New armor skins
completely agree, having 2 medium armor wearing characters (engineer and ranger) and both being Charr and Asura, medium armor ESPECIALLY sucks. If its not big sloppy looking leather tassets hanging low around the waistline its ugly textured pieces that often clip with back items and sheathed weapons. Humans and Sylvari can pull it off, but almost every other race looks terrible in it. If it weren’t for the class based armor pieces you can get with the HoT achievements, (Scrapper’s Mask, etc.) there would be nothing I like.
Anet has said that armor skins (particularly full sets) aren’t going to be released on the gem store anymore. Those will be reserved for content rewards, while outfits will remain gem store.
Yeh armors are rewards…. Meaning you see the next 3 sets next expansion…
I’d really like to hear from the studio why they think outfits should exist, instead of releasing them as armour so we can actually mix them up.
The worst part is the outfits are often times better designed than armour. The blatant greed is pretty disgusting to be honest.
I’d really like to hear from the studio why they think outfits should exist, instead of releasing them as armour so we can actually mix them up.
The worst part is the outfits are often times better designed than armour. The blatant greed is pretty disgusting to be honest.
Of course outfits are better designed, it is a no-brainer really. Outfits are a single piece that you can design as a whole seamless entity. Armor on the other hand has different parts that have to work together, it is much harder to design an armor than an outfit. Armor has limitations that outfits don’t have so you have more creative freedom when designing them.
Granted that some outfits could as well be armor, but the whole point of outfits is that they are supposed to be cooler than armor skins. Of course Anet wants ppl to buy them, and who would buy them if they weren’t cool?
If you are referring to the armor skins that they sell in gem shop (almost wrote Gem Stop here), would you rather buy 3 sets for 3 different weights or have one that fits all? What I think anet is doing (and what they should do) is that they release outfits when they have a vision that can’t be realized as an armor skin (due to the limitations mentioned earlier).
One thing Anet doesn’t do that often is to allow the same armor skin to be worn on any armour weight toon. They only have hats and stuff that work that way, I think they should make a whole set that works on any class and is not an outfit. Personally I wouldn’t buy gemstore skins that work on single armor weight only and cost as much as outfits.
My question would be why gem store armor sets should exist and why they are a good idea? Of course if you have the buck to buy armor set in 3 different weights then I suppose they are a good idea, but then again isn’t that greedy on Anet’s part?
Anet shoud release gem store armor sets that can be worn on any class regardless of armor weight. Kinda like modular outfits.
It’s not greed, it’s a time and energy thing. Outfits are easy for them to create because they are designed to work together. It’s hard for a game designer to design a shoulder piece so work with every other chest and helm and backpiece that it could conflict with. It’s easy when it all comes together in one set designed to work together.
I’d really like to hear from the studio why they think outfits should exist, instead of releasing them as armour so we can actually mix them up.
The worst part is the outfits are often times better designed than armour. The blatant greed is pretty disgusting to be honest.
Here is what Curtis Johnson had to say about why they choose this system.
Source (page 18).
“We do understand and sincerely apologize that there are creative combinations of town clothes that will not exist anymore. Many have asked why remove town clothes as a concept. It boils down to we believe better armor skinning and the outfit system is something we can add more options to more often and will produce a better supported RP game for everyone with more variety in the future. In short, a healthier game.
To expand more on what I mean by better support, It helps if you think of town clothes as a 4th weight class of armor. Clothing was meant to offer visual options that break the class roles, however we were never completely happy with the way it was isolated from the rest of the game and still felt largely the same. Many pieces could have easily been mistaken for light or medium armor. In many ways it was more akin to building an alt character because town-clothes and armor were so separated. Additionally, every time we added something to town-clothes, it didn’t really help someone building their light, medium, or heavy look. And there was no way to add combat gear fairly without creating 3 versions on the back end (light, medium, and heavy). As a customization platform and sustainable expansion design it left a lot to be desired.
When we started looking at bringing more of the clothing back into armor with mix and match styles there are some fundamental incompatible things between weight classes. (part of how we set up every armor to allow many dye channels and styles per piece).. There really is no way at this point over six years since we started development to make absolutely everything work together. So we needed something new to continue to grow in the future.
