And then you’ll get justified complaints from the Deluxe buyers, who will claim the main reason they paid more was the slot, and they don’t think their mini Rytlock is worth that much now. You could offer them 2 slots, but they could still say they only need one for the new class.
It’s pretty much too late now.
Why would you pay 15$ more for a 10$ characterslot? If you paid that much more for the slot and the junk, anet could just give those people 800 gems. Or just make the option “Base game, Character slot, or 800 gems”
Who says we only need two options?
If the original good ol’ fashioned ArenaNet has taught us anything up until now, its how to take a community of utterly random people and get them to work together to accomplish something in mass that no other pug community could ever accomplish. From world bosses, to Silverwastes, I’ve seen 100+ man groups doing things coordinated naturaly in ways I’ve never thought possible.
Heres the new boss guys, its Arenanet. And if you complete this Dynamic Event, the reward could be everything you wanted from this expansion and so much more.. All we have to do is work together to show arenanet that were not complaining or griping about prices, but fairness and equal oppurtinuity.
So whos with me? Lets see how many pugs can work together on this one..
I vote this is a good idea: 800 Gems, A Character slot, or the base game choice with all packages.
All in favor? Show me the I’s..