Jumping Puzzles

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I’m sure we can expect some. Probably more than one. I must say, I love all jps that dont have a timed component to it (which basically means I hate skipping stones, winter wonderland, and mad king’s clock tower)

So, with that in mind, I’ve been speculating, what with the deep vertical nature we are expecting from these new maps, what kind of jps we might see. I’m rather excited to see them… as long kitten they aren’t timed lol

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalladi.4652


I find it more likely that any timed aspect of the jumping puzzles will be in relation to the “Adventures” that are possibly associated with them (i.e. completing a certain jumping puzzle as fast as possible).

Although, as previous puzzles do have timed aspects, I won’t hesitate to disregard that they might be a feature of one or two new puzzles in the expansion.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


I’m certainly hoping for more checkpoint systems for any particularly onerous ones.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


If the recent JPs are any indication, the new JPs will span the entire map. At least with Lion’s Arch and Troll’s Revenge, they’ve finally realized consistency of rule is the key to a legitimately challenging jump puzzle.

Don’t get me wrong…. its long, and its evil. But at least it doesn’t force you to double back or restart check points because they wanted to incorporate “trail and error” into the design.

The silver waste JP and badges were an utter exercise in frustration….. because in many places, you couldn’t tell collision properties of an object simply by looking at it. It also forced you to a perspective guessing the placement of objects, forced to you traverse objects that cause you to slide off or hitch due to physics and map geometry, not having clear indication of your traction point, and the trail flowed as smoothly as being stabbed by a bent fork. Not to mention the massive amount of wasted space that is the 75% of the map that was dedicated just to the Jump puzzle route.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diggs.8079


Just for the record, mechanics aside – the Silverwastes JP was the most fun and entertaining. My friends and I laughed so hard at how many deaths and missed jumps occurred throughout the map. The coins in that area were fun as well. I disagree with some in that the JPs and the achievements should be difficult, not necessarily for everyone individually – as they can be difficult and time consuming – but accomplishable by anyone in a team. I hope they make more large area JPs – maybe incorporated with their gliders. Challenging is good. Too much of the game is boring and left behind after youwalk through one time.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: style.6173


Just for the record, mechanics aside – the Silverwastes JP was the most fun and entertaining. My friends and I laughed so hard at how many deaths and missed jumps occurred throughout the map. The coins in that area were fun as well. I disagree with some in that the JPs and the achievements should be difficult, not necessarily for everyone individually – as they can be difficult and time consuming – but accomplishable by anyone in a team. I hope they make more large area JPs – maybe incorporated with their gliders. Challenging is good. Too much of the game is boring and left behind after youwalk through one time.

Interestingly, I do love the jumping puzzles in general, but I hated the Silverwastes one. It was by far my least favorite of any JP to date.

I think the point is that hopefully they have a variety of JP. Timed, untimed, and even silverwastes style are all good.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


Just for the record, mechanics aside – the Silverwastes JP was the most fun and entertaining. My friends and I laughed so hard at how many deaths and missed jumps occurred throughout the map. The coins in that area were fun as well. I disagree with some in that the JPs and the achievements should be difficult, not necessarily for everyone individually – as they can be difficult and time consuming – but accomplishable by anyone in a team. I hope they make more large area JPs – maybe incorporated with their gliders. Challenging is good. Too much of the game is boring and left behind after youwalk through one time.

Your company is what made all the difference. A lot of otherwise dumb, useless, or frustrating situations take a different light when theres an audience involved. Failure leads to mockery, mockery leads to attention, and and the attention usually takes the edge off of failure. But try spending 10 minutes of meticulous focus, only to have your progress wiped out due to a small error, and see if the feeling is still the same.

Thats the reason I made the comparison between Trolls Revenge and Drydock. The mistakes that cause you to fall in Trolls are mostly errors in execution, and possibly calculation. But at no point does it simply pull the rug out from under you….. you knew exactly what you did wrong, and what you should had done instead (more or less how people talk about Dark souls).

But Drydock purposely messes with your head, actively misleads you, and frequently nulls your progress without showing a potential solution. This is the trial and error aspect I was talking about. Everything from platforms too thin, to camera angles interfered with, to repeated use of gradients too steep, to the pure systematic process of elimination you have to go through with the Skritt tunnels, and difficult to reverse side tracks to go after the coins. Its steep punishment for often minor mistakes, and enough leaps of faith to the point where no longer sure if are supposed to jump or not. Much like the mordrem, they stack a number of cheap tricks, which you bang your head against until you eventually find the solution they expected of you… but more often then not, stumbled onto a design flaw thats easier then the intended solution. Thats what I hate about Silverwaste and Drytop’s achievements…. most of them are based on things with intentionally small margins of error, camera obstructions, and maliciously difficult to read terrain.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


I only hope the new JP are many and diverse, and have a decent reward. I love JPs, but until now, every single one have left me with the feeling that my effort wasn’t recognized at all. JP chest are truly crappy, compared with other (way easier) game challenges, like champ farming, boss chests or SW chest train.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

I hope there’s no jumping puzzles (I hate them), but I’m guessing there will be a few.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


I only hope the new JP are many and diverse, and have a decent reward. I love JPs, but until now, every single one have left me with the feeling that my effort wasn’t recognized at all. JP chest are truly crappy, compared with other (way easier) game challenges, like champ farming, boss chests or SW chest train.