Outfits give us a way to create highly stylized looks that aren’t constrained to armor slots or weight class. In addition to armor skins that are easier and cheaper to collect across characters and the account dye system we do believe the options across a players whole account are much more attractive now. You’ll see more outfits coming out this summer and additions to the game more often usable by your characters. We try not to allow too much ‘hoarder’ design where we just keep stacking more and more options on leaving lots of unsupported things hanging around. Yes, we do have to give up some of our current closet space and clothing to fit the new wardrobe in. Again, apologies for that.
As always we ask you to try out the new system of customization and see what’s available to you. I think many people will be surprised by how many pieces have become armor compatible. We hope the benefits to the outfit system and wardrobe in terms of future support and additions will be clear, and you can look forward to more new outfits coming very soon."
Comment about armor
Regina BGimmeSylvariHi ! Will there ever be any official armor design contests?
Like the guild emblem creation, but for a full armor set ? (Snip)
Armor is one of the most expensive things in the game to create. Armor is complicated and needs to be created with many considerations in mind, and these considerations may not be easily apparent or describable to fan armor designers. It isn’t a bad idea to run a contest like this, but it’s many orders more involved than other types of contests, which may be a better use of our limited development and marketing resources. We always have to weigh the pros and cons of any type of contest based on our marketing goals. (snip)
ANet may give it to you.
Here’s the funny thing about work: it has value.
When you try to sell something that takes only an hour instead of 10 hours (using their ratios), it shows.
A set of armor is something I can tinker with and experiment with and ENJOY for hours.
An outfit you either put it one or take it off. Done. Bored now. Never going to buy one of these ever again.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Here’s the funny thing about work: it has value.
When you try to sell something that takes only an hour instead of 10 hours (using their ratios), it shows.
A set of armor is something I can tinker with and experiment with and ENJOY for hours.
An outfit you either put it one or take it off. Done. Bored now. Never going to buy one of these ever again.
Here’s the funny thing about value: it differs for everyone. Some of us like outfits because of exactly the reason you don’t: put it on or take it off & done. It’s great for mid-tier toons that you don’t want to waste a xmute charge on, leveling up, the occasional quick armor change. And, as you say, it’s terrible if you want to tinker or experiment, which is why there are also regular armor sets.
Sure, I’d like to see more armor sets and even individual pieces (although I’ve yet to see any worth the price in gems to me). At the same time, I really like having some cheaper, quick-change outfits too, especially if that means more designs in a shorter period — I like maybe 1 set in 5 or 10, so I’d rather see 10 outfits than a single armor set, since chances are I’ll like at least one outfit and won’t like the armor.
Everyone’s mileage varies on this topic, so there’s pretty much nothing ANet can do to satisfy everyone, except hire more designers and, last I checked, no one much seems interested in paying more for the game or for gem shop items.
Here’s the funny thing about work: it has value.
When you try to sell something that takes only an hour instead of 10 hours (using their ratios), it shows.
A set of armor is something I can tinker with and experiment with and ENJOY for hours.
An outfit you either put it one or take it off. Done. Bored now. Never going to buy one of these ever again.
Can I have a source for that? I searched several sites and was unable to locate a 10 to one ratio.
Check the quote from O’Brien in
Here’s the funny thing about work: it has value.
When you try to sell something that takes only an hour instead of 10 hours (using their ratios), it shows.
A set of armor is something I can tinker with and experiment with and ENJOY for hours.
An outfit you either put it one or take it off. Done. Bored now. Never going to buy one of these ever again.
Can I have a source for that? I searched several sites and was unable to locate a 10 to one ratio.
Check the quote from O’Brien in
Ty. I’ve been searching all over for that quote for a day or two. Found it and It was in my thread.
I’m going to blame it on my glasses.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Everyone’s mileage varies on this topic, so there’s pretty much nothing ANet can do to satisfy everyone, except hire more designers and, last I checked, no one much seems interested in paying more for the game or for gem shop items.
