99, £59.99 and £79.99 so at the current exchange rate this equates to $55.25, $94.72 and $126.30 respectively.

I am a member of a multinational guild within GW2 and the the cost disparity between the rest of the world and the North American price is typical. Members outside North America are very reluctant, to put it politely, to purchase the HoT expansion because of this.

Could you please explain why this disparity in price is present?

20% VAT (or 22% if they are selling it from Ireland for tax purposes of their own) plus a small amount for exchange differences.

The problem is that with the addition of VAT, the prices sound even worse.

They are selling from Ireland, the company that charged my credit card was an Irish one. I think their former EU office was somewhere in Ireland so they probably just went with whatever bank/financial institution they were partnered with before. Altho VAT is a thing in most EU countries but those that pay in euros aren’t actually as screwed as the UK (45 euro is about 50.5 dollars or so), so there’s probably something else going on besides the tax.

The greatest freedom is the freedom not to get involved.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


attempt to fix forum bug

downed state is bad for PVP

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CremeBrulee.4985


I’m impressed by how fast and the community team responded and took appropriate actions. Kudos to the whole team!

Hope that such huge oversight won’t happen again in future.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


Gaile, so what happens to the people that pre ordered the more expensive additions because they wanted ONE character slot for the expansion?

I bought one of the pre-orders that had a slot because I wanted the character slot and figured I might as well get other stuff… Now that the char slot is free, makes me feel a little different about the value of the pre-order.

They will make new races playable in the future and probably won’t be giving a character slot for those.

So save it for later.

That’s fine, a new race without a new class is pointless (imo) as by then I’ll have leveled any available classes beyond a point I’ll be willing to start over. And race change is one thing they have said simply can’t be done.
I realize plenty of people will feel differently so I don’t mean to try to speak for everyone, but I feel a new race should always come at the same time as a new class (though new classes by themselves are fine), really give you something to get into besides replaying an existing class just to look different.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Pretty much every new game has a thing called ‘pre-order’ or ‘pre-purchase’ and when you do that there is generally SOME form of ‘bonus content’ you get for pre-purchase/ordering that others who DON’T pre-purchase/order get when the game is actually released.

You get beta access as a reward.

What reward do I get for being a loyal customer for nearly 3 years? diddly squat. meanwhile new players get the whole core game. for the same amount of money

hardly fair…

downed state is bad for PVP

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Satinel Alexa.8723

Satinel Alexa.8723

Gg Anet!


Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Destai.9603


So I have to prepurchase to get my veteran reward?

Seriously? Why can’t you just make it for old accounts when they purchase it.

Why is that so hard?

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Thank you Anet

Thank you for not being tone deaf to your consumer base. Just goes to show why you guys are one of the top notch developers out there. I have been supporting you since BWE1, lets keep it going.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


I am glad people did notice this. It’s the world old tactic of lowering product quality called “two steps forward, one step back”.

They launch forward something unacceptable by common standards, then after outrage take one step back, making the deal better and gaining player support for the change, all the while the deal after change is still worse then what was upheld as a standard till that time.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Gaile, so what happens to the people that pre ordered the more expensive additions because they wanted ONE character slot for the expansion?

I bought one of the pre-orders that had a slot because I wanted the character slot and figured I might as well get other stuff… Now that the char slot is free, makes me feel a little different about the value of the pre-order.

They will make new races playable in the future and probably won’t be giving a character slot for those.

So save it for later.

That’s fine, a new race without a new class is pointless (imo) as by then I’ll have leveled any available classes beyond a point I’ll be willing to start over. And race change is one thing they have said simply can’t be done.
I realize plenty of people will feel differently so I don’t mean to try to speak for everyone, but I feel a new race should always come at the same time as a new class (though new classes by themselves are fine), really give you something to get into besides replaying an existing class just to look different.

If you are interested in a point of view regarding playable race versus a new profession, I get into my view on that topic at the start of this post.
Just if you have any interest in seeing that scenario from the point of view of someone who would prefer a new playable race to a new profession.

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Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I don’t feel misled, i payed for the Physical C.E at launch and have gotten my moneys worth.

Having a tapeworm also doesn’t hurt.

What one has to do with the other?

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


The way Gw1 and the expansions worked it was perfect. I understand that with HoT there may not be a new starting area and the core game is essential but still nothing prevents them from offering different priced bundles to cater to everyone.

