Mastery System Concerns.

Mastery System Concerns.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Morsus.5106


1. That would be unfair for those that bought the expansion, since non-expansion players would have more SP sources, this is kind of a no-win scenario, it will be unfair either way.
2.Each of those examples were self-contained stories, with a resolution that are, though, part of a greater whole. We had no real ending on the second season. Season one ended with the death of the main antagonist for that part, and at least some resolution. On this one we ended with only questions. We didn’t stop any threat, we didn’t get the egg, we don’t know where Caithe is, we really don’t know what happened to Logan, Treherne, etc. There’s no ending there, only a cliffhanger. Which is why it bothers me. If the ending had been Season 1’s, then wouldn’t feel as bad, since Scarlet was dead, sure LA was in Ruins and we “heard the dragon” but that would simply be the link for the new story, the “Scarlet Arc” was done with. Here you’re just having a carrot dangled in front of you.
3. I could just about list a couple dozen MMOs where you don’t purchase new content. But will i bother? No.

1. I’ll concede this. Either way, there will be a change that is slightly negative towards one player base. It’s not really a big deal though.
2. A good cliffhanger has no resolution. That is the definition of a cliffhanger. Just because a story ends in a cliffhanger does not entitle you to the next part for free.
3. And I could list a couple dozen MMOs where you do purchase the new content. (But will I bother? No.) ArenaNet never said players who bought the base game would get all of the future expansions for free. Don’t act like anyone is being ripped off, because they aren’t. Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have a sub-fee, so to expect all future content to be free of charge is very naive.

Mastery System Concerns.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Genesis.8572


Its not really a raised level cap, in the sense that you don’t really have to reaquire gear and whatnot. You will get some stuff you would from a raised level cap, new skills and profession mechanics (via specializations) and more progress and objectives via the masteries. Its actually a very elegant solution to the stagnation in character progress many people have complained about in GW2 (i’ve had friends that played 2 months, got to 80 full exotics, and quit, because they were used to having stuff like gear grind and whatnot to fuel their gaming motivation).
Now lets hope that the new AI efforts, coupled with the masteries and the new opponent mechanics deals with the other problem. Game being too easy with everyone just facerolling Zerker gear in PVE.

Not complaining. Just noting that it serves a similar function.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

Mastery System Concerns.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Well, end-level content isn’t limited to HoT, is it?

Actually, some things suggest that it may be. It seems that the new endgame will evolve around masteries somehow, and those seem to be locked for HoT owners exclusively. There are certainly going to be fractal masteries, that seem to be a basis for opening either some new fractals, or deeper levels (as well as better rewards).

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Mastery System Concerns.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lalocat.6793


That is a very interesting point… The fact that you will no long get Skill Points for leveling after 80 will probably make some people not want to buy the expansion for a while.

What? Why? I was really really excited when I read that they were going to replace the xp bar with a mastery bar. I’m still really excited. So gaining xp is no longer going to be a pointless incidental thing that happens while playing the game… I can’t wait.

Just for this thread I logged in on each of my characters so I could add up my unused skillpoints. As of right now, I have 2310 skillpoints across all characters, and an additional 1236 in scrolls. 3546 skillpoints on my account right now. What the ffff am I going to do with 3546 skillpoints? I looked into converting them to gold of course but it’s very tedious. The only recipes worth anything are slow moving (risky) high end items, or upgrading low end crafting materials at 1/10 of a skillpoint per forge. Yuck. No. I’d rather do pretty much anything else. I made four legendaries and 3 sets of ascended armor and many ascended weapons and unlocked every skill on 8 characters and I still have 3546 skill points left over. It’s a little excessive. Just a little!

One thing I wonder is if the mastery points will be retroactive, so if you already did map completion before the expansion will you have to do it again to unlock that point? What about personal story? Jumping puzzles? With what was said in the presentation about having old and new players on equal footing it doesn’t seem like they will want to dump a huge load of mastery points on everyone who has completed large chunks of the game… plus it would mean less to do for experienced players.

Mastery System Concerns.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


That is a very interesting point… The fact that you will no long get Skill Points for leveling after 80 will probably make some people not want to buy the expansion for a while.

What? Why? I was really really excited when I read that they were going to replace the xp bar with a mastery bar. I’m still really excited. So gaining xp is no longer going to be a pointless incidental thing that happens while playing the game… I can’t wait.

Just for this thread I logged in on each of my characters so I could add up my unused skillpoints. As of right now, I have 2310 skillpoints across all characters, and an additional 1236 in scrolls. 3546 skillpoints on my account right now. What the ffff am I going to do with 3546 skillpoints? I looked into converting them to gold of course but it’s very tedious. The only recipes worth anything are slow moving (risky) high end items, or upgrading low end crafting materials at 1/10 of a skillpoint per forge. Yuck. No. I’d rather do pretty much anything else. I made four legendaries and 3 sets of ascended armor and many ascended weapons and unlocked every skill on 8 characters and I still have 3546 skill points left over. It’s a little excessive. Just a little!

One thing I wonder is if the mastery points will be retroactive, so if you already did map completion before the expansion will you have to do it again to unlock that point? What about personal story? Jumping puzzles? With what was said in the presentation about having old and new players on equal footing it doesn’t seem like they will want to dump a huge load of mastery points on everyone who has completed large chunks of the game… plus it would mean less to do for experienced players.

I really hope you don’t think that your situation is the average situation…

Anyway, what I think will happen is this: people that don’t have HoT, will have either an empty bar that won’t fill up or it will fill up but the reward from a full one won’t be usable (but I think the first will happen).

And all across the game, be it core or update maps, there will be alternative ways of getting skill points, available to everybody who can reach that content.

Mastery System Concerns.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

One thing I wonder is if the mastery points will be retroactive, so if you already did map completion before the expansion will you have to do it again to unlock that point? What about personal story? Jumping puzzles? With what was said in the presentation about having old and new players on equal footing it doesn’t seem like they will want to dump a huge load of mastery points on everyone who has completed large chunks of the game… plus it would mean less to do for experienced players.

They are retroactive. This was rather explicit in the blog post on Masteries. If they weren’t retroactive, this would actually be a case where the new players would have the advantage, as they still had to do that stuff anyway instead of (likely) needing to create a brand new character and repeating all the content they already accomplished, or not get them at all in the case of non-repeatable achievements!

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Mastery System Concerns.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


What really worries me is a small throwaway line in “Fractal masteries” description about unlocking “more powerful infusions”.
I thought we weren’t supposed to get any gear creep…

They always said there would be more infusions for the Fractals, from the very beginning. That one single piece of content was designed for people who want to grind.

The game is supposed to be play the way you want. That’s for people who want gear progression to play the way they want.

Everyone else can run the existing low level fractals up to about 40 without worrying about it.

Mastery System Concerns.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


What really worries me is a small throwaway line in “Fractal masteries” description about unlocking “more powerful infusions”.
I thought we weren’t supposed to get any gear creep…

They always said there would be more infusions for the Fractals, from the very beginning. That one single piece of content was designed for people who want to grind.

The game is supposed to be play the way you want. That’s for people who want gear progression to play the way they want.

Everyone else can run the existing low level fractals up to about 40 without worrying about it.

You are assuming they are talking about higher +ar infusions only?
I still remember those +11 stat infusions that leaked on screens from the testing server.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November