Mentor Fake Tag

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kaz.5430


In PvE, a commander tag basically means “here is the zerg” and all it really needs to do is attract additional people when they look at the map. If mentor tags are doing the same thing of attracting the zerg rather than attracting newbies, then they are failing.

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Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


And who says mentors can’t be mentors in level 80 zones?

I’d say, if you’ve got a mentor tag up in any zone, you’re asking to be asked for help with hero challenges or events. So start bugging those with mentor tags for help with events and hero challenges. Make them realize that the mentor tag isn’t the poor man’s commander’s tag.

Dude thats the problem here. They dont use Mentor Tags for helping new players. They are using them as hurr “Free Commandership” durr.

But you don’t know that, right? For all you know, they’re a legit mentor. So treat them as such.

Okay i ll give it to you in simpler words

Commander Tag Commanding
Mentor Tag Mentoring

Simple as that

You’re not getting what I’m saying.

If you see someone with a mentor tag up. Treat them like a mentor. Don’t let them turn it into the poor man’s commander tag.

If you see a mentor trying to be a commander when there’s an active commander there, remind others that he’s just a mentor and not a commander and to follow the actual commander. Or ask that he swap to an actual commander tag if he’s going to command.

And for all you know, the mentor is an actual commander and he’s just forgotten to switch to his actual commander tag when he came over to the level 80 zone from a starter zone where he was being a mentor.

Too good to be true. And i actually whispered a mentor to give up his Mentor Tag and to let an actual Commander to do the job and he replied with a rude no. As i was trying to take him a privilege or something.

Any more rude than a second commander who tries to be a commander when there aren’t enough players to warrant a second commander and doesn’t step down when the commander that was there first and getting the map organized asks him politely to do so?

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ranael.6423



Yes, by the time you are 80 you should not need a mentor. It is not uncommon to run into 80s who know less than someone who just joined though.

Sure everything exists. What I meant is the level 80 maps (not all but a lot) have a map size objective which requires organization, which is normally a job for a comm. In the game we also spend a lot of time in sub 80 zones, where I don’t think apples are a problem.

At least I would like an option on the mini map to hide the mentors (and sometimes comm too ) because it for me too confusing when too many people can be mentor on one map.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


I do think that mentor tags shouldn’t be bigger than commander tags or at least show up as smaller on say any zone designed for level 40 and above and in cities. You aren’t in combat in cities so quick finding of a mentor is not critical.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


-sigh- get a mentor tag then

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Menadena.7482


And who says mentors can’t be mentors in level 80 zones?

I’d say, if you’ve got a mentor tag up in any zone, you’re asking to be asked for help with hero challenges or events. So start bugging those with mentor tags for help with events and hero challenges. Make them realize that the mentor tag isn’t the poor man’s commander’s tag.

Dude thats the problem here. They dont use Mentor Tags for helping new players. They are using them as hurr “Free Commandership” durr.

But you don’t know that, right? For all you know, they’re a legit mentor. So treat them as such.

Okay i ll give it to you in simpler words

Commander Tag Commanding
Mentor Tag Mentoring

Simple as that

You’re not getting what I’m saying.

If you see someone with a mentor tag up. Treat them like a mentor. Don’t let them turn it into the poor man’s commander tag.

If you see a mentor trying to be a commander when there’s an active commander there, remind others that he’s just a mentor and not a commander and to follow the actual commander. Or ask that he swap to an actual commander tag if he’s going to command.

And for all you know, the mentor is an actual commander and he’s just forgotten to switch to his actual commander tag when he came over to the level 80 zone from a starter zone where he was being a mentor.

Too good to be true. And i actually whispered a mentor to give up his Mentor Tag and to let an actual Commander to do the job and he replied with a rude no. As i was trying to take him a privilege or something.

and what makes you think your commander tag trumps his mentor tag? And what makes you think you are entitled to take over from what that mentor was doing?

Shame on you.

Neither trumps the other, that is the point. If a situation calls for a commander it needs a commander. If a situation calls for a mentor it needs a mentor.

I am struggling to think of where both would be appropriate in the same scenario with the same people.

For example, when showing new people where a low-level boss is a mentor tag would fit the bill. During the fight itself it would not (usually it would be no tag unless you are organizing something, 4 or 5 commander tags at the jungle wurm is just a bunch of people who are a bit too insecure).

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


And who says mentors can’t be mentors in level 80 zones?

I’d say, if you’ve got a mentor tag up in any zone, you’re asking to be asked for help with hero challenges or events. So start bugging those with mentor tags for help with events and hero challenges. Make them realize that the mentor tag isn’t the poor man’s commander’s tag.

Dude thats the problem here. They dont use Mentor Tags for helping new players. They are using them as hurr “Free Commandership” durr.

But you don’t know that, right? For all you know, they’re a legit mentor. So treat them as such.

