Mystic Coins 1 gold each

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Tanner Blackfeather.6509

They are used to create Mystic Clovers, which are needed for all legendaries. They are also used in a bunch of other stuff, including various unique skinned exotic items in the MF such as the Mystic weapons (needed for the Specialization Collections), and right now people want them for Winter’s Presence.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I’ve never used any of my mystic coins since beta…. so what do folks need them for? They aren’t used in first gen legendaries… but show up in the mystic tribute…. what else are they good for?

Its faster and easier to just use MC to forge clovers than completing reward tracks and waiting for chest of loyalty each month to get your clovers, so that’s a big use. GH upgrades need quite a bit of MC. Nightfury and Winter’s presence skins require MC, and another ~90 non legendary skins require the use of MC to craft, including some that are just part of a collection

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


I’ve never used any of my mystic coins since beta…. so what do folks need them for? They aren’t used in first gen legendaries… but show up in the mystic tribute…. what else are they good for?

Its faster and easier to just use MC to forge clovers than completing reward tracks and waiting for chest of loyalty each month to get your clovers, so that’s a big use. GH upgrades need quite a bit of MC. Nightfury and Winter’s presence skins require MC, and another ~90 non legendary skins require the use of MC to craft, including some that are just part of a collection

So what you are saying that for Legendaries it is solely a convenience factor to complete the Legendary faster and not a need in regards to Mystic Clovers and Coins, since you can get Mystic Clovers 100% without using Mystic Coins and can save the Mystic Coins for other Uses, more so if you are crafting a 1st Gen Legendary.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I’ve never used any of my mystic coins since beta…. so what do folks need them for? They aren’t used in first gen legendaries… but show up in the mystic tribute…. what else are they good for?

Its faster and easier to just use MC to forge clovers than completing reward tracks and waiting for chest of loyalty each month to get your clovers, so that’s a big use. GH upgrades need quite a bit of MC. Nightfury and Winter’s presence skins require MC, and another ~90 non legendary skins require the use of MC to craft, including some that are just part of a collection

So what you are saying that for Legendaries it is solely a convenience factor to complete the Legendary faster and not a need in regards to Mystic Clovers and Coins, since you can get Mystic Clovers 100% without using Mystic Coins and can save the Mystic Coins for other Uses, more so if you are crafting a 1st Gen Legendary.

I was explaining what the uses of mystic coins are. PvP and WvW have direct ways to generate clovers through their reward tracks. The equivalent PvE option is to forge them using MC. Its not “convenience”, its choosing to primarily play PvE instead of the other game modes. Don’t try to twist this into something else.

Beyond that, this doesn’t account for any of the ~90 non legendary skins that require MC as a component, nor for the HoT legendary weapons, nor for legendary armor.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Beyond that, this doesn’t account for any of the ~90 non legendary skins that require MC as a component, nor for the HoT legendary weapons, nor for legendary armor.

None of those skins are “required” — they are all optional shinies. I don’t see any reason they need to be “affordable”. (The mystic weapons are only required by the Treasure Hunter Collection, a pipe dream for the majority of players even as some of its items have decreased in price, some have increased.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Beyond that, this doesn’t account for any of the ~90 non legendary skins that require MC as a component, nor for the HoT legendary weapons, nor for legendary armor.

None of those skins are “required” — they are all optional shinies.

We’ve been through that already… Nothing is “required” in this game, including playing it. It’s not an argument. Especially, since the “not-required” things are not a sideshow for the game, but one of the major endgame parts (basically, in GW2, you almost never play for anything that is “required”)

(The mystic weapons are only required by the Treasure Hunter Collection, a pipe dream for the majority of players even as some of its items have decreased in price, some have increased.)

Check again, because you are wrong here. It’s not only Treasure Hunter.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

(The mystic weapons are only required by the Treasure Hunter Collection, a pipe dream for the majority of players even as some of its items have decreased in price, some have increased.)

Seven of them are also required for the elite spec weapon collections.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Beyond that, this doesn’t account for any of the ~90 non legendary skins that require MC as a component, nor for the HoT legendary weapons, nor for legendary armor.

None of those skins are “required” — they are all optional shinies.

We’ve been through that already… Nothing is “required” in this game, including playing it. It’s not an argument. Especially, since the “not-required” things are not a sideshow for the game, but one of the major endgame parts (basically, in GW2, you almost never play for anything that is “required”)

You’re right, we’ve gone through it before because it’s a viable argument. There are plenty of ways to enjoy the game without getting every skin — the high cost of mystic coins doesn’t prevent playing; it only forces people to make different choices about dressing up their characters (exception noted below).

I don’t see any problem with people having to choose among the vast array of potential skins. I’ve never presumed that I’ll be able to afford all the skins I like. I do my best to limit my own spending on little things so that I have enough to get more bigger things.

(The mystic weapons are only required by the Treasure Hunter Collection, a pipe dream for the majority of players even as some of its items have decreased in price, some have increased.)

Seven of them are also required for the elite spec weapon collections.

Ah, good point. I made the mistake of checking only Axe and Dagger, which don’t have associated elite specs.

Again, I don’t have anything against ANet adding a new source for mystic coins or reviewing some of the current uses (in particular: group food recipes, mystic weapons, and some promotion recipes). All the same, I don’t see any reason that this is an urgent problem: everyone is still able to buy all the coins they want when they want.

These are a ‘currency’ used only for premium skins; I think it’s fine that they have a premium cost.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Greener.6204


Again, I don’t have anything against ANet adding a new source for mystic coins or reviewing some of the current uses (in particular: group food recipes, mystic weapons, and some promotion recipes). All the same, I don’t see any reason that this is an urgent problem: everyone is still able to buy all the coins they want when they want.

These are a ‘currency’ used only for premium skins; I think it’s fine that they have a premium cost.

The volume of coins on the market yesterday hit 30k, which is where it was at the beginning of the month before the release. At this point, we’re no longer in the thousands of coins having been bought/sold this season, we’re into the millions, and the market is quite content to price them between 80s and 1g. It’s not Anet controlling the prices any more; it’s buyers and sellers agreeing that these prices are acceptable.

Maybe once a lot more of the mystic coin supply in players’ banks has been burnt off, Anet can look again at the faucets and sinks for these items, but adding more sources to a system where supply has traditionally been greater than demand seems like a great way to ruin a stabilizing market.


Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I know of players with over 100 stacks of Mystic Coins. The key here isn’t increasing output. It’s to encourage hoarders to unload to the market. I’m not sure that can be done without using unethical means.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I know of players with over 100 stacks of Mystic Coins. The key here isn’t increasing output. It’s to encourage hoarders to unload to the market. I’m not sure that can be done without using unethical means.

Not that I’m necessarily advocating this approach. But Anet could flood the market and cause hoarders to dump out of fear of losing out on their investment. I don’t see this action as being any more unethical than hoarding tens of thousands of MC to make gold off of other players.

Outside of increasing supply or drastically reducing demand though, there isn’t much that ANet can do to encourage players to dump their hoards onto the market.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: icy.9250


I agree with most of this and I might have a solution.
— new raid coming
-- not enough Giants in the game
— Mystic coins are expensive and don’t have much of a drop source

Solution: new raid wing should be filled with Giants who kitten out Mystic coins!

ty ty

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Not that I’m necessarily advocating this approach. But Anet could flood the market and cause hoarders to dump out of fear of losing out on their investment. I don’t see this action as being any more unethical than hoarding tens of thousands of MC to make gold off of other players.

Outside of increasing supply or drastically reducing demand though, there isn’t much that ANet can do to encourage players to dump their hoards onto the market.

Actually, when I talk about unethical methods, it would be something like leaking false information that causes a panic sell. I’m certain John would never allow this to happen, but that’s the only way I can think of that would release the death grip hoarders have on their MC stacks.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It wouldn’t have to be false, you know. Any hint that Anet is going to address the problem would make the hoarders sell.
Now, it would have no impact on those that hoard them for non-tp related reasons. And i’m not sure which group is greater (well, to be more specific, which group’s amount of MC’s held is greater).

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I can’t think of any reason why someone would hold onto 20k MCs other than for their value on the TP. Perhaps the non-TP players would hold a couple thousand max.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I just wanted to talk again about manipulation of the TP.

I have a guild mate who bought flawless snowflakes at 80 copper before the event.

They got as high as 1silver and 82 copper i think.

Well at one point the snow flakes got to 1s 53c and they look like it would sit here.

Well another guild chat decided to raise the price of them so about 5-6 people from this other guild bought X amount of snow flakes so quick sell was now at 1s 46c and the set rate was around 1s 88c.

Ill say again im fine with mystic coins being some what expensive. But my goodness 1 gold seems like alot when Anet keeps throwing it at every new thing coming out.

I decided to save up my mystic coins and just make it in the coming months. Im not gonna spend 138gold to make a shoulder pc.

