Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Splitting the blob is essential in making open world content fun and not a zerg fest. Big blobs lead to mobs with insane amounts of health that are never fun to fight, big blobs lead to mobs covered in effects so it’s hard, if not impossible, to see their tells. Having four small groups splitting off is one the good things of Dry Top, maybe reducing the overall map cap would go a long way in making it more fun and engaging.

As I said, if they want the blob size to be smaller than a full standard map, then just lower the map cap so that the maximum sized blob is the desired size. And just because a lot of content doesn’t scale up well to maximum zerg size, doesn’t mean that it can’t scale up to that size. But again, “splitting the zerg” has only a minimal impact. The map holds, what, 120 people or something? You only need about twenty of those people out doing side-tasks, leaving everyone else to zerg as much as they like.

And this is exactly where the main reason for the arguments over most of this thread’s pages come from. You are saying that content A should reward both A and B and “we” are saying that content A should have reward A and content B should have reward B. Effort is subjective, if content B is remarkably different to content A why should they both reward A and B?

Content is subjective, which is why they must reward the same things if you’re going to assert that a player can freely choose between them. If the rewards are not the same type then the player must also choose based on reward, rather than just based on content.

And again, they don’t have to reward the same amount, so you can balance the difficulty and time consumed to some extent that way, but you have to be able to worth towards whichever rewards you want if the goal is for you to be able to choose to play the content you prefer and avoid the content you do not.

It gives players a reason to do the events and progress through them, it gives a reason to stay on the zone otherwise they will be empty wastelands. It’s also a great way to reward player commitment.

And again, I do not believe that player commitment is something worthy of reward (beyond that someone who does something for four rounds has earned more than someone who only did one and then nothing else). And people should stay in zones because they are enjoying what they’re doing, not because their previous efforts would be meaningless if they did not continue through the next phase. If that did lead to zones becoming wastelands, then that would mean that one or more of the events is not meeting expectations and would need corrections.

The longer you are active in an event, you get a hidden stacking buff, if you stop participating, you lose points, at the end of the event you get rewarded based on your final participation, in other words, if you leave an event, because you tagged enough mobs, your participation will degrade to zero and you will get nothing. it’s a crude attempt at fixing this issue, I hope Anet finds a better one. But that’s about an entirely different topic altogether.

A minimal solution would be to draw an invisible blob around the event that surrounds it by a reasonable margin and meets up with the nearest active WP. If you are outside that zone for more than X seconds, then you lose all credit for the event.

Players of games strive to be better for a reason, they want recognition, and what better recognition than having something unique to show for their efforts?

That’s an “Emperor’s New Clothes” situation. If they are playing for recognition, then the are living a pipe dream.

Top teams in tournaments get prize money too, regardless of the revenue they generated, they are being rewarded for being good at their game, they are paid for being able to tackle what others cannot.

No, they are being rewarded for the revenue they generate. It’s not 1:1, the prize pool is not always based directly on the door take, but even when there is a fixed prize, it’s based on the anticipation that their presence will generate X amount of increased sales. If it was known for a fact that absolutely nobody outside the tournament cared about the tournament results, nobody would watch, nobody would spend any more on their game as a result, then there would be no prizes for that tournament, aside from maybe a cheap trophy. They are only rewarded for their skills to the extent that those skills pay the bills.

Exactly. If you do everything you get the full reward, if you popped last minute VW should give less rewards. If you pop the last minute you should never be allowed to roll for the best loot available, only if you participated in the whole chain you should get the Chest piece for example.

Sure, but with the two caveats that I noted, that 1. the max time it would take from start to finish to do an entire VW chain should be half what it currently is, maybe even less, and that 2. This should not be a common condition, that the vast majority of open world content should not have this ramping reward model at all, and instead of events A, B, and C paying out 10%, 15%, 75%, they should each pay out roughly 30-40%, unless one of the phases (not necessarily C) is a big boss fight, in which case it could pay out like 50% to the other two’s 25. To each relative their time and individual challenge.

suppose they make VW work so you get rewarded more once you do the full run and less when you just pop at the end. Then the VW reward would need to be unique enough to attract attention, otherwise it will need to no player going for VW full run, and instead just popping at the end. If that VW gave unique rewards for the full run then more people would do the full run instead. And this is where we go back to raids and their rewards.

If nobody wants to do the full run, then they would either need to A, make sure that the full chain completes itself up to breech even without players (you might still “fail” the events and not get the individual rewards for those, but it would still progress the chain to the next phase), B. Increase the direct reward for each earlier event in the chain, so that each step is an efficient “thing to be doing” for that block of time, and people choose to do it even if it wasn’t part of a chain, or C. significantly increase the quantity of the final reward if you complete the chain, so that people definitely want to try for that.

Adding a unique reward is obviously more of a draw than a non-unique one, but making a reward unique to one location means making it unavailable to a hundred others, so the cost of it is higher than the value of it.

If they make it so you only get the legendary armor precursors from the final boss of the raid then I think that would be dumb. There are 6 armor pieces in the game, and there will be 3 wings in the game, they could split it, so each wing rewards a different legendary armor precursor. Different encounters, different rewards, so you could do any phase you want to get the reward you are after, instead of going for the entire thing and being rewarded at the last boss only. So you want the boot precursor? Wing A, boss A drops it, so go there, you want Chest armor? Wing C, boss B drops it.

Yeah, and while I feel I need to assert that I would still prefer methods outside the raids, inside the raid that sounds fine, so long as you would be able to skip straight to Wing C Boss B after the first time you’ve beaten him. If you have to beat the bosses in order though, that would be horrible, because you might get the reward from Bosses A and C early on, but not the one from Boss B, and have to keep doing Boss A, even though he has nothing for you, and feel compelled to go through Boss C again too, to not let the rest of the group down, and neither of those fights would be satisfying.

This is another reason why generalized loot is better than specific, because you’re never “done” with specific content, whatever progress you make, it’s progress. If in that scenario the bosses didn’t only drop their specific armor pieces, but also tokens, then maybe you would have bosses A and C’s loot, and still need B’s but even completing A and C again would give you tokens that would bring you closer to being about to just buy B’s piece, or buy a piece from some other wing, or convert them and buy some PvP armor or whatever.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Having multiple ways of getting the rewards invalidates certain ones. Putting it behind any of the above but also 1 invalidates 1 as a way of getting anything. Unless the grind in 2 or the rng chances for 3 are so insane that makes 1 worth the effort. All this provided 1 is actually more challenging.

No it doesn’t, because 1 is still the fastest route to earning it. Being able to make 100K over five years as a janitor does not invalidate being able to make it over three years as an IT guy.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


And if this is true, as is so often asserted by supposedly pro-raid players, then they should not make raids, because clearly people don’t actually want to do them, they just want to get better rewards than other players.

No, they want to be challenged and rewarded properly for it. It’s not one or the other, it’s the combination of the two that people want.

You have zero basis for that claim.

I have a lot of basis for my claim.

1) The most popular MMO of all time is raid-heavy and rewards skilled play.

2) A lot of people over the course of 3 years have asked Anet for challenging content and better rewards, often a combination of the two.

3) Being challenged and rewarded properly for it is one of the key stones of game-design. It’s what most people find fun. Not just in GW2, but in general.

Then they shouldn’t make raids.

They should make raids. But they should make raids that give proper rewards equivalent to the challenge they pose. Which is what they’re doing now.

In some ways, but not relevant to this element. A single player game might offer difficulty modes, and let players freely choose between them. An MMO can’t reasonably offer difficulty modes,

Yes it can. Clearly you’ve never played any other MMO besides GW2.

GW1 had hard mode. And guess what? Hard mode in GW1 gave better rewards!

Raids in WoW have difficulty modes that players can freely choose between. And guess what? The more difficult versions of the raids give better rewards. What a surprise! It’s almost as if giving better rewards for more difficult content is good game design! Who would have guessed?

You have to respect your players choices, even when you disagree with them.

I respect your choices, I just don’t think chatting in Divinty’s Reach should entitle you to the same rewards as an hardcore raider.

You left out the “for me” portion there, which is essential.

Nah not just for me, for the vast majority of gamers.

Ok, but let’s say that they did that, except remove the last bit. Instead, it’s “I want to be challenged, defeated, challenged again, . . . and again, and again and again and again . . . and five years later I’m still trying and not good enough, and eventually they shut the game down and I never got past that bit.” Now let’s assume you personally are so great that this is an impossible scenario for you. But there are certainly people for whom it would be true. Do you assert that they too should “learn to love the bomb?”

I can assure you that those people would be in the vast vast vast vast minority. If this guy can beat difficult raids, then so can you or any other person:

(In case you don’t get it, that person is completely paralyzed. He can only move his head and he controls the game entirely with his mouth and head.)

Or what about people that do overcome the challenge, at least once, and can do it again, but genuinely do not enjoy the experience and do not want to repeat it? Given that it’s fairly safe to assume that repetition will be mandatory to max out the rewards on one of these things, why should they keep doing it, if the “challenge” portion is already out of the way, and they genuinely do not enjoy the content itself?

They don’t HAVE to do it. And they also don’t NEED legendary armor. They can perfectly decide NOT to do raids and thus NOT get their legendary armor.

“But I want it!” is not a valid argument. Life doesn’t always give you what you want and you can’t always have your cake and eat it too. Sometimes people are going to have things you don’t have. Such is life. Just deal with it.

There are advocates of all four.

O really? I’d like to see the people who advocate for number 2 (insane grind) or 4 (limited time available).

Most people I know hate number 2 and 4. In fact I’ve never met anyone who genuinely likes 2 of 4.

I think the solution most people would favor though is “don’t have unnecessary scarcity.” Just set reasonable goals for people to earn things, and let as many exist as people want to go for.

I agree. And there is NOTHING unreasonable about putting legendary armor behind difficult raids.

Use all four methods, just don’t dial them up so high. Have it so that there is a method by which you can grind for a reasonable amount of time to earn the item. Have another method where you can instead use high skill, and get it a reasonable amount faster that way. Have it able to drop from RNG under certain circumstances, either the fastest or slowest method, depending on your luck. And sure, have limited time options too, cases where the method of earning it is faster/easier if you get it within a certain window.

I think that’s the best way to do it. Let the player decide for himself which method he prefers.

That would devalue the rewards. As I already said a million times, legendaries in GW2 aren’t very special or meaningful, and I have explained to you why.

I’m all for SOME rewards being available through different means. I find that perfectly acceptable. But I also think SOME rewards should be highly exclusive and limited behind specific game content.

Not even remotely true.

Absolutely 100% true.

Again, if this guy can do it, then so can you:

My point was just, players who spend more money DO bring more worth to the game, while players who play better do not bring more worth. I don’t mean that to say that a skilled player is worth less than an unskilled one, just that they are not worth more, they are worth equal, and neither player deserves bonus rewards due to his skill, because that skill does not bring value to the game. If a player is killed, then that is great for him, but it is something that only matters to him, and should only be rewarded by his own self-esteem.