I would be HAPPY to pay more for gem shop items I want. As proven by my owning all the armor they’ve ever released save one of the flame armors and the three zodiac armors. I have and will continue to pay for armor at every opportunity they give me.
Conversely the only outfit I own is the freebie they gave everybody, and the only outfit I’ve ever considered buying is the one that took 5 times as much work (hmm…), the Wedding set.
The no more armor in the Gem store policy is ridiculous. If it wasn’t selling why does it keep reappearing in various combinations of sales and offers pretty much year round?
I get that people like outfits for leveling even if my account is pretty much at the point where my characters are either 80 or skip 60+ level on the way to being 80 thanks to tome upon tome upon tome. But unlike most “I want this over that” discussions, Outfits and Armor actually DO compete for the exact same staff man hours.
Thankfully at this point even ArenaNet has finally had the light come on that the new zones are grindy as kitten and hiding the pittance of new armor sets behind that instead of just letting me buy it and get on with prancing around in it (for real cashy money!)may have been a soul sucking, income withering MISTAKE.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I remember back when they were selling armor in the gems store, and each time a new set came out for sale people begged for more armor in game.
I was willing to give armor in game a chance, but now? After seeing how few they put in and how many hoops you have to jump through to get a full set of each, I’d just as soon they put them back in the gem store and let me buy them.
ANet may give it to you.
They really need more armour skins on game, they added hardly any to HoT but keep flooding the market with gem store weapons and outfits.
It is getting tiring seeing yet another gem store weapon se, their gem weapons will soon be more than their in game weapons. I stopped getting them since the chests are not value for money as I never get scraps.
I own exactly 2 outfits: the veteran one, that is nice but I hardly use, and the wedding one, which is basically a pack of 10 cultural costumes in one bundle.
I will never pay for an outfit. I will pay no doubt for proper armor pieces.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
What annoys me is when I got the gems for an armor set I loved…they took it away from the store and it has not made a re-appearance since…and it wasn’t even a seasonal set!
What annoys me is when I got the gems for an armor set I loved…they took it away from the store and it has not made a re-appearance since…and it wasn’t even a seasonal set!
Which set are you talking about?
Here’s the funny thing about work: it has value.
When you try to sell something that takes only an hour instead of 10 hours (using their ratios), it shows.
A set of armor is something I can tinker with and experiment with and ENJOY for hours.
An outfit you either put it one or take it off. Done. Bored now. Never going to buy one of these ever again.
Can I have a source for that? I searched several sites and was unable to locate a 10 to one ratio.
Check the quote from O’Brien in
Ty. I’ve been searching all over for that quote for a day or two. Found it and It was in my thread.
I’m going to blame it on my glasses.
In your defense, it was in the middle of all the AMA stuff you were posting. So you were copy pasting like a madman, not necessarily carefully perusing.
Anet has said that armor skins (particularly full sets) aren’t going to be released on the gem store anymore. Those will be reserved for content rewards, while outfits will remain gem store.
Oh please, for god’s sake, I’m so tired of hearing this unhelpful information.
The player base wants more armour. (There is no-one who would legitimately say, “Anet, don’t create more armour pieces, just create outfits.”)
That said, even if they’re not going to put real armour in the in Gem store, who cares!!? Put them in the kittening game instead then, and hurry the kitten up about it!
Put armour in the open world rewards systems.
Anet has said that armor skins (particularly full sets) aren’t going to be released on the gem store anymore. Those will be reserved for content rewards, while outfits will remain gem store.
Oh please, for god’s sake, I’m so tired of hearing this unhelpful information.
The player base wants more armour. (There is no-one who would legitimately say, “Anet, don’t create more armour pieces, just create outfits.”)
That doesn’t change the fact that what I said is entirely true. No need to be all hostile to me about it.
Medium armor. My main is a thief and finding good armor is a struggle-bus all the way through. I’m really trying to stay away from bum flaps and trenchcoats but for some reason devs keep pushing those on us ._.
I suggest the Krytan top. I used 500 gems to buy the Krytan armor set and only use the top. Completely worth it.