I mean PvP for the first time is actually making me money. So i am gonna get some other things done.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Prices are up because supply is low and the demand is the same.

As mentioned, most people didn’t really use them for anything, so after accumulating a lot and maybe finding an item they really wanted, they’d sell a bunch.

The problem is the fact that the number of coins entering the game has dropped because the number of people playing – and selling – has also drastically dropped.

You may say it’s because people have been hoarding them because of the price rises, but quite frankly, there are so many people out there who need/want the cash and don’t use the coins that the stock shouldn’t be changing at all.

Guild halls set the hurdle high and they consumed tons of them. People didn’t stay to keep stocks replenishing, though. It’s the same with charged crystals/ambrite; they were absolutely dirt cheap when people farmed the SW.

The way I see it, the Mystic Coin fiasco is the most telling way economically how rapidly the active playing population has plummeted since the expansion.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Greener.6204


I just wanted to talk again about manipulation of the TP.

I have a guild mate who bought flawless snowflakes at 80 copper before the event.

They got as high as 1silver and 82 copper i think.

Well at one point the snow flakes got to 1s 53c and they look like it would sit here.

Well another guild chat decided to raise the price of them so about 5-6 people from this other guild bought X amount of snow flakes so quick sell was now at 1s 46c and the set rate was around 1s 88c.

That’s not manipulation, that’s people deciding if it’s cheaper to buy 32 tiny snowflakes or 1 flawless snowflake.

(32 × 2c)/0.85 = 75c (the 80c mark you mentioned)
(32 × 3c)/0.85 = 113c
(32 × 4c)/0.85 = 151c (the 153c mark)
(32 × 5c)/0.85 = 188c (the 188c mark)


Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mauried.5608


There isnt a supply problem.
Theres currently 23346 MCs for sale right now.
What there is, is total misunderstanding of how the TP works.
Supply and demand always balances out, but sometimes it takes a while to happen.
There are too many impatient people who want stuff immediately and therefore think the TP must supply the items immediately at some “affordable” price, whatever that is.
As for all the hoarding nonsense, people who acquire items in the game are just as entitled to use them in any way they wish as anyone else is.
There seems to be an entitlement mentality that I must sell my items because someone else has more need of them than I do.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I just wanted to talk again about manipulation of the TP.

I have a guild mate who bought flawless snowflakes at 80 copper before the event.

They got as high as 1silver and 82 copper i think.

Well at one point the snow flakes got to 1s 53c and they look like it would sit here.

Well another guild chat decided to raise the price of them so about 5-6 people from this other guild bought X amount of snow flakes so quick sell was now at 1s 46c and the set rate was around 1s 88c.

That’s not manipulation, that’s people deciding if it’s cheaper to buy 32 tiny snowflakes or 1 flawless snowflake.

(32 × 2c)/0.85 = 75c (the 80c mark you mentioned)
(32 × 3c)/0.85 = 113c
(32 × 4c)/0.85 = 151c (the 153c mark)
(32 × 5c)/0.85 = 188c (the 188c mark)

Of course of course but im talking the alternative motive they had since they bought them to resell at higher price.

I know a few people who play the TP for there gold. A few make thousands of gold a week but then again they are spending that much every week.

Regardless im just trying to say that people saying MC are fine because XYZ is fine but i find it crazy.

When there is no way to get them except from dailies and mystic forge and a event no one really does anymore.

And that Anet and many are saying ohhh such and such are hoarding them, who cares?

I dont care if there 20 players with 500,000 gold and 100,000 gems. If im one of the 1,000 players trying to get gold and gems with no other way of getting them. I look at it as a slight problem.

Yes there are ways to get gold in Gw2 im just trying to address a potential situation.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Let’s just say I picked a bad time to finish my gift of fortune

Prices are likely to just continue rising

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


I agree with most of this and I might have a solution.
— new raid coming
-- not enough Giants in the game
— Mystic coins are expensive and don’t have much of a drop source

Solution: new raid wing should be filled with Giants who kitten out Mystic coins!

ty ty


(trust me, if your idea comes to pass, that summarized a 5 page forum topic)

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I just wanted to talk again about manipulation of the TP.

I have a guild mate who bought flawless snowflakes at 80 copper before the event.

They got as high as 1silver and 82 copper i think.

Well at one point the snow flakes got to 1s 53c and they look like it would sit here.

Well another guild chat decided to raise the price of them so about 5-6 people from this other guild bought X amount of snow flakes so quick sell was now at 1s 46c and the set rate was around 1s 88c.