Well, they were built in a time before champ bags, world boss trains, and non-static chests. But once Rare gear started dropping like rain, the less then rare drops out of the chests felt very empty.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lord Arhan Warmark.7098

Lord Arhan Warmark.7098

I love JPs… and can’t wait for more!

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Loboling.5293


I hope there’s no jumping puzzles (I hate them), but I’m guessing there will be a few.

That is a little strange to say. Can you really hate them so much you don’t want other players to be able to participate in activities they enjoy, in this instance, jumping puzzles? I mean, I hate mushrooms, but I don’t want people to stop cooking with them, I just don’t want to eat them. If what you mean is that you hate the small semi"jumping puzzles" that lead to some vista or poi, I can understand; however a real jumping puzzle has no impact on other players who do not participate in them.

I’d like to mention that jumping puzzles are a big part of why I bought this game originally. (I couldn’t stand not jumping in gw1) I love them, and hope they have quite a few hidden around the new areas.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


I hope there’s no jumping puzzles (I hate them), but I’m guessing there will be a few.

That is a little strange to say. Can you really hate them so much you don’t want other players to be able to participate in activities they enjoy, in this instance, jumping puzzles? I mean, I hate mushrooms, but I don’t want people to stop cooking with them, I just don’t want to eat them. If what you mean is that you hate the small semi"jumping puzzles" that lead to some vista or poi, I can understand; however a real jumping puzzle has no impact on other players who do not participate in them.

I’d like to mention that jumping puzzles are a big part of why I bought this game originally. (I couldn’t stand not jumping in gw1) I love them, and hope they have quite a few hidden around the new areas.

A better answer would be “push them to make better jump puzzles”. While accessibility is its own discussion entirely, if something genuinely fun to play around with, people will do it. Super Adventure Box being a good example….. To that, the reward skins were ultra icing on top of a cake of awesome, served with a scoop of nostalgia bomb.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

I hope there’s no jumping puzzles (I hate them), but I’m guessing there will be a few.

That is a little strange to say. Can you really hate them so much you don’t want other players to be able to participate in activities they enjoy, in this instance, jumping puzzles? I mean, I hate mushrooms, but I don’t want people to stop cooking with them, I just don’t want to eat them. If what you mean is that you hate the small semi"jumping puzzles" that lead to some vista or poi, I can understand; however a real jumping puzzle has no impact on other players who do not participate in them.

I’d like to mention that jumping puzzles are a big part of why I bought this game originally. (I couldn’t stand not jumping in gw1) I love them, and hope they have quite a few hidden around the new areas.

Not strange, it’s like me saying “I hope there’s no broad beans with dinner I hate them”…………


I don’t really hate them, I like them, broad beans that is.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChasingDreams.3250


This is just my type of thread <3

No but seriously, more JPS like Trolls Revenge, trial and error on your own account, not because the map misleaded you. make them skillbased not time based, this is like with ocarina of time, that game wasn’t hard, the mobs just controlled the battle and made it impossible to take down within a small amount of time, giving you the illusion it is hard, because it takes time.
I want something that challenges your own ability to complete the JPS.

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RaymondFung.2805


I’m sure we can expect some. Probably more than one. I must say, I love all jps that dont have a timed component to it (which basically means I hate skipping stones, winter wonderland, and mad king’s clock tower)

So, with that in mind, I’ve been speculating, what with the deep vertical nature we are expecting from these new maps, what kind of jps we might see. I’m rather excited to see them… as long kitten they aren’t timed lol

Just hope that there is no Jump in main mission. Not all people good at jumping

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I hope there’s no jumping puzzles (I hate them), but I’m guessing there will be a few.

That is a little strange to say. Can you really hate them so much you don’t want other players to be able to participate in activities they enjoy, in this instance, jumping puzzles? I mean, I hate mushrooms, but I don’t want people to stop cooking with them, I just don’t want to eat them. If what you mean is that you hate the small semi"jumping puzzles" that lead to some vista or poi, I can understand; however a real jumping puzzle has no impact on other players who do not participate in them.

I’d like to mention that jumping puzzles are a big part of why I bought this game originally. (I couldn’t stand not jumping in gw1) I love them, and hope they have quite a few hidden around the new areas.

Not strange, it’s like me saying “I hope there’s no broad beans with dinner I hate them”…………


I don’t really hate them, I like them, broad beans that is.

But if others at the table love the broad beans why not just not eat them while being happy other people enjoy them?

Jumping Puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pompeia.5483


I only hope the new JP are many and diverse, and have a decent reward. I love JPs, but until now, every single one have left me with the feeling that my effort wasn’t recognized at all. JP chest are truly crappy, compared with other (way easier) game challenges, like champ farming, boss chests or SW chest train.

The other problem with giving us better loot for them is because of mesmer portals. If they always used checkpoints or somesuch to stop the instant reward by a successful mesmer, perhaps they could give us more than ten achievement points and a standard chest.

Amanda Corsiva – Revenant && Katereyna – Chillomancer
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer