Precursor Crafting Overpriced?
Yeah, when I found out what it actually takes to make a precursor, that was the tipping point. I’m giving up on this game. I think I’ll go play Skyrim again instead. This game has gone way to far away from its manifesto roots to be considered a game any more. Its just another badly designed korean grindfest MMO at this point. If I want to play a korean grindfest MMO, there are several out there that do it better, but I hate grinding, so kitten this.
(edited by Kravick.4906)
(2) This is true, because demand for some is much higher than others, but again, not relevant. The cost of crafting Precursors should be in the TASKS involved, not in the materials, and yes, they can add some balance by making the higher demand Pres (like the GSs) require more difficult tasks than the less desirable ones (like the underwater ones), but the gold costs for each should be negligible.
there’s no reason the gold costs should be negligible.
if the gold cost was negligible it would require serious grind to reach effort equivalency, rather than relatively simple tasks like now.
Yeah, when I found out what it actually takes to make a precursor, that was the tipping point. I’m giving up on this game. I think I’ll go play Skyrim again instead. This game has gone way to far away from its manifesto roots to be considered a game any more. Its just another badly designed korean grindfest MMO at this point.
ahaha. It’s expensive and time consuming to get the best possible weapons in the game, so its a korean grindfest mmo?
Eyes cant roll hard enough
Yeah, when I found out what it actually takes to make a precursor, that was the tipping point. I’m giving up on this game. I think I’ll go play Skyrim again instead. This game has gone way to far away from its manifesto roots to be considered a game any more. Its just another badly designed korean grindfest MMO at this point.
ahaha. It’s expensive and time consuming to get the best possible weapons in the game, so its a korean grindfest mmo?
Eyes cant roll hard enough
Its the precursor you dolt. It is literally 1/4th of the overall legendary. Its not the legendary itself. The rest of it already costs a literal arm and leg. The precursor cost now adds both your kidneys and your heart as payment.
And what are you talking about “best”?
the precursor is worthless except as part of a legendary, you wouldn’t be looking into getting a precursor if you didnt want a legendary. Precursors cost the same as they did before.
Yeah, when I found out what it actually takes to make a precursor, that was the tipping point. I’m giving up on this game. I think I’ll go play Skyrim again instead. This game has gone way to far away from its manifesto roots to be considered a game any more. Its just another badly designed korean grindfest MMO at this point. If I want to play a korean grindfest MMO, there are several out there that do it better, but I hate grinding, so kitten this.
This is exactly why I got a refund for HoT and I played for 3 years, the elitist’s wont miss me and I wont miss them either as I’m enjoying fallout 4. you people keep saying nobody want to work for anything, as if everyone just started playing this last week, some of us have been patient…
Yeah, when I found out what it actually takes to make a precursor, that was the tipping point. I’m giving up on this game. I think I’ll go play Skyrim again instead. This game has gone way to far away from its manifesto roots to be considered a game any more. Its just another badly designed korean grindfest MMO at this point. If I want to play a korean grindfest MMO, there are several out there that do it better, but I hate grinding, so kitten this.
This is exactly why I got a refund for HoT and I played for 3 years, the elitist’s wont miss me and I wont miss them either as I’m enjoying fallout 4. you people keep saying nobody want to work for anything, as if everyone just started playing this last week, some of us have been patient…
and that wasn’t directed at you Kravick
Not one bit. The mastery option only promised to give guaranteed access to the precursors. Nothing less, nothing more.
I don’t care what was promised. What I care about is that crafting a pre is more expensive than buying one from the TP, which is bad and nonsensical design.
Check my post above yours and answer my question:
Crafting a legendary is cheaper than buying one from the TP (which is good and sensible design), why should it be any different for precursors?
It is for the people who want to find mats along the way instead of farming raw golds to buy precursors.
You could always do that. You still can even without needing the masteries. The fact of the matter is that you’d be better off not bothering with the precursor crafting masteries and collections and instead sell all your mats that you’d otherwise use to craft your precursor, then use the gold from those sold mats to buy a cheaper pre from the TP.
I said it before and I’ll say it again:
Why would I use those mats I need to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
So I’ll say it again: as it is now, precursor crafting is a complete waste of time and money. You’re literally wasting time and gold if you’re crafting your own precursor: that is not an opinion, that is a fact. Which means precursor crafting as it is now is poorly designed.
Plus, the mastery was designed for the whole system not a single buyer’s perspective. In the eye of the system, the RNG elements of the generation of precursors were removed at the cost of something, in this case gold if you want to cheese through it by purchasing mats or time if you want to farm them yourselves. The system compensates for the loss of RNG with increased needs for golds/time. It only makes sense.