Okay i ll give it to you in simpler words

Commander Tag Commanding
Mentor Tag Mentoring

Simple as that

You’re not getting what I’m saying.

If you see someone with a mentor tag up. Treat them like a mentor. Don’t let them turn it into the poor man’s commander tag.

If you see a mentor trying to be a commander when there’s an active commander there, remind others that he’s just a mentor and not a commander and to follow the actual commander. Or ask that he swap to an actual commander tag if he’s going to command.

And for all you know, the mentor is an actual commander and he’s just forgotten to switch to his actual commander tag when he came over to the level 80 zone from a starter zone where he was being a mentor.

Too good to be true. And i actually whispered a mentor to give up his Mentor Tag and to let an actual Commander to do the job and he replied with a rude no. As i was trying to take him a privilege or something.

and what makes you think your commander tag trumps his mentor tag? And what makes you think you are entitled to take over from what that mentor was doing?

Shame on you.

Neither trumps the other, that is the point. If a situation calls for a commander it needs a commander. If a situation calls for a mentor it needs a mentor.

I am struggling to think of where both would be appropriate in the same scenario with the same people.

For example, when showing new people where a low-level boss is a mentor tag would fit the bill. During the fight itself it would not (usually it would be no tag unless you are organizing something, 4 or 5 commander tags at the jungle wurm is just a bunch of people who are a bit too insecure).

But the mentor would likely remained tagged up so that his mentees can easily find him should they need to.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Leodon.1564


In PvE, a commander tag basically means “here is the zerg” and all it really needs to do is attract additional people when they look at the map. If mentor tags are doing the same thing of attracting the zerg rather than attracting newbies, then they are failing.

Commander tags were pretty much just this for me (i.e., go here for zerg). Before I knew what a mentor tag was, I thought it was some new version of a commander tag and followed mentors around in Lab. Mentor tags pretty much serve the same function as a commander tag right now which I don’t think it should as its too easy to get a mentor tag.

Faye Oren – Mesmer
Lee Oren – Ranger
Eve Oren – Revenant

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kill.3458


OK what the kitten are you guys complaining about, I led a Cursed Shore train for several hours with a mentor tag equipped, I organized a Verdant Brink map with a mentor tag equipped, heck I organized a last min Teq run with one equipped.

Wanna know what happened? The train went fine and I was thanked for leading, the Verdant Brink map I was on almost hit T3 night defense I was thanked for organizing, and the Teq despite last minute planning went without a hitch.

The problem IS NOT the mentor tags but how they are used, there was a time when CM tags were solely used to show off that a person managed to save 100G and buy it at the time. So please stop with this bullkitten “Mentor tags are for mentoring (what exactly do you mean?) Commander tags are for commanding”.

Do note when I did all this I had a CM tag readily available for use, just enjoy the the unique ‘Mentor’ status I gain in map chat, makes me stand out a bit more.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Leodon.1564


OK what the kitten are you guys complaining about, I led a Cursed Shore train for several hours with a mentor tag equipped, I organized a Verdant Brink map with a mentor tag equipped, heck I organized a last min Teq run with one equipped.

Wanna know what happened? The train went fine and I was thanked for leading, the Verdant Brink map I was on almost hit T3 night defense I was thanked for organizing, and the Teq despite last minute planning went without a hitch.

The problem IS NOT the mentor tags but how they are used, there was a time when CM tags were solely used to show off that a person managed to save 100G and buy it at the time. So please stop with this bullkitten “Mentor tags are for mentoring (what exactly do you mean?) Commander tags are for commanding”.

Do note when I did all this I had a CM tag readily available for use, just enjoy the the unique ‘Mentor’ status I gain in map chat, makes me stand out a bit more.

You are missing the big picture which is what happens in a few weeks when nearly everyone has access to a mentor tag. Mentor/commander tags work when there are a few visible on the map. If the whole map is filled with mentor tags, you defeated the purpose of creating a commander tag.

Faye Oren – Mesmer
Lee Oren – Ranger
Eve Oren – Revenant

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kill.3458


OK what the kitten are you guys complaining about, I led a Cursed Shore train for several hours with a mentor tag equipped, I organized a Verdant Brink map with a mentor tag equipped, heck I organized a last min Teq run with one equipped.

Wanna know what happened? The train went fine and I was thanked for leading, the Verdant Brink map I was on almost hit T3 night defense I was thanked for organizing, and the Teq despite last minute planning went without a hitch.

The problem IS NOT the mentor tags but how they are used, there was a time when CM tags were solely used to show off that a person managed to save 100G and buy it at the time. So please stop with this bullkitten “Mentor tags are for mentoring (what exactly do you mean?) Commander tags are for commanding”.

Do note when I did all this I had a CM tag readily available for use, just enjoy the the unique ‘Mentor’ status I gain in map chat, makes me stand out a bit more.