And again you have it backwards. It’s not even about what a player is “worth” (as you said, we’re all worth equally, at least all of us who seriously play this game). That completely doesn’t matter and is 100% irrelevant to the discussion.

What is relevant is what is good game design, what is considered fun by most people, THAT is what matters. Games that reward skilled play are often more fun and fun games sell better. It’s really that simple.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Having multiple ways of getting the rewards invalidates certain ones. Putting it behind any of the above but also 1 invalidates 1 as a way of getting anything. Unless the grind in 2 or the rng chances for 3 are so insane that makes 1 worth the effort. All this provided 1 is actually more challenging.

No it doesn’t, because 1 is still the fastest route to earning it. Being able to make 100K over five years as a janitor does not invalidate being able to make it over three years as an IT guy.

But in that case you invalidate the other 3 options.

People will always go for the path of least resistance., even in interactive entertainment like videogames.

If 1 is the fastest options, people will only do 1.

If 2 is the fastest option, people will only do 2.

If 3 is the fastest option, people will rely on 3.

If 4 is the fastest option, people will only do 4.

In each case, the other three options are invalidated.

Your system simply just doesn’t work, not for high-value rewards at least.

Lets make an interesting bet.

I bet, that if the precursor collection mastery proves to be a quicker and more reliable way of getting precursors, then no one will grind gold or use the Mystic Forge anymore to get precursors (unless they want more than 1of the same precursor).

I also bet that if the precursor collection mastery proves to be more of a hassle than simply grinding gold to buy a precursor from the TP or using the MF, then people won’t bother with the precursor collection mastery at all.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


LMAO you do realize you’re contradicting yourself now, right? What you just said here is in favor of challenging raids having better rewards than regular PvE content.

And I’ve said that’s fine, within reason. I long ago conceded the point that raids should tend to offer a higher quantity of reward over time than most other content, that’s fine. If you can earn like 5g per hour doing open world content, then maybe you could earn 7-10g per hour doing raids, more if you can complete them in better than average times. That’s all good. What I object to is raids having unique rewards, so that even if you do the other stuff for a thousand hours, you would never be able to earn the reward a raider could get in two hours.

You easily make 20-30g per hour in open-world content if you know how (and many people do know how). So if raids would only give gold as rewards, it should be more than 30g to make it attractive to the average player who just want the rewards.

The raid should also be easily beatable otherwise those players might as well just grind gold in open-world content. However, making the raids easy defeats the purpose of raids and it’s not what people asked for.

Thus your suggestion would not work. Raids need to be difficult (because that’s what people asked for) and they_need_ exclusive rewards to make them attractive for the average player.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Content is subjective, which is why they must reward the same things if you’re going to assert that a player can freely choose between them. If the rewards are not the same type then the player must also choose based on reward, rather than just based on content.

That’s a big “if”. What if we don’t want the player to choose freely? There is no reason to let the player choose the rewards freely. You don’t let players select how they get the rewards, you let them select what they want to play. Players are selfish creatures, they always go for the path of least resistance

Players of games strive to be better for a reason, they want recognition, and what better recognition than having something unique to show for their efforts?

That’s an “Emperor’s New Clothes” situation. If they are playing for recognition, then the are living a pipe dream.

So any player who plays video games and wants to play the game and better themselves are living in a pipe dream? Those who strive for self improvement are those who earn the best rewards. Because they are the ones that are pushing the boundaries of a given game system, without players who are “good” at any game, the game will simply stagnate and die.

Top teams in tournaments get prize money too, regardless of the revenue they generated, they are being rewarded for being good at their game, they are paid for being able to tackle what others cannot.

No, they are being rewarded for the revenue they generate.

Prize money for big events are set before the event even starts. FIFA for example has written what each team based on their final position will get during a world cup long before the cup even starts and ratings start coming in. The final of the competition might have worst ratings than another match during the group stage, but it will still reward the most money to the winner regardless of ratings. Even Anet’s PVP tournaments have set rewards before the tournaments. Not to mention the obvious unique/exclusive reward for the winner (the cup)

Adding a unique reward is obviously more of a draw than a non-unique one, but making a reward unique to one location means making it unavailable to a hundred others, so the cost of it is higher than the value of it.

That’s how rewards work in video games. The game devs put unique rewards behind content to entice players to do them. The cost of adding the rewards to multiple content types, or worse, to every possible content type, is lowering the value of the reward and leading to a deserted and useless content. The benefits of adding unique rewards outweigh the drawbacks.

If they make it so you only get the legendary armor precursors from the final boss of the raid then I think that would be dumb. There are 6 armor pieces in the game, and there will be 3 wings in the game, they could split it, so each wing rewards a different legendary armor precursor. Different encounters, different rewards, so you could do any phase you want to get the reward you are after, instead of going for the entire thing and being rewarded at the last boss only. So you want the boot precursor? Wing A, boss A drops it, so go there, you want Chest armor? Wing C, boss B drops it.

Yeah, and while I feel I need to assert that I would still prefer methods outside the raids, inside the raid that sounds fine, so long as you would be able to skip straight to Wing C Boss B after the first time you’ve beaten him. If you have to beat the bosses in order though, that would be horrible, because you might get the reward from Bosses A and C early on, but not the one from Boss B, and have to keep doing Boss A, even though he has nothing for you, and feel compelled to go through Boss C again too, to not let the rest of the group down, and neither of those fights would be satisfying.

If the bosses need to be beaten in order it will lead to that dumb point where everyone in the raid has the boots, but because they failed getting the gloves few of them have them. So nobody gets anything after beating the boot boss and then the team has to fight the glove boss over and over and over again. In other loot systems this works in a great way, because if everyone in the main raid has the boots, you can take a newbie, a friend, a guild member who can’t raid for whatever reason, and play with them so they can get their boots. Then replace them with the “regular” raider to go for the gloves, in the end the entire guild might have the whole legendary armor set. Who knows, maybe those “newbies” will actually like the raid and become raiders themselves.

In the GW2 system that’s not very doable so they need to take care and make sure we can get the precursors in some way that doesn’t involve killing only the final boss and if different bosses drop different parts, they aren’t all required to be beaten in order. Otherwise their raid reward system will fall apart.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Now if the legendary armor precursors are behind some heavy RNG only after the final raid boss is beaten I’ll be very very angry.

I’d actually love that, but that’s just me. :P

Well, not the heavy RNG part, but I do think you should only be rewarded with legendary armor pieces if you complete the full raid to the end.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Now if the legendary armor precursors are behind some heavy RNG only after the final raid boss is beaten I’ll be very very angry.

I’d actually love that, but that’s just me. :P

Well, not the heavy RNG part, but I do think you should only be rewarded with legendary armor pieces if you complete the full raid to the end.

The raid has 3 wings. Doesn’t it make sense to, at the very least, have different rewards on each wing????

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Now if the legendary armor precursors are behind some heavy RNG only after the final raid boss is beaten I’ll be very very angry.

I’d actually love that, but that’s just me. :P

Well, not the heavy RNG part, but I do think you should only be rewarded with legendary armor pieces if you complete the full raid to the end.

The raid has 3 wings. Doesn’t it make sense to, at the very least, have different rewards on each wing????

Ofcourse. But what does “wing” mean anyway? Sounds to me like they will be similar to how “paths” work in dungeons.

So basically, every “wing” will be a whole raid in and of itself. And at the end of that raid you’ll get a piece of your legendary armor.

More likely, the final boss of wing A will drop all 6 precursor pieces (or maybe a box where you can choose which piece you want) and then the final boss of wing B and C will give you the materials you need to turn those precursors into legendaries.

If it turns out that the precursors for the armor have to be turned into legendaries the old-fashioned way (e.g. by crafting gift of mastery, gift of fortune and a 3rd gift and throwing them in the MF with the precursor) I’m gonna be so mad. I do NOT want to do 100% map completion THREE more times, nor do I feel like grinding gold for SIX full stacks of all T6 mats.

If that’s how it’s gonna be, I will NOT be getting legendary armor. Screw that.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kjell.8379


And I would assert that they can do a good job of pleasing most of the people most of the time, and that if they have to displease anyone, raiders are a better target than most.

People who like raids aren’t the only ones who’d be displeased by there being no items that are in any way connected to specific game modes or challenges.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


If that’s how it’s gonna be, I will NOT be getting legendary armor. Screw that.

They only said the legendary armor precursors will drop in the raid. There is nothing that indicates that you will be able to get your legendary armor only by running a raid. Back in the old days of the first months, the devs said that they don’t want to make a game focused on instances that will attract all the players inside, making the open world a barren wasteland. Although they are adding raids, it doesn’t mean they forgot that and will allow raiders to play only raids and forget the rest of the game even exist (how other raiding work).

Now I don’t think crafting the legendary armor should be like crafting a legendary weapon, but they might require doing other content types.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Conski Deshan.2057

Conski Deshan.2057

It is generally a good idea to have rewards be proportional to the effort/risk involved. It’s a fairly basic game design thing. Developing a sense of mastery and having something achieved through it is one of the most widely successful elements of games I can think of. Highscores, a fancy hat, new levels… and so on.

Rewarding individual players for the effort they put in is a good idea. Different players have different levels of skill, so what might be easy for some is hard for others, and vice-versa. If you reward more difficult content more than you do less difficult content, then all that does is provide disproportionate rewards depending on the players’ skill, and since each is an equally valuable customer, there is no actual justification for doing so.

If the developers choose to do that, then that is a gift to you, an undeserved gift, and should never be confused for something “owed” to you or something that you “earned.”

You signed up to a virtual world where the relative quantity and quality of rewards and what you can access are based on your skills and play time in comparison to the global playerbase and the content you have decided to do.
That is the product you as a consumer bought, they have delivered that, The distribution of rewards was never said to be equal distribution to every “customer” based on personal efforts. If you feel you were misled on how the game operates perhaps you should ask for a refund.

Look , no more analogies, segues or whatever.
The way the current game world operates is what we all signed up for, It works and I like it. They have no reason to do a complete overhaul to your way it would take developer hours, lead to massive upheaval and frankly despite what you seem to think would be extremely detrimental to the long-term game population. Because a game where you have all the rewards you want , is a game you’ve finished.

You’ve derailed this thread on Raids, just like you did the raid CDI , I wouldn’t be surprised if your whole intent is just to build pages on this topic so you can point to it later and go “look raids cause drama or there was a whole lot of people against it” when in reality it’s you shouting your head off and trying to superimpose your doctrine onto a game not designed for it.
And before you say “well if you think they won’t implement my way why are you still posting”, It’s because you have to be opposed in a visible manner, while the devs know game theory and would never be silly enough to implement your version. They have to be assured they are progressing in the right direction so that we don’t get only middle of the line content.

Now back to the scheduled raid discussion

If that’s how it’s gonna be, I will NOT be getting legendary armor. Screw that.

They only said the legendary armor precursors will drop in the raid. There is nothing that indicates that you will be able to get your legendary armor only by running a raid. Back in the old days of the first months, the devs said that they don’t want to make a game focused on instances that will attract all the players inside, making the open world a barren wasteland. Although they are adding raids, it doesn’t mean they forgot that and will allow raiders to play only raids and forget the rest of the game even exist (how other raiding work).