No, it doesn’t make sense. It would make sense if crafting the precursor took the amount of time or gold equivalent to getting one from the TP. It doesn’t make sense at all to make precursor crafting more time-consuming AND more expensive than getting one from the TP.
You only look at the golds you have to pay. That’s just one element of the whole equation.
And that one element of the equation is already more than the cost of getting a pre from the TP. The fact that you also have to do a lot of collections and chores on top of it only makes it worse.
You don’t even understand how basic economics works and you refuse to lol Trying to explain to you is a waste of time.
You’re the one who doesn’t even understand basic economics and basic common logic on top of that. And you refuse to listen to reason. lol. Trying to explain basic logic to you is a waste of time.
Why did you believe that precursor crafting was going to be “cheap”? Nobody ever said that. It is cheaper if you collect rather than buy the mats needed.
But once again players choose to pay for immediacy. Enough people do that at the same time then there’s a supply squeeze on those mats which pushes up the price and now refined ascended mats are now 2 to 3 times the price. Oh well.
RIP City of Heroes
@Nike: even if you view this as a better method for you – even though its extremely expensive – surely you must recognize that the general population will be using the TP if its cheaper than crafting.
Then they were already well served. Because you’ve been able to buy your way to a precursor since launch.
How is this hard to grasp? The new system is not a coupon. It’s not a discount ticket. It’s just a way to go about your business and eventually get a precursor without relying on RNG or handing cash to other people who relied on RNG.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Lucas: you want things as efficiently as possible, and that’s fine. However, precursor crafting was never meant to be equal to time/gold*rng chance to the other methods of obtaining it despite your claim that it was (list the source where Anet said precursor crafting was not going to be more expensive than MF/TP before you call them liars).
Some people like to do things for fun/a sense of accomplishment rather than doing it as efficiently as possible: it is for those people the collection is for. If you feel that the collection is not fun for you then just ignore it. And because it was/is meant to be a more expensive way of obtaining it you won’t ever find it fun.
The source is the live stream where they first talked about the pre collection (how it actually works) during Twitchcon I believe.
And you people literally keep bringing up the same counter arguments that really aren’t counter arguments at all.
All these arguments have been debunked countless of times so stop bringing these up:
1) “But precursor hunting was never supposed to be cheaper than buying them from the TP!”
Pre hunting wasn’t supposed to be more expensive either. Pre hunting takes a lot of time and dedication already, so why would it also require a big gold sink? A gold sink that’s actually bigger than the cost of the pre on the TP? That doesn’t make any sense no matter how you look at it.
2) “But it’s not about the cost, it’s about the fun! It’s about offering a method of obtaining a pre that’s less dull than farming for gold!”
And yet that’s NOT what pre crafting offers. Because of the huge cost of crafting your pre on top of the huge time sink, you’re still gonna have to grind for gold to get all your materials to craft your pre. In fact you’re gonna have to grind MORE gold because pre crafting is more expensive!
3) “But pre crafting doesn’t have to be expensive! I can just gather the materials instead of buying them from the TP!”
You could always do that, even before pre crafting was a thing. Just gather materials, sell them on the TP and use the gold earned from that to buy a precursor from the TP. That’s how I got most of my precursors myself way before pre crafting was a thing and even now it’s a better, much cheaper method of getting a precursor than crafting it yourself. I mean, why waste 1000g worth of mats on The Chosen if you can sell the mats, get 1000g, buy The Chosen for 470g on the TP and save yourself 530g?
4) “But you just want everything as fast as possible and as cheap as possible! But some people actually like the journey! Precursor crafting was for them, not for you!”
False. I like a good quest or journey as much as the next person. In fact I vastly prefer going on an epic quest over simply farming gold. But how epic is the pre crafting quest really? Half of the time you’re finishing collections, and the other half of the time you’re still grinding for mats or gold to buy the mats. This would be all good if pre crafting was a cheaper method of obtaining a pre, but it isn’t. It is in fact more expensive! Is the “epic quest” (e.g. finishing collections and grinding for mats) really worth it to justify the higher cost and higher time-sink?
Next time someone brings up one of these old and debunked arguments, I’m just gonna copy-paste this list. Maybe I’ll expand the list when new non-arguments pop up.
False sense of pride in not ‘feeding the evil flippers’.
