(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Scribe: Cooper Plate too expensive
Heh … price aside I was wondering why you need a linen sack to make the plates.
So that the copper can presented in a fashionable manner?
“Here my lord, the copper you wished for. Please don’t hit me anymore!”
The other issue is that copper ores are basically pieces of rock so this is really a recipe for a sack of rocks rather than copper plates.
Edit: One more thing. Flax fibers aren’t really all that rare which makes their current price some what surprising. It is probably just temporary due to all the people leveling their scribe.
(edited by Khisanth.2948)
Flax fibers drop maybe 20% of the time from a node? and each bag requires 12 fibers (iirc). Some recipes require more than 1 bag. So it adds up quite a bit.
Flax fibers drop maybe 20% of the time from a node? and each bag requires 12 fibers (iirc). Some recipes require more than 1 bag. So it adds up quite a bit.
From the daily flax farm I would say it is closer to 10%.
So, are there any plans to normalise the plates’s costs? Or do we have to wait a year for it. It’s not like the first three WvW tactics can be considered valuable. Especially since you nerfed Hardened Gates.
Well, the cost of “linen” supply sacks (“basic supply sack” would be better) has not been addressed in the “Scribing fix”, which was a clearly overlooked issue and should be reduced to 6 Flax Fibre a sack (= reducing the cost to 50% on that component).
This would reduce the cost of many WvW upgrades a lot, especially after we still don’t have a WvW track that gives us large numbers of needed materials for Scribing (pigments, Flax Fiber, 10x fabrics from kittens, 5x dust kittens etc.)
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
I saved a lot of Flax Fiber before levelling scribing, it did work.
I just saw, that Training Supplies (for Iron Guards) and Bags of Dolyak Chow (for most of the (resource) camp tactics) also need an additional Linen Supply Sack. Speedy Dolyaks even needs a Resonating Fragment although you promised, that every WvW Claiming shall only need Resonating Slivers.
Please, change these recipes, too, so they only need one Linen Supply Sack as a whole.
The WvW Banners for instance need a Box of Banner Supplies, which do get along fine without another Linen Supply Sack.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Is there still no reaction by A-Net?
Keeping this system up, will only kill the tactic system and make it unpopular. Small guilds and poor guilds with even poorer scribes cannot afford this very much longer. And if you continue to nerf these tactics, too, no one will build them anymore.
Is there still no reaction by A-Net?
Why would it be? It affects only WvW players, and it’s not like anyone in Anet cares for those.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
The tactic system is dying, slow but steady. Fewer and fewer guilds are willing to build tactics. Reduce the costs or the tactics end up like Stealth Disruptor Trap, which no one uses these days.
The tactic system is dying, slow but steady. Fewer and fewer guilds are willing to build tactics. Reduce the costs or the tactics end up like Stealth Disruptor Trap, which no one uses these days.
That’s because trolls/stupids set them off the second they go on cooldown. I can’t tell you how many wasted emergency waypoints or chilling fogs with no enemy in sight that I’ve seen. That’s a lot of money to spend on nothing.