That’s not manipulation, that’s people deciding if it’s cheaper to buy 32 tiny snowflakes or 1 flawless snowflake.

(32 × 2c)/0.85 = 75c (the 80c mark you mentioned)
(32 × 3c)/0.85 = 113c
(32 × 4c)/0.85 = 151c (the 153c mark)
(32 × 5c)/0.85 = 188c (the 188c mark)

Of course of course but im talking the alternative motive they had since they bought them to resell at higher price.

I know a few people who play the TP for there gold. A few make thousands of gold a week but then again they are spending that much every week.

Regardless im just trying to say that people saying MC are fine because XYZ is fine but i find it crazy.

When there is no way to get them except from dailies and mystic forge and a event no one really does anymore.

And that Anet and many are saying ohhh such and such are hoarding them, who cares?

I dont care if there 20 players with 500,000 gold and 100,000 gems. If im one of the 1,000 players trying to get gold and gems with no other way of getting them. I look at it as a slight problem.

Yes there are ways to get gold in Gw2 im just trying to address a potential situation.

People have been trying to “fix” this potential situation for a year and we haven’t see it happen. People see their personal need: “I want this legendary, these mystic weapons, that recipe” but they don’t see that tons of people don’t use the coins at all… and don’t know that they could sell them for a tidy sum.

The immediate supply of coins might seem small relative to the demand from the theoretical players interested in legendaries. However, the actual supply of people willing to sell every day seems to be sufficient to meet that demand. Except for expected perturbations from things like Wintersday, the price is relatively stable (if slowly increasing).

There’s no problem as long as that remains true: people can buy all they need (and do). Well, no problem for the economy — some people really don’t like m-coins being 1 gold.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I can’t think of any reason why someone would hold onto 20k MCs other than for their value on the TP. Perhaps the non-TP players would hold a couple thousand max.

Individually, yes, but i’m pretty sure that the players that just keep them for future use vastly outnumber TP players.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mauried.5608


The entire point of having a bank in the game is to allow players to keep things for future use.
Ive got lots of items in my bank for which I dont know their use, but Ill eventually figure it out.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Greener.6204


When there is no way to get them except from dailies and mystic forge and a event no one really does anymore.

And that Anet and many are saying ohhh such and such are hoarding them, who cares?

I dont care if there 20 players with 500,000 gold and 100,000 gems. If im one of the 1,000 players trying to get gold and gems with no other way of getting them. I look at it as a slight problem.

Yes there are ways to get gold in Gw2 im just trying to address a potential situation.

But that’s the beauty of the mystic coins. It’s a currency which is handed out to everyone equally. No account can receive more than other accounts because the supply is based on you logging in (yes, the events are negligible). If you PvE, PvP, WvW, or any combination of those, you’ll get the same amount as everyone else.

There’s another currency which acts in this manner: Laurels. You know what’s bad about laurels? They’re account bound. If you have too many, you can’t give them away. If you don’t have enough, you’re SoL. Mystic Coins can be bought and sold between players at an agreed upon price, and it’s happening now at a tremendous rate of volume.

Are there some people who think the price is too high? Are there some that think the price is too low? Of course, it’s called a bell curve. Given that supply is still easily matching demand, it seems that the current price is satisfactory for a very large number of buyers and sellers. Only when that large number of players becomes dissatisfied with the price will it move.

It’s those players that you can try to talk to about “a potential situation.” You’ll have to convince all of those buyers and sellers that the price which they just agreed upon for mystic coins was somehow wrong. Frankly though, I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to tell someone else what they can or cannot spend their money on, nor what price they should be paying. If they come to a mutual agreement, they shouldn’t be stopped. They’re content, but you’re not. I’m sorry you feel that way, but welcome to my side of the bell curve; I can’t afford them either.


Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


When there is no way to get them except from dailies and mystic forge and a event no one really does anymore.

And that Anet and many are saying ohhh such and such are hoarding them, who cares?

I dont care if there 20 players with 500,000 gold and 100,000 gems. If im one of the 1,000 players trying to get gold and gems with no other way of getting them. I look at it as a slight problem.

Yes there are ways to get gold in Gw2 im just trying to address a potential situation.

But that’s the beauty of the mystic coins. It’s a currency which is handed out to everyone equally. No account can receive more than other accounts because the supply is based on you logging in (yes, the events are negligible). If you PvE, PvP, WvW, or any combination of those, you’ll get the same amount as everyone else.