Now I don’t think crafting the legendary armor should be like crafting a legendary weapon, but they might require doing other content types.

I suspect legendary armor won’t be six individual parts, but more “A satchel of legendary armor” so that it’s one precursor, then whatever other components you need (which I also think will be from other game modes). Time/Journey wise I’m not sure how much longer than a legendary weapon it will take.

[RoF] and [BL] guild leader
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


If that’s how it’s gonna be, I will NOT be getting legendary armor. Screw that.

They only said the legendary armor precursors will drop in the raid. There is nothing that indicates that you will be able to get your legendary armor only by running a raid. Back in the old days of the first months, the devs said that they don’t want to make a game focused on instances that will attract all the players inside, making the open world a barren wasteland. Although they are adding raids, it doesn’t mean they forgot that and will allow raiders to play only raids and forget the rest of the game even exist (how other raiding work).

Now I don’t think crafting the legendary armor should be like crafting a legendary weapon, but they might require doing other content types.

I’m fairly certain they said that legendary armors will be exclusive to raids.

Which is another interesting detail. They said legendary armors, not legendary armor precursors.

It might very well be the case that the raid bosses will actually drop legendary armor pieces, already being legendary the moment they drop.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


If that’s how it’s gonna be, I will NOT be getting legendary armor. Screw that.

They only said the legendary armor precursors will drop in the raid. There is nothing that indicates that you will be able to get your legendary armor only by running a raid. Back in the old days of the first months, the devs said that they don’t want to make a game focused on instances that will attract all the players inside, making the open world a barren wasteland. Although they are adding raids, it doesn’t mean they forgot that and will allow raiders to play only raids and forget the rest of the game even exist (how other raiding work).

Now I don’t think crafting the legendary armor should be like crafting a legendary weapon, but they might require doing other content types.

I’m fairly certain they said that legendary armors will be exclusive to raids.

Which is another interesting detail. They said legendary armors, not legendary armor precursors.

It might very well be the case that the raid bosses will actually drop legendary armor pieces, already being legendary the moment they drop.


As part of rewards for raids, we’re introducing legendary armor. Conquering raid content will earn you the pieces to build legendary precursor armors, which can be forged into legendary heavy, medium, and light armor sets.

Legendary armors are not exclusive to raids. In the raid we will be able to get pieces to build the Legendary Precursors. It says “pieces” so in my opinion it makes sense to get different pieces from different bosses, and not only get them from the final boss.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I suspect legendary armor won’t be six individual parts, but more “A satchel of legendary armor” so that it’s one precursor, then whatever other components you need (which I also think will be from other game modes). Time/Journey wise I’m not sure how much longer than a legendary weapon it will take.

That’s very possible, although I still wouldn’t like it if we only got the parts for it from the final raid boss only.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


If that’s how it’s gonna be, I will NOT be getting legendary armor. Screw that.

They only said the legendary armor precursors will drop in the raid. There is nothing that indicates that you will be able to get your legendary armor only by running a raid. Back in the old days of the first months, the devs said that they don’t want to make a game focused on instances that will attract all the players inside, making the open world a barren wasteland. Although they are adding raids, it doesn’t mean they forgot that and will allow raiders to play only raids and forget the rest of the game even exist (how other raiding work).

Now I don’t think crafting the legendary armor should be like crafting a legendary weapon, but they might require doing other content types.

I’m fairly certain they said that legendary armors will be exclusive to raids.

Which is another interesting detail. They said legendary armors, not legendary armor precursors.

It might very well be the case that the raid bosses will actually drop legendary armor pieces, already being legendary the moment they drop.


As part of rewards for raids, we’re introducing legendary armor. Conquering raid content will earn you the pieces to build legendary precursor armors, which can be forged into legendary heavy, medium, and light armor sets.

Legendary armors are not exclusive to raids. In the raid we will be able to get pieces to build the Legendary Precursors. It says “pieces” so in my opinion it makes sense to get different pieces from different bosses, and not only get them from the final boss.

The blog entiry ( ) says this:

Secondly, raids will introduce the very first ever set of legendary armor. This isn’t any ordinary armor set! Similarly to legendary weapons, you’ll be able to change the stats that the armor provides. When entering combat, you’ll become a beacon of your heroic deeds as the armor set comes to life, animating around you. Only the bravest of heroes will be able to collect and craft these legendary threads.

While the last part does make it sound that the drops we get are precursors and not full legendaries, it does sound like the legendary precursor armors (and thus the legendary armors) will be exclusive to raids. Especially the part I bolded makes me believe the legendary precursors will be exclusive to raids.

Also, if you have played WoW or other MMOs you’ll know that typically the best rewards will only drop from the final boss. Maybe GW2 will be different but I doubt it, at least I hope not.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Also, if you have played WoW or other MMOs you’ll know that typically the best rewards will only drop from the final boss. Maybe GW2 will be different but I doubt it, at least I hope not.

The legendary armors will be “exclusive” to raids because the armor precursors will only be available there, the rest of the items needed to craft the legendary armor won’t be only in raids, just the precursor pieces.

I’ve played other MMORPGs and it’s not uncommon to have best in slot items drop from bosses that are not the final one. Maybe the pieces for one of the precursors will drop from the final one but not all of them. For example the pieces for the Legendary Chest armor precursor might drop only from the final boss.

I’m not an expert on WoW but my google searching skills are quite good if I say so myself and according to this list (just an example):
best in slot PVE gear in World of Warcraft does not drop from the final boss only. Instead each boss rewards best-in-slot raid quality gear. You pick which item you want and go for it.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


The legendary armors will be “exclusive” to raids because the armor precursors will only be available there, the rest of the items needed to craft the legendary armor won’t be only in raids, just the precursor pieces.

Yeah but that would still make the legendary armors exclusive to raids, as in, you can only get them if you do the raids to get the precursors.

I’m not an expert on WoW but my google searching skills are quite good if I say so myself and according to this list (just an example):
best in slot PVE gear in World of Warcraft does not drop from the final boss only. Instead each boss rewards best-in-slot raid quality gear. You pick which item you want and go for it.

True but the really rare and unique gear (that’s not better than other BiS gear but still sought after for their rareness, unique skins or value) only drop from the final boss.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


The legendary armors will be “exclusive” to raids because the armor precursors will only be available there, the rest of the items needed to craft the legendary armor won’t be only in raids, just the precursor pieces.

Yeah but that would still make the legendary armors exclusive to raids, as in, you can only get them if you do the raids to get the precursors.

I’m not an expert on WoW but my google searching skills are quite good if I say so myself and according to this list (just an example):
best in slot PVE gear in World of Warcraft does not drop from the final boss only. Instead each boss rewards best-in-slot raid quality gear. You pick which item you want and go for it.

True but the really rare and unique gear (that’s not better than other BiS gear but still sought after for their rareness, unique skins or value) only drop from the final boss.

I doubt legendary armor will be like that because legendary armors have a lot of pieces. A lot of pieces can drop from a lot of bosses and leave one of them (for example the chest piece) from the final boss. And btw with 3 wings we can’t talk about a “final boss”. Each wing can have a final boss.

Here is an interesting thought though. They said they will add 3 new legendary weapons and more will come when they add new content. 3 Legendary Weapons. 3 Raid Wings. More raids coming in the future with more wings along with more new legendary weapons. Coincidence?

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


LMAO you do realize you’re contradicting yourself now, right? What you just said here is in favor of challenging raids having better rewards than regular PvE content.

And I’ve said that’s fine, within reason. I long ago conceded the point that raids should tend to offer a higher quantity of reward over time than most other content, that’s fine. If you can earn like 5g per hour doing open world content, then maybe you could earn 7-10g per hour doing raids, more if you can complete them in better than average times. That’s all good. What I object to is raids having unique rewards, so that even if you do the other stuff for a thousand hours, you would never be able to earn the reward a raider could get in two hours.

I would recommend drawing. Or simply accepting that GW2 contains a mix of things for different people to do which means that they can’t please everyone with everything. People who don’t want raids have still got dungeons, events, WvW, PvP and plain goofing around.

And I would assert that they can do a good job of pleasing most of the people most of the time, and that if they have to displease anyone, raiders are a better target than most.

Raiders are a better target FOR YOU.

Do you know how selfish you sound? You only care about yourself, once again. You think you are part of the “majority” when in fact, very few ppl have your type of diluted sense of personal grandeur and entitlement.

That you actually believe you have the right to ask anet “hey guys, I know you literally just implemented raids, first ever in gw2, but can you go ahead and give raiders a big middle finger for me? I don’t like them, I don’t like that they get unique rewards, k thx”

This is whats happening right now, anet is making raids. raids are getting multiple different exclusive rewards. If you don’t like it, keep on whining , i’m sure you will get your way. But not immediately. Don’t expect any changes to the reward system until its been well tried and tested by the playerbase.

Exclusive rewards are a part of this game, whether you like it or not.
Plenty of players find it reasonable to have exclusive rewards.

There is hardly any support for your crusade Ohoni.

I’m not seeing any vocal amount of whining and crying about exclusive rewards in raids except from you and like a handful of members in this thread. Nothing on reddit or any other popular mediums that players use to communicate with one another. Majority of the ppl are happy to hear the news about Raids and the rewards.

You are not in the majority and thus, you vision of anti exclusive rewards will never see fruit. But please, continue exhausting your effort in the crusade against exclusive rewards

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


thats a replica skin. There is already replica skin for legendary armor (its called ascended). You have access to that already.

Did I miss something that said legendary armors get ascended skins instead of new ones?

its essentially a replica in terms of stats….
You aren’t statisically any better with legendary than ascended…

There are no true replica skins in this game. most of the heavily sought after skins are unique and rightfully so. For something as prestigious as legendary equipment, there shouldn’t be true replicas…. either get the real thing or don’t…thats what makes it unique… anet isn’t making some cheap knockoff of legendary skins…

You shifted sideways a bit there, from saying ‘its a replica skin’ to ‘there are no replica skins nor should there be’.

there are 3 unique things about legendaries.
Modifiable stats
Unique Skins (I’m including the particle effects)
Pretty purple description text


The one absolute non-starter is that it’s not a prestige item in several ways.

Wait, what? Legendaries are totally prestige items. Or at least they’re meant to be. I’d agree that the implementation of legendaries right now is kinda bad, and I’d definitely argue that earning legendary armor pieces through challenging content (raids) is a huge step in the right direction, but still, you cannot really argue that legendaries are definitely designed to be prestige items.

Bad phrasing on my part. What I was trying (and failing) to say was approximately:

“Some people are trying to downplay the prestige value of the legendary armors, and that is a discussion that should be off the table. Any argument that the Legendary Armor isn’t supposed to be a very high level prestige item is a non-starter.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


Also, I’m realizing (as much as I try to understand where they’re coming from), Ohoni is explicitly wrong in every direction in the case of the rewards.