Its not false pride to recognize that the TP is a competitive environment. If the only thing that matters to a player is get it cheaply then by all means follow that muse. Do it the cheapest way you can. But recognize that sometimes when you’re staring at an Endless Batwing Tonic you want but can’t afford, you had a hand in arming the person who is setting that price.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
MoB and SoG cost more right now than they will in the future, because there’s new and there’s high demand for them. Dun worry about them.
The ascended mats are somewhat ridiculous though… do you even get an ascended item for the first tier?
Yep . You’re paying for the newness. Unfortunately it’ll take some time for the market to stabilize before a reasonably accurate long term cost can be established. Good news is that it’s a really good time to farm and sell.
@Nike: even if you view this as a better method for you – even though its extremely expensive – surely you must recognize that the general population will be using the TP if its cheaper than crafting.
Then they were already well served. Because you’ve been able to buy your way to a precursor since launch.
How is this hard to grasp? The new system is not a coupon. It’s not a discount ticket. It’s just a way to go about your business and eventually get a precursor without relying on RNG or handing cash to other people who relied on RNG.
Or you can go about your business and eventually get a precursor FASTER by simply buying one from the TP once you’ve accumulated enough gold.
I mean there isn’t any law that states you HAVE to grind for gold to get a precursor from the TP. Grinding is merely the fastest way to get gold. But since literally anything in this game gives you gold or materials to sell (except for WvW) you can literally go about your business, play how you wan to play, and eventually get enough gold to buy a cheaper precursor from the TP.
Why waste twice as much time and gold on crafting one? Because you don’t want to give the person who sells the pre your gold? Is that really your only reason? Or do you have another, less silly reason?
False sense of pride in not ‘feeding the evil flippers’.
Its not false pride to recognize that the TP is a competitive environment. If the only thing that matters to a player is get it cheaply then by all means follow that muse. Do it the cheapest way you can. But recognize that sometimes when you’re staring at an Endless Batwing Tonic you want but can’t afford, you had a hand in arming the person who is setting that price.
You really don’t understand economics at all, do you?
You think people who sell stuff on the TP just make up a price out of thin air? Sure, that’s how it goes initially when an item is new. But quickly more people will get the item and the price will slowly drop until it stabilizes. The amount it stabilizes on depends on the supply and demand of the item. Flippers have very little control over this (if any at all). The only party that can control the TP prices at a whim is Anet.
You really don’t understand economics at all, do you?
In complete seriousness why would you say that to me? Economics is a branch of game theory and game theory is pretty much the whole of my professional life.
You think people who sell stuff on the TP just make up a price out of thin air?
Not at all. Do you see me at any point saying what’s going on in that market is wrong? I don’t hate flippers. BUT, it’s nice that when you look at a game you don’t care to play you have the option not to (while still reaching the goal). I choose to not play the “hand money to the guy with the precursor” game and now I can still reliably get one. Mission accomplished for the precursor collections. It’s the people that thought it was supposed to screw those nasty flippers directly by being cheaper that are complaining.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Some people like to do things for fun/a sense of accomplishment rather than doing it as efficiently as possible: it is for those people the collection is for.
No, it’s not, because it ALSO still requires a massive gold investment, which those people may not have.
AGAIN, the precursor quest should NOT involve any significant amount of gold or fungible currency. Until that point, all arguments you might make in defense of the system are entirely moot.
there’s no reason the gold costs should be negligible.
if the gold cost was negligible it would require serious grind to reach effort equivalency, rather than relatively simple tasks like now.
Isn’t the entire point to replace the existing method? If the difference is between “spend a lot of gold and just get the item,” or “spend MORE gold AND do a bunch of random tasks,” then how is that a valid choice?
And no, it would not require doing significantly more tasks than the current quests involve. You WANT it to require more, but it doesn’t by any means have to. The current tasks are plenty.
It is cheaper if you collect rather than buy the mats needed.
This is an entirely worthless argument and people really need to stop making it. No, it is not “cheaper if you collect the mats yourself,” because those mats can be sold by you, so whatever they cost, they cost, whether you pick them up using gold or effort. They either require a lot of gold, or a lot of gold worth in effort, and either is equivalent, and either is too much.
How is this hard to grasp? The new system is not a coupon. It’s not a discount ticket. It’s just a way to go about your business and eventually get a precursor without relying on RNG or handing cash to other people who relied on RNG.