There’s another currency which acts in this manner: Laurels. You know what’s bad about laurels? They’re account bound. If you have too many, you can’t give them away. If you don’t have enough, you’re SoL. Mystic Coins can be bought and sold between players at an agreed upon price, and it’s happening now at a tremendous rate of volume.

Are there some people who think the price is too high? Are there some that think the price is too low? Of course, it’s called a bell curve. Given that supply is still easily matching demand, it seems that the current price is satisfactory for a very large number of buyers and sellers. Only when that large number of players becomes dissatisfied with the price will it move.

It’s those players that you can try to talk to about “a potential situation.” You’ll have to convince all of those buyers and sellers that the price which they just agreed upon for mystic coins was somehow wrong. Frankly though, I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to tell someone else what they can or cannot spend their money on, nor what price they should be paying. If they come to a mutual agreement, they shouldn’t be stopped. They’re content, but you’re not. I’m sorry you feel that way, but welcome to my side of the bell curve; I can’t afford them either.

Thats all fine and dandy but if I was to point something out. People on this very thread talk about having multiple accounts just for mystic coins.

People talk about a small portion of the community controlling the TP.

We all know this happens thanks to the INSIDER TRADING issues Anet had.

Thats why i would just like to discuss it. I have no problem with MC being kitten silver each sure. But 1 gold just seams like Anet doesnt care anymore.

You bring up other things but let me just say. Anet just guild halls where suppose to be a new fun mechanic. I have personally dumped over 500mc to the guild toilet (cough) i mean hall to upgrade WvW items that i previously had in Core GW2.

Its like a candy bar, some people who raid/PvE are very rich. Make hundreds of gold a day. Candy bar is still 1 dollar. WvW and PvP players before this league season made very little money. Maybe 25-50 gold a week. That candy bar is still a dollar.

Now im not saying mystic coins are candy bars but maybe they dont have to be air plane engines. I mean 1 gold per each and lets say your making the shoulder pc and a legendary and the shoulder pc takes 150 and the legendary takes 300. That is 450 gold on a time based item.

All im saying is that “I FEEL” that they are far too expensive and that they keep putting them in all the recipes without any way of people earning them in a normal fashion. If Anet had a actual gambling system fine but we have a RNG system.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Let’s use some logic for a second shall we?

1. Some people have multiple accounts for Mystic Coins
2. Extra accounts cost money, that money goes to Anet

Explain to me why Anet would fix MC’s based on the fact that people get more from multiple accounts? I can’t see why they would.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

As of right now, the supply on the TP is 23,660. The demand is 106,505. The demand is over x4 the supply, leading to what feels like an inflated price. I wish there could be other methods of supply to balance it a little better. Maybe add it to the map reward rotation? Make a repeatable achievement for it? (ie like the Wintersday event ones). I do understand that the static acquisition is what makes them special, but many recipes have been added to increase the demand without a change in supply; it feels very unbalanced.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Price is not inflated because demand is higher than supply. Does that mean that every item where demand is higher than supply requires Anet to intervene to fix inflated price? I don’t think so. If they did, the economy wouldn’t work correctly.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

As of right now, the supply on the TP is 23,660. The demand is 106,505. The demand is over x4 the supply, leading to what feels like an inflated price. I wish there could be other methods of supply to balance it a little better. Maybe add it to the map reward rotation? Make a repeatable achievement for it? (ie like the Wintersday event ones). I do understand that the static acquisition is what makes them special, but many recipes have been added to increase the demand without a change in supply; it feels very unbalanced.

Does this also mean in other cases where prices are dropping that ANet should increase demand in order to bring prices up?

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

As of right now, the supply on the TP is 23,660. The demand is 106,505. The demand is over x4 the supply, leading to what feels like an inflated price. I wish there could be other methods of supply to balance it a little better. Maybe add it to the map reward rotation? Make a repeatable achievement for it? (ie like the Wintersday event ones). I do understand that the static acquisition is what makes them special, but many recipes have been added to increase the demand without a change in supply; it feels very unbalanced.

Does this also mean in other cases where prices are dropping that ANet should increase demand in order to bring prices up?

Putting little used materials into new recipes makes sense to me, yes

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

As of right now, the supply on the TP is 23,660. The demand is 106,505. The demand is over x4 the supply, leading to what feels like an inflated price. I wish there could be other methods of supply to balance it a little better. Maybe add it to the map reward rotation? Make a repeatable achievement for it? (ie like the Wintersday event ones). I do understand that the static acquisition is what makes them special, but many recipes have been added to increase the demand without a change in supply; it feels very unbalanced.