Instead they toy with people’s minds and wallets. Wanting more sometimes ends up getting you less.

You dont seem to understand it at all mate, hot is a 80 expasion there wont be a starting area at all.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Destai.9603


Look ArenaNet, I get that you’re in damage control mode and it was a very tactical move. Yet, you’ve still not done the right thing and made the character slot available for any preexisting account. Instead, you do the wrong thing and make it a prepurchase bonus. That’s not a veteran reward and I’m not prepurchasing because of this.

I really hope you guys can learn to listen before making some decisions. Your history says otherwise.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


So with the core game essentially being included or given away as a bundle with future expansions, I do hope that isn’t increasing the cost they are passing onto us.

Additionally, why not just provide the previous clients as a free download with the release of each expansion to not only keep the game heavily populated with new players for the community to interact with, but also to eliminate the need for including previous clients in the cost of any future expansions.

I have not pre-ordered yet primarily because so far the HoT only content im finding sufficient enough to justify the price and I am being generous (i’m not alone) and the current promotions are simply unappealing, price aside.

I hope to see the HoT only content greatly improve over what the core game is already going to be offering, unless they are trying to consider the interface improvements and balance changes to the core game part of HoT—that would be pretty kitten lame and dishonest.

I’ve been playing for 3 years. I have spent more than a few USD on the BLTC and additional accounts for my family members. I am not ungrateful for the now included additional character slot with all versions, but to be honest, that was the least we “expected”. It really isn’t something you are giving to us as much as it is demanded. Considering this, where is the real preorder bonus for players who had already purchased the core and been playing—some of us from launch? Seriously, the marketing team couldn’t have been this incompetent to not already considered different responses from the community even if you are all drinking from the same pitcher of kool aid. There should have already been plans in place, redundancies, preparation, etc. I can’t imagine the marketing team thought the community was that stupid. It is insulting to those of us uninterested in the kool aid compared to the volume and quality of content comparably to what the core game already includes or included when it was sold at full retail.

So if core game went free to download, How many gold sellers did you want to block every second?
And they wouldent ban them from game anymore since there would be no point they could fire up a new account in seconds.

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in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OnionXI.6735


These are interesting times when people are adamantly defending not having a character slot by default, and you get flamed for being against pre-ordering games. It’s certainly a huge leap from the days of GW1 where simply buying an expansion gave you character slots to actually play the new classes.

But then I guess if you’re paying $50 for hardly any content shown, $75 for some pixel toys, or $100 for some gems you’ll swallow anything that makes you feel like you’re getting a better deal.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


Maybe I am wrong / did not understand it right / post what been posted previously in a different words but:
-“To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.”
– so we will have a copy of the game + HoT.

New player gets 1 new account (+1 character slot) upgraded to HoT = 50$ game and expansion.

Vet player will have 1 new + 1 existing account = 2 but +1 character slot on only 1 of them and only 1 copy of HoT?

If so than vets have 1 useless account, 1 character slot and HoT for old account. So total will cost: core game at full old cost 50$ + 50$ HoT = 100$, ok – 10$ for +1 character slot (even though those who still need it can easily get it with gold in game or wait for a discount) = 90$ and 1 quiet useless additional copy of the game without HoT.

So even ! IF ! HoT will be so big to have 50$ fair price as for a core game in the past, it does not look fair. And HoT will not be as big as game itself anyway!

Would be MUCH better if you would make at least 10$ discount for HoT (as a price of character slot), or give that 800 gems as an excuse instead of character slot to at least give players an option where to spend them, because lots of people already purchased slots or do not want them at all, but who need and want – still will be able to get it full priced or wait for a discount.

I hope something will be done.

No you wont get 2 accounts if you put hot on your old 1 then you get 1 or 2 added slots if you prepurshase.

You would get a core old account and a new hot account if you like but then no extra char slot for base hot version ( and no extra for the old core either )

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


Just don’t buy xpac and pay for Fallout 4. You might play for 100 hrs max i guess. I would rather buy xpac and play hundreds or thousands hrs. Good-Bye

10 hours of original content and 900+ of grinding/repetitive content you mean…

Personally I have zero interest in LS content nor the added PVE zone(s), I just don’t think they’re any good, and the PVE in this game just isn’t very interesting nor challenging.