No, it’s actually the opposite. The current method allows you to “go about your business and eventually get a precursor without relying on RNG,” because almost any activity in the game rewards in gold or fungible materials from which you can eventually earn a Precursor. The Precursor Crafting does NOT allow you to “go about your business” because each explicitly requires a variety of tasks that you’re unlikely to “just do” as a normal daily practice. The Quest is what requires you to go well out of your way to earn the Precursor, which is fine if the quest is what earned you that precursor, but no, you also have to spend a ton of gold on the process (or, for the pedants out there, pass up on a ton of gold from selling materials you inefficiently accumulate).
And as for whether Precursors on the TP came from RNG processes, who cares? That’s entirely irrelevant to the end consumer, all that matters to him is availability and price.
Its not false pride to recognize that the TP is a competitive environment. If the only thing that matters to a player is get it cheaply then by all means follow that muse. Do it the cheapest way you can. But recognize that sometimes when you’re staring at an Endless Batwing Tonic you want but can’t afford, you had a hand in arming the person who is setting that price.
Do not blame the players, blame the game. An individual player choosing to back out of the TP will not cause any significant shift in how the TP operates. individual players have zero control over macroeconomic moves. The TP is what it is because ANet made it that way, and only ANet bares any responsibility for changing how it operates.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
Just for the record can someone officially list the material requirements for all 3 tiers of precursor crafting with the corresponding current gold values. Just so we all have the pertinent information accessible for this discussion. Thanks.
Just for the record can someone officially list the material requirements for all 3 tiers of precursor crafting with the corresponding current gold values. Just so we all have the pertinent information accessible for this discussion. Thanks.
This is OP’s version of how much it cost him for just first tier:
So I just finished my first precursor crafting collection for the precursor The Legend and finally got my recipe to craft the first tier precursor and found, to my dismay, that the recipe is way too overpriced. So what is required for the FIRST tier alone?
-35 Spiritwood Planks @ ~8g each (280g)
-10 Elonian Leather Square @ ~8g each (80g)
-200 Memories of Battle @ ~17.7s each (27.5g)
-200 Shards of Glory @ ~20.5s each (45g)For a grand total of about 430g! For the first tier! Meanwhile The precursor itself costs about 1100g, so you’re paying the equivalent of 40% of the precursor’s price for one out of 3 tiers, plus anything else needed for the collections themselves.
This is 1 reddit user’s account of the entire cost based on his cost estimates 2 days before OP posts this QQ thread:
Basically: OP’s version ~ maybe 800 g? maybe more?
Reddit user’s version (2 days before) ~ 600g
Now that everyone’s buying all the materials used to craft the legendaries, its quite obvious that the price would only go up… Yet no one wants to wait and let the prices settle down, or to play the rest of the game while slowly building up the materials on the side.
Whats idiotic is that there are some people who expected ANet to basically give them the precursor for free, cuz they’ve had the game for 3 years, and “deserve it” or to continuously change the recipe based on a fluctuating market, lol.
Basically: OP’s version ~ maybe 800 g? maybe more?
Reddit user’s version (2 days before) ~ 600gNow that everyone’s buying all the materials used to craft the legendaries, its quite obvious that the price would only go up… Yet no one wants to wait and let the prices settle down, or to play the rest of the game while slowly building up the materials on the side.
I think most people are willing to wait for prices to stabilize, that is not the issue. The issue is that even at historic average prices, it’s still far too high. The price shouldn’t even be tied to the market at all, the market could plummet or go sky high and it should not impact the price. The materials that you need for it should not be market materials.
Whats idiotic is that there are some people who expected ANet to basically give them the precursor for free, cuz they’ve had the game for 3 years, and “deserve it” or to continuously change the recipe based on a fluctuating market, lol.
I don’t think anyone believed either such things, though I agree that it is much easier to shoot down imaginary idiots than to actually address the concerns of actual players.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
Honestly if they just removed the timegate from the crafted materials it would be more reasonable. And enough of this “that would ruin the economy excuse”.
“spent a ridiculous amount of money”
But this is still true even with precursor crafting.
Honestly if they just removed the timegate from the crafted materials it would be more reasonable. And enough of this “that would ruin the economy excuse”.
Why wouldn’t it ruin the economy?
Why wouldn’t it ruin the economy?
Why would slightly cheaper precursors ruin any economy?
Honestly if they just removed the timegate from the crafted materials it would be more reasonable. And enough of this “that would ruin the economy excuse”.
Why wouldn’t it ruin the economy?
The economy really shouldnt be the first concern. The biggest problem with the original GW1 is bleeding into GW2. There is a massive economic wall barring players from progression that keeps getting larger and larger as Anet nerfs farms. All this leaves is a very small percentage of players will all the wealth. This is nonsense and should be destabilized.
