Please merge Fall Damage traits
Fall Damage Traits should become part as like many other passive effects of this Game of the Mastery System, so that these thigns don’t waste potential space for better and more combat related useful Specializations.
I also think Anet should increase the amount of choices for Specializations from 3 to 4 Specializations per tier to give as a bit more build variety and choice options.
Anet removes a ton of old traits, only because they think they are useless, when it would be alot better to merge those old removed effects with other traits, instead of simply removing for each class a heck load of old traits where they seem to think they have no place for these anymore in the new system.
That there is always place to merge rather the removed traits into others have i already shown in my dicussion thread where I talked about so far the new specializations of the Elementalist and Thief and made at the end suggestions, how the specializations could work better and how alot of the removed stuff should get merged, so that their effects don’t get simply lost forever, because especially under the thief has Anet recklessly butchered around, without thinking about it, what they destroy all there with their Initiative System and DPS of the Class….
This is also the reason, why I always suggested to anet to SPLIT up the Trait System into somethign like Traits, Talents and Expertises, because this way it would allow Anet to handle active gameplay changing elements of a class differently, than all of those passively and visual effects, because with such a split up, each thing would work then as an own different category, so that something like a Fall Damage trait would work then as a passive learned Talent instead of beign an active gameplay changing Trait.
That was, before Anet announced the Mastery System, which would7could work basically now the same, to move certain passive gameplay elements out of the game and put them over into the Mastery System, so that alot of old unnecessary stuff could be then removed from the game.
Example: Damage vs. 1 single enemy type sigils… 99% mostly useless and just a waste of a sigil slot, would anet make out of these sigils a passive Mastery Effect, which increases your damage agaisnt specific enemy types so more you kill them (slayer ranks increase), then could Anet removed directly a ton of obsolete worthless sigils out of the game and maybe replace them with better more general useful new sigils, if anet jiust wants to keep the amount of different sigils in the game.
Fall Damage reduction could become part of a Movement Mastery.
Like also stuff like faster swimming, hang gliding, mushroom jumping, mounting, climbing, better jumping and general improved doge moves ect. pp.
The mastery system would open up so much potential for more horizontal character progression, if just used right.
Come on people lets get more voices here.
Fall Damage Traits should become part as like many other passive effects of this Game of the Mastery System, so that these thigns don’t waste potential space for better and more combat related useful Specializations.
I also think Anet should increase the amount of choices for Specializations from 3 to 4 Specializations per tier to give as a bit more build variety and choice options.
Anet removes a ton of old traits, only because they think they are useless, when it would be alot better to merge those old removed effects with other traits, instead of simply removing for each class a heck load of old traits where they seem to think they have no place for these anymore in the new system.
That there is always place to merge rather the removed traits into others have i already shown in my dicussion thread where I talked about so far the new specializations of the Elementalist and Thief and made at the end suggestions, how the specializations could work better and how alot of the removed stuff should get merged, so that their effects don’t get simply lost forever, because especially under the thief has Anet recklessly butchered around, without thinking about it, what they destroy all there with their Initiative System and DPS of the Class….
This is also the reason, why I always suggested to anet to SPLIT up the Trait System into somethign like Traits, Talents and Expertises, because this way it would allow Anet to handle active gameplay changing elements of a class differently, than all of those passively and visual effects, because with such a split up, each thing would work then as an own different category, so that something like a Fall Damage trait would work then as a passive learned Talent instead of beign an active gameplay changing Trait.
That was, before Anet announced the Mastery System, which would7could work basically now the same, to move certain passive gameplay elements out of the game and put them over into the Mastery System, so that alot of old unnecessary stuff could be then removed from the game.
Example: Damage vs. 1 single enemy type sigils… 99% mostly useless and just a waste of a sigil slot, would anet make out of these sigils a passive Mastery Effect, which increases your damage agaisnt specific enemy types so more you kill them (slayer ranks increase), then could Anet removed directly a ton of obsolete worthless sigils out of the game and maybe replace them with better more general useful new sigils, if anet jiust wants to keep the amount of different sigils in the game.
Fall Damage reduction could become part of a Movement Mastery.
Like also stuff like faster swimming, hang gliding, mushroom jumping, mounting, climbing, better jumping and general improved doge moves ect. pp.
The mastery system would open up so much potential for more horizontal character progression, if just used right.
That is the first thing I thought when I saw the title of the thread; just remove them from the trait system, and place them into the new mastery system for Tyria (or wherever the old world stuff is going).