Raids should have unique rewards at the same quality level as all other content. This is how GW2 has done all other rewards in their game, and it’s been quite successful (With a semi-exception of the pvp tracks, which get you about anything in the game with extremely poor efficiency)..

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


Mate the whole reason he tought up this challenge was because he is looking for harder content. WP is also one of the biggest supporters for unique rewards. And his channel is popular because he not only discusses the news, but also isn’t scared to directly point out what GW2 is doing wrong for him. And his views are in total direct opposition to your own. His videos being super popular in terms of GW2 content does not bode well for you saying it’s a “minority” of people who want exclusive rewards.

I’m not criticizing WP, love his videos and support his Patreon, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with him on everything and some of his opinions on “elite” content I just don’t agree, but I still enjoy his work. My point was just that you don’t need to be an exceptional player to produce videos that help promote the game. Eexa barely even plays the content at all in her videos.

And yet he’s not earning above minimum wage without his Patreon, wich i support aswell btw. And he is by far the most popular GW2 focussed channel. That is a problem. He needs to make up crazy challenges to even have an interesting stream. This is not good, and should not ever be considdered as the norm. This has nothing to do with GW2 but with WP’s passion. That man could talk about anything for 3 hours and i would to listen to it. Other them him, there is litterly noone even half as popular. We are talking about an exceptional person here.

Wp’s highest viewed video containing actual GW2 footage, the one about keyfarming, has just over 1/3 of the views of a world first raid guild’s mythic archimonde kill in wow recently, and that was a video by that guild. And that game is loosing subs constantly.

GW2 at the moment has nothing going for itself in terms of making videos, and people that do make it a succes do so because they are awesome people. While in other games some random dweep can actually raid, take it, upload it, and get tons of views more then our most dedicated content creators.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Mate the whole reason he tought up this challenge was because he is looking for harder content. WP is also one of the biggest supporters for unique rewards. And his channel is popular because he not only discusses the news, but also isn’t scared to directly point out what GW2 is doing wrong for him. And his views are in total direct opposition to your own. His videos being super popular in terms of GW2 content does not bode well for you saying it’s a “minority” of people who want exclusive rewards.

I’m not criticizing WP, love his videos and support his Patreon, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with him on everything and some of his opinions on “elite” content I just don’t agree, but I still enjoy his work. My point was just that you don’t need to be an exceptional player to produce videos that help promote the game. Eexa barely even plays the content at all in her videos.

And yet he’s not earning above minimum wage without his Patreon, wich i support aswell btw. And he is by far the most popular GW2 focussed channel. That is a problem. He needs to make up crazy challenges to even have an interesting stream. This is not good, and should not ever be considdered as the norm. This has nothing to do with GW2 but with WP’s passion. That man could talk about anything for 3 hours and i would to listen to it. Other them him, there is litterly noone even half as popular. We are talking about an exceptional person here.

Wp’s highest viewed video containing actual GW2 footage, the one about keyfarming, has just over 1/3 of the views of a world first raid guild’s mythic archimonde kill in wow recently, and that was a video by that guild. And that game is loosing subs constantly.

*GW2 at the moment has nothing going for itself in terms of making videos, and people that do make it a succes do so because they are awesome people. *While in other games some random dweep can actually raid, take it, upload it, and get tons of views more then our most dedicated content creators.

That’s because GW2 is not a game worth making videos
No one watch gw2 streams on twitch. It can’t even beat out ESO streams on twitch during peak hours. GW2 is not a fun game to watch on stream nor is it worth it to make videos and what not.

There is no content (especially PvE) in the game even worth making videos for….

What are you going to show off? speed clear dungs/soloing lvl 50 fracs? the same dull content thats been in the game for years lol??

This game is filled with casual players. You think they care about watching WvW/PvP videos or hardcore pve stuff? no, they just wanna run around and play dress up.

GW2 is not a game where you can make all kinds of videos and get tons of views…. Thats not how GW2 aims to get popular…

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Mate the whole reason he tought up this challenge was because he is looking for harder content. WP is also one of the biggest supporters for unique rewards. And his channel is popular because he not only discusses the news, but also isn’t scared to directly point out what GW2 is doing wrong for him. And his views are in total direct opposition to your own. His videos being super popular in terms of GW2 content does not bode well for you saying it’s a “minority” of people who want exclusive rewards.

I’m not criticizing WP, love his videos and support his Patreon, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with him on everything and some of his opinions on “elite” content I just don’t agree, but I still enjoy his work. My point was just that you don’t need to be an exceptional player to produce videos that help promote the game. Eexa barely even plays the content at all in her videos.

And yet he’s not earning above minimum wage without his Patreon, wich i support aswell btw. And he is by far the most popular GW2 focussed channel. That is a problem. He needs to make up crazy challenges to even have an interesting stream. This is not good, and should not ever be considdered as the norm. This has nothing to do with GW2 but with WP’s passion. That man could talk about anything for 3 hours and i would to listen to it. Other them him, there is litterly noone even half as popular. We are talking about an exceptional person here.

Wp’s highest viewed video containing actual GW2 footage, the one about keyfarming, has just over 1/3 of the views of a world first raid guild’s mythic archimonde kill in wow recently, and that was a video by that guild. And that game is loosing subs constantly.

*GW2 at the moment has nothing going for itself in terms of making videos, and people that do make it a succes do so because they are awesome people. *While in other games some random dweep can actually raid, take it, upload it, and get tons of views more then our most dedicated content creators.

That’s because GW2 is not a game worth making videos
No one watch gw2 streams on twitch. It can’t even beat out ESO streams on twitch during peak hours. GW2 is not a fun game to watch on stream nor is it worth it to make videos and what not.

There is no content (especially PvE) in the game even worth making videos for….

What are you going to show off? speed clear dungs/soloing lvl 50 fracs? the same dull content thats been in the game for years lol??

This game is filled with casual players. You think they care about watching WvW/PvP videos or hardcore pve stuff? no, they just wanna run around and play dress up.

GW2 is not a game where you can make all kinds of videos and get tons of views…. Thats not how GW2 aims to get popular…

And would you argue that’s a good thing or a bad thing? I’d argue that’s quite bad and I hope HoT is gonna change that, more specifically raids.

PvP and WvW get quite a decent amount of views. Tequatl got quite some views too when it was new and people only just started to learn how to beat him. I hope raids will do the same and more. Hopefully it will put GW2 on the map and show everyone that GW2 deserves to be taken seriously as an MMO.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


No, they want to be challenged and rewarded properly for it. It’s not one or the other, it’s the combination of the two that people want.

Well everyone likes “moar free stuff,” but that doesn’t mean that their idea of “rewarded properly” actually is rewarding them properly, and they have to learn to accept that and play nice with others.

I have a lot of basis for my claim.

1) The most popular MMO of all time is raid-heavy and rewards skilled play.

2) A lot of people over the course of 3 years have asked Anet for challenging content and better rewards, often a combination of the two.

3) Being challenged and rewarded properly for it is one of the key stones of game-design. It’s what most people find fun. Not just in GW2, but in general.

1. The most popular MMO of all time is not this game, most games that have tried to copy its formula have not done very well, and this game has largely succeeded by bucking a lot of that game’s trends, providing a valid alternative, rather than another clone.

2. “A lot” is highly misleading. The sum total of these players in the grand scheme of the game make up only about 0.5% of the total population, if that. There is no reason to believe that they are representative of a larger body of support.

3. "Rewarded properly " is likewise highly subjective, and what raiders appear to be demanding as “proper” rewards for their services rendered do not seem to match up with what others feel is a “proper” reward for them.

I respect your choices, I just don’t think chatting in Divinty’s Reach should entitle you to the same rewards as an hardcore raider.

If you respected my choices then you wouldn’t have to resort to ridiculous strawmen to try and minimize them.

I can assure you that those people would be in the vast vast vast vast minority. If this guy can beat difficult raids, then so can you or any other person:

That’s nice, but that’s WoW, which is a far less active game than GW2, and though he’s physically disabled, he seems to have a good handle on the mental portion of it, which not everyone can master. Again, stop assuming that everyone can get it if they work hard enough, than that therefore everyone who doesn’t get it is being lazy.

They don’t HAVE to do it. And they also don’t NEED legendary armor. They can perfectly decide NOT to do raids and thus NOT get their legendary armor.

And once again, that is not a valid option.

Most people I know hate number 2 and 4. In fact I’ve never met anyone who genuinely likes 2 of 4.

Ask WP about 4, he’s advocated for it numerous times in the past. As for 2, while of course everyone wants things “as soon as possible,” and the ideal solution to them would be to not keep things out of their hands in the first place, if you are going to insist on making things “difficult” to get, then there are plenty of people that would prefer a slow and steady pace to pure RNG, or to a skill challenge that they cannot overcome (if anyone could overcome it then it would fail as a content gate), so a way to work long term to earn their reward would be seen as the “least bad” alternative. The new Precursor Crafting system would seem to fall into this category.

But again, the most favored alternative on the list, by almost everyone, would be
5. Just don’t make the item so hard to get in the first place.

I agree. And there is NOTHING unreasonable about putting legendary armor behind difficult raids.

Neither do I, so long as there are alternative methods for people who don’t want to do difficult raids. See, of 1-4, you don’t need to pick just one, do all of them.

I’m all for SOME rewards being available through different means. I find that perfectly acceptable. But I also think SOME rewards should be highly exclusive and limited behind specific game content.

And I don’t accept the value of that. It’s a system that allows a small number of people to feel special because they have something that most don’t, but it detracts from the experience of most players because it adds something desirable that they are unlikely to ever have. I think players should have to work towards goals, but that process should offer a clear and achievable path for all players to earn them after an appropriate amount of time and effort.

And again you have it backwards. It’s not even about what a player is “worth” (as you said, we’re all worth equally, at least all of us who seriously play this game). That completely doesn’t matter and is 100% irrelevant to the discussion.

What is relevant is what is good game design, what is considered fun by most people, THAT is what matters. Games that reward skilled play are often more fun and fun games sell better. It’s really that simple.

And I think that’s backwards thinking, as plenty of games that focus on “skilled play” have done horribly too, and plenty of games that require little to no skill have been incredibly popular. It’s hard to correlate that “skilled play” leads to success unless you apply confirmation bias. I think it’s fairer to say that games should provide content for all skill levels, and allow players to choose between those contents with as much freedom and as little penalty as possible.

Harder content should offer more reward, to justify the risk involved, but should not offer better rewards that can never be earned through easier play, even after additional effort has been put forth.

If 1 is the fastest options, people will only do 1.

If 2 is the fastest option, people will only do 2.

If 3 is the fastest option, people will rely on 3.

If 4 is the fastest option, people will only do 4.

In each case, the other three options are invalidated.

Not true. Players will always take the best option FOR THEM. 1 is skill. If a player is high skill, or at least capable of high skill, then 1 should be the best option FOR HIM. He should tend to pick 1 as often as possible, and for him that would be the quickest and easiest method.

2. Is grind. It would often be the slowest method, but would still result in the reward. This is the optimal method only if 3 and 4 haven’t worked out for you, and 1 is either impossible for you, or more hassle than it is worth for you because you do not enjoy difficult content. If you fall into that category, then 2 is the best option FOR YOU, and that’s fine.