(edited by TheDraco.3965)
As a side note, here are the costs of the journey as of about 5 days ago
Oh I get it. This isn’t actually a discussion thread where people express their opinions. This is a “QQ with me or get out” thread. Fine, have it your way. I’m getting out and enjoying my game.
Precursor crafting wasn’t invented so people could get them easier or cheaper. It’s just an alternative to gambling or being very lucky.
If Anet had laid out this system during their HoT release announcement they would’ve been able to run the servers for 100 years off the hate it would’ve generated.
This is a bait and switch it’s not debatable
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
The way the precursor crafting is set up now isnt an alternative to buying one, its a straight up inferior choice. Why would I go and do random tasks in the world when I can farm and bank gold to the equivalent cost. Both of these are too expensive, and if the price is the same then crafting is an objective waste of time.
The way the precursor crafting is set up now isnt an alternative to buying one, its a straight up inferior choice. Why would I go and do random tasks in the world when I can farm and bank gold to the equivalent cost. Both of these are too expensive, and if the price is the same then crafting is an objective waste of time.
If you want to get it quickly than farming gold is the superior choice. If time is not an issue for you the collection is superior, since all of the mats can be gathered while doing multiple types of content and you can choose to either supplement it with any gold earned or not.
The way the precursor crafting is set up now isnt an alternative to buying one, its a straight up inferior choice. Why would I go and do random tasks in the world when I can farm and bank gold to the equivalent cost. Both of these are too expensive, and if the price is the same then crafting is an objective waste of time.
If you want to get it quickly than farming gold is the superior choice. If time is not an issue for you the collection is superior, since all of the mats can be gathered while doing multiple types of content and you can choose to either supplement it with any gold earned or not.
Time is exactly my issue. Time is a currency. If you are going to make me spend more time to obtain an item then I expect to be adequately compensated for my time. If I could buy a book for 10$ or buy the same book for 1$ a week over 10 weeks, why the hell would I pick the later? The better choice is to just save up 10$ and buy the book.
If you want to get it quickly than farming gold is the superior choice. If time is not an issue for you the collection is superior, since all of the mats can be gathered while doing multiple types of content and you can choose to either supplement it with any gold earned or not.
No, that’s wrong.
I mean, the individual parts of what you say are true, but the conclusion you reach is a false one. Yes, it is possible to farm up all the individual mats to craft the item, and that would take far longer than farming the gold (or just playing normally wherever and accumulating gold), but at the end of that process you’d have a ton of mats to make the Precursor with. And you could do that, but it would be very wasteful, because you could instead sell all of those mats, buy the Precursor off the market at a 15% mark-up, and still have a bunch of extra gold left over. It seems rather self-defeating to me.
Plus you’d still have to do a ton of questing to eventually complete the Precursor.
Don’t truly make this seem like a logical choice, “you can either do this, or that, whichever.” It’s not that. Instead it’s “you can either do it smart, or do it stupid, whichever.” That is not a reasonable choice to offer.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
Wow bloody wow dude. its 40% off. That alone said to me that you are dumping 100$ in gems transmuting them to gold to get a precrusor easily. Normal players don’t buy off stuff from TP they kinda farm some of these first. But yeah. Anets system is imbalanced why not exploit it?
The way the precursor crafting is set up now isnt an alternative to buying one, its a straight up inferior choice. Why would I go and do random tasks in the world when I can farm and bank gold to the equivalent cost. Both of these are too expensive, and if the price is the same then crafting is an objective waste of time.
If you want to get it quickly than farming gold is the superior choice. If time is not an issue for you the collection is superior, since all of the mats can be gathered while doing multiple types of content and you can choose to either supplement it with any gold earned or not.
Time is exactly my issue. Time is a currency. If you are going to make me spend more time to obtain an item then I expect to be adequately compensated for my time. If I could buy a book for 10$ or buy the same book for 1$ a week over 10 weeks, why the hell would I pick the later? The better choice is to just save up 10$ and buy the book.
Time is a currency, but you have already set the value of it to whatever ANET thinks is appropriate when you sit down to play GW2. It’s also an extremely relative concept, so won’t address or add to that.
Why not choose the 10 week option and have 9$ for other things? The book will still be there in 10 weeks, hell, it might even go down in price. They are both valid ways, and unless that book is going to save your life somehow whether you have it now or later neither is superior outright (but certainly to different types of people)
Time is a currency, but you have already set the value of it to whatever ANET thinks is appropriate when you sit down to play GW2.