Does this also mean in other cases where prices are dropping that ANet should increase demand in order to bring prices up?

Putting little used materials into new recipes makes sense to me, yes

This would go for the drop in ecto prices too though (if they didn’t step in to nerf that event).

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OriOri.8724


As of right now, the supply on the TP is 23,660. The demand is 106,505. The demand is over x4 the supply, leading to what feels like an inflated price. I wish there could be other methods of supply to balance it a little better. Maybe add it to the map reward rotation? Make a repeatable achievement for it? (ie like the Wintersday event ones). I do understand that the static acquisition is what makes them special, but many recipes have been added to increase the demand without a change in supply; it feels very unbalanced.

Does this also mean in other cases where prices are dropping that ANet should increase demand in order to bring prices up?

Putting little used materials into new recipes makes sense to me, yes

This would go for the drop in ecto prices too though (if they didn’t step in to nerf that event).

Well they already said they will be addressing it, though we don’t know how and we don’t know when. Really though its obvious that Anet does step in when the price of a material gets outside the range that ANet wants it to be. If the price is too low, then they (massively over)compensate by adding new sinks or increasing old sinks for the item (as evident with leather). Likewise, if they feel the price is too expensive they also (massively over) compensate by giving us dozens of new sources and cutting down on the sinks available (resonating silvers). The actual question then becomes at what price does Anet think that insert item here (in this case MC) is too expensive/cheap?

I honestly believe that ANet thinks that the price of MC is getting too high. They have recently introduce several new sources of MC, none of which are farmable to a great extent, most of which are RNG, but they have still been added after these discussions about the high price of MC started becoming more commonplace. Adding new sources indicates that at the least they want to keep the price from climbing too much higher, and if new sources continue to be added, even if they are more of the same (ie RNG sources that are limited per day), it would be a strong argument that ANet wants the price to come back down.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Does this also mean in other cases where prices are dropping that ANet should increase demand in order to bring prices up?

Putting little used materials into new recipes makes sense to me, yes

This would go for the drop in ecto prices too though (if they didn’t step in to nerf that event).

Well they already said they will be addressing it, though we don’t know how and we don’t know when. Really though its obvious that Anet does step in when the price of a material gets outside the range that ANet wants it to be. If the price is too low, then they (massively over)compensate by adding new sinks or increasing old sinks for the item (as evident with leather). Likewise, if they feel the price is too expensive they also (massively over) compensate by giving us dozens of new sources and cutting down on the sinks available (resonating silvers). The actual question then becomes at what price does Anet think that insert item here (in this case MC) is too expensive/cheap?

I honestly believe that ANet thinks that the price of MC is getting too high. They have recently introduce several new sources of MC, none of which are farmable to a great extent, most of which are RNG, but they have still been added after these discussions about the high price of MC started becoming more commonplace. Adding new sources indicates that at the least they want to keep the price from climbing too much higher, and if new sources continue to be added, even if they are more of the same (ie RNG sources that are limited per day), it would be a strong argument that ANet wants the price to come back down.

I completely agree. Mystic coins were put into new recipes to make them more valuable, and that definitely succeeded. You’re right to say that the question is how valuable were they aiming for?

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I personally think they were aiming for around whatever the price was when they introduced the Ley Line anomaly, probably a bit lower (I suspect that they figured players would continue to do it daily for the mystic coin, personally it left a sour taste in my mouth due to the insane lag that surrounded the events for the first week or so. I couldn’t even hit the anomaly and get credit half the time due to lag), considering that is by far the easiest and largest source they have added since HoT dropped. This would put the price of MC at between 70 and 80 silver each (price taken from gw2spidy

Of course this is all just a guess, but I do think that this is around or slightly above the price that ANet wants MC to be at just due to the fact that ley line anomaly event gives a guaranteed MC once per day, creating a “farm” for MC.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ensign.2189


If I were them I wouldn’t be targeting prices as much as watching inventories; until those start to drain down there’s no need to take action.

I’d also be concerned about how much of the price surge is being driven by reward creep in the rest of the game. As the rest of the components for legendaries / high end skins become more common there’s more pressure on the mystic coin supply. If this is just the initial burst of coins from the start of the game being drained down, that’s great for the market long term, but if there really is a glut of other materials and coins are poised to become a gating item then something should be done.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


If I were them I wouldn’t be targeting prices as much as watching inventories; until those start to drain down there’s no need to take action.

