Is HoT going to be all vertical?
The answer is without a doubt YES!, They said this in the revial when mentioning that the expanion will have 3 different bioms: tree tops, mid jungle, and the root system underground. It will be much traversing areas up, down, and all around. They’re taking much design concepts from Silverwastes and Dry Top (similar to how each of those are far more improved upon ideals of what Orr should have been).
Oh, that is so depressing. I did not play GW1 for years and years since it’s release, in order to fly. I did not play GW2 since it’s release, in order to fly. The Silver Wastes, is just that, a waste
Well, Heart of Thorns will be substantially prettier than Dry Top and the Silverwastes, so at least it’s not a pile of sand.
The verticality of it seems like it’s semi-optional if you don’t want to go to every nook and cranny. Sure, a glider will be a requisite early on, but endless jumping puzzles everywhere wouldn’t be a good thing for map design or keeping player interest.
So I’d hold off on seeing what it is in practice, before saying “well, vertical = jumping everywhere = major turnoff.”
I just used wait and see. Oh gosh, what is wrong with me.
The Tough Love Critic (
Tack Scylla, Tack, Morina Duathi
There will be much verticality, and that’s what makes a map interesting, since in the same volume you can build so much more content.
Will you need to glide and mushroom hop? surely, but not 24/7
Can’t quite get why people is so scared of verticality, it adds so much dept (and not only literally )
Wat r u, casul?
Don’t despair yet; the map seems huge even with its verticality. It doesn’t look like it will be like Labyrinthine Cliffs in that you have to maneuver through narrow platforms all the time. The new zone seems to be made up of 3 layers and whereas there will be platforms, it also looks like you’ll have plenty of room to move about on these without risk of falling down.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Oh, that is so depressing. I did not play GW1 for years and years since it’s release, in order to fly. I did not play GW2 since it’s release, in order to fly. The Silver Wastes, is just that, a waste
Silverwastes? Don’t you mean Dry Top? Dry Top had the Zypherite jumping abilities. The only jumping really in Silverwastes was the JP.
Can’t quite get why people is so scared of verticality, it adds so much dept (and not only literally
Well some people did have real issues with Dry Top, such as physical disability that made jumping difficult.
Oh, that is so depressing. I did not play GW1 for years and years since it’s release, in order to fly. I did not play GW2 since it’s release, in order to fly. The Silver Wastes, is just that, a waste
Silverwastes? Don’t you mean Dry Top? Dry Top had the Zypherite jumping abilities. The only jumping really in Silverwastes was the JP.
Can’t quite get why people is so scared of verticality, it adds so much dept (and not only literally
Well some people did have real issues with Dry Top, such as physical disability that made jumping difficult.
Don’t want to troll or anything, i’m genuinely curious and naive: how and which disability prevents one from doing jumping puzzles? i mean, can’t really be a coordination issue since for combat and many other stuffs they seems to handle just fine, and JP really are nothing hardcore (sure some of them are crazy, but ain’t mandatory content) and at worst in Dry Top you had to use some jumping booster to navigate around …
Wat r u, casul?
Well it can’t be literally all vertical, as that isn’t how gravity works. There will obviously be flat, level areas, but it seems like it will be more vertical than other maps in the past.
I don’t get your point, Bellabia. So for you, jumping and flying are ok, but verticality is not? What’s the point of jumping and “flying” (Gliding, in this case) if there isn’t a 3dr dimension in the map?
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”