That’s not true either. I mean, ultimately you might have to accept their decision or move on, but as a consumer, we have every right to express discontent with the current state of things and ask for change, and we might get it. That would be the preferred outcome for many of us, that they change their mind about how this system functions, and there’s no reason that can’t happen.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
If you want to get it quickly than farming gold is the superior choice. If time is not an issue for you the collection is superior, since all of the mats can be gathered while doing multiple types of content and you can choose to either supplement it with any gold earned or not.
No, that’s wrong.
I mean, the individual parts of what you say are true, but the conclusion you reach is a false one. Yes, it is possible to farm up all the individual mats to craft the item, and that would take far longer than farming the gold (or just playing normally wherever and accumulating gold), but at the end of that process you’d have a ton of mats to make the Precursor with. And you could do that, but it would be very wasteful, because you could instead sell all of those mats, buy the Precursor off the market at a 15% mark-up, and still have a bunch of extra gold left over. It seems rather self-defeating to me.
Plus you’d still have to do a ton of questing to eventually complete the Precursor.
Don’t truly make this seem like a logical choice, “you can either do this, or that, whichever.” It’s not that. Instead it’s “you can either do it smart, or do it stupid, whichever.” That is not a reasonable choice to offer.
Except that, as of now, the collections are still cheaper than the AH. The fact of the matter is that IS a logical choice. You have another option to choose from when deciding which way is the most fun FOR YOU when obtaining a precursor. Once again, all relative.
(edited by Alteraphim.4629)
Time is a currency, but you have already set the value of it to whatever ANET thinks is appropriate when you sit down to play GW2.
That’s not true either. I mean, ultimately you might have to accept their decision or move on, but as a consumer, we have every right to express discontent with the current state of things and ask for change, and we might get it. That would be the preferred outcome for many of us, that they change their mind about how this system functions, and there’s no reason that can’t happen.
I didn’t say you couldn’t express discontent for it.
Precursor crafting, as I’m sure has already been said in this thread, is meant to offset the RNG chance to obtain a precursor. From what I have gathered, the total price to craft through the Legendary crafting option was based on the cost to purchase the it from the auction house.
If you choose to BUY everything, you’ll likely be spending about the same amount as you would have spent to purchase it outright from the TP. This, however, gives us the OPTION to farm for it.
As someone who dislikes mindless farming, I actually don’t mind the new system. The issue I had with farming before is there wasn’t anything I could farm to give me a better chance at obtaining a precursor to the point where I felt my time was worth it. Now, at least, I can say “I am going to farm W, X, and Y in order to guarantee getting Z” and feel like my plan will work since I don’t have to wait for RNJesus to shower me with his steaming hot love.
Precursor crafting, as I’m sure has already been said in this thread, is meant to offset the RNG chance to obtain a precursor. From what I have gathered, the total price to craft through the Legendary crafting option was based on the cost to purchase the it from the auction house.
If you choose to BUY everything, you’ll likely be spending about the same amount as you would have spent to purchase it outright from the TP. This, however, gives us the OPTION to farm for it.
As someone who dislikes mindless farming, I actually don’t mind the new system. The issue I had with farming before is there wasn’t anything I could farm to give me a better chance at obtaining a precursor to the point where I felt my time was worth it. Now, at least, I can say “I am going to farm this, this and this in order to guarantee getting this” and feel like my plan will work since I don’t have to wait for RNJesus to shower me with his steaming hot love.
sweats profusely
Since you can’t buy the new ones the market won’t be affected. Maybe we can get away with just doing a bunch of fun events to build it. I really hope that’s the case.
Beeb …logical error … beeb
If these things were dead cheap to MAKE noone would ever BUY one from the TP and thus it WILL affect the market.
The source is the live stream where they first talked about the pre collection (how it actually works) during Twitchcon I believe.
A swing and a miss (try and timestamp it will you?). I’m telling you in advance though: you’re wasting your time. Arguing with you about the price is useless until you realize that precursor crafting was never meant to be equal to (time/gold) *rng-chance.
In addition: what exactly is it that people in this thread want? They want a ‘drop in price’, but haven’t specified how. Let’s, for argument’s sake, assume for a second that the price of the collection is equal to the price on the tp, and that the materials needed for the precursor will not fluctuate. However, precursors can still drop in the open world, and they can still be obtained through the mystic forge. These people won’t put the precursor up for the listing price: why would they? They obtained their precursor for a price less than the collection, and since they want cash they will sell it under the price of the collection. Thus the precursor on the tp is cheaper (as is currently the case), and thus precursor crafting is deemed ‘useless’ by the same people who complain about the price now. In the case that the materials needed for the collection go up in price the tp will remain cheaper. In the case that the materials needed for the collection go down in price people will sell the collection precursor for roughly the same price they spent on the collection, after which the lucky guy/girl who finds one/MF’s one will list it/sell it for a price which is below what the collection cost.