I’d also be concerned about how much of the price surge is being driven by reward creep in the rest of the game. As the rest of the components for legendaries / high end skins become more common there’s more pressure on the mystic coin supply. If this is just the initial burst of coins from the start of the game being drained down, that’s great for the market long term, but if there really is a glut of other materials and coins are poised to become a gating item then something should be done.

Yes and no. If the prices to become too high, it will drive too many players away from the game due to their end goal being so far away due to high Mystic Coin costs.

Because some players have tons in their inventories for their own personal usage either for now or in the future. So they don’t have to wait on dailies or the daily log in rewards or buy them off of the TP when a recipe that requires them is added that they want to make.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Yes and no. If the prices to become too high, it will drive too many players away from the game due to their end goal being so far away due to high Mystic Coin costs.

The prices of such end goals are down, not up. I know there have been a few posts by people claiming that they are discouraged by the price, but those have been veterans who still remember when m-coins were below 10 silver.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Yes and no. If the prices to become too high, it will drive too many players away from the game due to their end goal being so far away due to high Mystic Coin costs.

The prices of such end goals are down, not up. I know there have been a few posts by people claiming that they are discouraged by the price, but those have been veterans who still remember when m-coins were below 10 silver.

The 200+ gold increase to the cost of a gift of fortune is pretty sad making. Ectos dropping in price saves some of that, and you can get clovers from reward tracks and daily box #28 now, but if no one is looking at that I can see how easy it is to be jaded

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Yes and no. If the prices to become too high, it will drive too many players away from the game due to their end goal being so far away due to high Mystic Coin costs.

The prices of such end goals are down, not up. I know there have been a few posts by people claiming that they are discouraged by the price, but those have been veterans who still remember when m-coins were below 10 silver.

I don’t think the price is there yet, but if things continue as they are, prices may climb high enough that it does affect the prices of the end goals in a negative way – and I don’t think that that will happen any time soon, prices on Mystic Coins are in general going up slowly. And if it gets too bad, players will likely choose to cut their losses and leave the game.

Right now other mats decreasing costs, especially ecto, are keeping end game goal items prices down. But the prices of those items would be lower if Mystic Coins weren’t as expensive as they currently are.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


If I were them I wouldn’t be targeting prices as much as watching inventories; until those start to drain down there’s no need to take action.

Sure, but then you’d need to ask yourself a question – why would they start to drain down? It’s not like there will be more incentive to selling.
Quite the opposite – as long as you think you might need some in the future, you have every reason to hold on to them. Because every single MC you sell now you may need to buy back (at a higher price) in the future.
It’s not like other materials, where, if price gets high enough, people can start farming them and selling. You can’t farm them at all.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mauried.5608


No action needs to be taken, as there is no problem to fix.
Ppl are assuming that there is some “standard” price that MCs should sell for , and when they dont something is wrong.
Theres currently 21000+ MCs for sale on the TP so there is no supply problem.
The TP is not a shop.
No such thing as guaranteed low prices.
If you want to bring the price of MCs down then sell all of yours and that will increase the supply, thus making them cheaper for everyone else, but of course no one will do this.
Much better to blame everyone else for not selling theirs thus making the price cheaper for me.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Greener.6204


All im saying is that “I FEEL” that they are far too expensive and that they keep putting them in all the recipes without any way of people earning them in a normal fashion. If Anet had a actual gambling system fine but we have a RNG system.

I understand emotional arguments, but they come from your perspective, and that’s something you’re in control of, no one else.

I’m part of a three-person guild which we’ve managed to get to level 44. You can call yours a guild toilet, but I’m proud of what we’ve done with ours. I don’t see my lack of materials as something to bemoan, but instead as proof that I’ve contributed to the best of my abilities. My perspective makes me happy.

You raised an analogy earlier about having your car get changed without your consent by the manufacturer. From that perspective, yeah, that sounds like a terrible affront! But your analogy doesn’t fit. You don’t own your account. You paid for the privilege to play Anet’s game; they own your account. They can do to your account whatever they wish, and you agreed to that from the beginning.

You can choose to see the current price of mystic coins as an obstacle which needs to be fixed because it’s holding you back. I choose to see it as a necessary step in draining the massive supply of mystic coins from the game. Only once those are gone can new sources of mystic coins be addressed. This need for a sink is likely why so many mystic coins are required for items like the guild hall upgrades. Maybe once the supply is gone, rather than adding new sources Anet can reduce the sinks.