You are missing the big picture which is what happens in a few weeks when nearly everyone has access to a mentor tag. Mentor/commander tags work when there are a few visible on the map. If the whole map is filled with mentor tags, you defeated the purpose of creating a commander tag.

As I said I’m my post, similar to how in the past CM’s would tag up just to show off and not really to organize anything (was a nightmare in old LA and Orr at the time), the shiny shiny effect will inevitably wear off with the mentor tags. Will it take longer? That’s debatable, most people are only doing the pack commander track to get the autoloot feature, and I’m sure a sizable portion of the population is mature enough to use it responsibly.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chasind.3128


People with commander tags actually harass me when I have my mentor tag, I get instant blocked upon entering a map having mentor tag on, I’ve been told I’ll get kitten d & calling me sexist names. I’ve reported those people but COMON IT’S JUST A GAME.

When commanders are only leading HP farming ina map I’m trying to get events going to Tier 4 hoping for a bladed armor box, Yes I use my tag & get crap for it. Sorry, I actually like loot when I don’t need Hero points anymore. QQ on.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Leodon.1564


People with commander tags actually harass me when I have my mentor tag, I get instant blocked upon entering a map having mentor tag on, I’ve been told I’ll get kitten d & calling me sexist names. I’ve reported those people but COMON IT’S JUST A GAME.

When commanders are only leading HP farming ina map I’m trying to get events going to Tier 4 hoping for a bladed armor box, Yes I use my tag & get crap for it. Sorry, I actually like loot when I don’t need Hero points anymore. QQ on.

There is no way intuitively to tell the difference between a commander tag and a mentor tag. For mentors, you also don’t know if they are trying to “mentor” others or are just using the tag to draw others. There just needs to be a way for people to distinguish among these.

Faye Oren – Mesmer
Lee Oren – Ranger
Eve Oren – Revenant

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chasind.3128


People with commander tags actually harass me when I have my mentor tag, I get instant blocked upon entering a map having mentor tag on, I’ve been told I’ll get kitten d & calling me sexist names. I’ve reported those people but COMON IT’S JUST A GAME.

When commanders are only leading HP farming ina map I’m trying to get events going to Tier 4 hoping for a bladed armor box, Yes I use my tag & get crap for it. Sorry, I actually like loot when I don’t need Hero points anymore. QQ on.

There is no way intuitively to tell the difference between a commander tag and a mentor tag. For mentors, you also don’t know if they are trying to “mentor” others or are just using the tag to draw others. There just needs to be a way for people to distinguish among these.

Same with commanders, some use it to draw in people. There are still bad commanders who command – there are mentors who want to feel like a special snowflake – how do you tell the difference between a bad mentor & a bad commander? you don’t. There is nothing to distinguish them aside from their icon.

I’d hoped that all mentors are actually mentoring, getting things done, same with commanders by leading.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

The biggest problem seems to be with people that bought their 300 g commander tag suddenly getting in a snit because someone else can have a picture over their heads and on the map, too.

Also, it’s stupid to assume because there are both tags on a map that the two are somehow competing.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Commander tags are bought with gold, mentor tags are obtained through simple xp.
None of them guarantee the user is of any value to the rest. There isn’t any prestige or qualification in them: the whole system is sustained by mere consensus and a bit of decency.

It worked with the commander tag, and it will work with the mentor tag too, specially when the tags became as common as the commander ones (Wich will happen in a very short time, really).

People will go back to see commander tagged people as “Those who are trying to organize things” and understand the new apple thingie indicates people “Open to answer questions about the game”.

Both will still be potentially capable of being jerks.

Personally, I think Anet should refund the gold people paid for the commander tag, and put the tag at the end of the new Pact Commander mastery line. Then commanders would be seen as people that have worked to get the tag.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Herschie.6380


The way I see it, a Commander Tag is easier to acquire than a Mentor Tag. The 300g + 250 Badges is not that hard to get if you buy your gold with gems. You can technically have complete noobs running around in commander tags.

On the other hand, Mentor Tag is a mastery and masteries are for only level 80 characters. You would have to grind to level 80 if you’re new to the game. Then you have to unlock the mastery after that even.

You could make the argument a new player can buy the gold to craft to level 80 (which may or may not be cheaper than buying 300g). That would skip the 1-80 grind. But that seems highly doubtful because why would a new player want to skip all of the PvE and story content of a game they just bought?

Midian Wright [Guardian]
Ferguson’s Crossing

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bekkr.6192


This thread is hilarious. Please continue.