My biggest problem with fall damage traits in the new system is that they are usually in trait lines I don’t like. But with the new system that is doubly punishing. If I got the trait line with fall damage I would be losing a trait line that I actually prefer for it. Even worse is that if I wanted to get an Elite Specialization then I would be killing 2 trait lines I would normally want. Just for the fall damage trait. That is supremely obnoxious. Put it in the mastery system somewhere. I don’t want the fall damage traits to affect my build. They honestly shouldn’t since the vast majority of the time they have zero impact in combat. Fall damage reduction fits much more into the mastery system than it does traits as those usually have some combat effects to them while mastery does not.
Mhmm interesting suggestion orpheal… fall damage as mastery, and maybe movement speed aswell?
Mhmm interesting suggestion orpheal… fall damage as mastery, and maybe movement speed aswell?
That would take more work, but would be beneficial for Guardians and Mesmers that lack the passive 25% movement speed and have to rely on swiftness and possibly runes to extend the effect. But what to do with all the signets that give movement speed that we have now?
The Fall Damage traits imo should be merged into the passives, or merged into another trait.
Since we only have 3 choices, and 1 of them being a fall damage trait, that pretty much reduce the options for build for those who never use those traits.
I wouldn’t mind seeing those and the revive traits both get merged or removed.
I like traits that encourage wise game-play. Falling and reviving are both events that shouldn’t be desired or encouraged. T
hey’re hard to plan around and often occur infrequently or at inopportune moments. I understand that the new maps for WvW and PvE may both provide additional opportunities to take falling damage or revive an ally/NPC… but I feel like all classes would be better off with something more combat-oriented in those places.
Agree, fall and downed traits are universally weak and dull, and more in line with the scope of mastery options.
Fall Damage Reduction mastery does make sense now that we will be gliding around. But then thats also a good case for it being a trait. In the base game its a fun little throw away for when you want to cut some corners when running about. Now, when your gliding past 6 wyvrens and you run out of glide-juice, its a tactical strategy to slot it
Thats a great idea. Make it a mastery… come people, help voice this idea to Anet before it gets released in HoT….
I’m hoping the forum specialists are collating all the Falling Damage threads to relay to the design team. I’m further hoping that the devs are listening and agreeing that Fall Damage traits are far too costly a use of trait space in the new system. And finally I’m hoping they will let us know their opinion on the matter and what, if anything, they intend to do about it.
One concern I’d have about doing it as a Mastery is whether there are any Mastery lines that apply no matter what zone you’re in. It would be a sad thing if you learned to fall really well in Pact Tyria and totally forgot how when in the heart of the jungle.
personal opinion…
without “screwing up the game” OR making it unbalanced or anything…
I think they should do it either through a totally different trait line (so u can pick to have a "junk/useless/selfish/whatever u wanna call it build) but put the revive, fall dmg, ^ movement speed, and then have room for something else they want to do in the future….
Lets be honest most of us don’t care about META (on every toon) and we personally know our builds are “crap” (on that 1-2 toons) but we don’t care and we don’t use those toons with a group or in a dungeon… they are situational and solo/personally fun
put an NPC somewhere — and He charges u like 25silver for a “buff” reduces fall dmg, or ^movement speed or revive faster or what not… for say 45 min or 1h and let him charge 1g for 4x as long …that way if u going to do a JP u have the fall dmg “active” and useful. or if your going to a dungeon with a bunch of newb/PUG group u can “trait” but not have that “useless build” stigma
again just my $.02
Fall Damage Reduction mastery does make sense now that we will be gliding around. But then thats also a good case for it being a trait. In the base game its a fun little throw away for when you want to cut some corners when running about. Now, when your gliding past 6 wyvrens and you run out of glide-juice, its a tactical strategy to slot it
Now that the traitlines look like this, can you really find it easy to spend a few points for reduced fall damage? Switching whole traitlines might be needed if it doesn’t fit in a traitline for your build. It would be much better as a mastery.
(edited by Ralanost.8913)
Its not just reduced fall damage though. For example, the elemental one does various rings and waves.
For all we know it will be common in Maguuma to glide and drop in on enemies from a great height. And it would be more welcome to drop in and blow up a ring of fire, or muddy terrain, or a symbol of protection, then to gain vigor on critical (though arguably maybe not as good as Arcane skills 20% recharge reduction)
When was the last time you know when Anet actually listened to what the players want? Topics like these are useless imo.
Come on. The trait thread got some changes. Lets get changes done here as well people. …
I like the idea of fall damage traits as masteries. But I would much prefer to see fall damage traits being more powerful. I mean, these are so situational that the devs could go a little crazy with them. What about a Shadow Refuge on fall damage? A Time Warp on fall damage? An AoE Moa on fall damage? A triple grenade barrage?