3. Is RNG. For the most part people might not pursue this one, but if it works out then they’re happy they got what they want. One could be said to “pursue” this one if they want an item, have no interest in the sjkill route, and find the grind route too boring, so they basically just do something that advances neither of those options, but they at least retain hope that maybe the thing they want will just fall into their hands. This is the equivalent of someone who hopes for a precursor eventually, but isn’t going to grind for gold to buy one, do Precursor Crafting, buy and throw weapons into the Forge, etc., but RNG at least gives them hope that killing some random moa will drop a Dawn some day.

4. Is a bit of a wildcard, but limited time “sales” on items do favor “engaged” players that remain consistently in touch with the community, that if methods 1-3 are disagreeable for whatever reasons, but an item pops up in a manner that makes it temporarily easier to get, then great! A recent example of this is some of the more rare dyes, which had both a “limited time” drop of the birthday dyes, and also some quick salves of dyes that have been out of circulation for a long time, which not only made them potentially available through RNG, but also more available via grind, as the gold price dropped considerably.

I bet, that if the precursor collection mastery proves to be a quicker and more reliable way of getting precursors, then no one will grind gold or use the Mystic Forge anymore to get precursors (unless they want more than 1of the same precursor).

No one? I would take that bet, because there would still be value in farming sellable Precursors, because there will always be people with more gold than time. But I would also bet that the number of people using traditional methods of making Precursors would drop considerably, as well it should because the old methods were awful.

I also bet that if the precursor collection mastery proves to be more of a hassle than simply grinding gold to buy a precursor from the TP or using the MF, then people won’t bother with the precursor collection mastery at all.

Again, if we’re playing in absolutes then I would take that bet as well, no matter what the method is there will be some people pursuing it, but sure, if the methods are too annoying then most people would stick with the existing methods. That’s just common sense.

I was kind of thinking about this last night, how could you apply #1 to Legendary Pres? I don’t think there’s any possible task in the game that could be so difficult that you would deserve a guaranteed Precursor for completing it. You could, however, combine #1 and #3, to have specific methods by which you would have a much better RNG chance than the usual methods. There could be a task, more difficult than any solo tasks currently in the game, and the reward for it would be an RNG chance of a Precursor that would be roughly equivalent to a Signet of Rhendak, or a Teq chest, or something like that, so it would require you to be very skilled to even attempt it, but each attempt would not be guaranteed a Precuror. Or alternately combine 1 and 2, each time you do the task you get a token, do it maybe 100 times and you get the Precursor guaranteed. Right now the only options are 2 and 3.

You easily make 20-30g per hour in open-world content if you know how (and many people do know how). So if raids would only give gold as rewards, it should be more than 30g to make it attractive to the average player who just want the rewards.

I was offering an example, I don’t keep track of what the “meta” gold rates are. but sure, if you can earn 30g per hour in open world, then raids should offer more than that. Ideally though, I think 30g per hour in open world sounds a bit too much and they should probably tone down those optimal methods. And of course I’m not talking direct gold, although that should be part of it, but also in the form of crafting mats and other “junk” loot that are essentially “gold.”

The raid should also be easily beatable otherwise those players might as well just grind gold in open-world content. However, making the raids easy defeats the purpose of raids and it’s not what people asked for.

Well, as I said in earlier posts, the raids should be designed with plenty of reward phases to them, so that even if you do fail at some point, you will have been rewarded for most of the time you’ve spent in there, for each of the steps that you did make it through (and the first few should be reasonably easy). Of course the risk of missing out on some of the reward is the entire justification of offering a higher potential reward in the first place, so you can’t argue that you deserve both a higher reward and no risk in earning it.

That’s a big “if”. What if we don’t want the player to choose freely? There is no reason to let the player choose the rewards freely. You don’t let players select how they get the rewards, you let them select what they want to play. Players are selfish creatures, they always go for the path of least resistance

But again, if you force the players to decide what content to do based on the reward they want then they can’t fairly choose what content they want to do based on the difficulty and style of the content. You can’t do both at once unless you offer the choice freely. So when I say “some people don’t like difficult content,” you respond with “well then they don’t have to do it.” When I say “well sometimes the reward they want is locked behind that difficult content,” you respond “well then they have to do that content if they want the reward.” You can’t eat your cake and have it too. Either the system is going to force the player into one of two bad choices, or it won’t. I vote that it shouldn’t.

So any player who plays video games and wants to play the game and better themselves are living in a pipe dream?

No, wanting to better your own skills it perfectly fine. You don’t need recognition for that.

Because they are the ones that are pushing the boundaries of a given game system, without players who are “good” at any game, the game will simply stagnate and die.

Not true. If the game caters to those who are constantly pushing their own skills then it causes the game to be hostile to new players, who have not had years to develop their skills. The healthy game allows for all skill levels, and gives people opportunities to gain and use skills, but does not require it of anyone.

Prize money for big events are set before the event even starts. FIFA for example has written what each team based on their final position will get during a world cup long before the cup even starts and ratings start coming in.

Yes, but again, those are based on the expectation of earned revenue, based on past similar events. Sometimes the prize money is less than they strictly deserved for an event that outperforms expectations, or sometimes the prizes are excessive if the event under performs, but they do spend a lot of effort trying to figure out “fair” payments, and those payments are based on what they expect to bring in. Think of it like Superbowl ad prices, they are set well in advance, before the final teams are even determined, but they are based on the assumption of a certain number of viewers, based on people who watched previous Superbowls. Sometimes they end up with less than expected, sometimes more, and that’s a risk they take, but the pricing of the ads is based on a calculation of cost vs. value, they don’t just pay a lot for a Superbowl ad because any event with the word “Superbowl” in its name is divinely endowed with highly priced tv ads.

That’s how rewards work in video games. The game devs put unique rewards behind content to entice players to do them.

And as I’ve said, this is fine when the reward is easy to earn, when it is to get people to try content, but once players get past the easy phase and into the grind phase, “try things” rewards should fall away and players choice should be respected.

I do NOT want to do 100% map completion THREE more times, nor do I feel like grinding gold for SIX full stacks of all T6 mats.

I don’t know how they’ll do map completion, I doubt it would be a factor for the armors, because the whole idea is that one map completion nets you two Legendary weapons, which is fair. If you needed to do that for each armor piece then it means to fully gear one player with two two-handers and full armor it would take himself and three alts, and it would be impossible to gear all your characters since you’d just keep exponentially adding characters.

So I don’t think traditional map completion would be a requirement, but I wouldn’t put it past them to require something similar, but more repeatable. I would hope that whatever it is though, doing it once would give you enough to make a full set, rather than just 1-2 pieces, and you’d only need to repeat the process to get multiple sets.

People who like raids aren’t the only ones who’d be displeased by there being no items that are in any way connected to specific game modes or challenges.

Pretty much.

Raiders are a better target FOR YOU.

Do you know how selfish you sound? You only care about yourself, once again. You think you are part of the “majority” when in fact, very few ppl have your type of diluted sense of personal grandeur and entitlement.

No, I’m saying they are a better target in general, completely outside of me. They are a better target because they are, to this point, not a part of this game, so the role they play in its future is entirely optional. If they have to disappoint any other group, then they are disappointing a sizable number of current players who enjoy how the game currently works.

Again it would be nice if they can manage to not disappoint anyone, but if you’re going to have to disappoint someone, disappoint the bird in the bush, not the birds in the hand.

And yet he’s not earning above minimum wage without his Patreon, wich i support aswell btw. And he is by far the most popular GW2 focussed channel. That is a problem. He needs to make up crazy challenges to even have an interesting stream. This is not good, and should not ever be considdered as the norm. This has nothing to do with GW2 but with WP’s passion. That man could talk about anything for 3 hours and i would to listen to it. Other them him, there is litterly noone even half as popular. We are talking about an exceptional person here.

Sure, but adding raids would do nothing to alter any of that.

Wp’s highest viewed video containing actual GW2 footage, the one about keyfarming, has just over 1/3 of the views of a world first raid guild’s mythic archimonde kill in wow recently, and that was a video by that guild. And that game is loosing subs constantly.

Yeah, but 1. WoW is WoW, and always makes a horrible example for “things other games should do,” and 2. WP’s individual videos may have less views, but he puts out a lot more of them, so I imagine that over time he makes more off of those than that guild did from their “world first” video, which they can only do once per raid.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Supz.9836


Having played several MMOs with raids etc. in the past my 2 cents.

I am very happy that they are implementing Raids, I hope the content is truly challenging and not just a DPS fest.

I also hope that although the rewards may be exclusive in terms of cosmetics they do not create new tiers of weapons/armor,

This will only create a divide in the player base, one group which asks for raids to keep getting harder (as their equipment gets better and they spend more time learning the raids). The other not allowed into this elite circle. I have seen it happen many times with other games.

Newer players (or players new to raids) will be excluded as they don’t know the raid or their equipment isn’t good enough to participate in said raids. Now players would get better at the raids of course over time, but higher tiers of equipment would only result in a further divide.

You can already see this with dungeons with the bring zerker etc. but this isn’t so bad and most players can easy get this equipment and there are plenty of groups who are easy going willing to not take in the ‘meta’ equipment.

However with raids being more difficult and if the equipment provided from raids is indeed a better tier you will see ‘meta requirements’ in terms equipment not just effective builds being increased resulting in a large part of the player base being excluded from this content.

That being said make the raids very hard so correct build and equipment (which isn’t insanely difficult to acquire) and skillful game is required as challenging game play working in a team of 9 (or however many others in other games) others can be amazingly fun.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


Supz, the problem is that "truly challenging’ is preobably a scam.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sykper.6583


The legendary armors will be “exclusive” to raids because the armor precursors will only be available there, the rest of the items needed to craft the legendary armor won’t be only in raids, just the precursor pieces.

Yeah but that would still make the legendary armors exclusive to raids, as in, you can only get them if you do the raids to get the precursors.

I’m not an expert on WoW but my google searching skills are quite good if I say so myself and according to this list (just an example):
best in slot PVE gear in World of Warcraft does not drop from the final boss only. Instead each boss rewards best-in-slot raid quality gear. You pick which item you want and go for it.

True but the really rare and unique gear (that’s not better than other BiS gear but still sought after for their rareness, unique skins or value) only drop from the final boss.

I doubt legendary armor will be like that because legendary armors have a lot of pieces. A lot of pieces can drop from a lot of bosses and leave one of them (for example the chest piece) from the final boss. And btw with 3 wings we can’t talk about a “final boss”. Each wing can have a final boss.

Here is an interesting thought though. They said they will add 3 new legendary weapons and more will come when they add new content. 3 Legendary Weapons. 3 Raid Wings. More raids coming in the future with more wings along with more new legendary weapons. Coincidence?

Thinking the first wave of Legendary Weapons will stem from the various ‘Mastery’ races if that were the case. I would be rather impressed if Anet made more raid content a mere 6 months after the last wing of this first raid opened. Heck, a bi-yearly increase in end-game cooperative PvE content, toss in some occasional open-world bosses (think we are getting 3 with the expansion speculated by the Mordrem Guard post) and there will be a plethora of stuff to do for all these new players!

