Currently Scribing appears to have been put into the game half-written and incomplete. The only valid thought process behind this that I can come up with is that the devs simply thought that they could fix the system before anyone got far enough into the Guild Halls to realize just exactly how half-built and incomplete it was. It’s so broken that it should be taken out to prevent people from wasting time and materials trying to level up a game mechanic that is functionally worthless at this point in time.
Things that are broken:
There are multiple materials and schematics not actually in the game yet:
Resonating Fragments: no one has yet figured out how to make these or if the schematic is available anywhere. Apparently they’re craftable but there is no way to craft them
Tub of Wood Glue
Bolts of Embroidered Silk
If they’re supposed to be available at the master scribe, they are not. If they’re supposed to be craftable, they are not.
There are three writs that are discoverable by the scribes which give some nice bonuses, the thesis idea is great. However, can we not have all three of them give the same stat bonus, please?
There are a ton of ‘basic’ decoration items that are used to make upgraded furniture items with level 25, 50, and 75 schematics. These items are not sold by the Decorations Vendor Level 1. You know, the basic vendor that you can get fairly easily. No, The basic decorations vendor only sells the first five. You can buy Chest, Table, Chair, Bookshelf, and Basket from the level 1 vendor. That is unacceptable. We should not be expected to unlock vendor 2 and 3 in order to do our basic tier 1 decorations crafting.
The materials requirement for the very first WvW schematic is abhorrently ridiculous. To make a Supply Drop, which is a simple drop of 100 wvw supply into your claimed objective it requires the following:
1 badge of Tribute
1 Resonating Sliver
1 Copper Reinforcing Plate
1 Bag of shimmering energy
This wouldn’t be so bad if BOTH of the last two ingredients didn’t take a Linen Supply Sack, each of which requires 200 Flax Fibers. Which means, basically, that a WvW guild is going to have to zerg through maguuma for a couple of DAYS to get enough flax fibers to save five minutes of standing around just waiting for supply to return. This is simply dumb. Beyond dumb. This was a decision made by someone who doesn’t play WvW and/or tried to collect 400 flax fibers.
Each one of these Tier 1 super low level schematic builds currently would cost 40g or several days of fiber hunting. For a one-time use upgrade that only drops 100 supply.
Currently, the return on investment of both time and materials for scribing is simply not there. A -lot- of work needs to go into seriously looking at the de facto results of the implementation choices of this profession.