I know it’s hard to change perspectives, but if you’re holding on to ones which don’t match reality, then of course you’re going to feel frustration. I have sent off a few harsh emails directly to an Anet dev about some changes in HoT. From my perspective at the time, Anet was giving a middle-finger to a friend of mine. Only when I took a step back and chose to see all sides of the situation did I realize my emotions were in the wrong.


Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vicariuz.1605


Really simple, make alt accounts and farm dailies on them, mail all the coins to ur main, its what many are doing, and many are making a humongous profit.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cristalyan.5728



But that’s the beauty of the mystic coins. It’s a currency which is handed out to everyone equally. No account can receive more than other accounts because the supply is based on you logging in (yes, the events are negligible). If you PvE, PvP, WvW, or any combination of those, you’ll get the same amount as everyone else.
There’s another currency which acts in this manner: Laurels. You know what’s bad about laurels? They’re account bound. If you have too many, you can’t give them away. If you don’t have enough, you’re SoL.

Well, your statement is almost correct: The MC are handled out to everyone equally – YES. But MC is not a currency, the MC are crafting materials. And this raises a big problem: ANet considered that the crafting needs for all players are equals. This is absolutely false.
As for the laurels: Being account bound or not is not a problem here. The laurels are indeed a currency. And are not needed as crafting component in over 100 recipes.


Let’s use some logic for a second shall we?

1. Some people have multiple accounts for Mystic Coins
2. Extra accounts cost money, that money goes to Anet
Explain to me why Anet would fix MC’s based on the fact that people get more from multiple accounts? I can’t see why they would.

Well, the greed is not a great way for making business. The HoT is an excellent example. The number of peoples having multiple accounts for Mystic Coins is far smaller than the number of the players who only play the game normally. Keep them discontent and you will end having a very small player base. Owning a lot of MC :-)). Again – look at what happened after HoT.


Price is not inflated because demand is higher than supply

Can you tell us why the prices are inflated?


People talk about a small portion of the community controlling the TP.
We all know this happens thanks to the INSIDER TRADING issues Anet had.

Well, I’m tempted to point to the same cause. But it seems the Insider Trader is not an issue for ANet. It seems more like a feature, a way to pay some peoples for services. It seems that the “leather way” of repaying some people is almost exhausted – look at the statement that ANet is looking to new ways to bring leather ingame. When the persons for which the MC are kept high will end the stock of MC we will hear that ANet “is searching for new ways to bring more MC ingame”. Until then, the MC are OK.

Back to the beginning of my post: I think the problem is that MC are handled to players and we have no reliable ways to acquire them by playing. And in this conditions, when the MC are handled by ANet we cannot speak about a balance of input/demand on TP. To keep a resonable price of MC the demand should be according to the ANet calculations and not according to the real needs of the players.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


Sure, some folks have second and third accounts but I’m pretty sure it’s not just for MCs. If it was then they would have been better off spending the RL cash on gems and buying the coins regardless of the cost.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Obtena.7952



Let’s use some logic for a second shall we?

1. Some people have multiple accounts for Mystic Coins
2. Extra accounts cost money, that money goes to Anet
Explain to me why Anet would fix MC’s based on the fact that people get more from multiple accounts? I can’t see why they would.

Well, the greed is not a great way for making business.

Neither is ruining there working economy with giving into to these kinds of complaints. I mean … you call this greed but it’s not because Anet is giving everyone MC’s for FREE all the time. Calling players deciding to make more accounts to get free MC’s as Anet’s greed is just … wow.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418


Let’s use some logic for a second shall we?

1. Some people have multiple accounts for Mystic Coins
2. Extra accounts cost money, that money goes to Anet
Explain to me why Anet would fix MC’s based on the fact that people get more from multiple accounts? I can’t see why they would.

Well, the greed is not a great way for making business.

Neither is ruining there working economy with giving into to these kinds of complaints. I mean … you call this greed but it’s not because Anet is giving everyone MC’s for FREE all the time. Calling players deciding to make more accounts to get free MC’s as Anet’s greed is just … wow.

If the entire point of the MCs being limited was to make players buy a second or third account, yes that is greed on Anet’s part. Greed or desperation. However I do not believe that is their goal or model; they wanted MCs to have more value than a few silver, and now the price is rising rapidly- perhaps faster than they intended, perhaps not.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Anyone that thinks that would have to be obtuse of course. I was suggesting that people making more accounts to take advantage of the free MC’s was NOT a reason for Anet to look into this. If people want to spend money on more accounts, I can hardly think Anet would jump out of their seats because of it. It’s no different than making character slots available so people can create farming alts …

(edited by Obtena.7952)