Of course, SPvP balance and perhaps some more WvW unique skins ought to be another agenda, need to provide the nice trinity of game-modes this game has in check.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kjell.8379


They don’t HAVE to do it. And they also don’t NEED legendary armor. They can perfectly decide NOT to do raids and thus NOT get their legendary armor.

And once again, that is not a valid option.

That absolutely is a valid option. Attaining specific skins is an intended sub-goal but not required to complete any form of material character advancement. People genuinely don’t have to complete any given dungeon or whatever. Players being unable or unwilling to reach voluntary sub-goals is not necessarily a fault of the game’s design.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


That absolutely is a valid option. Attaining specific skins is an intended sub-goal but not required to complete any form of material character advancement. People genuinely don’t have to complete any given dungeon or whatever. Players being unable or unwilling to reach voluntary sub-goals is not necessarily a fault of the game’s design.

You don’t get to decide what is and is not a “sub goal.” To some, acquiring a desired skin is the most important goal available. A lot or people seem to take as a fact that stats are more important than cosmetics, that if an item provides better stats than another, that this is automatically a bigger deal than if it provides a unique appearance. Newsflash, this is your opinion, it is not a fact.

If a player sets his goal as acquiring a legendary skin, then that is his goal, and he should be able to pursue it without being shoehorned into content that he does not enjoy. Saying “well he’ll just never get it then” is not a valid response, that does not lead to a satisfied customer, it leads to a burnout.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


That absolutely is a valid option. Attaining specific skins is an intended sub-goal but not required to complete any form of material character advancement. People genuinely don’t have to complete any given dungeon or whatever. Players being unable or unwilling to reach voluntary sub-goals is not necessarily a fault of the game’s design.

You don’t get to decide what is and is not a “sub goal.” To some, acquiring a desired skin is the most important goal available. A lot or people seem to take as a fact that stats are more important than cosmetics, that if an item provides better stats than another, that this is automatically a bigger deal than if it provides a unique appearance. Newsflash, this is your opinion, it is not a fact.

If a player sets his goal as acquiring a legendary skin, then that is his goal, and he should be able to pursue it without being shoehorned into content that he does not enjoy. Saying “well he’ll just never get it then” is not a valid response, that does not lead to a satisfied customer, it leads to a burnout.

That’s not how it works according to anet.
Anet has not followed your philsophy on rewards since day 1 from three years ago at launch, why would they change now? oh because according to your misguided information, there is going to be a mass exodus of players because of raids and locking exclusive stuff behind it lol…
The only reason you are complaining now is because you are absolutely against exclusive rewards tied in a content you don’t enjoy(raids), as if they are the anti-christ… thats just like, your opinion, man.

News flash, there is always stuff in an MMORPG ppl don’t like to do, but will have to in order to achieve your goal…. Some ppl don’t like map completion but you have to in order to get a legendary weapon…. some ppl aren’t going to like PvP but have to in order to get that new backpeice….Some ppl don’t like going into fractals but have to if they want a frac weapon skin….

This is not Burger King. You can’t have it your way. Anet creates the content and puts whatever reward they deem worthy. If you don’t like it, cya, have fun in your next game.

You are NOT entitled to have them spoon fed you the reward in a path YOU prefer.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


That absolutely is a valid option. Attaining specific skins is an intended sub-goal but not required to complete any form of material character advancement. People genuinely don’t have to complete any given dungeon or whatever. Players being unable or unwilling to reach voluntary sub-goals is not necessarily a fault of the game’s design.

You don’t get to decide what is and is not a “sub goal.” To some, acquiring a desired skin is the most important goal available. A lot or people seem to take as a fact that stats are more important than cosmetics, that if an item provides better stats than another, that this is automatically a bigger deal than if it provides a unique appearance. Newsflash, this is your opinion, it is not a fact.

If a player sets his goal as acquiring a legendary skin, then that is his goal, and he should be able to pursue it without being shoehorned into content that he does not enjoy. Saying “well he’ll just never get it then” is not a valid response, that does not lead to a satisfied customer, it leads to a burnout.

Just because you don’t agree with it, doesn’t mean it’s invalid. It is a valid response.

I don’t like going to work. But I want to be able to purchase luxury items (I can go on welfare for the necessities if I didn’t want to work and still be able to live). So I got a job. I don’t yell at the government for forcing me to do something I don’t enjoy in order to get what I want.

Just like in GW2. I can do what I want and get the necessities. You only need exotic gear and you can buy your way into ascended anyway. Legendary weapons and armor are luxury items. Luxury in the sense that you don’t need them to be successful in the game. If a player doesn’t want to do raids but wants the gear you get from raids, then they must not want the gear that much.

I don’t like WvW. Yet, I’ve got two characters who got to 100% WvW completion before WvW became not required. But I wanted to make my own legendary scepter and I can’t stand looking at 98% map completion. So I grinned and beared it. Guess what, it didn’t kill me. My other characters will likely also do WvW map completion at some point. I wanted to make my own legendary more than I hated WvW. I’m neutral on the removal of WvW from map completion before you assume I was in favor of it.

I don’t see where he claimed that it was fact and not opinion. I don’t even see where he said that. Can you please quote the exact phrase in which he claimed that it was fact. And properly tag it with the quote system since you like to cut and paste. So that we can read the whole post in it’s entirety and see what the person was responding to. You know, for context. By the way, when you properly quote a post, the name of the person you quoted links to the post you quoted. Which is helpful in merged threads like this to make sure when you respond to someone who is responding to a quote that you get the context for the post correct.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Just because you don’t agree with it, doesn’t mean it’s invalid. It is a valid response.

If you believe that, then let me ask you this. If someone had a problem, and that was your response to them, can you imagine an actual human being that would respond with “thanks, that helped!”? In a non-sarcastic way, I mean.

I don’t like going to work. But I want to be able to purchase luxury items (I can go on welfare for the necessities if I didn’t want to work and still be able to live). So I got a job. I don’t yell at the government for forcing me to do something I don’t enjoy in order to get what I want.

Yes, but that’s a straw man, because nobody is saying that you shouldn’t have to work for the rewards, just that the method should be of your choosing. You can’t relate that to “get a job, hippy,” because jobs aren’t assigned by the state, and the things you can purchase aren’t restricted by the occupation you choose.

Just like in GW2. I can do what I want and get the necessities. You only need exotic gear and you can buy your way into ascended anyway. Legendary weapons and armor are luxury items. Luxury in the sense that you don’t need them to be successful in the game.

That is entirely dependent on your personal definition of “success.” If you define it as “being able to complete the latest raid,” then no, a lack of Legendary armor won’t hold you back in the slightest. If you define success as “having legendary armor,” then not having legendary armor will really put a crimp in achieving that goal.

I don’t like WvW. Yet, I’ve got two characters who got to 100% WvW completion before WvW became not required. But I wanted to make my own legendary scepter and I can’t stand looking at 98% map completion. So I grinned and beared it. Guess what, it didn’t kill me.

Yes, and as I said, if the raid component of earning Legendary armor will be as effortless as the Dungeon/WvW components of earning Legendary Weapons, then sure, I wouldn’t like it, but I’d put up with it. But a lot of people, on both side of the divide, believe that it’s likely that earning the Raid-based components of Legendary armor will involve considerably more time, effort, and skill than the WvW/dungeon components of Legendary weapons ever did.

The more time, effort, and skill they require, the less “grin and bear it” is an appropriate response.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Just because you don’t agree with it, doesn’t mean it’s invalid. It is a valid response.

If you believe that, then let me ask you this. If someone had a problem, and that was your response to them, can you imagine an actual human being that would respond with “thanks, that helped!”? In a non-sarcastic way, I mean.

I don’t like going to work. But I want to be able to purchase luxury items (I can go on welfare for the necessities if I didn’t want to work and still be able to live). So I got a job. I don’t yell at the government for forcing me to do something I don’t enjoy in order to get what I want.

Yes, but that’s a straw man, because nobody is saying that you shouldn’t have to work for the rewards, just that the method should be of your choosing. You can’t relate that to “get a job, hippy,” because jobs aren’t assigned by the state, and the things you can purchase aren’t restricted by the occupation you choose.

Just like in GW2. I can do what I want and get the necessities. You only need exotic gear and you can buy your way into ascended anyway. Legendary weapons and armor are luxury items. Luxury in the sense that you don’t need them to be successful in the game.

That is entirely dependent on your personal definition of “success.” If you define it as “being able to complete the latest raid,” then no, a lack of Legendary armor won’t hold you back in the slightest. If you define success as “having legendary armor,” then not having legendary armor will really put a crimp in achieving that goal.

I don’t like WvW. Yet, I’ve got two characters who got to 100% WvW completion before WvW became not required. But I wanted to make my own legendary scepter and I can’t stand looking at 98% map completion. So I grinned and beared it. Guess what, it didn’t kill me.

Yes, and as I said, if the raid component of earning Legendary armor will be as effortless as the Dungeon/WvW components of earning Legendary Weapons, then sure, I wouldn’t like it, but I’d put up with it. But a lot of people, on both side of the divide, believe that it’s likely that earning the Raid-based components of Legendary armor will involve considerably more time, effort, and skill than the WvW/dungeon components of Legendary weapons ever did.

The more time, effort, and skill they require, the less “grin and bear it” is an appropriate response.

There are certain insurance policies that you can only buy if you’re a veteran. Then there’s the health plan that only the people in Congress can have (or have been in Congress). Many places also offer discounts for military personnel and for teachers. So there are things I can’t buy because I don’t have a specific job.

Most loan applications ask for what your job is to judge if you’ll be able to pay it back. So things you get loans for are predicated on what your job is. And let’s be honest, a janitor making minimum wage is unlike to earn enough excess income to overcome inflation to be able to afford the Ferrari, let alone get a loan for one. And last time I checked, ANet didn’t send me a message saying what I can and can’t play in the game, so I don’t know where the whole " jobs aren’t assigned by the state" line came from.

And as long as you’re progressing toward it, it’s a successful venture. Rewards shouldn’t be non-exclusive just because some people don’t value the worth of the reward more than the hatred of the content needed to achieve the reward.

Grin and bear it is an appropriate response unless the RNG factor is to such a degree that even the die hard raiders start complaining about how long it’s taking them to get the rewards.

And by the way, I’m one of those players who likely won’t raid because the whole playing with a group is more nerve wracking than the benefits of the legendary armor would be. I can’t place a value based on looks as those aren’t out yet, but I doubt they’ll be so great to overcome my own personal problem. One that ANet can’t fix. I’m not on the future die-hard raiders. I’m the rare MMO player who prefers solo play. I hate when my success or failure is also dependent on others.

But I’m not asking for ANet to make raids soloable because I hate playing with others. That’s bad business for an MMO.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


2. “A lot” is highly misleading. The sum total of these players in the grand scheme of the game make up only about 0.5% of the total population, if that.