The problem with the youth of today is that one is no longer part of it.
-Salvador Dali

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gynok.1756


Commander tag is for WvW
Mentor tag is for PvE

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jasper Defthand.3018

Jasper Defthand.3018

My one problem with the mentor tag is that its everywhere. I was trying to organize groups on a teq map and get 1 tag on each sub event. Before i knew it we have 12 tags on the map, my own cammander tag and 3 others and then the 8 apples clustering my minimap. I asked them to tag down so as not to confuse people and i get responses like “make me, bite me, haha kitten no”. Needless to say that map actually failed tequatl… East went down cuz it was understaffed and those who were there left before 20 secs…. The bottom line here is rather than having people actually using these tags as intended we have little kids with their special snowflake tag they got for free and abusing it. I honsestly believe anet made a mistake with this. I get the intention behind it it and its good initiative in theory for the community if guild wars had a good community. However lets be honest, we don’t have a very good community at large, just look at our forums… This mentor tag is just another tool the inexperienced or toxic can use to work in detrimate to the efforts of those trying to organize have a good time.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linfang.1087


What I don’t understand with the Mentor tag is that you can activate it in lvl 80 zones. This is supposed to be used for mentoring new players so in should be in lower level zones, ok not necessarily only in starting areas but after level 70 they shouldn’t be used anymore. And also having a limit on the number of tag per maps could be a nice idea b/c in some maps every player is mentoring… but the question is : is there still anybody w/o the tag to be mentored?


Yes, by the time you are 80 you should not need a mentor. It is not uncommon to run into 80s who know less than someone who just joined though.

Both of you are incorrect. Being level 80 does not instantly enlighten you with clear knowledge every event meta, hero point, mastery point, adventure, jumping puzzle, boss in game.

I seen someone turn on mentor to form a group in Auric Basin to do a few Hero points. They also helped in the Meta event on that map. However the tag on someone being a kitten gives the mentor tag a bad rep.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taltevus.3289


I think the Mentor Tags are a good idea. Commanders need to chill out with that ego.
However I think a Mentor Tag should be permitted to those who complete ALL of the mastery levels. At which point THEN a Mentor tag shall be permitted.

While obviously, mentors don’t need to know everything but I doubt a new player wants to go to five mentors to get one answer about something they have not done because that Tag is given on the first Mastery point. HOWEVER, I can see this function in ArenaNets place.

See the attitude here of Commanders. Do you really want new players running into them? Also I think that might be why that tag is on the Core game side. There must’ve been or they are expecting a surge of new players on the core game side…which they should because unless you have a level 80 character. Thee is absolutely 0 reason to even step foot in any of the Heart of thorns maps.

I think this is also why they forced it bundled. I played Gw2 back 2012…when leveling was hella easy. You couldn’t pay me to level a character appropriately now.

So in this sense I could see why they would have them but, I have yet to see this surge of new players.

Also I completely agree: Commander Tags are for WvW Mentor Tags are for PvE

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Menadena.7482


The biggest problem seems to be with people that bought their 300 g commander tag suddenly getting in a snit because someone else can have a picture over their heads and on the map, too.

Also, it’s stupid to assume because there are both tags on a map that the two are somehow competing.

I bought my commander tag for 300 a few months before the mentor tags were announced, originally ONLY for mentoring but now I use it for organizing in PVE as well. Those of us who mentor had been asking for a mentor tag for AGES. If anyone should be in a snit it would be me. Am I? No. I would be demanding a refund if they made them WVW-only though as that is not what I bought.

I get upset when I see all of these mentor tags on a map (yes, there are a lot out there, do a low level boss sometime) and I will take a wild stab in the dark that most of them are not mentoring people while everyone is zerging in a small area where you can not find a specific person anyway.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


you guys need to grab a cup of chocolate sip and sit down and think about your overractions

commander tags have way more functionality over mentor wich just shows up on map

the one thing i will give commander over mentor is that the mentor tag is more flashy

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avster.1935


Currently it’s on “trololol” mode, and yes it’s annoying. I’ve seen almost everyone pop their little mentor tag during Teq, when most of them don’t even know what to do. Absolutely useless.

Give it time, it will lose it’s appeal.

Evelyn Whitehawk | Exalted Legend | Demons’s Demise | I Transmuted My Legendary Medium Coat

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: finniganz.1402


I don’t know if this has been said before, but could they make it to where the mentor tag only shows up on the map if your in a party with them? I figure if you are mentoring someone, you are probably in a small group showing them how to do something.

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I’m okay with mentor tags… I just wish I could get a refund on my commander tag :P if I knew about mentor tags back whenever the heck I bought my tag (it’s been a while) I would have saved the money for like… bragging about how much money I had, or something. The mentor tags basically fills the purpose I was getting from the commander tag (helping new people, organizing events, and pointing out areas on the map)

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


the real reasons people are upset… because mentor tags also have that apple on top of their head. commander gets nothing.

The BG Super Munster!

Mentor Fake Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ikereid.4637


the real reasons people are upset… because mentor tags also have that apple on top of their head. commander gets nothing.

It has to be.

why else would anyone care?

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