Conclusion: the precursor on the tp will always be cheaper. Any attempt to cut down the price of precursor crafting thus is asking for precursors to be cheaper.
For those saying “Well, precursor crafting shouldn’t cost gold then, just time”: you just want a shiny for time playing, and I believe earlier in the thread someone already pointed out a game that would be more fitted for you (not to mention that time is not worth the same to everyone, and thus eventually precursor prices will drop, and you’re asking for a precursors to be cheaper as well).
Just for the record can someone officially list the material requirements for all 3 tiers of precursor crafting with the corresponding current gold values. Just so we all have the pertinent information accessible for this discussion. Thanks.
This is OP’s version of how much it cost him for just first tier:
So I just finished my first precursor crafting collection for the precursor The Legend and finally got my recipe to craft the first tier precursor and found, to my dismay, that the recipe is way too overpriced. So what is required for the FIRST tier alone?
-35 Spiritwood Planks @ ~8g each (280g)
-10 Elonian Leather Square @ ~8g each (80g)
-200 Memories of Battle @ ~17.7s each (27.5g)
-200 Shards of Glory @ ~20.5s each (45g)For a grand total of about 430g! For the first tier! Meanwhile The precursor itself costs about 1100g, so you’re paying the equivalent of 40% of the precursor’s price for one out of 3 tiers, plus anything else needed for the collections themselves.
This is 1 reddit user’s account of the entire cost based on his cost estimates 2 days before OP posts this QQ thread:
Basically: OP’s version ~ maybe 800 g? maybe more?
Reddit user’s version (2 days before) ~ 600gNow that everyone’s buying all the materials used to craft the legendaries, its quite obvious that the price would only go up… Yet no one wants to wait and let the prices settle down, or to play the rest of the game while slowly building up the materials on the side.
Whats idiotic is that there are some people who expected ANet to basically give them the precursor for free, cuz they’ve had the game for 3 years, and “deserve it” or to continuously change the recipe based on a fluctuating market, lol.
I actually didn’t even realize this before. The guy who made it two days prior spent more gold to craft the first step than OP did. OP spent 430g, the reddit user spent 476g. It’s important to note that the finished price is still much less than buying a precursor off the TP, even allowing you to make a small profit if you were to buy all the ingredients.
Except that, as of now, the collections are still cheaper than the AH. The fact of the matter is that IS a logical choice. You have another option to choose from when deciding which way is the most fun FOR YOU when obtaining a precursor. Once again, all relative.
That varies from weapon to weapon. Some do seem to be at least slightly cheaper via quest, but still not nearly cheap enough, while others are actually significantly more expensive via quest than on the TP. The problem is that the prices are determined by supply and demand, which wouldn’t be the case if they were made entirely of non-market items.
I didn’t say you couldn’t express discontent for it.
Then what is your point? We are expressing discontent, that is our point. Your point seems to be “your discontent is wrong and you should stop it.”
As someone who dislikes mindless farming, I actually don’t mind the new system. The issue I had with farming before is there wasn’t anything I could farm to give me a better chance at obtaining a precursor to the point where I felt my time was worth it. Now, at least, I can say “I am going to farm W, X, and Y in order to guarantee getting Z” and feel like my plan will work since I don’t have to wait for RNJesus to shower me with his steaming hot love.
But again, your other current option would be “I’m going to farm _anything I want in the game,”_ and the gold you accumulate by doing so would allow you to buy a Precursor off the TP faster than going the quest route.
It’s a false choice, it’s “The Lady or the Tiger,” only with glass doors, and the “lady” is a lioness.
Beeb …logical error … beeb
If these things were dead cheap to MAKE noone would ever BUY one from the TP and thus it WILL affect the market.
That’s not true either. Demand would certainly fall, but some people would prefer to spend money than go through the hassles of the quests, so there would certainly still be some reasonable demand for the items.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
Except that, as of now, the collections are still cheaper than the AH. The fact of the matter is that IS a logical choice. You have another option to choose from when deciding which way is the most fun FOR YOU when obtaining a precursor. Once again, all relative.
