Leather tenning/skinning
Would be nice, logical and also would help the years old horrible situation with leather prices. I second that motion.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I like it. But would you leave a corpse that gives an option to skin?
I think that will indeed solve some leather problems. Its just too expensive atm.
One problem though. Animals will spawn indefinitly. Nodes dont. How would you tackle this problem?
Just pop some leather “racks” (like in home instance) or “synthesizers” (like in guild hall) in the villages or homesteads or camps that are scattered around the maps. Then they can be controlled like a regular node.
If you add animals, it would seem some sort of addition tool would be needed, such as “skinning knife” or somesuch, which then adds complexity.
No additional tool would be needed. It’s not needed for the drops we get from random mobs now, so why would it be necessary for leather drops?
As an example: you kill a drake and get a vial of blood from it. It’s not as if that vial drops out of the mob’s body nice and shiny the moment you kill it. You’d have to drain it and carry the vials with you. But that would make the game too enmeshed into real life details. We just get the drop, period (I’m not even going to argue the drops of weapons and armor, for which you would have to cut open a mob and empty its digestive tract to find these items).
No, leather can just drop from certain mobs without any sort of additional tool needed. DeanBB’s node suggestion would also work fine. WvW already uses that system, so why not PvE?