The only thing I’m interesting in is the new WVW and PVP maps, and those aren’t part of the expac.

The only thing in the expac I want is the new class and elite specs, which doesn’t seem worth $50 at this stage.

So yes, I would rather have a char slot included and no access at all to LS updates nor Maguuma.

Then you sir should wait for a sale 1 or 2 years down the line.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Isven.2165


I don’t feel misled, i payed for the Physical C.E at launch and have gotten my moneys worth.

Having a tapeworm also doesn’t hurt.

What one has to do with the other?

GW2 pre-purchase affair apart: you may not feel misled, but the facts will state otherwise.

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in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArmoredVehicle.2849


“For our long standing fans, you now get a free char slot which is easily obtainable with in game gold (about 150g)”. Apparently people are really that blind to ignore such facts.

……Oh and don’t forget you’re still paying 50$ for an expansion of which you barely have an idea about and as a loyal fan don’t even think about getting a separate core only key to use as a secondary account, that would cut profit on Anet’s side.

It’s also very silly, once the preorder is over apparently you’re NO LONGER LOYAL since you don’t get the slot anymore, you’re being forced to pre order to get it.

Anet seems to negate on purpose one of the main reasons about this mess, and that is the full sized price expansion.

If I was in the sane part of the marketing team I would put it like this:

HoT Expansion upgrade – 25€
HoT + Core game – 45€
Deluxe and Ultimate same as above with prices adjusted accordingly.

No wonder these draconic tactics continue to exist, people act like dummies, they’ll take anything that’s thrown at them these days, other games too not just GW2.

It’s a shame that Anet is following in their footsteps instead of walking its own path.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: gaydog.1920


are you seriously asking for a literally “free” character slot? The new character slot bonus in the prepurchase is now in favor for veterans that don’t want to delete a existing character on their account for the new class.

(edited by gaydog.1920)

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ikereid.4637


So I rewarded Anet with 1 account upgrade for adjusting the character slot on pre-order. I am going to hold my other upgrades(5 of them) until they address the following concerns/issues that remain

1. Character slot needs to be part of all the expansion order levels. Pre-ordering is not an acceptable means of getting it for the 49.99 baseline package. Its just not.

2. So moving forward on the price model, can we expect each and every Expansion to run at the current price model? Or are we going to see more like, 39.99+X, where X is 9.99 for each expansion after the other. Meaning, 2 expansions after HoT, the new base price is 39.99+9.99+9.99+9.99 for that expansion? Or are you going to roll the previous expansion(s) up into that baseline price of 39.99 and we only have to worry about 49.99 moving forward? This needs answered, as it will immediately decide my future with GW2 starting now.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


Look ArenaNet, I get that you’re in damage control mode and it was a very tactical move. Yet, you’ve still not done the right thing and made the character slot available for any preexisting account. Instead, you do the wrong thing and make it a prepurchase bonus. That’s not a veteran reward and I’m not prepurchasing because of this.

I really hope you guys can learn to listen before making some decisions. Your history says otherwise.

See you later after expasion when the price is cut to what you deem it worthy and then you still have to buy another slot to play revenant bud.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Trise.2865


Okay, so don’t pre-purchase. Discussion over.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gomssi.7246


Eventually, Anet will have to reduce the price to -20 dollars (PAY to VETERAN PLAYERS ONLY) + character slots + some amount of gems + some bank tab/crafting bank/character bag slots + a separate copy of CORE, then charge new players 100 dollars for Core, and 50 for HoT.

Then this will stop, I deleted my wall text earlier because I know someone will get bottom-hurt and start name calling. Thank you all for complaining and keep it going, because I really want more free stuff that I didn’t ask for.. but hey, free is good

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gomssi.7246


So I have to prepurchase to get my veteran reward?

Seriously? Why can’t you just make it for old accounts when they purchase it.

Why is that so hard?

Loyal… veteran players get rewarded. That’s the whole argument earlier.. that “loyal” players are not getting rewarded… if people are “loyal” which many are, they will start pre purchasing, which many did, because they are “loyal” to the game, it wouldnt matter if they throw down money now… or later.. so they would do it now to get minor incentives.

You seem to have a different problem with Anet, not the player slot. You want something else right?