Agreed. There were still plenty of lame traits Anet left in. Anet, if you’r going to remove options. all the remaining ones need to be stellar. You’ve left a lot of chaff. Fall dmg needs to be merged.
+1 merge fall w/ reviving ally traits
As someone who only uses the fall-damage trait on some of my characters (engineer and ranger, specifically), I don’t think they need to be merged. Choosing traits is supposed to consist of making decisions, sometimes hard decisions. The solution isn’t to simply merge the trait with another one and make the decision easier, but to put it up against other worthwhile traits to make the decision harder.
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist
As someone who only uses the fall-damage trait on some of my characters (engineer and ranger, specifically), I don’t think they need to be merged. Choosing traits is supposed to consist of making decisions, sometimes hard decisions. The solution isn’t to simply merge the trait with another one and make the decision easier, but to put it up against other worthwhile traits to make the decision harder.
the pt is that its not a worthwhile trait.
Yeah, it would be cool to get the fall-damage traits either by hero points or the Mastery system, probably cooler if they are in the later.
As someone who only uses the fall-damage trait on some of my characters (engineer and ranger, specifically), I don’t think they need to be merged. Choosing traits is supposed to consist of making decisions, sometimes hard decisions. The solution isn’t to simply merge the trait with another one and make the decision easier, but to put it up against other worthwhile traits to make the decision harder.
the pt is that its not a worthwhile trait.
If it’s not worthwhile, then why does this thread even exist?
It’s worthwhile for me because I roam in WvWvW a lot, and sometimes the only way to escape a zerg is off a cliff. If it’s not worthwhile for you, then don’t pick it.
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist
Fall Damage Traits should become part as like many other passive effects of this Game of the Mastery System, so that these thigns don’t waste potential space for better and more combat related useful Specializations.
Simple. Elegant. Beautiful. I agree with this post.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
with the current system I only sacrifice 2 points to get the fall dmg trait. honestly this is already painful for me, but I manage.
sacrificing the whole line?
out of the question.
I have no idea how they will fix this.
to change every trait line the first major trait to 1/4 instead 1/3, with fall dmg being the 4th trait to chose from, would be kinda stupid.
then what? give us a separate skill for that thus wasting valuable space in the skill bar?
or should we have a 2nd set of gear with those fall dmg snow thingies from wintersday?:/
It’s a completely optional trait, and the game is completely playable without it. If it’s worth it to take the trait, then take it. If it’s not, then don’t. Taking it out of traits just makes it de-facto baseline.
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist
It’s a completely optional trait, and the game is completely playable without it. If it’s worth it to take the trait, then take it. If it’s not, then don’t. Taking it out of traits just makes it de-facto baseline.
Not if it’s put into the mastery system, which will likely require some grind.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
I agree they should probably be baseline (I use mine in PvE on my mesmer due to portaling), but if not, pleeeeeease have a build saver so I can save a “jumping puzzle” trait build. I overuse that trait and waste space because of a lack of build saver now.
Please merge Fall Damage traits
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
I don’t think mitigation of falling damage ought to be part of builds. Unless something drastic changes in all of Tyria (not just the new zones), they have a minor niche value in combat. The only time they are generally helpful is for JPs and general exploration.
Since that’s the case, I’d like to see damage mitigation moved entirely to gear and toys, e.g. Runes of Snowfall (already reduce falling damage) and e.g. change kits and balloons etc to also reduce falling damage when equipped.
What if fall damage traits has an extra functionality-
If you have less than 50% hp, use Chaos storm/Stomp/Muddy Terrian/etc.
Don’t just stick it in anywhere. Make its own trait.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
If you make it a mastery, anyone who doesn’t buy heart of thorns loses access to it.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
I’d be in favor of removing fall damage traits, and just replacing them with useful traits.
If you make it a mastery, anyone who doesn’t buy heart of thorns loses access to it.
And? People who play the game in most cases buy the expansion if they want to keep playing. Saying that it will cut out the non-expansion buyers is just an empty threat.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
If you make it a mastery, anyone who doesn’t buy heart of thorns loses access to it.
And? People who play the game in most cases buy the expansion if they want to keep playing. Saying that it will cut out the non-expansion buyers is just an empty threat.
There’s no “threat” in what I said. It’s a fact. There are people who don’t buy expansions. I’m not presently planning on buying it. Locking people out of an ability that’s been part of the core game is an issue. It would be like saying, “Oh, and by the way, now you can’t access Lion’s Arch unless you buy Heart of Thorns.” If you don’t see how that’s problematic, I don’t know how to make it more clear.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
We need both the Rez and Fall damage traits to either get non-rez/fall effects added to them, or put them in Mastery….