In the same way, there is no reason you are representative of a larger body of support either. Yet you are making constant claims of “the majority of players” and “most people in this game”, even “The sum total of these players in the grand scheme of the game make up only about 0.5% of the total population” is a claim that has no base in evidence. Stop making up support for your issue, discuss what you want, sure, and ask around in your guild and use that as a reference to support your argument, no problem. But stop making up stuff. You have no idea what number of the playerbase thinks what, neither do i, and the only claim you’ll ever see me make is that i personally have not met anyone who thinks like you ingame. And that when i asked around in my guild, they strongly disagreed with you. That is all i can say, because i have no evidence other then that. Neither do you, so stop the bullkitten argument that you somehow magicly know a vast number of players support what you think.
3. "Rewarded properly " is likewise highly subjective, and what raiders appear to be demanding as “proper” rewards for their services rendered do not seem to match up with what others feel is a “proper” reward for them.

They don’t HAVE to do it. And they also don’t NEED legendary armor. They can perfectly decide NOT to do raids and thus NOT get their legendary armor.

And once again, that is not a valid option.

Yes it is, there is no stat increase. People owning legendary armor are not more powerfull then you. There is a skin, and then there is the utility. Both wich do not affect you when playing with or against these players. If it does then the gemstore must seem like pay to win to you, and then i ask myself why you are still here.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


There are certain insurance policies that you can only buy if you’re a veteran. Then there’s the health plan that only the people in Congress can have (or have been in Congress). Many places also offer discounts for military personnel and for teachers. So there are things I can’t buy because I don’t have a specific job.

Those are policies though, not items. And yes, you can’t get veterans insurance unless you’re a vet, but you can get other insurance coverage that is equivalent. And before you say “well maybe you could get other Legendary armor that is the same but with different skins,” well if it has different skins then it’s not equivalent, which can’t really be said about insurance policies. It is worth noting, however, that there is no congressional medical plan. They are on the same system all government employees are on, and that system isn’t even specific to them, it’s just a package of affordable third party plans that anyone can sign up for, just maybe not at the exact same rates.

Most loan applications ask for what your job is to judge if you’ll be able to pay it back. So things you get loans for are predicated on what your job is. And let’s be honest, a janitor making minimum wage is unlike to earn enough excess income to overcome inflation to be able to afford the Ferrari, let alone get a loan for one.

Of course, but if he did come up with the money, they wouldn’t say “you’re a janitor, you can’t have one anyways.” Having the right job can make it EASIER to earn things that you want, just as I’m ok with raids being an easier way of earning Legendaries, if necessary, but regardless of the job you have, you can still buy anything you can afford.

Not only that, but all jobs within the same salary range are considered equal, so if you have a job in the $50k range, then it doesn’t matter what you do in that job, it’s functionally equivalent to any other when it comes to “getting things.” Likewise, a high end PvPer, or PvEer, or WvWer should be considered in the same “salary range” as a raider, and given no discriminatory treatment.

Rewards shouldn’t be non-exclusive just because some people don’t value the worth of the reward more than the hatred of the content needed to achieve the reward.

Why not? That’s exactly why they should be non-exclusive, so people don’t ever have to choose between [do content that I will not enjoy] or [never receive reward that I want]. Any opportunity a developer has to reduce the number of times their players have to choose between two bad alternatives, they should take it.

But I’m not asking for ANet to make raids soloable because I hate playing with others. That’s bad business for an MMO.

Sure, and I’m not asking them them to change their raids either, at least not as a Plan A. I’m just asking that I be allowed to opt out of them without missing out on cool rewards that I might want. Of course, if they don’t leave the option to opt out without penalty, then we have to start talking about how to nerf raids so that they are more available to everyone. I’d rather it not come to that though.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


In the same way, there is no reason you are representative of a larger body of support either.

Eeeeeeh, I think your position there is a little less tenable. I certainly don’t have absolute proof of my numbers, but just based on the trends of what has and hasn’t worked for this game over the past three years, I think it’s far more reasonable to assume that most of the players in the game are not the hardcore raider types.

It’s like if you have a room with dozens of people in it, and a couple of them have tshirts on and are yelling “it’s too hot in here, it’s too hot!” and storm out if the temperature isn’t lowered, but you look around and plenty of people are staying and have sweaters on and look perfectly content, then chances are that most of the people, even if they don’t say anything, are fine with the current temperature, and might be more likely to leave if you did lower the temperature.

“The sum total of these players in the grand scheme of the game make up only about 0.5% of the total population” is a claim that has no base in evidence

Admittedly the others are subjective assumptions based on conjecture, but this one is fairly accurate. I mean, I haven’t counted up every post individually, but even being generous about it, the number of people who have publicly commented about raiding in any way, positive or negative, is in the fairly low thousands. When weighed against the total number of players, they aren’t even a drop in the bucket.

And the point is that some of the raider folks say “well I hear a lot more people saying they want raids than saying they don’t want them,” an that could be entirely true, but it does not mean that the people talking about raids are proportionately representative of the rest of the game, that if 70% of the people talking about raids are all in favor of them, that this means that 70%, or even 50%, or even 5%, or even .5% of the total game’s population holds the same views. The only way to know that with any degree of accuracy would be a scientific, randomly sampled poll on the matter, not anecdotal collections of comments, not self-selecting polls taken in sub-communities outside the game.

Yes it is, there is no stat increase. People owning legendary armor are not more powerfull then you.

No, and I never said that they were, or that I cared whether they were or not. But they are wearing a skin I might like to have, and would not be able to have, and that is FAR worse than if they were just more powerful than me.

If it does then the gemstore must seem like pay to win to you, and then i ask myself why you are still here.

The reason that the GW2 gemstore is largely not pay to win, is because the items you can buy with gems cannot be earned through gameplay. If it’s impossible to “win” it, then it’s impossible to “pay to win” it. Now, if the gem store functioned exactly like it did, but you could also buy Legendary skins from it, or Dungeon skins, or other somewhat time consuming rewards through it, then yes, that would obviously be “pay to win.”

The fact that you can buy gold with gems and then Legendaries with that gold is a daaaark gray area, but at least moderated by the fact that the Legendaries cannot reach the market without some player earning it and putting it there.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Even if raiders were 10% of the general population how it was in LoTR as it seems, common sense would dictate that you give it SOME attention, and to add a special attraction in them to lure people in and try it. SOME. Please don´t forget that the Raid population does not necessarily come from the outside only, but could also come from already existing WvW, PvP and PvE players. Of course you can say that X accounts who registered after raids were inserted have raided so it more or less drew people in, but there are so many variable playmodes there that you can only make a guess and not a very good actual number how much is the drawing and staying power of raids. Add to that that Anet has a strange love affair with PvP, so I guess it won´t be priority Nr 1 for long and raiders will realize this and move on.
This is now the time for raiders, their 10% of the development time. Good for them, not so good for all the other people. As soon as the novelty wears off, Anet will make the first raid easier anyway or drop them from the schedule that has to be updated and enlarged, so there is probably no need to be worried.

And, oh yeah, we need tear buckets then too.^^

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nike.2631



While I’ve certainly had days of explaining to my fellow raiders in other games that there is exactly ZERO reason to treat raiders’ play time as uniquely superior to any other player’s time spent logged in. That in fact raids can be a fiercely negative drain on playerbase size as drama surrounding raids can take whole swaths of players out of the game at the same time. I’ve waxed poetic that most raid loot isn’t there to reward more skilled play (because you can challenge a solo player just as much) but to tie a pork chop around the kid’s neck so the dog will play with them because setting up raids is simply one of the most tedious activities in all of online gaming. That raiders rarely are in it for the challenge and are mostly using the content because they have to to pursue the infinitely more widespread goal of character advancement, which is why the moment a raid no longer offers apex rewards its dropped like a hot rock.

…So, I’ve got to ask you…

Who are you talking to?

You’re arguing with players who have little stake and even less control over the matter, many of whom will categorically reject ANY attempt to change their outlook. I promise the content-design Devs aren’t looking at these longwinded exchanges like there’s something they haven’t heard a hundred and seventy times before because its a core discussion of their whole profession, the kind of thing you take company trips to attend seminars about 1-2 times a year.

You’ve sunk a lot of time into this. What do you see as your endgame? Because honestly I don’t see one to be achieved here other than time sink and writing exercise. And this is coming from someone who largely AGREES WITH YOU.

I sincerely encourage you to pack it in… for the moment. This die is cast. The next real opportunity for change isn’t going to come until the raids are actually in people’s hands and you can make a case based on experiences rather than predictions.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Either the system is going to force the player into one of two bad choices, or it won’t. I vote that it shouldn’t.

I vote that it should. You can’t have everything in the game if you don’t do all the content in it. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you pick the content you like and do it, if there is a reward behind content you don’t like you either ignore it because you don’t like the content or you try and do the content. You will be surprised at how many players say they hate PVP but after a few PVP games in good guild teams they become PVPers. It’s the same with raiding and any type of content, saying before hand you don’t like content is sad.

No, wanting to better your own skills it perfectly fine. You don’t need recognition for that.

Actually you do. Players with higher skill want recognition for it, I know if you’ve never tried to better yourself you won’t get it, if you are always happy to be mediocre and average, but if you ever try to do that something more in a game, you will understand.

Not true. If the game caters to those who are constantly pushing their own skills then it causes the game to be hostile to new players, who have not had years to develop their skills. The healthy game allows for all skill levels, and gives people opportunities to gain and use skills, but does not require it of anyone.

On the contrary. A game that caters to those pushing their skills is one that survives. A game that stays stagnant and the same difficulty forever is one that eventually dies. There is a reason most video game expansions (MMORPG or not) are usually harder than their original games. The developers AND the players have learned how to play, the developers found out how to make better encounters, and the players how to beat them. New players would still have to go through all the old content like the veterans.

That’s how rewards work in video games. The game devs put unique rewards behind content to entice players to do them.

And as I’ve said, this is fine when the reward is easy to earn, when it is to get people to try content, but once players get past the easy phase and into the grind phase, “try things” rewards should fall away and players choice should be respected.

No player choice you never be respected because “rewards” are not a player choice. That’s fundamental video game design 101. There no such thing as “try” content then get rewards. Rewards are there so players MASTER that content not merely try it.

It appears that you won’t change your opinion and we are doing no progress. You are ignoring fundamental aspects of video game design but fortunately Arenanet devs do not. They already put exclusive rewards in their raids just like they did with all their other content, I don’t know why you continue anymore.

And there is one more little thing. IF (and that’s a huge IF) sometime in the future they want to make the raid rewards non-exclusive they can do it. However, adding multiple paths to those rewards from day 1 is a horrible move, if only because the devs themselves don’t have any idea about how hard their raid is going to be. Once they have better data on how hard it is, they can either just nerfing it or allow players to earn the legendary armor precursors through other types of content.

In any case, raid exclusives are here to stay no matter what a vocal minority on these forums is saying. That’s set in stone, and probably every future raid will have exclusive content too. The only question if it will stay exclusive forever or not and that’s something we cannot answer at the moment, because I doubt even the devs have an answer.