That varies from weapon to weapon. Some do seem to be at least slightly cheaper via quest, but still not nearly cheap enough, while others are actually significantly more expensive via quest than on the TP. The problem is that the prices are determined by supply and demand, which wouldn’t be the case if they were made entirely of non-market items.
I didn’t say you couldn’t express discontent for it.
Then what is your point? We are expressing discontent, that is our point. Your point seems to be “your discontent is wrong and you should stop it.”
But again, your other current option would be “I’m going to farm _anything I want in the game,”_ and the gold you accumulate by doing so would allow you to buy a Precursor off the TP faster than going the quest route.
It’s a false choice, it’s “The Lady or the Tiger,” only with glass doors, and the “lady” is a lioness.
That’s not true either. Demand would certainly fall, but some people would prefer to spend money than go through the hassles of the quests, so there would certainly still be some reasonable demand for the items.
I never once said your discontent was wrong. When a discussion is had, both sides of an argument are debated. I haven’t attacked anyone’s point of view in any of my points, nor have I said that you were wrong to feel a certain way, I have argued the other point; one way isn’t superior to the other.
Slightly cheaper being around 250g cheaper for the the legend, around 50g cheaper for Zap, and 200g cheaper for spark and those are with Buy orders only
It’s not a false choice, it’s an amazingly reasonable one and both choices offer good incentives. There are a fair amount of players who will do one, and a fair amount of players who will do the other, but just because you disagree with the price doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it to a portion of the playerbase.
Edit: Which ones are more expensive to craft right now? Where are your sources?
(edited by Alteraphim.4629)
People were asking for an alternative as a METHOD of making it cheaper, and everyone was very clear about that. An alternative that does not result in a cheaper price is a worthless alternative.
Yes, exactly this. Anet’s original announcement of precursor crafting two years ago was spurred on by people’s complaints about skyrocketing precursor prices, and there have been hundreds if not thousands of threads on the subject on this forum alone. People calmed down once they announced precursor crafting was actually coming to HoT, but once everyone realizes it’s not any better than buying it or worshipping the toilet those threads are coming back with a vengeance.
I’m honestly just peeved at the fact that the very first step toward Flameseeker Prophecies is gated behind an account bound crafting material that I’m told requires 300 scribe to make. Thanks Anet.
I really don’t think you guys understand this at all
it’s not made to be easy or fast or cheap it’s made for 1 simple reason and that’s a 100%
way to get a pre nothing more nothing less, Don’t like it then you have the same options every one else had be for hot
Get lucky on a drop from loot or MF or buy from TP
I can only imagen what you are all gonna say when you find out all the grind you need for a Legendary after this pre .. clovers, high mats by the 250, and 400 crafting and allot more …
PS. Took me 2 years to craft my only legendary
People were asking for an alternative as a METHOD of making it cheaper, and everyone was very clear about that. An alternative that does not result in a cheaper price is a worthless alternative.
Yes, exactly this. Anet’s original announcement of precursor crafting two years ago was spurred on by people’s complaints about skyrocketing precursor prices, and there have been hundreds if not thousands of threads on the subject on this forum alone. People calmed down once they announced precursor crafting was actually coming to HoT, but once everyone realizes it’s not any better than buying it or worshipping the toilet those threads are coming back with a vengeance.
You don’t know what drives Anet’s decision to introduce precursor crafting. The fact that people were complaining SPECIFICALLY about price does not mean ANet introduced precursor crafting to address price. Obviously based on the implementation, Anet’s motive is not cost or difficulty.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Stop this god awful whining. It’s not supposed to be easy, and in fact, maybe it SHOULD cost more than a precursor drop because you don’t have to get it outright. You’re complaining about an economy/expense issue a week into the expansion. Whatever they change right now is going to be subject to change again because of the fluctuation in the economy, the worst of which we probably haven’t even seen yet. You don’t even have the official list of mats required for the rest of it. The people who complain about this stuff just don’t understand what the point of a legendary is. If I could have made my legendaries harder to get, I would have.
Polyscia – Elementalist
Mercedene Underfoot – Thief
Stop this god awful whining. It’s not supposed to be easy, and in fact, maybe it SHOULD cost more than a precursor drop because you don’t have to get it outright. You’re complaining about an economy/expense issue a week into the expansion. Whatever they change right now is going to be subject to change again because of the fluctuation in the economy, the worst of which we probably haven’t even seen yet. You don’t even have the official list of mats required for the rest of it. The people who complain about this stuff just don’t understand what the point of a legendary is. If I could have made my legendaries harder to get, I would have.
They could have made it harder AND cheaper. They did neither.