Since this thread is about “instanced” raids due to all the merges I will leave the exclusive reward part of them, it’s been done to death, exclusives will stay, period.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


No, they want to be challenged and rewarded properly for it. It’s not one or the other, it’s the combination of the two that people want.

Well everyone likes “moar free stuff,” but that doesn’t mean that their idea of “rewarded properly” actually is rewarding them properly, and they have to learn to accept that and play nice with others.

This is so deliciously ironic coming from you. :’)

But you’re right Ohoni. Clearly you want “moar free stuff”, but your idea of “rewarded properly” actually isn’t rewarding properly and you have to learn to accept that and play nice with others.

I’m done talking with you though. Everything that had to be said has been said. We’ve all heard how you think about raids and exclusive rewards. We also know that raids are definitely coming and they’re 100% certainly going to get exclusive rewards. No matter how many comments you type where you say you disagree with that, that isn’t going to change. Arguing about this any further is pointless, especially with you.

Now if you could please stop spamming the thread with your long-winded nonsense, then maybe we could hear some other people’s opinions for a change. I’d very much like to hear what other people think.

In the meantime, I suggest you read this research article on rewards in videogames (an article I actually had to peer-review). Maybe after reading this, you’ll see how incredibly wrong you are about everything and how your supposed “ideal” reward system is not feasible:

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Actually you do. Players with higher skill want recognition for it, I know if you’ve never tried to better yourself you won’t get it, if you are always happy to be mediocre and average, but if you ever try to do that something more in a game, you will understand.

They may want it, but they will never get it. At least not from people like me. Pretty surprised about this argument to be honest.

I am actually the target of good natured puns from my fellow guildies with my heavy ascended armor because it looks a little like the bottom of sexy Flanders in that iron trouser, and up until the introduction of legendary armor this is the best armor available.
I also have any fractal success since ages. You won´t catch me parading this around when new people come in to play a fractal with me. I don´t care if they know about that, and they should not care too.

If people are so easily influencable that you can actually impress them with your shiny fractal back, legendary or similar rare item, I know they have a long way to go and smile at their efforts.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Actually you do. Players with higher skill want recognition for it, I know if you’ve never tried to better yourself you won’t get it, if you are always happy to be mediocre and average, but if you ever try to do that something more in a game, you will understand.

They may want it, but they will never get it. At least not from people like me. Pretty surprised about this argument to be honest.

Yes I know there are different kinds of people. Of course there are people like you who spite others when they have something you can’t get. Instead of trying to get it themselves.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Even if raiders were 10% of the general population how it was in LoTR as it seems, common sense would dictate that you give it SOME attention, and to add a special attraction in them to lure people in and try it. SOME.

Yes and no. It would dictate that you try to bring them in, certainly, but it would also dictate that 1. You don’t allocate more resources to designing their content than they would be worth, and 2. You don’t abuse the other players in the process. Attracting raiders is a fine goal, in and of itself, but dance with the one who brung you, don’t take things away from the existing players to entice the raiders. For example, they can make solid raids, and they can make them rewarding, but don’t give the raiders exclusive access to Legendary Armor that would have gone to other game types if raiding hadn’t been on the table. If they gain that 10% of raiders, but end up pushing away 12% of the remainder, it’s a net loss.

Who are you talking to?

You’re arguing with players who have little stake and even less control over the matter, many of whom will categorically reject ANY attempt to change their outlook.

A fair question. You may notice I don’t quote individual names, just the words they say. I try as best I can not to address individuals, I address the ideas they put forth. I try my best to press my point, and to provide an adequate counter to any point raised against it. I don’t do this expecting that the people responding to me will change their minds, any more than they reasonably expect me to change mine. People who engage in online discussions are rarely neutral enough to swing in either direction. So my discussion is more aimed at people in general. Either those players lurking in this thread that are more open minded than the posters, or perhaps devs that stumble into the thread and might be considering such things themselves. Over six times as many people have viewed this thread as have posted in it, so it’s fair to assume that there are people reading who have not bothered to post anything. I’m by no means saying that even any of these people necessarily agree with me, but you never know.

Ultimately, I enjoy the challenge of ideas, I like to test my ideas against others, see what holes it may have and how to plug them with new ideas. The most interesting ideas come from someone saying “well it wouldn’t work because of X,” and then having to figure out how to work around that and make it work anyways. I don’t think I came into this thread with a perfect handle on the situation, and I don’t think I have a perfect handle on it just yet either, but it’s at least more perfect than I started with.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Yes I know there are different kinds of people. Of course there are people like you who spite others when they have something you can’t get. Instead of trying to get it themselves.

Spite? Where did I spite others with smiling politely at them when they parade their stuff? What should I do instead, clap and congratulate them for their effort or talent in something I don´t want to put effort in or suck at? Why? Should they also applaud me when I can do something they can´t? Why should they do this?

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Yes I know there are different kinds of people. Of course there are people like you who spite others when they have something you can’t get. Instead of trying to get it themselves.

Spite? Where did I spite others with smiling politely at them when they parade their stuff? What should I do instead, clap and congratulate them for their effort or talent in something I don´t want to put effort in or suck at? Why? Should they also applaud me when I can do something they can´t? Why should I do this?

Got get it if you want what they have? Instead of asking for it to drop on your lap for smiling at them?

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Actually you do. Players with higher skill want recognition for it, I know if you’ve never tried to better yourself you won’t get it, if you are always happy to be mediocre and average, but if you ever try to do that something more in a game, you will understand.

They may want it, but they will never get it. At least not from people like me. Pretty surprised about this argument to be honest.

I am actually the target of good natured puns from my fellow guildies with my heavy ascended armor because it looks a little like the bottom of sexy Flanders in that iron trouser, and up until the introduction of legendary armor this is the best armor available.
I also have any fractal success since ages. You won´t catch me parading this around when new people come in to play a fractal with me. I don´t care if they know about that, and they should not care too.

If people are so easily influencable that you can actually impress them with your shiny fractal back, legendary or similar rare item, I know they have a long way to go and smile at their efforts.

You say that, but I’m 100% certain that subconsciously you definitely do give recognition to people with impressive titles, impressive-looking armors, rare weapons or rare minis.

If you see someone with a full set of fractal weapons and the fractal backpiece, you’ll definitely notice it. You might not think “wow, that player is so good”, but you’ll definitely think “huh, that guy has a ton of fractal skins, he probably plays fractals a lot”.

Of course, nothing in GW2 is actually hard to get, so this (subconscious) sensation of seeing someone with impressive gear is not very present right now in GW2. Which is one of the issues of GW2. Skilled and dedicated players want recognition for their achievements but aren’t getting any because there is no way for them to show off their accomplishments other than maybe a title and a finisher. On top of that there really isn’t any hard content in GW2 right now, so there isn’t really much to brag about anyway.
So you managed to beat fractals at lvl 50? Big whoop. Anyone who isn’t senile can do that with a little practice and a proper team-comp.
Oh you managed to get to rank 80 in PvP? Big whoop, anyone who spends enough time in PvP can do that, even people who lose most of their matches.
Oh your server is the number 1 in WvW? Yeah, tell me more about how you outnumbered and outzerged the other servers.
Oh you have a legendary and full set of ascended armor? Good job, I’m sure mindlessly grinding your butt off was hella fun. Or did you use your credit-card?

It is a known fact that GW2 is not a very rewarding game and does not encourage people to try new things or challenge themselves. This would be fine if GW2 was an sandbox MMO, but it isn’t. It’s a themepark MMO, but it doesn’t have any interesting attractions for those who seek a real thrill. Right now GW2 is more like a kindergarten playground, not a proper themepark.

But I digress. Luckily, it does seem like GW2 is taking a step in the right direction with HoT. Challenging raids and exclusive rewards does sound like fun to me. It remains to be seen however how challenging these “challenging raids” really are.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Actually you do. Players with higher skill want recognition for it, I know if you’ve never tried to better yourself you won’t get it, if you are always happy to be mediocre and average, but if you ever try to do that something more in a game, you will understand.

They may want it, but they will never get it. At least not from people like me. Pretty surprised about this argument to be honest.

I am actually the target of good natured puns from my fellow guildies with my heavy ascended armor because it looks a little like the bottom of sexy Flanders in that iron trouser, and up until the introduction of legendary armor this is the best armor available.
I also have any fractal success since ages. You won´t catch me parading this around when new people come in to play a fractal with me. I don´t care if they know about that, and they should not care too.

If people are so easily influencable that you can actually impress them with your shiny fractal back, legendary or similar rare item, I know they have a long way to go and smile at their efforts.

You say that, but I’m 100% certain that subconsciously you definitely do give recognition to people with impressive titles, impressive-looking armors, rare weapons or rare minis.

If you see someone with a full set of fractal weapons and the fractal backpiece, you’ll definitely notice it. You might not think “wow, that player is so good”, but you’ll definitely think “huh, that guy has a ton of fractal skins, he probably plays fractals a lot”.

Of course, nothing in GW2 is actually hard to get, so this (subconscious) sensation of seeing someone with impressive gear is not very present right now in GW2. Which is one of the issues of GW2. Skilled and dedicated players want recognition for their achievements but aren’t getting any because there is no way for them to show off their accomplishments other than maybe a title and a finisher. On top of that there really isn’t any hard content in GW2 right now, so there isn’t really much to brag about anyway.
So you managed to beat fractals at lvl 50? Big whoop. Anyone who isn’t senile can do that with a little practice and a proper team-comp.
Oh you managed to get to rank 80 in PvP? Big whoop, anyone who spends enough time in PvP can do that, even people who lose most of their matches.
Oh your server is the number 1 in WvW? Yeah, tell me more about how you outnumbered and outzerged the other servers.
Oh you have a legendary and full set of ascended armor? Good job, I’m sure mindlessly grinding your butt off was hella fun. Or did you use your credit-card?

It is a known fact that GW2 is not a very rewarding game and does not encourage people to try new things or challenge themselves. This would be fine if GW2 was an sandbox MMO, but it isn’t. It’s a themepark MMO, but it doesn’t have any interesting attractions for those who seek a real thrill. Right now GW2 is more like a kindergarten playground, not a proper themepark.

But I digress. Luckily, it does seem like GW2 is taking a step in the right direction with HoT. Challenging raids and exclusive rewards does sound like fun to me. It remains to be seen however how challenging these “challenging raids” really are.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


That is exactly the point, I most of the time don´t want it, and if I do, I put effort into it. If you already have it, good for you, but why should I recognize you for this instead of recognizing you as a person?

I dispute the claim that every gamer with a certain AP, PvP rank, world rank, fractal level seeks recognition as motivation, or is a lazy bum or a smartypants if he is willing to wait that things get more accessible for him because he does not like the first content it is in. Parading around was maybe a little bit harsh, but if you don´t show your stuff, nobody will recognize it.

I would have had spite for this if I would not take the effort serious you have put in to get your legendary armor by not saying good job in chat or TS. If this already is the type of recognition you mean, then yes, I would recognize you.